The war that changed us forever. (Character sheet)

Ash Autopsy

One Thousand Club















Anything Else-

My Characters

Name- Violetta Richardson

Age- 27

Species- Vampire

Crush- David

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- David

Wife/Husband- David

Children- Marleina

Personality- Meet her.

Looks- Long brown hair and light hazel eyes.

History- Why should I tell you?

Anything Else- N/A

Name- David Richardson

Age- 31

Species- Vampire

Crush- Violetta

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Violetta


Children- Marleina

Personality- Strong, Stern, Funny.

Looks- short black hair and grayish/ blue eyes.

History- Coughs.

Anything Else- He has many scars.

Name- Marleina Richardson

Age- 16

Species- Vampire

Crush- None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- None

Wife/Husband- None

Children- None

Personality- Sweet, Funny, Caring, Artistic.


History- No.

Anything Else- N/A

Name- Caleb Forner

Age- 19

Species- Werewolf

Crush- None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- None

Wife/Husband- None

Children- None

Personality- Funny, A little rough on the edges but nice when you meet him.


History- Caleb has been a loner since his parents and brother were killed by the humans and now he's out for his revenge.

Anything Else- N/A
I will try to have Allura as one. T^T She's one of my... Seductive characters (NOTHING INAPPROPRIATE) and carries the beauty of a temptress, so bear with me.))

Name- Allura Heathers

Age- Stopped aging at 18

Species- Vampire

Crush- None at the moment

Children- Not anytime soon

Personality- Many describe her as a dark queen. Some describe her beautifully dangerous, often tricking males to do her will. Though there is a deep scar that not one of those who think they know her can see, often mistaken as one of the moments she'd "rest from the constant hunger for havoc and men" when she sits alone and stare up at the branches of a tree. But no one can really predict the goings-ons in the depths of her mind.


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History- Allura had been up and about for centuries. She'd been rumored to have been the daughter of a king before being turned, though nobody can tell for sure, seeing as she speaks almost nothing about her personal life.

Anything Else- Her constant hunger makes it like she's fed every day, which leaves her quite unstable due to the insistent desire to feed whenever her throat decides to go dry.
((Omg Ash you're starting with 4 charrys? O: ))

Name- Raven White

Age- 16

Species- Human

Crush- None Yet

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- N/A

Wife/Husband- N/A

Children- N/A

Personality- Raven is homeless, and a thief. She has to steal to survive after her parents were killed by vampires. She hates vampires ever since and would rather die than be turned. She is very quiet, thoughtful, and intelligent and seldom speaks. When she does, she talks with no emotion and doesn't spend a lot of time with anyone, so as not to get attached to anyone. She is not a very good fighter, so she would not be able to fight if attacked, but she is clever enough to escape.


History- Her parents were killed by vampires. She has not trusted anyone since and can come off as an emotionless witch. But deep down she is just alone and hurt. She was left homeless at 14 years old.

Anything Else-
Raven is bisexual (I hope that doesn't bother someone for some weird reason) Let me know if I need to put anything else.
Kay, here goes.)

Name- Scott Harley

Age- 20

Species- Werewolf

Crush- None at the moment

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Tends to avoid those

Wife/Husband- Never

Children- Not any time soon

Personality- Utterly and absolutely a jerk. That is all there is to know.

Looks- (The black haired one)

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History- Amnesia, has absolutely NO memory of his past.

Anything Else- He has a childish obsession with popsicles (as seen in the picture. >.>")
Name- Stella Darkwood

Age- 17

Species- Vampire

Crush- none

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- None

Wife/Husband- Hoping to get one later one

Children- not yet

Personality- She's timid, sweet and a tad bit clumsy. She'll find herself falling more than even a ditzy human, which was frowned upon by many vampires. She's mostly innocent, like a child with no knowledge of the world.


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History- She was the daughter of a vampire mistress, there for was high in social status... Until she decided to escape from it all.

Anything Else- She cannot resist sweets.
Name- Darius

Age- 16 (stopped aging) actual age 149

Species- vampire

Crush- none

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- none but wants a girlfriend

Wife/Husband- none and doesnt beleive hell ever find love

Children- none

Personality- very depressed. He longs for a place to fit in and have people who care about him. He feels like something is missing and is determined to find it no matter what the cost.


History- Abandoned as a child and left in the woods. Became a vampire but doesnt remember how or when but roughly estimates the age to be 16 based on looks.

Anything Else- He is mean very very mean.
Name- Lite Rige

Age- 72

Species- Human

Crush- Crunch

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Many friends

Wife/Husband- looking for his lost wife.

Children- He thinks he has a child

Personality- An asshole, arrogant, and altruistic


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History- He and his companion are feared amongst the vile demons. Known by many as the Hylions or the disciples of the sun. None to shed there brilliant light on everything. He use to be another regular until cursed with this power of biological assimilation in his arms or in other words, shape shifting. He has lost his family to this battle of demons and is on his search to reclaim it. This power is incredible but it's a shame he doesn't want it.

Anything Else-
Wanted by the law

Name- Wrath

Age- 27

Species- Werewolf

Crush- Crush all!

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- No friends

Wife/Husband- None

Children- None

Personality-Wild and beast like


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History- A wolf man who has almost completely lost all of his humanity. Doesn't even remember a human form

Anything Else-
Is loyal to Lite alone
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION], Can you please fix that link to Lite and Can you post what Wrath looks like as a human? Thanks.
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] Lite is pretty hot for 72 xD he looks kinda young, but can you find an actual picture for Wrath please? Sorry to sound like a pain in the ass.
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]

He looks... 23. (;

And sorry, I mean like a drawing or picture of an actual person, like Lite was fine
Name- Lite Rige

Age- 72

Species- Human

Crush- Crunch

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Many friends

Wife/Husband- looking for his lost wife.

Children- He thinks he has a child

Personality- An asshole, arrogant, and altruistic


View attachment 2895

History- He and his companion are feared amongst the vile demons. Known by many as the Hylions or the disciples of the sun. None to shed there brilliant light on everything. He use to be another regular until cursed with this power of biological assimilation in his arms or in other words, shape shifting. He has lost his family to this battle of demons and is on his search to reclaim it. This power is incredible but it's a shame he doesn't want it.

Anything Else-
Wanted by the law

Name- Wrath

Age- 27

Species- Werewolf

Crush- Crush all!

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- No friends

Wife/Husband- None

Children- None

Personality-Wild and beast like


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History- A wolf man who has almost completely lost all of his humanity. Doesn't even remember a human form

Anything Else-
Is loyal to Lite alone

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