Story The Wizard's Amulet


Starving Artist
A story based largely on a D&D game I played with my friends not long ago. I don't know how much I will stick to the original story, but for now I am thinking it will be a very direct translation. The story is long and currently unfinished, so I will post it in segments as I write. The game itself is finished, I just haven't fully written it yet. Feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Warning! This story contains graphic content and adult themes including, but not limited to: violence, abuse, drug use, heavy alcohol consumption, suggestive themes, sexual situations, BDSM, and sexual references. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Part One: The Meeting

Humming to himself, a slender young man leaned over his paper, writing one of many drafts. He was only twenty years old and his face still carried with it the awkwardness of a teenager, and all the attitude to match. He had amber eyes with a line of freckles below, just over his rounded nose which turned upward at the end. His brass hair almost shimmered gold, complementing his tan complexion and giving him a warm glow. On his neck, shoulders, and down his back, shining brass scales speckled his skin alongside more freckles.
Looking over his paper once more, he gave a nod of approval before rushing out to post it. A small pile of failed drafts that had been cast to the floor fluttered as he ran past.
"Where you runnin' to, boy? Found a job yet?" Uncle Ringo called from his study.
"Yeah, maybe!!" Corian called back excitedly without slowing down. He ran all the way to the tavern down the road and stuck his flyer up on top of all the others, disregarding what they might have said. The flyer read:
"Seeking brave companions willing to fight for fame and fortune! Ask for Corian inside."
He put his hands on his hips and stepped back to admire it, giving one last nod before going inside to take a seat at the bar. "The usual?" the barkeep asked in a deadpan tone.
"Nah, I need somethin' special today," Corian replied with a wide grin. The barkeep only nodded before filling a glass, sliding it down to Corian with practiced precision. Tapping his hands on the bar and kicking his feet, which did not come close to touching the floor, Corian did his best to wait patiently, sipping his drink in the meantime.

Corian was not aware he'd fallen asleep until he was startled awake by a rough voice shouting his name. "Corian?! Hey! I got yur paper!" An imposing figure walked in, waving the flyer for emphasis. The man was impossibly tall, over seven feet by Corian's guess. His skin had the greenish grey pallor of an Orc and deep set dark grey eyes, but long golden curls reminiscent of an elf's. He had small tusks which jutted out from his bottom jaw and a large squat nose, giving him the look of a bulldog.
Sheepishly, Corian lowered his head and placed a hand over the side of his face, no longer certain this was a good idea. Then, spotting the man's companion, he perked up a little. She was an elf, no doubt, with smooth dark skin, red hair, and sharp grey eyes. Standing at around six feet, she was tall and lean, only appearing small next to the man she came in with. She gave her friend a warning jab, punching him hard in the shoulder, "Shut up, Ulroc! We can just ask the bartender."
Seeing this as an opportunity to make a grand entrance, Corian hopped down from his bar stool and faced the pair, "Hail friends! It is I, Corian!" He called out, giving a flourished wave of his hand followed by a courteous bow. Some of the patrons in the bar snickered, familiar with Corian's habits and tendency towards the dramatic.
"Uh... Yeah... We're here about the add you posted?" The elf snatched the flyer from her friend and held it up for clarity. "We're looking to make something of ourselves, well, I am. This one here won't amount to much more than a heavy hitter, but he's handy." She gave the man in question a familiar slap on the chest to demonstrate her point, smiling fondly up at him. "Oh, I'm Aelessana by the way and this idiot is Ulroc."
Ulroc snorts, "I'm her brother. See the family resemblance?"
Corian couldn't hide his astonishment and disbelief, "Wha-?"
"Hey don't be that way! Look, see?" Ulroc put his face next to hers to prove his point, but the only thing he proved was that they looked nothing alike except for the color of their eyes. Aelessana did not look amused, but had an expression to say this was an all too common occurrence.
"Oh... Yeah... I see it. Definitely see it..." Corian lied uneasily. "Why don't we talk some more over drinks? That spot looks good." He pointed out an empty table in the corner and stepped over to it without waiting for a reply. The pair followed and took their seats while Corian waved a hand to flag down a server, calling for drinks on his tab.
"You might regret that. Ulroc can really put 'em away." Aelessana warned with a chuckle.
Corian waved his hand dismissively, "Nonsense! Soon we'll all be rich and this will be nothing more than pennies! Besides, we're going to be friends here, so let's start this off right." Over the course of many rounds of drink, without giving too many details, Corian repeatedly assured his companions that he had a great plan that would earn them all some very easy money. "And what can it hurt, eh? Yer already out... Adventure'n an all, yeah? It'll be fuun!"
Both of them nodded along and drunkenly agreed, cheering and clanking their glasses together with Corian. Just then, a gust of wind blew through the bar and everyone grew silent. A huge hulking creature, even taller than Ulroc, walked in, ducking her head to enter. She was a Gnoll, no mistaking it. Her massive hyena-like head and hunched shoulders were proof enough. A long tongue hung out from her short snout, full of sharp teeth which were easily visible through her open, panting jaws.
"Oh my Gods," Corian thought, "What a babe!!" Eager and drunk, he leapt up from his seat with enthusiasm and walked right up to the beast. "Henlo, this is me, Corian, and you can sit with us, please! Drinks on me, you git whate'er you want..." Confidently taking her arm in his, he led the Gnoll over to their table and pulled out his own chair for her, then grabbed a new one from another table for himself. "You got a name, beautiful?"
To everyone's surprise, the Gnoll followed along with Corian obediently, answering him in a low growling voice, "Name Arc. Has thirst. Where drink?"
Giddy, Corian shouted to no one in particular, waving his hand around wildly, "Ey!! You heard the lady, she's thirsty!! Git'er a drink!!" A bar maid hurriedly came out with a new platter of drinks for their table before running off even faster. Arc grabbed up the nearest mug and downed it in one gulp, repeating the motion again with the other three drinks as well.
"Is good. Arc better now."
She got up to go, but Corian grabbed her by the arm, pleading, "W-wait! Why don' you stay a while an' maybe join us fer some action? We're goin' after some treasure, ya know?"
"Hm. Okay. Arc go if can fight."
"Yeah yeah! There's gonna be plenty of fights! Just not with us, okay?"
"Okay." With that, Arc sat back down. The maid came back with more drinks, collected the old cups and scurried off again. Aelessana gave her brother a look of concern, but Ulroc didn't notice. Instead, he made conversation with Arc, if you could even call their brusk back and forth a conversation. The two began a drinking contest and so the evening passed by in a haze. All four companions were thoroughly sloshed well before midnight. Arc and Ulroc broke the table with an arm wrestling match, sending Corian into a fit of howling laughter. Corian proceeded to profess his love to Arc, who seemed not to notice or not to understand. He then went on endlessly about how much he loved the friends he'd just met. Aelessana remained silent most of the night while she sipped her drinks and watched the chaos safely from the corner.
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