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Fantasy The War of the Five Kingdoms CS


Revna Eris

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Here is the general CS you can use, you can add onto it if you'd like, just make sure you fill in the required information. If you have questions or are unsure about something you can PM me, or ask in here: Fantasy - The War of the Five Kingdoms OOC
Age Appearance:
Actual Age:
Hair Style/Color(s):
Eye Color(s)/Shape:
Good Traits:
Bad Traits:
(Optional) Animal Companion:
(Optional) Family:
(Optional) Bio:
(Optional) Face Claim:
(Optional) Outfit Claim:
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Name: Zerorar
Title: King of Shadows
Species: Shadow
Zerorar is able to create and bend electricity. While it is his only ability, it has many uses. His electric abilities are quite strong, however they fail against any earth-related magic. Further, enchanted armor can help against it. There even are enchantments to negate it´s effect. Those aren´t that easy to get, but weakening it is fairly possible.
Stormbreaker - A longsword, made for both, singel and dual handed use. It was forged for nobody but Zerorar himself and perfectly suits his ability, syncing with it. It was further induced with lightning, giving it strong abilites in that field on its own. All weaknesses mentioned above are true for those abilities as well though.

Age Appearance: Around 30
Actual Age: 140
Hair Style/Color(s): Appearing somewhat unkept, it represents the stormy nature of both, him and his ability. / Black
Eye Color(s)/Shape: Yellow
Height: 195cm
Weight: 80kg
Frame: He´s not weak, but he seem´s rather dainty. Though there is more muscle in that frame than one might at first think.
Build: Slender and tall
Good Traits:
-Able to take decisions quickly
-Good willed
Bad Traits:
-While he´s intelligent, he oftenly does not think before acting or speaking
-Cannot remain still for too long
-short attention span

Zerorar is a happy go lucky type. Very often, he will act or speak before having given a proper thought of the consequences. That means he might just say something very stupid or unsensitive without meanign any harm. Or he might just run into situations he should maybe have treated a bit more carefully. He seems to not be able to really attend to one matter a very long time, unless it´s of personal interest to him. Further, he seems to struggle to really sit still for too long.
Looking past his flaws, Zerorar is a very loyal and trustable person. While he oftenly messes up and is somewhat clumsy, he is a goodhearted and caring person. He tries to fulfill each and every of his duties and he does not do bad. He is a popular king and has his kingdom in his heart. He fights and would die to protect what is important to him, but he is not a warmongerer. While his kingdom is very important to him, there is nothing that means more to him than his wife.

Animal Companion:

Kaera the Thunderhawk

His wife, the shadow queen.


Name: Samael
Title: King of Demons
Species: Demon
Abilities: - Hell fire manipulation
- Dark Magic
- Beast Summoning and Controlling
- Demonic Creation
- Dark Element manipulation

KoD Sword.jpg
- the sword is able to absorb and throw back other powers.
Age Appearance: 26
Actual Age: 135
Hair Style/Color(s): Stops middle of his neck, black at the roots leading into white.
Eye Color(s)/Shape: Slanted eyes of a light purple color, almost glowing
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 215 lbs
Frame: Slim
Build: Stocky
Face Claim:
The Demon King.jpg

Good Traits:
Bad Traits:
(Optional) Animal Companion:
(Optional) Family:
Prince of Demons Human Form.jpgHuman Form
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Close to finish, just waiting on the others

"It would be wise not to overstay your welcome."

Basic Info
Name: Gabriel Hernandez

Title: Combat Butler of the Royal Family

Species: Human

Age Appearance: 23

Actual Age: 26

Height: 6'0

Weight: 175 lbs

Frame: At first glance, he doesn't look like much. He looks rather average in terms of being a butler.

Build: He has a gymnast-like type of body that isn't seen under multiple layers of clothing.

Good Traits:
✓ Loyal
✓ Quick to act when given orders
✓ Honest

Bad Traits:
✗ Insensitive
✗ Mildly asocial
✗ Has trouble connecting with people

Personality: Gabriel is often perceived as a serious individual because he doesn't speak all that much. Though once you spend a little more time with him, you come to understand that he does actually have a sense of humor and would often smile, smirk or laugh but quickly compose himself and act like nothing happened. When he is being addressed directly, he will speak. Chatter is generally unfamiliar with him, especially when it comes to strangers. He isn't used to having long talks with others and he's also quick to finish his sentences. With enough persistence, he will continue talking but you won't find him doing anything to continue it.

He doesn't consider many people his friends or are even remotely close to him. He typically doesn't seek out making relationships - platonic or otherwise - after all. And then, there's the fact that Gabriel isn't exactly the most expressive people. Yes, he smiles and suppresses chuckles, but he normally just doesn't have an expression on his face. He has what one calls a "Resting Bitch Face" hence the misconception that he doesn't like many things.

Erika Hernandez | Mother | Deceased
Miguel Hernandez | Father | Deceased
Maria Hernandez | Younger Sister | Alive

Biography: Gabriel was born into a poor family who lives at the far end of the Human Kingdom. Though 'lives' is a very rough term for it. Their family is nomadic in nature and traveled once they were sure that Gabriel could walk. They were in and out of the Human Kingdom out of necessity since his father can't hold down a job from there. They would often forage in the forests around the Human Kingdom or sometimes delve into something dangerous so they have something to sell. Gabriel thought that this kind of lifestyle was both normal and exciting, so long as he was with his parents. He didn't have much complaints as a kid and he was pretty sure that his parents appreciated that. When he was five, he received a little sister which became his responsibility to take care of. This also meant that they were grounded at a small village. His parents did often leave to work by joining hunting groups or border patrols or whatever odd job they could do.

Gabriel learned how to handle blades at an early age. First, it was just to skin animals that they hunted. But as time passed by, he learned how to fight using them as well. He has some knowledge on the usage of other weaponry but he seems to prefer something small and fast. This came in handy when their village was attacked when he turned ten years of age. Running away with only his sister in tow at the insistence of his parents, the two were left to fend for themselves. Gabriel took up many odd jobs so that he could feed both his sister and himself, but they also had to travel or else they'll run out of money as even rent cost them money.

They've met a lot of people in the way - different species who took pity on them and whatnot. There was even an incident where a demon had tried to make a contract with the young ones but they refused, seeing as it would only benefit them for a short while. They had miraculously survived until Gabriel was more able bodied to stay at one place and work. When he turned twenty, he was offered a job as a butler for the royal family and he accepted since it paid rather well. His sister works at a local bakery whose owners have happily offered to house his sister while he's working.

Part of the reason how they survived was Eczar - the Hellhound that kept on following them around ever since they had escaped as if they are it is trying to tell them that they were going to die. However, it hasn't happened yet. After a few years, they began to treat Eczar as some sort of pet - their dog. Since he became a butler, he's still had Eczar following him. He found it odd but he was allowed to keep him so long as he didn't attack anyone.

Combat Abilities

Acrobat - Since he practices mostly with knives and other small weaponry that are easily concealed, he has developed a fighting style that revolves around moving around quickly and nimbly. He's not easily tired because he's used to moving around when he's fighting.


Throwing Knives - He has a total of twenty knives hidden in his body - fourteen are located underneath his suit which he can easily reach into. He has three strapped near both of his ankles.

Dagger - He has two daggers that he can also easily take out but is still hidden from sight. It is strapped behind his back.

Animal Companion:

Eczar - Eczar is a hellhound that had been bound to Gabriel after an event surrounding his parents. Though it doesn't have control over fire, its claws and fangs do heat up somewhat when it goes into battle mode. His fur also bristles and his legs and neck turns red when it is threatened.

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