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Fandom The Way Doesn't Cover Everything (Star Wars)

Lightning Dust

Il Mandaloriano
Hello everyone, I'll try to be short and sweet with this, but of course, if there's anything I left out please feel free to ask here or in PM.

-I want to start off by saying briefly what I'm hoping for from this RP. I play female characters, and the genres I'd be covering would generally be action/adventure with romance if you are comfortable with it.

-Regarding the whole Canon/OC talk I'll keep it short here and say that I'm going to play an OC myself and prefer OC/OC to have no constraints on that front, but if you have a Canon character you are inspired to play I'm likely to be amicable towards them. Romance preferences are FxF but I can to FxM, and I'd like to know if their relationship will be platonic or romantic before we start so we know what to build them towards

-I tend to post length wise similarly to how my partner posts, ranging from 2 paragraphs as my personal minimum to 2000+ characters. I'm no stickler on this front as I believe if you feel comfortable and can convey the necessary details, that is what a post needs, not length.

-If you want a gist of who I'd be playing, I'd roleplay a rookie female Mandalorian merc whose backstory would shift depending on the timeframe you enjoy, my preferences being OT era or 5-10 years afterward

- I want a central plot to tie the story together and goals to work towards, but I like to believe I'm creative so I will say this will depend on the character that you are playing. All I ask from my partner here is a bit of enthusiasm, which I think is the most important thing for a successful RP.

What I expect

-A willingness to world build. This ranges from helping me work out our characters' motivations and potentially finding somewhere interesting the plot can go, to playing minor characters in ideas. I'm comfortable leading things along, but I'd like to get some input so we are both engaged.

-17+, I'm 18+, and I'd like my partner to be. Not much more to say on this front it's more so for comfort than anything else.

What I'll give

-A layered character with virtues and flaws, but an ultimate willingness to improve and change the galaxy she's part of while engaging in a building dynamic with your own character.

-Daily responses. Life can be life but especially during these trying times, Roleplay is a great escape for me. I tend to respond multiple times a day with my own partner's schedule being more of a determining factor than mine, but I don't rush replies by any means and if you need more time to gain motivation or work up your post, don't fret about rushing responses with me.

-Openness to new ideas and criticism. We've all had times when we portray a powerful moment and our partner replies in a somewhat lukewarm and indifferent fashion. I'm not perfect and show no hard feelings if somebody believes my reply could convey more emotion, a mere typo, or a suggestion on how the story should flow.

-Themes from light to dark. If you have a vision for our party of the universe will be, whether it's idealistic characters dealing with the middle levels of Coruscant cleaning up the streets, or grimy mercenaries simply trying to scrape together a living in the outer rim, compromising morals for credits I'd love to tie this into the narrative


If you've read this far either by skimming or going through every word I'm glad, but if your interest was piqued I'd be even happier if you reached out either through comment or by PM to work something out with me! This may be a simple premise but I love to discuss things in detail back and forth.
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