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Fandom The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey! 💕 currently looking for someone to rp Harry Potter with! I love dark themes, discussing plots, and chatting outside of the RP. I'm open to several plots, but I would want to double. I do canon x canon or canon x oc. I don't do oc x oc, sorry. I'm happy to do M x F or F x F. I'm not super picky about length, so don't worry too much. I need my partner to be 18+ so please be respectful of that. I'm happy to rp here or Discord.

Looking for someone to play George Weasley, Harry, or Draco.

Out of all the Harry Potter characters I have the most experience playing Draco, but I'm happy to play other characters as well if you'd prefer to play your character against someone else.

I'd be good with having the rp be around the main story, or do a post war rp. Unfortunately, I don't do the marauders era.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message!

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