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Fantasy * ๐’ฏ๐ป๐ธ ๐’ฒ๐ผ๐’ž๐’ฆ๐ธ๐’Ÿ ๐’ฒ๐ธ๐’ฎ๐’ฏ: ๐˜ข ๐˜ด๐˜ถ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฏ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ญ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฏ *


Perpetually Exhausted
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • intro

    the beast

    delta rae


    The West is Wild and the West is Wickedโ€ฆ

    The year is 1884. While the first transcontinental railroad in the United States was built over a decade ago, uniting the countryโ€™s furthest ends together, much of the land remains untamed. Itโ€™s dangerous out there on the frontier, with all types taking refuge in the lawless lands, from grifters and hustlers to outlaws and bounty hunters. But that ainโ€™t all. Far from it.

    Itโ€™s out here in the West, far from the new, shining lights of the ever-growing cities in the East that the things that go bump in the night make their beds. Old folktales and myths yet still thrive where the lands remain undisturbed. Thereโ€™s more to worry about lurking in the shadows of moonless nights than common highwaymen and petty criminals. Things that go beyond human comprehension, beyond understanding. Monsters and spirits and magic are still running aplenty in the wild, wicked West.

    At first glance, Lone Cross is your typical frontier town. Originally a small, cozy outpost situated deep in the Western territories, the past few years it has seen considerable growth. Itโ€™s probably mostly โ€˜cause of the fancy new train station running at the edge of town. Probably. But itโ€™s also worth noting that Lone Cross just so happens to sit smack dab at the intersection of several major leylines, invisible power sources that conduct magical energy. Itโ€™s no wonder thereโ€™s an abundance of strange occurrences and even stranger folks about town; Lone Cross has become a hotbed for the supernatural thanks to its magical draw.

    And it seems to have attracted the attention of something far more sinister.

    Lately, some dark rumors have been floating on the breeze. Whispers of a gang of dangerous miscreantsโ€“but theyโ€™re not just your typical stagecoach robbers. If you take any stock in rumors, then youโ€™d hear itโ€™s not cash that theyโ€™re after. No, apparently itโ€™s something more along the lines of the end of the world. At least that would explain away the evidence of dark rituals spotted around Lone Crossโ€™s countryside. No matter which way you spin it, the apocalypse isnโ€™t exactly a good thing. For anyone. The people of Lone Cross better cowboy up if they want to save their townโ€“and the world for that matter.

    Something wicked this way rides.


    Howdy and welcome to The Wicked West, a supernatural Western roleplay where vampire gunslingers duel at high midnight, and deals are made with devils at the crossroads! Our story begins in the town of Lone Cross, a Western settlement with a strong magical draw. It is here our characters find themselves, whether through sheer coincidence or because of the leylinesโ€™ supernatural magnetism. Now entrenched in the world of the supernatural (if they arenโ€™t already some supernatural entity themself!), they will be faced with a dangerous gang of occultists hellbent on bringing about the apocalypse. Will our ragtag posse have what it takes to keep Lone Cross (and the world at large) safe from a demonic threat? Or will their blood be spilt as tribute to the end times?

    Important Notes:
    • This roleplay is strictly 18+ only, as it will be dealing with mature themes of horror, including topics like death, violence, blood and gore.
    • This roleplay is not first-come, first-served! There will be an application process to ensure characters fit what we are looking for.
    • This will be a literate roleplay, and we are looking for in-character replies to have a minimum of 2 paragraphs per post. Ideally, post frequency would be at least 1 post a week.




something wicked

this way rides


supernatural western



spots open

approx. 10



โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

The West is Wild and the West is Wickedโ€ฆ

The year is 1884. While the first transcontinental railroad in the United States was built over a decade ago, uniting the countryโ€™s furthest ends together, much of the land remains untamed. Itโ€™s dangerous out there on the frontier, with all types taking refuge in the lawless lands, from grifters and hustlers to outlaws and bounty hunters. But that ainโ€™t all. Far from it.

Itโ€™s out here in the West, far from the new, shining lights of the ever-growing cities in the East that the things that go bump in the night make their beds. Old folktales and myths yet still thrive where the lands remain undisturbed. Thereโ€™s more to worry about lurking in the shadows of moonless nights than common highwaymen and petty criminals. Things that go beyond human comprehension, beyond understanding. Monsters and spirits and magic are still running aplenty in the wild, wicked West.

At first glance, Lone Cross is your typical frontier town. Originally a small, cozy outpost situated deep in the Western territories, the past few years it has seen considerable growth. Itโ€™s probably mostly โ€˜cause of the fancy new train station running at the edge of town. Probably. But itโ€™s also worth noting that Lone Cross just so happens to sit smack dab at the intersection of several major leylines, invisible power sources that conduct magical energy. Itโ€™s no wonder thereโ€™s an abundance of strange occurrences and even stranger folks about town; Lone Cross has become a hotbed for the supernatural thanks to its magical draw.

And it seems to have attracted the attention of something far more sinister.

Lately, some dark rumors have been floating on the breeze. Whispers of a gang of dangerous miscreantsโ€“but theyโ€™re not just your typical stagecoach robbers. If you take any stock in rumors, then youโ€™d hear itโ€™s not cash that theyโ€™re after. No, apparently itโ€™s something more along the lines of the end of the world. At least that would explain away the evidence of dark rituals spotted around Lone Crossโ€™s countryside. No matter which way you spin it, the apocalypse isnโ€™t exactly a good thing. For anyone. The people of Lone Cross better cowboy up if they want to save their townโ€“and the world for that matter.

Something wicked this way rides.


Howdy and welcome to The Wicked West, a supernatural Western roleplay where vampire gunslingers duel at high midnight, and deals are made with devils at the crossroads! Our story begins in the town of Lone Cross, a Western settlement with a strong magical draw. It is here our characters find themselves, whether through sheer coincidence or because of the leylinesโ€™ supernatural magnetism. Now entrenched in the world of the supernatural (if they arenโ€™t already some supernatural entity themself!), they will be faced with a dangerous gang of occultists hellbent on bringing about the apocalypse. Will our ragtag posse have what it takes to keep Lone Cross (and the world at large) safe from a demonic threat? Or will their blood be spilt as tribute to the end times?

Important Notes:
  • This roleplay is strictly 18+ only, as it will be dealing with mature themes of horror, including topics like death, violence, blood and gore.
  • This roleplay is not first-come, first-served! There will be an application process to ensure characters fit what we are looking for.
  • This will be a literate roleplay, and we are looking for in-character replies to have a minimum of 2 paragraphs per post. Ideally, post frequency would be at least 1 post a week.
  • Humans: By far the most common being out in the West, they're just your run-of-the-mill ordinary people folk like you and me. Maybe they've been searching for evidence of the paranormal and they've just found it; maybe they're brand new, completely inexperienced with this dark reality they're now faced with; or maybe they're an experienced hunter, years of experience under their belt of stalking that which goes bump in the night... The sky's the limit here.

  • Vampires: Immortal, undead creatures of the night, known for their bloodlust. Faster and stronger than any human, the extent of their abilities is in correlation with their age. Additional vampiric powers have been known to include those such as shapeshifting, mental manipulation and suggestion, rapid healing, and even the ability to inflict the vampiric curse onto others through giving them their blood. Vampires are strictly nocturnal, as the light of the sun can instantly destroy them, disintegrating them into nothing more than a pile of ash. As undead creatures, they have a weakness and aversion to holy artifacts, and the surest way to kill them is with a wooden stake through the heart (followed by burning the body). While vampires can feed upon animals, it is inefficient and unviable from a practical standpointโ€“the large majority must feed upon human prey to keep up full strength.

  • Werewolves: Lycanthropy is a blood curse, most commonly spread through the bite of a werewolf, but can originate from the hexes of particularly powerful witches. As a blood curse, it can be passed down through generations, though this is uncommon as historically most werewolves do not live long enough to have children, or have otherwise isolated themselves away from the rest of society. Under the light of the full moon, those inflicted with lycanthropy transform into wolflike monsters overtaken with a bestial instinct with no regard to any of its humanity buried deep within (at least, that is the case for most). A rare few have managed to tame the beast within, capable of shifting under moons that are not at their fullest, though their powers are weaker. Even with a greater grasp of control, most remain rather unpredictable, not fully in touch with their humanity.

  • Witches: A general term for practitioners of magic of all variations. There are as many kinds of witches as there are people, ranging from the simplest of clairvoyants and psychics to the most powerful of blood ritualists and warlocks. Some forms of magical practices include charms, talismans, glamours, clairvoyants, psychics, divination, spirit mediums, herbalists, alchemy, incantations and spells, runes, rituals, blood magic, and necromancy. While every person is capable of practicing magic, some are more inherently gifted and attuned to it than others.

  • Ghosts: Souls of the dead who have, for one reason or another, not yet crossed over from the world of the living. They may be cursed, have unfinished business of some sort, or simply be lost. Their souls are moored to this realm through the hauntings and possessions of objects, locations, and people. Some witches are capable of contacting and binding ghosts, and can interact with them through magic. Ghosts seem to feed off of magic and require it to interact with the physical world in a tangible way; the stronger the source of power, the greater their manifestation.

  • Zombies: The reanimated dead. Most zombies are soulless beings, their corpse bodies puppeted by dark magic by particularly powerful witches, many of which use them to do their bidding and can sometimes spread their magical influence onto others. There are tales told of some zombies who came back as something moreโ€“still with mind and soul intact. However, for this to be true a particularly strong source of power would be required. While their bodies naturally decay like any corpse, they can stave off this destruction through the consumption of human flesh. Tougher than cockroaches, the only sure way to get rid of a zombie is through magical means or burning the body to ashes; but as beings of dark magic, most zombies are vulnerable to holy artifacts.

  • Demons: (Usually) malevolent supernatural entities that are neither living nor dead. The vast majority of demons are confined to the pits of Hell, though some can be (foolishly) contacted by mortals. However, a rare few demons have escaped the netherworld and walk amongst mankind in disguise. These are usually those of the trickster variety, sneaky and minor enough in power that they wonโ€™t be missed in the abyss, commonly possessing a mortal vessel. The kind that make unsavory and unwise deals of power at crossroads in the middle of nowhere. Rarer still are those more threatening in ability, though some have indeed managed to make it to this plane of existence through the means of dark magic before. Weak to holy artifacts and often bound by magic.

  • Wildcard: The Western skies are limitless, and so is the possibility of what lurks in the shadows cast by new moons.
    Playerโ€™s choiceโ€“ if none of the above ideas appeal to you, please feel free to choose a different kind of entity for your character. I only ask that you be mindful of powerscaling and stay reasonably realistic. Other than that, go wild.
Rule 1) Strictly 18+ only because of this roleplayโ€™s themes and contents. If you are sensitive to topics such as blood, gore, and violence please also pass up on this game as they are prominent themes.

Rule 2) All RpNation site rules apply.

Rule 3) OOC plotting and communication will be done primarily through Discord, so please have an account!

Rule 4) OOC drama, exclusion of other players in plotting, bullying, and bigotry of any kind will absolutely not be tolerated. We want to ensure the comfort and enjoyment of all players.

Rule 5) Please be capable of writing a minimum of 2 paragraphs per post, in third-person view. Post frequency should ideally be at least once a week, but please do not let more than 2 weeks go by without some form of communicationโ€“otherwise you risk being kicked!

Rule 6) Expanding on Rule 5, communication is key! I understand that life can be super busy, and things come up. In the very least please keep me in the loop if you are unable to meet deadlines or post frequency. If you go more than a week without communicating, I will try to reach out to you. If another week goes by and I still hear nothing, you will likely be removed from the game.

Rule 7) This roleplay is not first-come first-served. There will be a character application process before the start of the roleplay.
On Fire GIF

i am so here for this

ive gotta idea already, a warlock using necromancy to keep their zombie sibling alive.
and, of course, got into interview with a vampire so i cant NOT make a vampire at some point
are we allowed to apply with more than one character?
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On Fire GIF

i am so here for this

ive gotta idea already, a warlock using necromancy to keep their zombie sibling alive.
and, of course, got into interview with a vampire so i cant NOT make a vampire at some point
are we allowed to apply with more than one character?
I love that, super fun idea!

I think I'm going to allow for a max of 2 character applications per person for now, so long as you feel you can make the commitment to running both if they get approved.
this is such a cool idea !! ideas are flowingโ€”thinking a zombie turned bounty hunter who is forced to do a witchโ€™s bidding?? who knows.
this is such a cool idea !! ideas are flowingโ€”thinking a zombie turned bounty hunter who is forced to do a witchโ€™s bidding?? who knows.
Thank you! Love that idea, there's definitely some delicious plotting to be had with a character like that.
potentially interested, how many people are you looking to have? What style of face claims would you be going for?
I was aiming for 10-12, but depending on interest and applications it might be a little more, might be a little less. As for faceclaims, I'm looking more so for realistic ones or written descriptions.
Thank you all for the interest so far! OOC and CS should hopefully be up by tomorrow afternoon. Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!!
this is a really great concept and I really look forward to reading the story :) I think I'm a little late to the game but again it's such a cool story idea
this is a really great concept and I really look forward to reading the story :) I think I'm a little late to the game but again it's such a cool story idea
Thank you! There's still plenty of time to apply tho! Character applications aren't due until the 25th

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