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Fantasy The War of Music

Natalie Ann

New Member
The War of Music

Ever since a year ago, our world has gone into a deadly war. A war of music. Before you how this would happen, let me start from the beginning.

It all started with an opinion, an opinion that would change how we lived. One thought that classical music was much better than the rest of the tunes out there. Of course people began to wonder. " Who is he to say the music I listen to is bad!" The angry metal head would yell. " Of course he's saying that to you! Your music is to damn loud!" The Rap lover would point out to the metal head. " Well all you say is rhymes and curse like maniacs" the Classical lover would yell. And well, before you know it. The angry metal head pulled out his bass and began to play. Loud waves of music blew the others back, but not the people who liked metal. Everyone pulled their instruments out and played, forming into the groups. The MetalHeads, The Rockers, The Pops, and The Classicals. The world is separated now by this, every day a small war happens.

But, there is one group. That agrees with all types of music. Well that's you. Fight with us, to bring back peace in this world.

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