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Fantasy The War Between Wolves


RWBY Fanatic

(Check OOC for Rules!)

NOTICE*** I will add human roles as the roleplay progresses just a bit further.

Roles (*'s mean this role should be filled first if it hasn't):

Burning Sun-

Alpha Female*: @xxbetaspiritxx












(Beta's usually take place of the Hunters in this pack)

Twilight Moon:

Alpha Female*:



Alpha Male*: Closed....

















I can no longer keep up with this, so join even if all the spots are filled.


Rough (Emphasis on rough) Character Sheet:








Powers (Please don't be too OP!):


Biography (more than one line please):

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Name: Flora Advercence

Age: 7

Pack: Burning Sun

Rank: Healer


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.6f0e3cc4f26493e056c62e63185599c9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.6f0e3cc4f26493e056c62e63185599c9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.94d4f3c6ac06a7c78b5b35660a712684.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104554" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.94d4f3c6ac06a7c78b5b35660a712684.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers (Please don't be too OP!): Can manipulate nature (plants) and water. Can heal, but it causes pain to her, and she can put people in temporary trances by singing.

Personality: She's a cheerful, innocent type of girl. She's very naive, playful and optimistic even during the war, she loves to see the good in everything and everyone even the TwilightMoon wolves. She has a golden heart and is willing to to anything for anyone.

Biography (more than one line please): Flora grew up in Burning Sun pack and was always taught that peace was better than war. Fighting was not the answer, and she completely agreed, her positive outlook on life can get her in some serious deep water. Flora is kind to all and she would sacrifice her life to save anyone even Twilight Moon members, and that fact annoys her pack, they sometimes tend to try to get her to not think that but she doesn't.

Other: Alpha's Youngest Daughter if okay with future Burning Sun alphas. :)

Can I make a Twilight Moon pup to be your alphas younger sister or daughter? @RedLikeRoses



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CelestialBunny said:
Name: Flora Advercence
Age: 14

Pack: Burning Sun

Rank: Healer

Human- View attachment 233057


View attachment 233059

Powers (Please don't be too OP!): Can manipulate nature (plants) and water. Can heal, but it causes pain to her, and she can put people in temporary trances by singing.

Personality: She's a cheerful, innocent type of girl. She's very naive, playful and optimistic even during the war, she loves to see the good in everything and everyone even the TwilightMoon wolves. She has a golden heart and is willing to to anything for anyone.

Biography (more than one line please): Flora grew up in Burning Sun pack and was always taught that peace was better than war. Fighting was not the answer, and she completely agreed, her positive outlook on life can get her in some serious deep water. Flora is kind to all and she would sacrifice her life to save anyone even Twilight Moon members, and that fact annoys her pack, they sometimes tend to try to get her to not think that but she doesn't.

Other: Alpha's Youngest Daughter if okay with future Burning Sun alphas. :)

Can I make a Twilight Moon pup to be your alphas younger sister or daughter? @RedLikeRoses
Wow! I did not expect this to catch interest that fast! Accepted! I'd be fine if you had a character that was my Alpha's younger sister! Also, we may not start incredibly soon, as I still want to get the required roles filled first.
RedLikeRoses said:
Wow! I did not expect this to catch interest that fast! Accepted! I'd be fine if you had a character that was my Alpha's younger sister! Also, we may not start incredibly soon, as I still want to get the required roles filled first.
Okie dokie :)

Name: Leon Callbier

Age: 32

Pack: Burning Sun

Rank: Alpha Male





Extreme senses (eyesight, hearing, etc)


When he fights he cuts off all feeling in his body. He will continue fighting until decapitated or injured in the heart.

Personality: Leon is usually calm and patient. He is level-headed most of the time and is always checking in on the pack members. He doesn't show his dominance a lot unless directly threatened, in which he quickly retaliates. He is fiercely loyal and protective and risks his life without thinking twice.

Biography: Leon actually grew up in the Twilight Moon pack before relocating to the Burning Sun. He was orphaned after his parents were killed in a scuffle at one of the attempted peace meetings. Leon was a scrawny boy and was constantly teased and bullied by the other children in the pack. Beatings were common and the adults encouraged it most of the time. But, as fate would see it, Leon was a late bloomer. He didn't shift for the first time until he was 17, and he went from runt to leader. His powers combined allowed him quite the advantage, and he was fully capable of taking over the pack as Alpha. Instead, he left for Burning Sun. The Twilight Moon pack was nothing more than evil heretics who were only intent on bloodshed, and that wasn't who Leon was. Burning Sun was quite the change from his old life, and Leon fit right in. The Alpha took him in under his wing, and when he was 22 and had fully proven himself to be loyal, responsible, and a leader the older Alpha stepped down. Leon has watched over the pack ever since and he refuses for it to become like Twilight Moon.

Others: Leon is blind in one eye and has giant scars on his back from his time as a child in Twilight Moon. His heightened senses allow for the loss of some of his eyesight to be worked through, but the scars tend to make him embarrassed.

@RedLikeRoses I skimmed through the overveiw, so my bad. :)
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Coal said:

Name: Leon Callbier

Age: 32

Pack: Burning Sun

Rank: Alpha Male





Extreme senses (eyesight, hearing, etc)


When he fights he cuts off all feeling in his body. He will continue fighting until decapitated or injured in the heart.

Personality: Leon is usually calm and patient. He is level-headed most of the time and is always checking in on the pack members. He doesn't show his dominance a lot unless directly threatened, in which he quickly retaliates. He is fiercely loyal and protective and risks his life without thinking twice.

Biography: Leon actually grew up in the Twilight Moon pack before relocating to the Burning Sun. He was orphaned after his parents were killed in a scuffle at one of the attempted peace meetings. Leon was a scrawny boy and was constantly teased and bullied by the other children in the pack. Beatings were common and the adults encouraged it most of the time. But, as fate would see it, Leon was a late bloomer. He didn't shift for the first time until he was 17, and he went from runt to leader. His powers combined allowed him quite the advantage, and he was fully capable of taking over the pack as Alpha. Instead, he left for Burning Sun. The Twilight Moon pack was nothing more than evil heretics who were only intent on bloodshed, and that wasn't who Leon was. Burning Sun was quite the change from his old life, and Leon fit right in. The Alpha took him in under his wing, and when he was 22 and had fully proven himself to be loyal, responsible, and a leader the older Alpha stepped down. Leon has watched over the pack ever since and he refuses for it to become like Twilight Moon.

Others: Leon is blind in one eye and has giant scars on his back from his time as a child in Twilight Moon. His heightened senses allow for the loss of some of his eyesight to be worked through, but the scars tend to make him embarrassed.

@RedLikeRoses I skimmed through the overveiw, so my bad. :)
L0ki said:
I'm currently working on his biography. I'm also looking for a decent wolf picture. As for the powers... i have no ideas O.o
Name: Loki H. Sterlyn

Age: 24

Pack: Twilight Moon

Rank: Alpha Male




1.87 meters tall // 73Kg

Wolf- WIP

Powers : WIP

Personality :He is ambitious and rather carefree. He isn't short-tempered, in fact, he can be very cool-headed, even when he fights. He is not provoked very easily and doesn't care much about what other people say. He is determined to achieve his goals 'till the end, so he doesn't slack off too much.He is very confident in his skills and abilities, sometimes underestimating his enemy. He tends to be little arrogant when the opponent is weaker than him or when the fight is about to end and it is assured that he will win. He cares little about his enemies and taunts them frequently, starts a small talk which usually infuriates them or uses psychological warfare when the situation requires it. Loki can be very perceptive and show his intelligent side, being able to make decent tactics or strategies.

Biography : WIP

Other- He has a rather odd love towards classic music. He possesses a violin of his own :)
Looks great as of right now. As for powers, every werewolf has super strength and heightened senses, you could have an extra one, such as mind control, mild shadow manipulation, telekinesis, teleportation, etc.
Name: Cinder Nightshade

Age: 24

Pack: Twilight Moon

Rank: Alpha Female




Powers (Please don't be too OP!): Cinder has your average werewolf powers: Super strength, hearing, sight, and smell as well as having the ability to move things with her mind (telekinesis).

Personality: Cinder is tough and always down to business, with a terrible temper. Although she does a good joke to ease her constant stress and tension. She rules her pack with an iron fist, and often gives harsh punishment to the weak links of the packs if they screw up. However, Cinder doesn't mean to be so crude, she was raised that way. She was taught that no one should disrespect her or her mate and that if she truly wanted to rule the pack, she should keep them controlled by fear. However, there are times when she ignores her own rules and shows strange acts of kindness to the pack. She hated seeing them scared beyond their wits, and would often gave them several warnings before punishing. Not to mention that most of the time, her mate has to be the level-headed person and tell Cinder when she's going too overboard. Deep down, Cinder is actually quite kind and sweet, and worries deeply for her pack, even if she's not afraid to let their blood shed.

Biography (more than one line please): Cinder came from a long, long, long line of Alpha's all ruling the Twilight Moon pack. Those who ruled before her were said to be 10 times as cruel as she is, and that upon her appointment as the female Alpha, the pack's harshness took a major drop. Her family made sure to instill strict rules upon her, so that she would rule a strong pack no matter what. On the rare occasions that Cinder questioned the 'niceness' of the way they ruled, she would be yelled at and beaten. Her parents wanted to make sure that she kept the almost dictator-like rule inside the pack for decades to come.

Other- Cinder has a large scar over her right eye, and although people ask her where it came from, she has never told. > :)
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Name: Molloch Guinervis

Age: 26

Pack: Twilight Moon

Rank: Warrior/Hunter






Powers: Adrenal Overload- Pupils dilate, muscles tense. It's pure physicality beyond what even most werewolves can do, but not without its price afterwards. Molloch's been known to tear muscles, pull joints, and sustain just about every other possible injury, but he's often too far gone in instinct to care. The mental restraint simply isn't there.

Personality: A revanchist to the extreme, Molloch is tired of the peaceful nature of the Burning Sun - which he views as grovelling- and the exile that was imposed upon their kind by the humans. He won't back down from any slights against him, nor against those in the pack. There's something broken, for lack of a better term, inside him. A kind of unhinged aggression.

Biography: Molloch was the abandoned pup of the litter. Not the runt, but the one that was inexplicably shunned. He was raised by his original pack, a small little group on the fringe of Arcore, until he was 14. By then, the years of neglect had already affected him, but it all came to an end when he returned from a venture into the wild to find... nothing. No home, no tracks, no pack. Alone.

So be it.

And thus he set out on his own, determined that none would be able to dismiss him quite so easily again. The Twilight Moon picked him up with some hesitation once they realized his view of the other factions of the world aligned with their own, and he carved out his own niche within their hierarchy. When dealing with outsiders, he's their weapon. Within their own hierarchy, he requires a firm hand and close eye.

Other- :)

Nerve damage means he can't fully open his left eye.

Theme Music


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Ranulf01 said:
Name: Molloch Guinervis
Age: 26

Pack: Twilight Moon

Rank: Warrior/Hunter






Powers: Adrenal Overload- Pupils dilate, muscles tense. It's pure physicality beyond what even most werewolves can do, but not without its price afterwards. Molloch's been known to tear muscles, pull joints, and sustain just about every other possible injury, but he's often too far gone in instinct to care. The mental restraint simply isn't there.

Personality: A revanchist to the extreme, Molloch is tired of the peaceful nature of the Burning Sun - which he views as grovelling- and the exile that was imposed upon their kind by the humans. He won't back down from any slights against him, nor against those in the pack. There's something broken, for lack of a better term, inside him. A kind of unhinged aggression.

Biography: Molloch was the abandoned pup of the litter. Not the runt, but the one that was inexplicably shunned. He was raised by his original pack, a small little group on the fringe of Arcore, until he was 14. By then, the years of neglect had already affected him, but it all came to an end when he returned from a venture into the wild to find... nothing. No home, no tracks, no pack. Alone.

So be it.

And thus he set out on his own, determined that none would be able to dismiss him quite so easily again. The Twilight Moon picked him up with some hesitation once they realized his view of the other factions of the world aligned with their own, and he carved out his own niche within their hierarchy. When dealing with outsiders, he's their weapon. Within their own hierarchy, he requires a firm hand and close eye.


Nerve damage means he can't fully open his left eye.

Theme Music


Name: Kara St. Claire:)

Age: 26 Years old

Pack: Burning Sun

Rank: Alpha Female




Powers (Please don't be too OP!): Kara has the ability to pick through people's memories and show them that memory. This often comes in handy if she is fighting with someone, and can bring up their worst enemy and make them relive it.

Personality: Kara is a very calm, reserved person. She is the one who keeps her cool, no matter what situation. But that doesn't mean that she can't get fired up. What some don't know is that Kara feels her emotions very highly. She has to struggle to contain every emotion to keep it at a normal level. So sometimes, when she is alone, she lets it all out. This doesn't mean that she can't be sarcastic though. In fact, she is known around the pack for her sarcasm.

Biography: Kara doesn't have a very interesting back story. She used to be a loner, not caring for either side. She would tick off one pack after another. But once while she was hunting, Kara got attacked. She doesn't know what it was. But the Burning Sun Pack saved her life. And so she stayed with them, eventually becoming the Alpha Female for her strategy and cleverness.
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Rainy83 said:
Name: Kara St. Claire
Age: 26 Years old

Pack: Burning Sun

Rank: Alpha Female




Powers (Please don't be too OP!): Kara has the ability to pick through people's memories and show them that memory. This often comes in handy if she is fighting with someone, and can bring up their worst enemy and make them relive it.

Personality: Kara is a very calm, reserved person. She is the one who keeps her cool, no matter what situation. But that doesn't mean that she can't get fired up. What some don't know is that Kara feels her emotions very highly. She has to struggle to contain every emotion to keep it at a normal level. So sometimes, when she is alone, she lets it all out. This doesn't mean that she can't be sarcastic though. In fact, she is known around the pack for her sarcasm.

Biography: Kara doesn't have a very interesting back story. She used to be a loner, not caring for either side. She would tick off one pack after another. But once while she was hunting, Kara got attacked. She doesn't know what it was. But the Burning Sun Pack saved her life. And so she stayed with them, eventually becoming the Alpha Female for her strategy and cleverness.
Hey! I actually realized that you need to read the rules and add one quick and painless thing into your CS!
I just fixed it, thanks:)

Name: Caster Grey

Age: 29 Years old

Pack: Twilight Moon

Rank: Beta Male




Powers (Please don't be too OP!): Caster is very well known for his ability to mess with people's minds. He can make them see things that aren't really there. He often uses it to trick others.

Personality: Caster is a very playful guy. He is the trickster of the of the pack. However his tricks are often cruel and include mental or physical pain. He has a very twisted idea of humor.

Biography (more than one line please): Caster was born and raised in the Twilight Moon pack, which probably accounts for his cold personality. He has always had the aura of power. Even when the pups played as packs, he would always be the Alpha:)

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Rainy83 said:
I just fixed it, thanks:)
Name: Caster Grey

Age: 29 Years old

Pack: Twilight Moon

Rank: Beta Male




Powers (Please don't be too OP!): Caster is very well known for his ability to mess with people's minds. He can make them see things that aren't really there. He often uses it to trick others.

Personality: Caster is a very playful guy. He is the trickster of the of the pack. However his tricks are often cruel and include mental or physical pain. He has a very twisted idea of humor.

Biography (more than one line please): Caster was born and raised in the Twilight Moon pack, which probably accounts for his cold personality. He has always had the aura of power. Even when the pups played as packs, he would always be the Alpha:)

[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]Are you accepting human Characters?

I can. They probably wont come in play until further on in the rp though.
Quote: "Fuck it."

Main Info

Name: Dio Delande


Gender: Male




(This is a rough representation since my commission for my character isn't done yet)

  • Hazel Eyes
  • Wild brown hair
  • Outfit consists of classic cowboy attire, the vest is thick leather with a pronounced shoulder pad on the left side.
  • Medium build
  • Tanned Skin
  • Left hand is a worn, red, metal prosthetic. Runes are carved along the length of the bicep, forearm and palm.

Rp Info

Race: Human

class: Cowboy/Gunslinger


  • Pulling the trigger
  • Magic use using the left hand prosthetic (things like fireballs and "force" shoving)
  • Sharp shooting
  • Fist Fighting
  • Knife Fighting


  • Dual .45 revolvers (Pythons)
  • Custom hunting knife
  • Rifle Blade (Literally a high powered rife repeater with two halve broadsword blades either side)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-9_12-38-1.png.16119b6fa4a46ef3d33d33fdfd2c3857.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104900" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-9_12-38-1.png.16119b6fa4a46ef3d33d33fdfd2c3857.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • (Rough Schematic)


Dio was born in a more rugged section of the world. Areas consisting of harsh sunlight, unforgiving dessert landscapes, ruthless gangs and gunfights. When he was a child he spent most of his time helping hi Pa herd the cattle and other animals across the dessert plains. His parents were alright people, they taught him a lot. His Mother taught him how to care, to love and to cook. His dad on the other hand taught him how to fist fight, gun fight or any other kind of fight you can think of. He also taught him how to gut, skin and clean an animal. He was rough on Dio but not as rough as he could have been considering he was a raging alcoholic. But there were other lessons that he learned too. Like he learned his first curse word from his good pal Neil. He also learned how to hate from the Gangsters who slaughtered his family and left him for dead in the middle of a canyon. Yep. When Dio was roughly 16 his hometown was visited by an unnamed gang. In a single night they had swept through town slaughtering, raping and looting (although the looting was the last of everyone's worries.) Dio was able to run for a bit but the gangsters eventually caught the cowboy. They cut of his left arm and left him (Pun intended) in a Canyon for dead. When he awoke the next morning his arm was inexplicably cauterized to his left was his father's hunting knife and lying on his chest was small canine like creature crackling with electrical energy. Him and his new strange companion Rocco traveled to the East where he became an apprentice black/powder smith and crafted himself a working prosthetic. His master was a fare man and treated him Dio well. On a particularly rainy day and old man visited Dio in the smithing workshop looking for a prosthetic leg. Seeing the old man's cheap wooden peg leg Dio's heart went out to the old man. He told the man that he would get the job done free of charge, and in the meantime the man could rest in the smithing workshop. When the new leg was finally complete and gave it to the old traveler, the man insisted in paying. The old man revealed himself to be sorcerer and carved runes in Dio's prosthetic. A couple year later he finished his apprenticeship and worked side by side with his old master. After another year though his masters house was looted. His body was found clutching his child's. Both of their throats were slit cleanly. After that Dio and Rocco set out on a righteous quest to get revenge on the wrong doers of the world and ending anyone who got in their way. If you ever meet him make sure you don't stand to close. Although he may be charismatic and have a sharp tongue he is no stranger to a fist fight and will take you down if you stand in his way.

Extra Info

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Cranberry juice, music (rock, jazz etc.), things that go boom, thunder storms, brawls.

Dislikes: Alcohol, assholes (like annoying people not the body part... I feel like that goes with out saying but I thought I should clarify).

Extra: Not religious, working as a mercenary.



  • upload_2016-2-9_12-38-1.png
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[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]
Quote: "Fuck it."
Main Info

Name: Dio Delande


Gender: Male




(This is a rough representation since my commission for my character isn't done yet)

  • Hazel Eyes
  • Wild brown hair
  • Outfit consists of classic cowboy attire, the vest is thick leather with a pronounced shoulder pad on the left side.
  • Medium build
  • Tanned Skin
  • Left hand is a worn, red, metal prosthetic. Runes are carved along the length of the bicep, forearm and palm.

Rp Info

Race: Human

class: Cowboy/Gunslinger


  • Pulling the trigger
  • Magic use using the left hand prosthetic (things like fireballs and "force" shoving)
  • Sharp shooting
  • Fist Fighting
  • Knife Fighting


  • Dual .45 revolvers (Pythons)
  • Custom hunting knife
  • Rifle Blade (Literally a high powered rife repeater with two halve broadsword blades either side)

View attachment 234000

  • (Rough Schematic)


Dio was born in a more rugged section of the world. Areas consisting of harsh sunlight, unforgiving dessert landscapes, ruthless gangs and gunfights. When he was a child he spent most of his time helping hi Pa herd the cattle and other animals across the dessert plains. His parents were alright people, they taught him a lot. His Mother taught him how to care, to love and to cook. His dad on the other hand taught him how to fist fight, gun fight or any other kind of fight you can think of. He also taught him how to gut, skin and clean an animal. He was rough on Dio but not as rough as he could have been considering he was a raging alcoholic. But there were other lessons that he learned too. Like he learned his first curse word from his good pal Neil. He also learned how to hate from the Gangsters who slaughtered his family and left him for dead in the middle of a canyon. Yep. When Dio was roughly 16 his hometown was visited by an unnamed gang. In a single night they had swept through town slaughtering, raping and looting (although the looting was the last of everyone's worries.) Dio was able to run for a bit but the gangsters eventually caught the cowboy. They cut of his left arm and left him (Pun intended) in a Canyon for dead. When he awoke the next morning his arm was inexplicably cauterized to his left was his father's hunting knife and lying on his chest was small canine like creature crackling with electrical energy. Him and his new strange companion Rocco traveled to the East where he became an apprentice black/powder smith and crafted himself a working prosthetic. His master was a fare man and treated him Dio well. On a particularly rainy day and old man visited Dio in the smithing workshop looking for a prosthetic leg. Seeing the old man's cheap wooden peg leg Dio's heart went out to the old man. He told the man that he would get the job done free of charge, and in the meantime the man could rest in the smithing workshop. When the new leg was finally complete and gave it to the old traveler, the man insisted in paying. The old man revealed himself to be sorcerer and carved runes in Dio's prosthetic. A couple year later he finished his apprenticeship and worked side by side with his old master. After another year though his masters house was looted. His body was found clutching his child's. Both of their throats were slit cleanly. After that Dio and Rocco set out on a righteous quest to get revenge on the wrong doers of the world and ending anyone who got in their way. If you ever meet him make sure you don't stand to close. Although he may be charismatic and have a sharp tongue he is no stranger to a fist fight and will take you down if you stand in his way.

Extra Info

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Cranberry juice, music (rock, jazz etc.), things that go boom, thunder storms, brawls.

Dislikes: Alcohol, assholes (like annoying people not the body part... I feel like that goes with out saying but I thought I should clarify).

Extra: Not religious, working as a mercenary.

Alllllllright. Now I just need you to read the rules please, and have you read what this roleplay is about in the overview? I was just wondering.
RedLikeRoses said:
Alllllllright. Now I just need you to read the rules please, and have you read what this roleplay is about in the overview? I was just wondering.
I've read the overview and I just got fresh on the rules.
[QUOTE="Throne Trinity]I've read the overview and I just got fresh on the rules.

Alright, that's great. I don't really know how to bring your character in yet.. do you want him to be good or evil?
Good world be preferred but either really works for me. If you don't have a spot for me yet that's fine, just let me know when you're ready to throw me into the fray.

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