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The War Between Gods(Always Open)

Will you join the war?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Indecisive Being



On the Land of Gods, there was once peace, but every millennium the God of Darkness would grow weary of the tranquility.

The time has come. The God of Luck foretold the God of Light the ever thinning patience of Darkness.

Who will act first? The God of Light or the God of Darkness?

Who will reign the Land of Gods? Will Light succeed again or will Darkness prevail?

The God of Luck decides.


The God of Light

The God of Light (1 opening)

War Leader

Demigod of Light (1 opening)

First Commander

Light Warrior (? openings)


The God of Nature (1 opening)

War Co-leader

Demigod of Nature (1 opening)

Second Commander

Nature Warrior (? openings)


The God of Darkness

The God of Darkness (1 opening)

War Leader

Demigod of Darkness (1 opening)

First Commander

Dark Warrior (? openings)


The God of Chaos (1 opening)

War Co-leader

Demigod of Chaos (1 opening)

Second Commander

Chaos Warrior (? openings)


vinom said:
What game system is this?
Tentatively staking a claim for Chaos God.
I am the God of Luck. I determine who wins or loses.

I am the judge. If I can't decide, I roll a die.

EDIT: People can only call dibs once they create a character sheet.

I'm working on the Character sheet SAMPLE now.
Last edited by a moderator:
This is a sample CS





Name: Any name will do

God Type: Demigod of Darkness

Personality: A very angry individual. His rage boils everyday closer and closer to the edge, but being the very controlled being he is he usually holds it inside of himself. Often appearing quiet and silent rarely speaking of speaking softly when he talks. His immediate expression is boredom and un-attentiveness. Only letting his massive rage and anger boil over during a fight. When battling he often goes overboard screaming and getting carried away. When fighting his true colors show making him appear as the blood-lusting demon he is.

Quirks: a peculiar behavioral habit your character has

Perks: Positive things about your character


Skills/Powers: I want the name of the power/skill and a description of what it does. Please list all your powers/skills. I don't want any surprises.


Extra: Put here whatever you want to add

"A quote your God would say"



[center][img=>>>GO TO FONTMEME.COM FOR A COOL FONT AND GET THE URL<<<][/center]




[accordion=50%|bright]{slide=[bG=>>>CHOOSE A HEX COLOR<<<][bORDER=1px solid >>>CHOOSE A HEX COLOR<<<]Basic[/bORDER][/bG]}
God Type:
{slide=[bG=>>>CHOOSE A HEX COLOR<<<][bORDER=1px solid >>>CHOOSE A HEX COLOR<<<]Skills[/bORDER][/bG]}
Skills/Powers: Name/Definition
{slide=[bG=>>>CHOOSE A HEX COLOR<<<][bORDER=1px solid >>>CHOOSE A HEX COLOR<<<]Extra[/bORDER][/bG]}
[bg=>>>CHOOSE A HEX COLOR (put White if you have no bg)<<<]
[center]">>>MUST put a quote HERE<<<"[/center]


In regard to skills/powers:

Gods have unlimited skills & powers. 10 max skills & powers (total 20)

Demigods are half human and half God, so you have limited powers. 5 max skills & powers (total 10)

Warriors are practically human who were granted some powers by the Gods. They have a total of 5 skills or powers, so 3 or 2 of skills and 3 or 2 of powers.

Skills are like physical fighting skills.


Karate Chop- The target is attacked with a sharp chop. Critical hits land more easily.

Tornado Kick- The user has perfect balance and is able to kick while spinning rapidly enabling multiple kicks at once at the target

Thunder Punch- The target is punched with an electrified fist. This may also leave the target with paralysis.

Powers are the magic-like abilities you have.


Flame Conductor- Can produce flames out of thin air

Shapeshifter- Can change the physical form
You know, New Gods of Mankind is a game system practically made for this sort of game.
New gods of Mankind is an RP system about being gods in the tribal eras of human history. Back when the knowledge of bows hadn't reached everyone.

Every god get's one primary domain where the core of their essence is captured, and three secondary domains, letting things that give them more personality. They also have inclinations toward Creation, Destruction, Transformation, and Control, every god is in harmony with one, opposed to another, and balanced with the other two.

So let's say we have Kisgaus, God of Chaos. His primary domain is Chaos, and he has the secondary domains of Pirates, Roads, and Marriage. He is in harmony with Transformation and opposed to Control.

All conflicts, from a pair of hunters being stalked by tigers to a game of an assassian sneaking around and killing your foes clergy are handled with simple dice pool roll offs.
This role play is more for the role play (writing) than for the dice incorporated in it. What I said to you was a more simple version of my system, but there is more to it. I have a judging criteria and luck percentages and such. Basically, just fight to your hearts content until you feel it is time to be judged, and I'll worry about who defeats who.

Don't worry. I'll display my judgement criteria, so everyone understands my God's judgement.
The system is designed to inspire roleplay, not hinder it. But it's also designed to be fair for those people who aren't full blown writers.
vinom said:
The system is designed to inspire roleplay, not hinder it. But it's also designed to be fair for those people who aren't full blown writers.
I'm not judging by who's a better writer.

I'll write my Judging criteria later. Just got out of work.
So far, I have 3 yes and 2 maybes.

I need at least 6 yes or players willing to play more than one character.

And about the judging criteria. I'm too lazy to write it at the moment, but once I have enough people joining, I'll create the Role Play and explain everything.
I am now currently working on the RP. It should be done within a week. Hopefully, before or on Sunday January 31st.
For those who are interested, you don't have to worry about previous posts. You start off fresh and report to your main God or your War leader in the role play and await orders from them.
Don't be scared to join! We're always open (and technically, your character never dies)!

Well, you do technically die, but your soul is summoned to the Underworld and you get to chat with the God of Death. Isn't that cooool?

I bet everybody would love to talk with the God of Death<3
Well, the war has certainly gotten more interesting. Nature and Light are no loner allies and we need more warriors for Nature and Light.

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