• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Werido {witch} Club ♥ CS

[color= White]"The Werido Witch Club" CS[/color]


Let Go Of

•••Character Sheet•••
* Means optional, Bios are optional, but appreciated!!!

Power Affinty (role)
Date of birth
Horoscope Sign*
Age (15-18)

Appearance (Drawn or Realistic Face claim Only!!)
Piercings? Scars? Tattoos? (All witches have birth marks that look like tattoos, but excluding those do they have any other?)
Notable Features*
Attire (typical clothing)*

Personality [a paragraph or a list of vices and virtues]

Thoughts on normals (yes this is required! Does your character want to help them? Did they not want to? What's their opinion.)
Bedroom apperance* (if you don't put one, I will give you a random picture of one. **Only if you live in the group house, if your character does not, disregard this!)

Use any coding you want! If you want something simple coded I don't mind making something!

Your Fear

Extra info|

The Town
A small town in Missouri. (Made up of course!!!) a population of 253 exactly. It has a small town store , three schools, (elementary, middle , and high.) a library, church, and a dinner. An old abandon house near the outskirts, that might not be abandoned.

The Plot Bits
A new witch arrives in town, however do to the witch concealing her identity the group doesn't know. The witch gets picked on and and thrown around and her powers lash out. Cursing the town and slowly drawing the color and magic without realizing. The group has to figure out how to stop the curse before times runs out, and keep their secrets a secret.


Cause dear tonight


The Telekinetics|
Gravity control and the ability to move objects with their mind, these witches are powerful and creative. Have three circles in a horizontal line on their wrist . (Left or right) tattoo/birthmark.

The Elementals|
Witches that can control a certain element, it could be sand, earth, water, fire, glass, weather, air. Etc. These witches are common in number, but each are unique in their own way.
Have a tattoo/birthmark of their corresponding element on their ankle.

The Minds|
Telepathics, Dream Manipulation, Mind Controlers, Fast Thinkers. All minds are intellectually quick and broad thinkers. Day dreamers. Have an eye as their tattoo/birth mark on their ankle.

The Illusionist|
Th Illusionist have the ability to manipulate what othe see. Creating things that aren't their. Have a Mirror tattoo/birth mark on their neck.

The Enchanters|
These witches enchant objects, to give them another purpose. A pen can become a sword, a pencil cases a suit case. Has a swirl on the back of their neck as their tattoo/birth mark

The Shifters|
These witches can either shape objects into different ones or change their own appearance and become animals. Has a paw print on their lower back for their birth mark.

The seers|
Can predict the near future. Have a crystal ball on their lower back as their birthmark.

The Medicals|
Specializes in healing. Have a leaf on their wrist for their birthmark.

Important Roles

The New Girl (or guy)|
The reason they are in this mess. The new girl moved here and instantly got nicked and picked at by the school. The problem is, she's a witch who can't control her powers, and released the curse draining magic color, and if continued will eventually destroy the whole earth, by accident when her emotions ran high.
Has a hourglass symbol on her stomach as her birthmark.

We are going to

Rules |

•when saying interest please put the role you want

• rpn rules apply
•Swearing is allowed
•Ummm you should know by now what fade to black is, but if things get steamy, Fade to black! I'm not getting banned cause of that on my RP!
•don't be a immature brat please!
•I'm looking for at least two post a week, two-Three paragraphs.
•Drawn or realistic FaceClaim only. No anime sorry!
•ummmm oh yeah! I'm looking for an experienced GM other than the lovely q r o w q r o w
•I have the right to deny characters.

Make Mistakes


[] | Interest Check

[]Main Thread|

[]Character| You are here!



Coded By MINT
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Jeanette Reed Parks


•Jeanette Reed Parks
•Jean, Jeanie, Read, Anette. Raven. She's heard them all.
•Illusionist (Leader)

•DOB| July, 25th
•Sign| LEO

•Female, Caucasian, Heterosexual.

•Height: 5'7
•Weight: 132 LBS

•Piercing: None
•Tattoo: Her birthmark.
•Scar on her left ankle when she cut herself running.
•Notable Feature: "Everything. I take pride in my body."

•Attire: "Casual."


Bio: Jeans parent left or well, disappeared when she was twelve, leaving her in charge of the house at young age. People starting becoming noisy on where the little girl was living , and her lies where unraveling.

At fourteen she created a illusion to make the house looked burned down and played it out so they believed they couldn't get rid of the remains.

She lived alone except for the Twins who had been friends with her from the beginning. Thanks to her using illusion work everyday to make people believe the house was burnt and abandoned, she became stronger and can now hide sound , movement and others magic as long as they are in the illusions specified area. Which is the house and a large area of the forest.

When she noticed there where other witches than the trio, the Werido Club formed. Getting the name from their rank in school.

Opinion: "there is good, but most is bad."

Bedroom: The attic , so she can keep the illusion on the whole house.

Personality: Jean is probably one of the most caring people you ever meet. Her loyalties lie with her group and only her group. She cares enough of the mortals to refrain any member/witch to use their power to harm or force a mortal to do something against their morals.

She is a really sweet person, but can turn cold and serious in a heart beat. There is a time to talk, and there is time to play. She sees a barrier clearly.

Determined and not easily persuaded, she is stubborn and logical. Creative. Always organized and on time, she can come off as professional to those outside the group. Though inside she just that one person to have fun around. After all they are only teens with some very powerful magic.

Likes: Sunrises, Full Moons, Studing, Reading, Exploring, Coffee, Practicing, Dancing.

Dislikes: Scented Candles, Staying up late, People who hurt her group.

Quirks: Closing her eyes when she is overwhelmed , Biting her lip

Fears: Failure, Losing A Member, Being alone, Betrayal.


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Gregory Lee Wainwright


•Gregory Lee Wainwright
•Geo, Lee.

•DOB| June 3rd

•Male, Caucasian, Bisexual.

•Height: 6'0
•Weight: 144 LBS

•Piercing: None
•Tattoo: Three Circles on his left wrist.
•A burn on his left palm, he burnt in a campfire.

Features: his hair and eyes. Also how he doesn't look anything like his twin.

•Attire: "Anything."




Likes: Wrestling with Erin, training, being prepared, parkour, People who aren't afraid to be themselves.

Dislikes: Spontaneous things, Failure, People who threaten the group.

Fear: Losing Erin, Failing the group, being forced to watch someone he cares for get hurt.



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The Air Elemental wip
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The New Girl wip
Power Affinty| Hexes (that's what Mint said...)
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Theme ; x


June Choi-
Name : June Lee Choi
Nicknames : Junelee, Junie
Age : Seventeen
Birthday : August 8th
Sign : Leo
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Bisexual
Grade : Senior
Ethnicity : Korean
Nationality : American
Power : Telekinetic

Hair color
Eye color


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Angel In Pink

Angel Hirai
11th Grade
110 pounds
Ear Piercings
Her big eyes are her most note able feature.
Tank Tops, Crop Tops, anything comfortable she will wear.

- Peaches
- Dogs
- Animals
- Nature
- Strawberries
- Music

- Cucumbers
- Spicy Food
- Violence
- Thunder
- Spiders
- Tomato

- Death
- Spiders
- Small Spaces

- Biting her nails
Angel is sweet and caring, often taking the personality of that she is shifted into, so her personality differs a lot. Her problem is, she's too nice. She lets herself get stepped on and picked on all the time but never lashes back. Angel has a lot of social anxiety and tends to be shy and quiet, never speaking unless spoken too. She often gets nervous when many people are around and tends to panic.

Angel is gentle and slow witted, often getting jokes and messages way later then supposed too. Angel plays dumb a lot, and often hears thing she isn't supposed too, like secrets. Because of her playing dumb, everyone thinks she is, but she's really not stupid, not that smartest, but not stupid.

Angel was born in Tokyo, and moved to the United States at 14 due to her family getting jobs there. She was made fun of a lot because of her accent and problems with pronouncing English words. When they found out she was a shifter, she was instantly outcasted until she met the group of Witches.

Thoughts on normals; She Wants to Help them, though she's seen as weird to them.

code by pasta
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b a s i c s
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus rutrum lacus, id suscipit augue. Quisque tempus finibus justo, non cursus leo finibus consectetur. Ut tempor elit sit amet sapien sodales, non rutrum risus blandit. Aliquam lacinia est id fermentum blandit. Curabitur urna justo, lacinia at turpis sit amet, iaculis porta turpis. Suspendisse eget interdum diam, eu sodales justo. Praesent vel sagittis nisi, pretium finibus quam. Praesent condimentum condimentum vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed auctor sed odio et pharetra. Proin non finibus turpis. Etiam sagittis scelerisque mauris, pretium viverra tortor semper nec.

Aliquam eu massa dolor. Quisque lobortis dui quis ligula suscipit, sit amet hendrerit nibh pretium. Donec consequat volutpat ex, sed feugiat turpis tincidunt eu. Fusce efficitur, nulla eget porta ultricies, massa diam malesuada magna, eu porta quam metus ut tortor. Aliquam nec quam mattis, fermentum enim id, molestie tellus. Sed malesuada sollicitudin massa, at ullamcorper turpis lacinia vulputate. Praesent ultricies fringilla dolor, vitae posuere arcu porttitor quis. In feugiat sed diam eu molestie. Ut mauris dolor, imperdiet non cursus et, interdum sit amet magna. Cras lacinia quis odio at fermentum. Integer egestas porttitor dignissim. Etiam lacinia a elit nec vulputate. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse feugiat metus rutrum, gravida odio et, efficitur tellus. Phasellus neque augue, maximus ut porta vitae, placerat quis dolor. Praesent euismod orci lorem, ut tempor lectus porta id.

p e r s o n a
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus rutrum lacus, id suscipit augue. Quisque tempus finibus justo, non cursus leo finibus consectetur. Ut tempor elit sit amet sapien sodales, non rutrum risus blandit. Aliquam lacinia est id fermentum blandit. Curabitur urna justo, lacinia at turpis sit amet, iaculis porta turpis. Suspendisse eget interdum diam, eu sodales justo. Praesent vel sagittis nisi, pretium finibus quam. Praesent condimentum condimentum vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed auctor sed odio et pharetra. Proin non finibus turpis. Etiam sagittis scelerisque mauris, pretium viverra tortor semper nec.

Aliquam eu massa dolor. Quisque lobortis dui quis ligula suscipit, sit amet hendrerit nibh pretium. Donec consequat volutpat ex, sed feugiat turpis tincidunt eu. Fusce efficitur, nulla eget porta ultricies, massa diam malesuada magna, eu porta quam metus ut tortor. Aliquam nec quam mattis, fermentum enim id, molestie tellus. Sed malesuada sollicitudin massa, at ullamcorper turpis lacinia vulputate. Praesent ultricies fringilla dolor, vitae posuere arcu porttitor quis. In feugiat sed diam eu molestie. Ut mauris dolor, imperdiet non cursus et, interdum sit amet magna. Cras lacinia quis odio at fermentum. Integer egestas porttitor dignissim. Etiam lacinia a elit nec vulputate. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse feugiat metus rutrum, gravida odio et, efficitur tellus. Phasellus neque augue, maximus ut porta vitae, placerat quis dolor. Praesent euismod orci lorem, ut tempor lectus porta id.

b i o g r a p h y
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus rutrum lacus, id suscipit augue. Quisque tempus finibus justo, non cursus leo finibus consectetur. Ut tempor elit sit amet sapien sodales, non rutrum risus blandit. Aliquam lacinia est id fermentum blandit. Curabitur urna justo, lacinia at turpis sit amet, iaculis porta turpis. Suspendisse eget interdum diam, eu sodales justo. Praesent vel sagittis nisi, pretium finibus quam. Praesent condimentum condimentum vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed auctor sed odio et pharetra. Proin non finibus turpis. Etiam sagittis scelerisque mauris, pretium viverra tortor semper nec.

Aliquam eu massa dolor. Quisque lobortis dui quis ligula suscipit, sit amet hendrerit nibh pretium. Donec consequat volutpat ex, sed feugiat turpis tincidunt eu. Fusce efficitur, nulla eget porta ultricies, massa diam malesuada magna, eu porta quam metus ut tortor. Aliquam nec quam mattis, fermentum enim id, molestie tellus. Sed malesuada sollicitudin massa, at ullamcorper turpis lacinia vulputate. Praesent ultricies fringilla dolor, vitae posuere arcu porttitor quis. In feugiat sed diam eu molestie. Ut mauris dolor, imperdiet non cursus et, interdum sit amet magna. Cras lacinia quis odio at fermentum. Integer egestas porttitor dignissim. Etiam lacinia a elit nec vulputate. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse feugiat metus rutrum, gravida odio et, efficitur tellus. Phasellus neque augue, maximus ut porta vitae, placerat quis dolor. Praesent euismod orci lorem, ut tempor lectus porta id.
code by pasta
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To manipulate what others see. Creating things that aren't there.
Have a Mirror tattoo on their neck.

Sagittarius -- Age 17 -- Dec 5
Male -- Caucasian -- Gay
Senior Grade


Virtue: Playfulness. Devotion. Vice: Brutal honesty. Making lies become truths.
Like: Driving cars and motorbikes. Dislike: Jealousy and revenge.
Quirk: Hopeless romantic. Fear: Leaving a person insane.


While Viggo won't care for normals, he does enjoy bringing miraculous sights to their humdrum life.
Both his parents left him in the care of the group home. People have no idea as they still see his parents.
He has Jeanette Parks, the Illusionist leader, to look up to and support with Illusionary magic.

Being bored and lonely, Viggo wants to impress and woo a male witch into marrying him.
Often this means beautifying himself or in the immediate vicinity, just to ante up his charm.
Sometimes he makes illusions mundane in order to mask others' magic and turn them invisible.
He keeps his hallucinations to himself or to a minimum, as this can drive an unstable mind to madness.

His strength is manifesting one human being or one chaotic situation at a time.
Realism of behaviors, dialogues, and events relies on his memories and experiences.
This is why he can duplicate his parents or even himself extremely well.




Telepathics, Daydreamers and Dream Manipulators,
Mind Controllers and Fast Broad Thinkers.
Have an eye as their tattoo on their ankle.

Aquarius -- Age 17 -- Feb 14
Female -- Caucasian -- Ace
Senior Grade


Virtue: Felicity. Patience. Vice: Manipulation. No remorse.
Like: Sincere friendships. Dislike: Being lied to in person.
Quirk: Roams the woods to escape. Fear: Other witches who share her power.


While Omena won't care for normals, she does feel responsible for sailing their minds towards peace.
She does not live at the group home but with her amnesiac aunt instead. She takes care of her daily.
Having never met her parents, her aunt is the closest and only relative and role model she has.

Omena takes care of her enemies, forcing them into liking her and being the best of friends.
She can even go so far as to induce flashbacks and make them miss her when she isn't around.
Most normals never know her hand in anything, as they think they came to the conclusions themselves.

Her strength is communicating through dreams and visions. It's briefer during the day, more tuned at night.
She can help her friends cheat by telepathically sending exam answers or clear up any misunderstandings.
But in dreams, she is the ultimate teacher and can leave them with much more comprehension.
She can reach anyone at extreme distance as long as they both are sleeping and in REM phase.



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Alexander Black

black hair || forest green eyes || 6'2 in height || 12 stone in weight || slim, athletic body
Impulsive || Indecisive || Stubborn || somewhat gullible || hot headed || Reserved || Awkward


Caring || protective || intelligent || loyal || trustworthy || humorous || Determined


Alex tends to come across as a quiet person, he's polite enough towards people he doesn't know but he can come across as quite cold and closed off but this is due to his shy nature. Towards those he considers friends he is loyal and reliable and tends to put himself in harms way for the sake of others, a major flaw of his is that he is quite stubborn and reckless and would rather get hurt or end up in a bad situation than put someone else in danger. He is a "nice" person towards those who he cares about although he is very socially awkward and never seems to know exactly what to say. But he is a good friend, he wants to help people he cares about and make things better for them and he's a caring person - he is the type of person who you could go to if you needed a hug or shoulder to cry on.

He is very protective of those he cares about and quickly resorts to violence when they are in danger, although he hates this part of himself and tends to feel very guilty afterwards. His main defense is to shut down and shut himself off from others and throw himself completely into something; after the fight with his sister and parents over their divorce he threw himself into his school-work and became an A* pupil. Alex is good at putting up a front when he wants to and is good at making things seem the opposite of how they are in reality.

B a c k g r o u n d
Alex grew up as the eldest in a family of four, his family wasn't wealthy but they always had enough to get by. He was an only child until he was eight years old, then his baby sister Charlie came along. They grew up in a nice enough neighborhood, he never really had many friends usually preferring to keep to himself although he always had a soft spot animals and wanted to become a vet when he was older. At school he was pretty smart and tended to do well in subjects like Math and Science usually getting a A/B in those subjects, and he was also good at art and computing but he tended to get D's in English.

When he was twelve his Mother walked out on them, his sister likes to imagine that she was forced to - that someone took her away from them and she didn't want to leave them and his Father acts like she is dead. Alex thinks that she either decided to go with another man or she just didn't want to be a Mother anymore. He somewhat resents himself about his mother leaving as he used to blame himself when he was younger and sometimes he still does.

His powers started manifesting when he was eleven, although he wasn't sure what they were and for a period of time he thought he was going crazy - he tried explaining what was happening to his Father but he just sent him to the school counselor. Which taught him to lie about his abilities and what he could do.
He slowly managed to gain control through a mix of his stubborn and determined nature and because he needed to know if he was crazy or not. When he was thirteen Jeanette saw him in the diner changing a one dollar bill to appear like a ten dollar bill - she pulled him aside and helped him learn to control his powers.
coded by nate

Meghan Rhodes

❝ you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. ❞

Name: Meghan Rhodes
Nickname(s): Most of her friends call her Meg or Fay and her family call her Meghan as they don't use nicknames.
Age: Fifteen
Affinity: Seer
Grade: Sophmore
Gender: Cisgender - Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: 19th Febuary
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Irish-American (Her grandparents on her Father's side and her grandmother on her mother's side were Irish.)
Her most attractive feature would be her dark green eyes, Meg has always loved them and they are one of the few things about her body that she does like and find pretty. She has almost perfect teeth thanks to the braces she was forced to wear when she was younger. Her hair reaches down past her chest and she keeps it straight as it is naturally very curly which she detests. She does care about her appearance but unlike other girls she doesn't obsess over it. In her Sophmore year she had a much more girly appearance but she recently dyed her hair black and started dressing in a more 'gothic' way.
Height: 5'6
Weight: 122 pounds
Hair: Naturally - Chestnut, brown.
Eyes: Blue
Clothing/Style: She has a more 'gothic' style
Meghan is an acquired taste. Meg comes across as quite a cynical person with a very negative and bleak outlook on life. Although she does have his positive moments. Meghan is quite a blunt person and doesn't see the point in dancing around something to spare someone's feelings. She has quite a sarcastic and dark sense of humour which tends to make people who don't know her dislike her, and she is quite a sardonic person.

Despite the fact she doesn't have many friends (the group of witches are her only friends) she is still a loyal person and if she becomes close to someone she would do anything for them although he isn't the sort of person people should go to when expecting a shoulder to cry on. She is willing to be there for her friends but she often ends up being quite blunt and refuses to lie to spare their feelings meaning if she feels they are in the wrong she will usually call them out on it.

Meghan is quite aggressive towards strangers or those she dislikes and she has a hot temper that she looses easily. If someone does something to her or someone she disagrees with she will call them out on it and has gotten into trouble with the school for getting into arguments and fights.



-Hot headed

Habits: It's common enough to see her staring off into the distance as she has a habit of zoning out and getting lost in her own thoughts, sometimes she will bite her lip or pick at the skin around her nails meaning that her nails are always chipped. In social situations she will run her hand through her hair as she hates not doing anything and finds it impossible to sit still, in class she usually gets in trouble for swinging on her chair & chewing gum. She tends to stand slightly hunched over with her arms folded across her chest in front of her.

Meghan was born in the small town, her Father was never present in her life and she's been left to assume that she is the product of a one night stand. Her mother is an alcoholic and is always drinking which meant Meghan had to essentially raise herself once she got to a certain age. But she is still close with her mother, they just don't have a "mother-daughter" relationship.

Her powers started manifesting in a small way when she was younger, she would have dreams about things that were going to happen although it was always smaller events and nothing major. But when it started happening more often it could cause migraines and nose-bleeds.

Meghan lives with the twins and Jeanette in the 'abandoned' house, she moved in there after living at home got too much for her and as she had only just found out she was a witch she couldn't control her abilities so Jeanette offered to teach her meaning she was spending more and more time at the 'abandoned' house rather than her own and eventually she just ended up moving in with them rather than constantly switching between the two. And she was tired of having to look after her alcoholic mother so - although she knows it may have been selfish - she moved out.​


  • Photography
  • The night
  • Sketching
  • Playing the piano
  • Fireworks & Bonfires
  • Sleep
  • Cold Showers
  • Listening to music
  • Her parents
  • Being drunk
  • Hot Showers
  • Loosing arguments
  • Big cities
  • 'Normals'
  • Alcohol
Thoughts on normal's: Meg doesn't hate 'normals' but she doesn't feel like it's her responsibility to help them as they are just people. She does somewhat look down on them and sees herself as better than them. (Therefore to her, becoming one of them would be the end of her world.)

Bedroom appearance:

(Anything else?)
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Power Affinity: Enchanter
Horoscope Sign: Libra
Grade: 12
Identifying Marks: Pierced ears, tattoo of spiral on back of neck.

[ # my own personality ]

Martie is a quiet fellow, more or less the definition of an introvert. He veers away from parties and social gatherings, except, of course, from the club. He's extremely loyal to the club, seeing as it's what made him feel like he belonged, and it allowed him to freely practice what he could do. He's extremely empathic and understanding, and loves to hear out other people in their troubles. He has no problem following orders, as long as they're logical, and might seem like a mindless follower to the outside eye.

-Ambiance Music
-Meeting new people

-Loud people
-Hot weather

-Being left out
-Being lost

Quirks/Habits: Martie fidgets a lot, which means in moments of inactivity, he will most likely be tapping his foot or playing with his hands.

[ # this is my history ]

Martie has been with the club ever since he moved to Missouri with his single mom. As he felt accepted there, he stayed. He used to visit every day, keeping up with club meetings and such, until he was struck by the sudden death of his mom, even though she had moved here in order to be treated for an illness. He forgot about the club for some time, his grief overcoming him, but was determined not to be put into the foster system. He returned to the club in secret and now lives in the abandoned house. While he still feels pain for his mother, he has moved past that and looks forward to a bright future.

Opinion on Normals: Martie considers himself almost no different than Normals, and treats them just as he treats the members of the club. He even has a few Normal acquaintances that have no idea of what he is or that he's in the club.

Bedroom Appearance:
Click here

Name: Martin Palmer
Nickname: Martie
Age: 18
Birthday: 7/26
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Weight: 6'1''
Height: 130 lb.
Ethnicity: Thoroughly mixed; some African-American
Pronouns: he/him/his

coded by cychotic
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Catherine J. Wiles

Cathy, Catty, Cat

Power Affinity (role)
Mind - Mind Control

Date of birth

Horoscope Sign





German - American




Piercings? Scars? Tattoos?

Notable Features
Freckles & Deep Dark Eyes

Conservative Fashion

Catherine is your average girl, at least that's what most people think especially "Normals". Having the power over the minds of others as well as a vast intellect has made Cathy more or less corrupted with her own imagination. Constantly thinking, constantly manipulating Cathy plans out large aspects of her life in advance as well as changes people to fit those plans. People around Catherine Wiles change, not much, subtle things, but they definitely change. No one suspects the shy conservative girl who always keeps to herself. If only. Sometimes she can be a bit impulsive and when coupled with her powers, yields dangerous results. Despite her willingness to use her powers unchecked, Cathy can also be very kind, aside from tutoring regular students, she helps with the special ed classes on her free periods as well as assisting the kindergarten teachers on weekends.




-Stormy Weather
-Helping Those in Need
-Changing People

-Her Family

-Being Controlled Herself
-Being Confronted for Her Actions
-Being Alone

-Constantly Writing in Her Diary
-Following People to Learn about them

Catherine grew up like most other girls. Shy and distant keeping to herself, even now she rarely interacts with anyone outside the club, unless she wants something from them. At home, Cathy has trouble getting along with her parents and siblings, even to the extent where she is too intimidated to even use her power on them to a full extent. At school, she is usually with club members or the library, usually tutoring other students, which is where she seems to get most interaction. The truth is that Catherine Wiles is probably one of the most popular girls in school, except that no one knows. Constantly using her magic to manipulate people around her into order. Cathy lives a life of control. If someone was ever able to read her diary, they would find a trail of sex, power, and most importantly her greatest weakness.

At home Catherine had always been quiet, always keeping her gaze down and doing as she was told without question. Her parents were demanding and overworked her constantly as if she was their personal maid. On top of that, she was left to take care of her little sister, Annie, while her older sister, Katie, used and abused her more so than her parents. One day, she had enough. Finding Katie scolding Annie for something she didn't do, Cathy let out all her built up frustration, causing her powers to come out for the first time and inadvertently forcing her older sisters mind to resemble that of a dog. Cathy was terrified at what she had done, yet mystified. Despite her numerous efforts, Cathy could never bring her sister's mind back, nor could she affect her parents, seemingly too intimidated. Eventually, she met Jeanette, who helped her learn to control her abilities and gave her refuge, eventually finding herself falling for her and is always ready to stick by her side. Catherine often returns home to check on her sisters and had even helped her parents find better jobs for the express purpose of getting them out of the house and leave Annie alone.

Thoughts on normals
Catherine sees's herself be a silent god among regular humans. She respects people as people and would consider herself no different from them except that she believes she can use them however she likes, and they can't affect or overpower her.

Bedroom appearance


Has a crush on Meghan and Jean

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CS Sheet
CS Sheet

Katsuri Himura


Katsu, Kat, Kiki, Himu, Mushi, Suri, etc….

Power Affinity:

Date of birth:


Horoscope Sign:







Assumed to be a Korean mix.




Piercings? Scars? Tattoos?:

Her witch birthmark of a leaf along with a large scar across her shoulder from an incident as a child.

Notable Features:
Her Eyes, Her Scar.


Comfortable & Casual clothing, but always in her own unique style.
(A good example being her picture above.)



-Her Friends
-The cold
-Fun things!

-The Dark
-Hot days
-The Beach
-Weirdly shaped fruits and vegetables

-Being alone
-Small Spaces

-Small spaces

-Fumbling up her words when nervous.
-Always urning in the corner of a book page when finishing a chapter.
-Always eating red food before green food.

-Despite having a pair of glasses she often forgets to wear them.
-Humming to herself when daydreaming or loosing focus.
-Spacing out.


Thoughts on normals:

Katsuri sees normals as no different than them, equal in almost every way- I mean…. why should they be treated any different? she tried to help them whenever possibly and sometimes even using her powers in the utmost of secret ways in order to accomplish this, but would never let another member of the group know.

Bedroom appearance:
(Please Give Me One!!)

//None As Of Yet But Searching!!//

-She has a small silver locket in the shape of a heart that she always wears around her wrist or neck, in fact for all anyone knows she may never take it off.

-Katsuri can't cook savoury food to save her life, but she's a master of sweets or baked goods!
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Name: Hazel Green

Power Affinity: Shifter (Best form is a bear, minor is mind control, will learn during the RP)

Age: 18

Birthday: May 13

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Height: 5'7

Weight: 170 lbs

Attire: Very casual- she'd rather shoot herself than pay any attention to fashion.

Personality: Hazel is a very practical girl, but she does have a vindictive streak a mile long to her. She's a bit of an airhead as well. Despite that, she is notable for her loyalty to her friends, especially those in the club.

Likes: Reading, practicing magic, playing video games, cooking, warm days

Dislikes: Sports, being alone, shopping, loud music

Fears: The dark, failure

Quirks: Drums her fingers when she's thinking.

Bio: Hazel was eleven when she discovered her powers. Out in the woods behind her house, she had the misfortune of running into a wolf. The creature started to snarl at her, evidently angry at having its turf invaded. Hazel yelled back, trying to scare it off. In her fear and anger, her muscles thickened, her body grew, and she frightened the wolf away with an ear-splitting roar. It wasn't until later that she realized she had somehow turned into a bear. When Jean formed the club, Hazel joined immediately, eager to learn more about her powers.

Opinion on normals: "Live and let live, for the most part. If they help me, I'll help them. If they cross me, I'll unleash Hell on them."


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