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Realistic or Modern The War between City Walls CS


You've been am-bushed!
The War between City Walls
IC | Interest Check/OOC

This roleplay was inspired by the roleplay Heroes and Villains by B BlueClover and D duegxybus . This is a continuation/soft reboot of that roleplay in my version of events. Please support the original creators, since most of this roleplay was inspired by their brilliant ideas.

Welcome to the character sheets! Please put in the information below for your character. If you have questions, ask me. A liked post means approved.
Nickname/Alias: (Optional)
Blood Type:


Likes: (Optional)
Dislikes: (Optional)
Human Strengths: (Include Skills, Good Traits, etc)
Human Weaknesses: (Include flaws, fears, etc)

Affiliation: (Hero, Sidekick, Vilgante, or Villain)
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: (See below)
Power Limits:
Physical Weaknesses: (Like Kryptonite; Optional)

Extra (Optional)
Theme song:

1 - Fight small criminals; small attacks; Doesn't pose much of a threat
2 - Fights normal villains, gangs, and thugs; medium attacks; poses an average threat
3 - Fights each other in rank; mega attacks; poses major threat to the city (These types are limited)

D duegxybus B BlueClover Sleepy Asian Sleepy Asian @Drippi the gunsmith Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Theflamre Theflamre Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser Moonshadow Moonshadow Ticci Toby Rogers Ticci Toby Rogers
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Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn. -Alfred Pennyworth

Name: Unknown

Nickname/Alias: The Jester

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male


Weight: 69 Kg

Height: 6"1

Blood Type: Unknown

Personality: He is simply a lunatic. You can't buy him, negotiate with him, talk with him. He isn't one of those kinds of villain. His sadistic nature is what makes him terrifying.

Sexuality: Unknown

Habits/Quirks: Likes to talk with short pauses, usually plays with a knife

Hobbies: Unknown

Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: Unknown

Human Strengths:
-He is the kingpin of the criminal underworld. He is feared by many and not because he has powers or anything, it's because of how he uses his knowledge and intellect. He can make a rank 2 and even a rank 3 superhero or vigilante suffer greatly.
-His skills in fighting, using intimidation tactics and etc. He clearly is and always have planned everything 3 steps ahead. Once you catch him, you'd have to sacrifice something in the process. He is smart to say the least and coupled with his lunacy, makes for a daunting opponent that won't even hesitate for a second to kill anyone who stands in his path.

Human Weaknesses: His flaw is, of course, him being human. He will die to anything a human would albeit harder. He is though very afraid of being forgotten. He also coupled with his lunacy is not afraid to die, in fact, he welcomes it with open arms and this can lead him to be doing some.... "Questionable" tactics.

Bush Bush

This is my first attempt at making a villain and of course I'm sticking with the human design I always have but this time, my character doesn't hesitate to kill. His connection to the underworld means he always knows and always has so he makes for a very, very daunting opponent later on in the rp i hope.
Name: Arnold Hatcherson

Nickname/Alias: King of the Cartles

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Weight: 140
Height: 5'9
Blood Type: O+

Personality: Arnold can be described in three words: Cold, ruthless, and calculating. He is a man driven by ambition and one with charsmia and ruthlessness to boot. However, inside, he is a broken man, still grieving for the lose of his family, thinking that maybe the criminal lifestyle can grant him some satsfaction and fill the void that was left after his family died

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Habits/Quirks: Tends to, when left alone, to talk to himself

Playing chess
Reading (his favorite book of all time is the Man in the High Castle)

Human Strengths:
His intelligence

Human Weaknesses:
When all is said and done, without his enhancing pill and lackies, he can be easily killed

He also has a fear of having his empire fall, which is what drives him to have as many super-powered beings join him or be wiped off the face of the Earth

Affiliation: Villian

Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2

Bio: Arnold's past is, to many, a mystery. Many wonder if Arnold was his actual birth name or he took on a different name. All that is known is that Arnold had a wife and child, thier names are only known to Arnold, and the Del Sacramento cartle had them murdered, the reason, again, only Arnold knows. This left Arnold broken but was able to find a box of pills the murders and left a note saying that these pills were to be used if the cops arrived and they would provide them with super strength. Arnold used these pills to hunt down in kill the leaders of the Sacramento cartel, including the ones who mudered his family. He soon burned any record of his family or him, making sure he would be the only one who would know what his past life was like. Over the course of two years, Arnold was able to slowly expand his influence and soon became the most powerful Cartel head, controlling many illegal operations across the Americas. He now sets his eyes on Innovalle, wanting to bring in as many super-powered beings into his cartel as he can and wanting to destory the heroes and vigilanties of the city
They say everyone's born a hero. But if you let it, life will push you over the line until you're the villain. Problem is, you don't always know that you've crossed that line.

Vivienne Maria Volkov


Eurus (Alias)







Blood Type:

Vivienne can easily come off as being cold, rude, brutal and sarcastic. Towards others, she is nothing less than disdainful and blunt, carrying herself and her opinions out loud with little forethought or regret to insulting or showing disrespect to anyone. If aggravated or extremely annoyed by someone in her disfavor, Vivienne could become an intimidating figure. Beneath her flaws, Irene is a good person at heart and chose to turn her life around and become a hero to help people. To the few people she cared about, she is willing to defend them fiercely and kept her distance from them as to not have them be collateral damage. Vivienne is a somewhat unstable individual. She suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress and Survivor's Guilt. Vivienne also has an addict side to her personality which she uses to cope with her repeated tragedies. She is also a drug addict. Due to her Enhanced metabolism, she is able to consume vast quantities of alcohol without damage to her liver and appears to have high tolerance.


must hum while brushing teeth, regularly looks up at the sky, when off- duty carries a notepad with her to doodle.

Art, reading, cooking/baking,

Human Strengths:
>Expert Spy: Vivienne was a dangerous KGB operative who was trained in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. She displays an uncanny affinity for psychological manipulation and can mask her real emotions perfectly. She is capable of killing in cold blood when the need arises.

> Peak Human Conditioning: Through her many years of training as both a sidekick and a spy. Vi has accomplished the ability to have bodily functions at the maximum limit of human condition. By far her most advanced function is her agility. Vi is a gifted and accomplished athlete, with heightened acrobatic prowess.

>hand to hand combat- Vivienne is an expert in many fields of martial arts. Beyond that she had found a skill of her own, pressure-point-striking martial arts. With her extensive knowledge of the human body, she could strike sequences of pressure points, immobilizing her enemies to various degrees. She has the ability to paralyze a single body part or an opponent's entire body. However, if her target had faced her before or was expecting her attacks, the effectiveness of her chi blocking decreases, if her opponent take measures to prevent her from using the same technique.

Human Weaknesses:
>Drug addict: Vi likes to bury her feelings and past with drugs which can lead to her demise.

>Aimless – After living the KBG, Vi is Devoid of direction or purpose in life. This can affect her judgement skills and may even cause her to switch sides.

>Fierce –Vi is Marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently

>Her past: Due to her traumatic past, she suffers from Post traumatic Stress Disorder as well as survivor's guilt.

>Human: She can die like any other human, however she is just slightly harder to kill.

>Has a breaking point: Vi's willpower is shaky which can be a disadvantage regarding being swayed to do something.


Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level:


>Aerokinesis- The power to manipulate air/wind.

Power Limits:

>Vi can only reach a certain distance and her precision isn't always exact.

>Vi's ability to manipulate the air is affected by her emotions; hence, if she does not maintain control, a fit of rage might induce a lot of damage

> Can be weakened against Pyro, as fire is fueled by the oxygen in the air, thus making the flames stronger.

>Higher level Electrokinesis users can use electrons to detonate the various compound molecules within the air, overwhelming the Vivienne.
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Name: Hareet Stinger
Nickname/Alias: Nightstinger
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Weight: 134lbs
Height: 5,1
Blood Type: A-

Personality: Hareet is violent and cocky, and he loves it. He loves the feeling of attacking criminals, villains, and even heroes. While fighting, he shows off his skills to his opponents. When he's not fighting, he shows off his massive ego of his. When something doesn't go his way, he gets angry and in battle, that could be a deadly advantage. Hareet not someone you'll call a friend. However, when he's alone, he becomes a totally different person. Relaxed, quiet, and more focused.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Habits/Quirks: Would fire his gun for attention, sometimes giving away his cover. Whistling is something he does mid-battle. He's also addicted to Brisk Lemonade. One thing he does is speak outloud his thoughts, then question if he really spoke outloud.
Hobbies: When he's not fighting, he's at an abandoned apartment, practicing his skills. When at home, he cooks food, reads books, and drinks Brisk Lemonade. He enjoys a quiet moment so he can recharge after a battle.
Human Strengths: Knows all the types of guns and fires them with complete accuracy with his telekinesis (If he can catch the bullet with his mind). Knows different hand to hand types and is beginning to learn to swordfight. He also knows how to cook.
Human Weaknesses: He acts with an ego, making him selfish and ignorant. He would attack a hero if they're stealing the spotlight. Hareet doesn't really care for anyone. His biggest fear is his actions catching up to him. Also, because of his additional, he litters the streets with soda cans of Brisk Lemonade.

Affiliation: Vilgante
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 1
Power: Telekinesis. He can pick up items and use them with his mind. He can also figure out the perfect use for and the history of the object. Using his telekinesis, he can float, jump higher, run faster, parkour, and do stunts. He can immobilize someone and if he ready tries hard enough, he can use telepathy.
Power Limits: When he uses telekinesis, his energy is drained. He cannot big up something bigger than a truck.
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Name: ???
Nickname/Alias: S
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Weight: 120 lbs
Height: 5'4
Blood Type: O+


Personality: Cynical, tactical, dangerous, and flirtatious would be all ways to describe S. She has an irresistible charm that allows her to get what she wants from most people, either through charm or pain. Pain is one of her favorite things, as she's able to cause it with great ease to someone. She believes in her powers, but also her skills.

Another way to describe S would be intelligent. She knows when she can get allies, when she needs allies, and when she can discard them. This is a psychopathic trait, but she doesn't come across as one immediately. She is incredibly good at hiding it.
Sexuality: Pansexual. She will fuck anything and anyone.
Chews on her hair when she's bored
Bites her tongue often when faced with adversary
Likes drawing blood
Hobbies: N/A. She doesn't have hobbies. Well, except for gardening maybe, to calm her down.
Human Strengths:
+Extreme Pain Tolerance
+Master of Teleportation and combat
+Peak human agility: She can choke someone with her foot, balance at the edge of a building, walk across a tightrope, vault over apartment complexes, and even bite others.
Human Weaknesses:
+Too lustful, and may sometimes get too involved in sexual affairs when attempting to get something.
+Sometimes, she may be unable to retain her composure and may lose sight of the goal when distracted.

Affiliation: Villain
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 3
Advanced Teleportation - The ability to teleport. Seems pretty simple, right? WRONG! Her form of teleportation makes her extremely hard to beat! Her teleportation consists of...
-Remote Teleportation: Just by focusing on an object that is 100m away and weighs less than 1458kg, she can teleport it to a new location that is 100m within her line of sight
-Teleflex/Autonomy: To things she cannot reach to normally, such as bullets and projectiles, her teleportation takes care of it for her. It teleports her to a random safe location within 200m of the site of the projectile. Her teleportation also can be used in hand to hand, though it only recognizes projectiles as threats
-Teleportkinesis: With extreme coordination, she can simulate telekinesis, flight, and other abilities by teleporting objects around.
-Teleport Combat: She teleported knives and projectiles into the bodies of her enemies, bypassing enhanced durability and enhanced reflexes.
Power Limits:
A powerful power comes with serious drawbacks such as...
Vomiting bile and blood, nausea, migraines, fatigue, ringing in ears, temporary blindness
Splicing - Teleporting into area occupied by other matter can result in amputation or decapitation. Teleporting within caves and tunnels is harder and may result in splicing much easier than before.
Physical Weaknesses: Anger, lust, and emotional manipulate are especially effective against her.

Extra (Optional)
-Andrea Kenzie, Sister
Theme song:

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Name: Roman A. Rose
Nickname/Alias: The Brute (often dubbed "the B-Man" in the criminal underworld)
Age: 23
Gender: Cismale


*The mask is black and enables night vision as well as thermal vision(the ability to see heat signature coming off of living organisms). Was a gift of his former hero life. No guns either, no bat tattoo.
Weight: 187 lbs.
Height: 5'10"
Blood Type: O-

Personality: Roman isn't necessarily the silent type but is still rather relaxed/laid-back/chill af. He wields a very sarcastic attitude, giving the impression of holding most people in disdain and is often thought of as extremely arrogant, self-centered and overconfident. He usually makes snarky remarks and rude jokes to his friends and at times to strangers which is most often taken the wrong way, the guy just looks for a laugh. Despite this, Roman is really easy to talk to, and as stated earlier is an easy-going fellow.

Aside from this, Roman is very loyal and trustworthy, and has kept multiple secrets for friends over the years. He puts his friends and family above everything else, even if he doesn't show it. Roman goes to great lengths to assure their safety and well-being, even if it means doing something cruel to another person or hurting himself (not just physically) in the process.

In spite of this, Roman. is very much a douche bag and has been in the pants of various girls. His charm, charisma and sweet-talking capabilities have landed him in various beds as well as tough situations. This has caused him to be unsure of what true romance is and so he has a hard time advancing in relationships aside of sex.

When drunk, he is quite reckless and prone to spontaneous action, but is evidently more fun-loving.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • Often goes out of his way to step on "crunchy" leaves
  • Twists lips to the side whenever nervous, anxious
  • Boxing
  • Working out
  • Biking
Likes: Motorcycles, antique cars, girls, 1738 Cognac Wine,
Dislikes: Insects, overeating, gluttons,
Human Strengths: Helpful | Charismatic | Charming | Reliable

  • Skills:
    • Expert Hand-To Hand Combatant: With years in a motorcycle, Roman picked up skills in close quarters fighting.
    • Motorcyclist: He's been on bikes too much in his life and has picked up skills far surpassing professional bikers.
Human Weaknesses: Too Kind | Emotions Easily Cloud Judgement | Easily Angered

Affiliation: Vigilante
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2 (can drift to 3)

Power: Superhuman Enhancements

  • Superhuman Strength: Roman can benchpress up to 1800 lbs. with ease as well as punch with 2000lbs. of force on a good day. Tiredness and adrenaline may make this vary. His strength also aids him in creating thunder claps as well as leaping great distances.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Roman has the ability to withstand about 1500 lbs. of force and is not affected by extreme temperatures as well as heat, though he can be affected by the cold. He can also push past bullets and bladed weapons with ease.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Roman is able to go for long periods of time without rest, about twenty-six hours before showing any signs of tiredness.
  • Superhuman Reflex: Roman has heightened reflex and can react to attacks much faster than normal. Not to the extent of dodging bullets though. This comes in form of a ringing in the back of his head.
Power Limits:
  • If Roman chooses to go for long periods of time, when he eventually crashes he's prone to vomiting, bleeding etc. Just feels like total shit.
  • Roman's skin being so thick makes it difficult to administer needles when needed, such as to combat illnesses, transfer blood etc.
Physical Weaknesses:
  • Solidified energy can pierce Roman (characters with energy manipulation, photokinetic constructs, embrukinetic constructs etc.)
  • He's still vulnerable to poison gas
  • Can still be paralyzed via chi attacks
  • Eyes are not nearly as durable as rest of body

  • Jerry Rose: Father, Status: Dead. Occupation: Accountant, Biker. Jerry and Roman were close, Jerry being the one that introduced Roman to biking. He's one of the only people that knew he was a vigilante. Jerry was very supportive of his son's choices.
  • Monica Frye: Mother, Status: Alive. Occupation: Store Manager. Monica and Roman have an estranged relationship due to her leaving the family. Monica is trying to re-enter her son's life though he refuses.
Brieft History: Roman was born to Monica and Jerry Rose though his mother would soon leave the family when he was two years of age. Roman often asked of his mother's whereabouts though his father would just shrug it off and lead him against prying any further, something any divorced parent would do. Despite that, Roman grew up a very normal life. School, friends, education were all things you'd expect from a normal boy. Well, this was all changed by the twelfth grade where Roman's abilities blossomed. Frightened, he went to his father who taught him to use it for good, and instructed him to join the heroes. Roman did so, but quickly hated it. The rules they had put up, following the law just didn't fit his "playing style" and so he quit. He became a vigilante instead and has made a name for himself as well.

He met Mikey Smith later in his vigilante career when the young boy attempted to stop a gang on his own. Since then, Mikey has been following him around in spite of all his warnings.

Theme Song:


  • He knows Mikey Smith is Fire-Boy
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Name: Yany Mits
Nickname/Alias: Metal
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Weight: 171lbs
Height: 6, 5'
Blood Type: B+

Personality: Yany was a warm-hearted friend to everyone (except Vigilantes and Villains). He makes people smile and makes a few jokes. However, ever since the incident at the city of Havaera, he's been a lot more strict and over-protected. Yany is barely ever relaxed and sometimes gets angry if someone failed at protecting someone or helping a cause. He gets PTSD and Survivor's Guilt from the incident of Havaera. He has been trying to clear his mind and relax. All he does is to try to prevent the incident again, here in Innovalle.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Habits/Quirks: Hearing voices of a teenager boy. He sounds familiar... His hands shake when he is anxious, leading him to usually slam on something. Drinking alcohol is to help him forget the tragedy, but has lead him to become an alcoholic. Sometimes speaking into the communicator to Center, he would say HQ.
Hobbies: Writing and drawing down events, memories, and dreams in his notebook. Walking around the city is also what he does. Yany also likes to listen to music and has began to play guitar.
Human Strengths: He is excellent at swordfighting and stickfighting. Because of his powers and experience, he is the master of infiltration and escaping. He's always one step ahead of the enemy.
Human Weaknesses: Yany is an alcoholic. He got that from someone he knew. Yany doesn't trust anyone on Hero HQ to accomplish a task safety. He thinks they're going to get hurt and wants to do it himself. Sometimes, he'll get flashbacks and nightmares, which could effect the way he acts. Yany has no self-esteem and always questions why he bothers. Poor Yany.

Affiliation: Hero
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2
Power: Metal Manipulation. He can transform metal objects into other metal objects with the same mass, volume, and density. Ex: Turning a bullet into a key. He can also teleport through metal, bend it, break it, and throw it. All with his mind.
Power Limits: See weaknesses.
Physical Weaknesses: If he uses his powers or if metal enters his skin, he begins to turn into metal. It is painful and makes him harder to move around. Sometimes it's permanent, and if he turns completely metal, he will die.

Family/Spouse: He had a brother and his relative, but they're gone now.
Backstory: Yany was once a proud hero of the city of Havaera. That city was a lot like Innovalle, even with a Hero HQ. The heroes there fought against the villains and they were victorious for the most part, until...

The incident.

Yany used to be a warm-hearted person. The incident changed that. Every since the incident, the city of Havaera fell to ruins. The survivors moved away from the city and into new locations. Yany moved to Innovalle, where he discovered a similar situation to the one in Havaera; heroes, sidekicks, vigilantes, and villains. Yany first refuses the fight, but after aa while, he joined the hero system to prevent the incident from happening again.
Theme Song:
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Michael "Mikey" Smith
Nickname/Alias: Fire-Boy (often just called "Boy")
Age: 14
Gender: Cismale

*He only activates his flame when he's in his suit


*Not the most protecting, but works. The suit has a red and black theme and he also boasts a black domino mask.

Weight: 111 lbs.
Height: 5'2"
Blood Type: AB+


Mikey is a very timid, helpful and polite boy. Due to being bullied since childhood for being so smart, he is initially portrayed as insecure, being more reserved and not self-expressive. However, after realizing he had super powers, he has gradually become more confident and brave.

Mikey is also very diligent and strong-willed. Since he greatly admires heroes and has always dreamed to be one since his childhood, he developed a habit of writing down notes about everything he knows about heroes and their abilities. Because of this practice, Izuku has developed a great analytical mind and is easily able to form complex plans in short amounts of time, often taking advantage of his allies' abilities to put them in motion. This aspect also helps him in figuring out ways to counter abilities used by his opponents. Mikey also has the tendency to overthink about anything that grabs his attention, which makes him start mumbling to himself a lot.

Mikey is a caring person, and will never hesitate to rescue someone in danger, even if he knows that he's not strong enough to do it. Often, he does this in a whim, taking a more careless approach than usual. Mikey has also shown to be selfless enough to try to help people with personal, emotional problems, even if it doesn't concern him.

Of all heroes, Brute is the one that has had the most impact in his life, with the hero having shaped most of the goals and beliefs that he follows since childhood. Many of Mikey's decisions and actions are inspired by his desire to become a hero similar to Brute, and thus he has a great devotion for him, to the point of emulating several of his traits.

Sexuality: Too young to know, leaning towards Heterosexual
  • Zones out after listening to someone speak for long periods of time
  • Wiggles right index finger whenever nervous/anxious
  • Studying
  • "Working out/Practicing"
  • Bicycle riding
Likes: Brute, superheroes, intelligence, being recognized by superheroes
Dislikes: Being looked down upon, being picked last,
Human Strengths: Helpful | Enthusiastic | Loyal | Endearing
  • Skills:
    • Tactician: Despite his young age, Mikey is able to look past barriers and make plans, giving himself a leadership role
Human Weaknesses: Too Kind | Water | Strong Winds

Brute's Sidekick
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2

Power: Pyrokinesis
  • Pyrokinetic Flight: Mikey is able to fly though this takes a rather large portion of his energy
  • Fire Generation: Mikey is able to generatore/shoot bursts of fire. The larger and longer he does this will carry over to the amount of energy he uses.
  • Burning Touch: Mikey is able to heighten the heat around or of his body to the extent where he can burn or melt things via touch.
  • Pyrokinetic Constructs: Mikey is able to maniupulate and shape the fire he's generated.
Power Limits:
  • Mikey has not had as much experience in using his abilities as most others and so can be sickened/drained/etc. after long periods of use
Physical Weaknesses:
  • Mikey cannot use his abilities when submerged in water.
  • His abilities are vulnerable to water and strong winds
  • Normal human vulnerabilities apply to Mikey

  • Franklin Smith: Father, Status: Alive. Occupation: University Teacher. Frank and Mikey have a great father-son relationship though it's obvious that Frank is racist towards the superpowered folk.
  • Kelly Smith: Mother, Status: Alive. Occupation: Librarian. Mikey and Kelly have a close relationship though Kelly doesn't feel as much hatred towards the superpowered as her husband.
Brief History: Mikey's life up until now has been normal, the same life every kid has lived. Sports teams, school math contests, you name it. Bullying, maybe more than the other kids. Mikey had been bullied for being so nerdy but has later realized that it is a good thing. When he discovered his abilities, he was frightened at first but has become accustomed with it. He later met Brute at his first attempt of super heroing, the man having saved his life. Since then, he's become Brute's self-proclaimed sidekick though the vigilante hasn't seen a problem with it yet.

Theme Song:

  • He knows of Brute's real identity as Roman Rose
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Name: Nathaniel O'Ferrell
Nickname/Alias: (Optional) The Irishman
Age: 21
Gender: Male

Weight: 170
Height: 6'0
Blood Type: Alcohol


Personality: Nate is a very blunt lad. He is generally nice to people until they piss him off though he isn't quick to anger. He is sometimes a quite person though most of the time he is quite talkative and naturally has a loud voice with an Irish accent. (Honestly I cannot think of anything else to say here.)

Sexuality: Straight
Habits/Quirks: Always has a song stuck in his head and therefore is either humming, singing or moving to it. His brow is furrowed most of the time due to habit.

Hobbies: Singing a song. Playing his bagpipes. Drinking.
Likes: (Optional) Whiskey, Bagpipes, Irish Accents, Girls, Girls with Irish Accents, The Real McKenzies, Cats.
Dislikes: (Optional) Dogs, People who think they are high and mighty, Cops, Catholics.
Human Strengths: Confident. Can play the Bagpipes. High pain tolerance. Alcohol.
Human Weaknesses: Is fearful of Catholics (His parents were such). Alcohol.

Affiliation: Vigilante
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: A low 2. If that doesn't sound right then he is just a two.
Power: Acoustokenisis (sound bending)
Power Limits: The more alcohol he has in his system the more powerful he is. The more alcohol he has in his system the more drunk he is which makes him clumsy, not able to focus well and all the other things that happen to you when your drunk and super powered.
Physical Weaknesses: Breathalyzer tests. Anyone wearing Catholic priest robes. The fact that he no longer has a soul can probably fuck him up.

Extra (Optional)
Family/Spouse: NA
Backstory: Nate was born in Ireland to a Catholic couple whom hated all forms of vices. One day him and his friends broke into a liquor store and got wasted. Nate's parents found out and punished him for his sins. This trauma brought out his powers and caused his parents to ship him off to America so that they could do away with him.

Theme song: (yes the entire album is his theme song)
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Leviathan "Levi" Darwin




4-up on 2017-07-05 at 21_Fotor.jpg

94.73 lb


Blood Type:

If we were to all be perfectly honest with each other, everyone's a little insane. Some just a bit more then others. Levi's a bit obsessive, and meticulous. Once he sets his mind to something, he's going to get it done, no matter the consequences. He leaves no stone unturned, no T uncrossed, and no I undotted. If there's a flaw he'll find it. He's incredibly paranoid, and has only been outside once in his life. He is terrified of other humans, and is totally isolated.

Levi has an incredibly low self esteem, and believes himself to be flawed, and imperfect. He's made up of a damaged human, and imperfect man made parts, and it disgusts him to no end. He takes this self hatred out on others, by using his abilities to shut down power grids, ad hack into government systems. That being said, he would never go as far as to purposely hurt someone. He'd rather just be a secret annoyance to get his frustrations out.

Levi is self-destructive in the sense that he doesn't care if he's caught, prefers it even. He'd rather he be locked away where he can die in peace. As it stands he feels he's honour bound to stay alive and continue his father's work. He occasionally indulges in self destructive behaviour, including mild self harm.


-Often plays with the wires infused into his neck
-Twitches; mostly his neck, and right eye
-Sometimes he repeats one word or phrase over and over again, like a broken record, and often slaps himself to stop
-Purposely bangs his head against walls and tables when he has no other outlet for his anger

-Creating computer Viruses

Human Strengths:
-High pain tolerance
-Strong sense of honour

Human Weaknesses:
-Self-destructive behaviour
-Completely isolated from human contact
-Afraid of people

Villain (for now)

Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level:

The ability to control and manipulate electronics with the mind.

Power Limits:
Levi is young and still learning his powers. He can control up to ten mildly complex devices (TV, Computer, Cell Phone, ect.) at a time. When he focuses he can control a single vastly complex device, such as a satellite, but only within a short range of eight feet.

Physical Weaknesses:
-Easily blinded by sunlight

Extra (Optional)
Benjamin Darwin: 'Father' (deceased)

Levi was raised by a technopathic cyberterrorist, who trained Levi to be just like him. Levi always referred to the man as his father, and eventually took his last name as his own, but in all actuality, Levi was kidnapped at the age of five, because of his powers. After a relatively short period of time in total isolation from anyone but his captor, Levi developed a phycological anomaly known as Stockholm Syndrome. As Levi's only human contact, the boy became completely dependent on his captor for everything he needed. He developed a sense of trust and love towards Benjamin, despite being badly abused by him.

When Levi was twelve he decided to see what it was like on the outside. Without his 'Father' knowing, Levi left their hideout in the dead of night. During this one adventure into the outside world (which turned into a three day long adventure thanks to his horrible sense of direction) Levi was cornered by a man, and... Contracted HIV... In the aftermath, his attacker tried to kill him by throwing him into the path of a moving car.

Benjamin managed to save Levi's life, by merging many of his damaged body parts with experimental technology, trusting the boy's own powers to do the rest. Not long after Levi's captor died of a heart attack (ISwearToGodI'mNotKira!), leaving Levi to continue his work, though Levi's much less enthusiastic.

Theme song:

-Has a mild stutter
-Speaks with an odd accent that is a combination of German and Transatlantic: German thanks to his own biological family, and Transatlantic from his kidnapper
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Name: Farrawa Nanewell
Nickname/Alias: General Nane
Age: 29
Gender: Male

Weight: 156lbs
Height: 5,9
Blood Type: AB+

Personality: Farrawa is like a war general, as that's his command in the Freighters. He tells and shouts at his men and is strict. However, he is more shy than you think. He prefers to be alone. When he is commanding his men, he is nervous that he could mess up. Sometimes he wants to run away. However, Farrawa does have friends in the Freighters and he can be a great friend around them. He treats them like family.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Habits/Quirks: Sometimes stutters when speaking, along with shaking his hands.
Hobbies: Farrawa likes to hang out with his friends and watch movies and play videogames. Of course, they stole the movies, videogames, and television.
Human Strengths: He knows how to lead his men into action. The Freighter army is well trained and is his biggest strength. Farrawa also has a special gun. It shoots lighting, EMPS, energy bullets, and creates a force field. He knows a lot of times of fighting types. Farrawa is also the best Super Smash Bros player in Freighter history.
Human Weaknesses: His nervousness, which is explained by him being an introvert, can cause him to gain anxiety. He questions the environment he's in. Faraway has a big fear on William and Quiet.

Affiliation: Villian. The Freighter general.
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 1

Family/Spouse: All he has is his friends.
Backstory: Farrawa was captured by the Freighters in a heist in the city of Woodfield. There, they transformed Farrawa into an general and solider through brainwash and tourted. He completely lost his humanity, but on a mission he found it again. He saved a group of soldiers from a collapsing steel beam. When they returned to the Freighter HQ, the group of soldiers and Farrawa became friends. Soon, Farrawa's brain washing began to wore off when he played their games, watched their movies, and just simply hung out with them. Plus, most of the brainwashing sessions went to the new recruitment, Quiet's Assassin. It won't take long to find out that the Freighters weren't the best organization after all...
Theme song:
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"But that's where you'd be wrong!"



Name: Elpis (Hope) Turner
Alias: Aleka (Defender of Mankind)
Age: 17
Gender: Female


Weight: 120
Height: 5'6
Blood Type: B+


Personality: Think of Elpis as that one over dramatic hero you'd expect to see in the movies. Bursting into rooms for no apparent reason just to look cool. That's her, and she's proud of it. Her dramatic flare of life makes her a bit funny and somewhat annoying. She's usually very loud and a bit aggressive in the way she does things... (Birthday: "HAPPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I'll lock up anyone who hurts you! Don't worry! They'll have to get through a sea of axes to harm you again! No dying! Very bad! Hundreds more birthdays! Yay!") Everything to the max. Even trying to comfort someone can take on this tone... She refuses to mess around like that about animals though...

Sexuality: Pansexual

Habits/Quirks: Elpis has a habit of laughing out of nowhere... (Her thoughts go wild and she might randomly think of something from three years ago) She also refused to eat spinach or oranges

Hobbies: Reading, Exercise, Saving the world, Movies

-Animals of course

-Dull days
-Leaving Loro behind

Human Strengths:
-Climbing (Rock climbing)
-Surprisingly good with technology (Figuring out how to work computers and phones)
-Handling press

Human Weaknesses:
-Terrible with food... Cannot cook... 10/10 will food poison you
-Really afraid of the ocean
-Clumsy when not working (If not focused, he'll trip over air... Only doesn't do this if a clear goal is in mind)

Affiliation: Hero
Rank in Affiliation: 2
Superhuman strength: Able to lift very heavy objects (Such as 600 lbs objects) with little- medium effort.
Force Field Punch: When punching, a bit of a shock wave comes from her hand

Power Limits: Cannot lift everything. Will drain her majorly

Physical Weaknesses: Deadly allergic to peanuts

Family/Spouse: "Uh, no?"
Backstory: "Nah bro, I'm just born awesome"
Theme song:

She has a dog named Loro
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"Why not go fast?"
Name: Evangeline
Nickname/Alias: Evan (Nickname) Flicker (Hero name. Echo is crying inside)
Age: 14
Gender: Female

Weight: 5'1
Height: 100
Blood Type: A+


Personality: Evan is a calm and happy girl, friendly to everyone with a bit of a sassy streak. She does some weird things from time to time, and may not always pay attention, but she's usually nice!
Sexuality: Bi Sexual
Habits/Quirks: She usually always wears her hat, sometimes frantically taps her fingers or bounces her leg, often always has a camera
Hobbies: Photography, laughing at the people who laugh at others, watching stand up comedians, playing chess and video games
Human Strengths: Very empathetic
-Pretty good at singing
-10/10 perfect fall off the stairs (Does majestic falls, not floppy fails. Very quality fails)
-Very good photography skills
-Good at barter

Human Weaknesses:
-She's pretty stubborn
-A bit impulsive
-Can be selfish
-Very clumsy (But 10/10 good time at falling!)
-Not the strongest

Affiliation: Sidekick
Rank in Affiliation: 1???

Power: Enhanced Speed- Like the flash, but far less controlled

Power Limits: She runs into everything and might accidentally switch on her powers

Physical Weaknesses:
-Brittle bones
-Allergic to blue food dye
-Bruises easily

Family/Spouse: She has a full family with mother, father, and an older brother
Backstory: Nah...
Theme song:
(Loves this one)

Extra: She likes to put clashing colors just for the heck of it
Name: Jacob Gomez
Nickname/Alias: Geode
Age: 32
Gender: Male
download.jpe Geode.jpg

Weight:110 kg
Height: 5 ft 11 inches
Blood Type: B+


Personality: Jacob is, and always has been a very spiritual person. He was raised a strict catholic which has had a huge influence on his personality. He has a strong sense of morality, believing doing good and the betterment of mankind is his soul reason on the earth. He hates sin and often holds contempt for those who indulge themselves in pleasures of the flesh. Despite this he can be kind, often seeing people as the victim in which case he is willing to show both forgiveness and mercy. He strongly believes in the value of human life and only takes it if he believes it is entirely beyond redemption. He is kind to those he deems pure, devoted to those he deems worthy, he is nothing more than an instrument placed on this earth.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Habits/Quirks: Jacob frequently meditates and reads scripture from all religions as well as other philosophical books from throughout history.
Hobbies: reading, yoga, tai chi
Human Strengths:
Jacob is well versed in several martial arts. Whilst he is a master of only one, he cleverly incorporates aspects of each to catch his opponents off guard in seemingly random, yet fluid actions. His style of choice is known as Shaolin kung fu, which he has spent years studying to a near flawless level. Jacob also has an unwavering sense of purpose, never doubting his actions, even when the consequences are less than ideal. This drive often inspires confidence in his allies and intimidates his opponents. He possesses great wisdom, derived from his readings, which he can draw upon seemingly in an instant.
Human Weaknesses:
Jacob can often be blinded by his faith as once he sees a path laid out before him he will seldom divert from it. To him, it is the will of the Earth and to ignore it is ignoring the only truth. Furthermore because of his faith his actions are somewhat predictable, for example he will always try to rescue innocent hostages, will rarely kill etc.

Affiliation: Hero
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 3
Power: Jacob has the power to generate and manipulate crystallised minerals, usually in the form of greenish quarts. He can use this ability for various purposes. He can fire these crystals in a machine gun style barrage to shred enemies. He can also form larger crystals on and around his arms to augment his martial arts with a deadly addition. He can also use the crystals for defensive purposes to create shields and armours. Finally Jacob can infuse himself with the crystals himself, giving off a greenish aura. This allows him greater control over his own body resulting in a greater healing factor, ten times his normal strength and flight. However doing so requires Jacob to turn some of the carbon molecules within his body to silicon based quarts. This can disrupt many metabolic processes and doing so for longer than a couple hours at a time can seriously damage his health resulting in loss of consciousness and vomiting as well as so far undefined long term effects.
Power Limits: Jacobs powers are limited by the basic laws of physics. He cannot create matter out of thin air, although he can convert it into a usable form. The closer the matter is to quarts already, the less energy he expends. This means that he requires physical contact with matter, preferably some source of silicon in order to generate the crystals. Otherwise he can use carbon in the air and within life forms to create them, although this uses a considerable amount of energy and exhausts carbon supplies at a great rate.
Physical Weaknesses: The presence of ionising radiation greatly inhibits his ability to generate quarts as the energy needed to form the molecules is far greater.

Extra (Optional)
Family/Spouse: No known family
Jacob was raised in an orphanage on the outskirts of Tijuana. There he was taught that God was his saviour and that through prayer and meditation he may come to know God. So, Jacob prayed and prayed for salvation, surrounded by others doing the same. It wasn't until his was 9 years old that he grew desperate and curious and in secret began exploring other religions in hopes of being adopted. By the age of 16 he was well versed in most worldly religions which drew the attention of Mr Pike. Mr Pick was an inventor and innovator from Innovalle. There he believed he had discovered the true deity, the Earth itself. Amazed By Jacobs knowledge of religion, and searching for someone to share in his research, Mr Pike adopted Jacob and the two moved back to Innovalle.
Owning several dozen patents already, Mr Pike was a rich man, however his magnus opus was his current project. He believed that by manipulating quarts he could communicate with the earth itself. In an effort to do so he designed an elaborate experiment which involved passing massive electrical currents through the crystals. During one such experiment, Jacob joined him and watched as his adoptive father's efforts yielded no results. Upon witnessing the failure, Jacob suggested using an ionised crystal, as perhaps the added energy would allow for their breakthrough. They spent the next few months searching for the crystal before setting up the experiment once more. Jacob, now 18 was the one to pull the switch, firing torrents of energy through the unstable crystal. Almost immediately it exploded, taking out the entire building in which the experiment took place.
Only one survivor was found among the rubble. Jacob was taken to the hospital only to be declared perfectly healthy, although staff on call reported an almost greenish hue emanating from the boy. Upon awaking and learning of his adoptive father's death, Jacob embarked on a self imposed exile, touring the world as a beggar, eventually ending up in Tibet where he found refuge among the shaolin monks who took him in and trained him for the next 10 years. It was here that Jacob learned his martial arts skills and his powers emerged. Under the guidance of the monks Jacob mastered both, returning to Innovalle to take back control of his adoptive father's fortune in public, and deal with the criminal underworld with the new identity of Geode.
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Name: Alexandra Pike
Nickname: Allie
Alias: Celeste
Gender: Female
27408-234336-367f080cdd435d9fa86e3bd63171d5b7.jpg Celeste.jpg

Weight: 45kg
Height: 4 foot 11 inches
Blood Type: AB-


Personality: Allie is an inquisitive and curious person. She is often chastised for her adventurous spirit and inability to simply let things go. Her desire for answers almost borders on paranoia as despite finding exactly what she is looking for she will often be dissatisfied, convinced there is yet another layer to the mystery. She has an inventive personality, innovative and brilliant to the extent that any barrier is merely an obstacle for her to overcome. Whilst not necessarily book smart, she knows exactly how things work and is able to deduce aspects of situations, people and machines alike merely through careful observation.
Sexuality: Uncertain/questioning
Habits/Quirks: Enjoys tinkering with small parts of machinery, enjoys reading and learning about how things work.
Hobbies: Reading, Gymnastics, Gaming
Human Strengths and weaknesses:
Alex's strengths are countered by several weaknesses, which until overcome will continue to inhibit her progress as a hero. She is a keen innovator, inventing and implementing many new ideas into her suit. However she rarely things past initial installation and any idea she has often back fires in one way or another. She is curious and a great amateur detective, however she finds it difficult to let things go and more often than not ends up in way too deep. She has a keen sense of intuition, able to deduce small, often unnoticeable, aspects of an individual or object through mere observation. She can employ this skill to great effect when performing her duties a side kick. However Alex is keenly aware of her junior detective abilities and often underestimates them, rarely admitting she has missed something or made a mistake in her investigation. She has a lot to learn, and little time in which to learn it.

Affiliation: Geode's Sidekick
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 1-2
Innovative: Whilst not a superhuman ability as such, Alex is innovative on a nigh super human scale. At the tender age of 16 she is already a leading researcher and developer in multiple fields, her unique mind able to see though the barriers that obscure the view of other inventors. This unique ability has allowed her to develop a winged battle suit that allows for flight, augmented strength, improved agility and is armed with conventional weapons and magnetic based rail gun weapons. The armour itself is insanely durable and whilst it does not protect some parts of it's body it produces a psionic field which can divert low calibre projectiles and lessen impacts.
Power Limits:
Alexandra's suit has a finite energy source which allows for several hours of activity before certain functions falter. The suit uses ionised quarts crystals as a power source which must be replaced at regular intervals.
Physical Weaknesses:
Alexandra's suit does not cover everything, leaving her vulnerable. Furthermore large electrical charges have the potential to overload her systems and leave her defenceless. Her power unit is placed on her back, housing her volatile power source which anyone with inside knowledge of her suit could exploit.

Extra (Optional)
Backstory: Alex was born the only daughter of the wealthy industrialist Mr Pike. Though despite the death of her mother during child birth, and the lack of any other real family, Alex was never really close to her father. Soon after her birth itself, the accident that took the life of Mr Pike occurred, leaving her an orphan. Hence, she spent most of her youth in the care of a nanny before attending boarding schools all around the country. There she was often overlooked for her mediocre grades which were not truly reflective of her genius. This was due to the fact that she focused her efforts on continuing the studies which claimed her father's life rather than the work set by schools.
At the age of 14 she built her first suit using her father's research. The crystals providing an ideal, nuclear power source although they are rapidly expended. She managed to replicate her father's production of the crystals so whilst she uses them at a rapid rate, she can always produce more. Her first suit was followed by later iterations, each becoming more and more powerful. Her current suit is the pinnacle of her efforts, built a couple of days after her 16th birthday, it finally gave her the confidence to fight crime. It was on one of these attempted escapades that she ran into Geode. He saw potential in the girl and convinced her to officially join the hero association and become his side kick. Of course Jacob immediately recognised his adoptive sister but she failed to recognise him, having not seen nor heard from him in years. This lead to an interesting dichotomy in which behind masks, the two are close knit friends and partners, working together to fight evil in the world. However in real life they both have teams of lawyers fighting one another to establish who is the true heir to their late father's fortune.
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Name: ???
Nickname/Alias: Quiet's Assassin or just Quiet
Age: ???
Gender: Male

Weight: 122lbs
Height: 6, 2'
Blood Type: A+

Personality: A cold, heartless killer.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Habits/Quirks: Angry and anxiety can take over his body if things do go his way.
Hobbies: Sitting in his prison cell, waiting for his next mission.
Human Strengths: He has multiple gadgets for every occasion. Quiet knows how to infiltrate any base. He has lots of guns. Quiet deserves his title; he can hide in plain sight and in the shadows. Knows all types of fighting skills, including sword and stick fighting. Can parkour and do stunts.
Human Weaknesses: Quiet sometimes doesn't pull through with a task. He is very conflicted. He also has PTSD from his experiences and also has the same recurring dream of a school on fire.

Affiliation: Villain. He works for the Freighters as an assassin.
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2
Power: Flyrokinesis; The ability to make purple, energetic force fields. Other abilities include making weapons out of it, covering certain body parts, and telekinesis using force fields around object
Power Limits: It drains his energy a lot. He can only hold a force field for around 75 seconds. His weapons are breakable.
Physical Weaknesses: Electricity can fry his mind control chip.

Family/Spouse: When his family was burned alive in front of his eyes, nothing mattered to him.
Backstory: Quiet doesn't really remember his former self. All he knew was that he was a selfish loser who was a sidekick and had a metal arm. He survived the incident but was captured by William S. Freight and his terrorist movement, the Freighters. There, Quiet was tourted and brain washed. The rest of his limbs were replaced with metal one and a mind control chip was put in his brain to control his actions more. He was trained to become an assassin for the Freighters. Now the Freighters are targeting Innovalle, so they sent Quiet and the Freighter general Farrawa, along with his men, to find their new hideout. In this city, Quiet will see a familiar face...
Theme song:
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Heroes and Sideskicks
[2] Yany Mits - Bush Bush
[2] Ellis Turner - Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
[1] Evangeline - Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
[3] Jacob Gomez - Ms MistyEye Ms MistyEye

[2] Vivienne Volkov - Spacing Out Spacing Out
[1] Hareet Stinger - Bush Bush
[2] Roman Rose - The Comet The Comet
[2] Micheal Smith - The Comet The Comet
[2] Nathaniel O'Ferrell - SimpleGuy SimpleGuy

[?] The Jester - Sleepy Asian Sleepy Asian
[2] Arnold Hatcherson - Ghost Toast Ghost Toast
[3] S - D duegxybus
[1] Leviathan Darwin - Ticci Toby Rogers Ticci Toby Rogers
[1] Farrawa Nanewell - Bush Bush
[2] Quiet's Assassin - Bush Bush

[?] Alexandra Pike - Ms MistyEye Ms MistyEye

While we do need more heroes and sidekicks, I will start the role play. I will be more focused on the vigilantes and villains, as I'm starting the role play at night.
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Permission to kill doesn't make me a cold-hearted killer. That would be the fact that I don't flinch at the sight of death. That's why I am a cold-hearted killer.
Antonín Sedláček

Name: Antonín Sedláček
Nickname/Alias: Green
Age: 26
Gender: Male

Weight: 450 lbs
Height: 6'2
Blood Type: N/A

Personality: Guess what? He's a robotic person. Not much to it except for the fact that he's robotic, monotone, and doesn't exactly do everything that a normal human would do. He doesn't blink when killing and doesn't think about other things when on a job.
Sexuality: Homosexual
-Bites fingernails
-Laces nails with toxins
-Spins firearms around like toys
-Playing with firearms
Human Strengths:
Sharpshooter - You probably won't catch Green without some sort of gun on his person at all times. And for good reason too. He's extremely skilled with firearms of all types, especially the largest kinds. Artillery, even.
CQC Master - Just because he prefers to hang back doesn't mean trying to tangle with him one on one will end particularly well. After all, he is probably capable of reacting to things faster than you can
Free running, parkour - Green needs to get to high places to shoot at enemies. How does he achieve this? Through freerunning and parkour to get to the desired point with his weapons.
Human Weaknesses:
Weight - Green is a fast runner, but only after he manages to get his momentum going. This means you can probably outrun him in the short term
Poor Judgement - While a marksman by nature, Green's judgement is heavily reliant on what he can see. As such, he cannot discern foe from friend when looking through a wall.
Metallic - Powerful magnets can disrupt his internal processes.

Affiliation: Hero
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 3
Cybernetic Physiology - Green's body is cybernetically enhanced, made from stainless metal parts that grant him several abilities that have been seen as an upgrade from his predecessor...

  • Enhanced Strength - Green is capable of lifting objects up to 1450 lbs and delivering punches with equal force. He is also able to swing around heavy artillery as if they were light rifles.
  • Enhanced Reflexes - Green's body can react to situations faster due to cybernetic sensors that alert him of oncoming danger and override his nerves.
  • Enhanced Coordination - Green is capable of controlling his digits, limbs, and breathing with extreme precision. This allows him to effortlessly handstand at the end of tall buildings without fear of falling, walk across power lines without worrying about tripping, and make his way around a city without crashing into others.

Power Limits:
Fuel - Green requires a constant replenishment of electrical power
Extreme Cold - Metal + cold.
Physical Weaknesses:
Electricity - Too much electricity is bad for Green
Magnetism - Magnetism is a major weakness for Green. He cannot get MRIs or any scanning if he gets an injury, so chances are that he's going to have trouble extracting any wounds.

Extra (Optional)
Family/Spouse: N/A

Extra: Bush Bush

Look, you don't have to tell me I'm adorable. Tell me something I don't know. Talk about my personality. Or did your dick forget that's a thing?
Leslie Brooke

Name: Leslie Brooke
Nickname/Alias: Cute But Deadly
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Weight: 100 lbs
Height: 5'2
Blood Type: A+

Personality: Cute but Deadly is exactly what it sounds like. An attractive, charming, talented young female with a perfect body, perfect stature, and seemingly no flaws who never seems to stutter, stumble, or trip. If you didn't know any better, her perfectionist qualities could be labeled superhuman. However, there is a deadly side to this seemingly perfect girl.

On the battlefield, cute turns deadly. Leslie won't defer from her task and will always attempt to give her 110% no matter the risk. Of course, it leads to her getting all dirty and grimy but she still thinks she'll be attractive even if she fell in a mud puddle. Vain, and almost bitchy, Leslie always expects the worst out of people and will keep her held high even through adversary.
Sexuality: Pansexual
-Twirls her hair when bored
-Always has to fix her appearance after a battle
-Wears toxic lipstick for several purposes.
-Playing with guns
-Teasing her comrades
Human Strengths:
CQC Master - You would think someone capable of taking down hundreds of combatants would have some skill. And they do. CBD can beat almost anyone in a hand to hand combat battle.
Firearms - As her mentor, Green has taught her how to use several types of firearms, furthering her progress as a useful asset on the battlefield
Peak Human Agility - Nobody ever won a fight against a hundred men by standing still. She can flip over an adult human, run up the side of a wall, perform spinning kicks, swim at maximum efficiency.
Flirting - You would think someone as pretty as her was as dumb as a rock. But that just isn't true. She's mastered the art of seduction and knows exactly how to turn someone on.
Human Weaknesses:
Vanity - Just because she can take down hundreds makes her quite vain. She isn't the nicest girl on the block and while she is flirtatious, she can and will most likely be a bitch to someone once in their lifetime.
Self-Analysis - While she is a hero, she can sometimes be caught up with analysis of herself as a person and may sometimes be deferred from the task at hand.

Affiliation: Hero
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2
One Woman Army - CBD is capable of taking out up to 50 normal human combatants at a time, even when the odds are against her. This is how she gets out of sticky situations and helps out the hero community. Nobody knows how she does it, but it's incredibly easy for her to do so, even though she may be tired after plowing through rows and rows of enemies.

  • Enhanced Combat - CBD's combat skills surpass that of a regular human. She is capable of taking down humans despite having no physiological enhancements other than this enhancement of combat. With this enhanced combat, she also has something that simulates enhanced instincts and reflexes at the same time.
  • Enhanced Stamina - CBD can and will fight until her opponents are defeated. This seems to falter whenever against a superhuman
Power Limits:
No physiological enhancements - Her body is just as squishy as a regular human is. So, while she's capable of taking down a hundred armed enemies in a single room, her body will still face punishment like a regular human will.
Superhumans - CBD struggles with superhumans that are stronger, faster, or more enhanced than she is.
Physical Weaknesses: See Limits

Extra (Optional)
Family/Spouse: [Open for relationship! <3]
Theme song:

Extra: Bush Bush First time I'm doing a character like this :)
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Here are some things I found.
Permission to kill doesn't make me a cold-hearted killer. That would be the fact that I don't flinch at the sight of death. That's why I am a cold-hearted killer.
Antonín Sedláček

Name: Antonín Sedláček
Nickname/Alias: Green
Age: 26
Gender: Male

Weight: 450 lbs
Height: 6'2
Blood Type: N/A

(You are missing something here.)
Sexuality: Homosexual
-Bites fingernails
-Laces nails with toxins
-Spins firearms around like toys
(What's that supposed to mean?)
Human Strengths:
Sharpshooter - You probably won't catch Green without some sort of gun on his person at all times. And for good reason too. He's extremely skilled with firearms of all types, especially the largest kinds. Artillery, even.
CQC Master - Just because he prefers to hang back doesn't mean trying to tangle with him one on one will end particularly well. After all, he is probably capable of reacting to things faster than you can
Free running, parkour - Green needs to get to high places to shoot at enemies. How does he achieve this? Through freerunning and parkour to get to the desired point with his weapons.
Human Weaknesses:
Weight - Green is a fast runner, but only after he manages to get his momentum going. This means you can probably outrun him in the short term
Poor Judgement - While a marksman by nature, Green's judgement is heavily reliant on what he can see. As such, he cannot discern foe from friend when looking through a wall.
Metallic - Powerful magnets can disrupt his internal processes.

Affiliation: Hero
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 3
Cybernetic Physiology - Green's body is cybernetically enhanced, made from stainless metal parts that grant him several abilities that have been seen as an upgrade from his predecessor...

  • Enhanced Strength - Green is capable of lifting objects up to 1450 lbs and delivering punches with equal force. He is also able to swing around heavy artillery as if they were light rifles.
  • Enhanced Reflexes - Green's body can react to situations faster due to cybernetic sensors that alert him of oncoming danger and override his nerves. (Just make sure he can't dodge everything.)
  • Infrared Vision - Green can see heat. How cool is that?
  • Enhanced Coordination - Green is capable of controlling his digits, limbs, and breathing with extreme precision. This allows him to effortlessly handstand at the end of tall buildings without fear of falling, walk across power lines without worrying about tripping, and make his way around a city without crashing into others.

Power Limits:
Fuel - Green requires a constant replenishment of electrical power
Extreme Cold - Metal + cold.
Physical Weaknesses:
Electricity - Too much electricity is bad for Green
Magnetism - Magnetism is a major weakness for Green. He cannot get MRIs or any scanning if he gets an injury, so chances are that he's going to have trouble extracting any wounds.

Extra (Optional)
Family/Spouse: Dávid Kowalczyk - Husband
(In my Yany Mits cs, it is mentioned that Havaera fell to ruins. What is the status of Blue?)

Extra: Bush Bush

Look, you don't have to tell me I'm adorable. Tell me something I don't know. Talk about my personality. Or did your dick forget that's a thing?
Leslie Brooke

Name: Leslie Brooke
Nickname/Alias: Cute But Deadly
Age: 17
(Make her 18 or over.)
Gender: Female

Weight: 100 lbs
Height: 5'2
Blood Type:

Personality: Cute but Deadly is exactly what it sounds like. An attractive, charming, talented young female with a perfect body, perfect stature, and seemingly no flaws who never seems to stutter, stumble, or trip. If you didn't know any better, her perfectionist qualities could be labeled superhuman. However, there is a deadly side to this seemingly perfect girl.

On the battlefield, cute turns deadly. Leslie won't defer from her task and will always attempt to give her 110% no matter the risk. Of course, it leads to her getting all dirty and grimy but she still thinks she'll be attractive even if she fell in a mud puddle. Vain, and almost bitchy, Leslie always expects the worst out of people and will keep her held high even through adversary.
Sexuality: Pansexual
-Twirls her hair when bored
-Always has to fix her appearance after a battle
-Wears toxic lipstick for several purposes.
-Playing with guns
-Teasing her comrades
Human Strengths:
CQC Master - You would think someone capable of taking down hundreds of combatants would have some skill. And they do. CBD can beat almost anyone in a hand to hand combat battle.
Firearms - As her mentor, Green has taught her how to use several types of firearms, furthering her progress as a useful asset on the battlefield
Peak Human Agility - Nobody ever won a fight against a hundred men by standing still. She can flip over an adult human, run up the side of a wall, perform spinning kicks, scale almost any surface, swim at maximum efficiency, accelerate to top speed within a moment's notice, and give extreme control through her limbs.
(Weaken or remove some of these abilities.)
Flirting - You would think someone as pretty as her was as dumb as a rock. But that just isn't true. She's mastered the art of seduction and knows exactly how to turn someone on.
Human Weaknesses:
Vanity - Just because she can take down hundreds makes her quite vain. She isn't the nicest girl on the block and while she is flirtatious, she can and will most likely be a bitch to someone once in their lifetime.
Self-Analysis - While she is a hero, she can sometimes be caught up with analysis of herself as a person and may sometimes be deferred from the task at hand.

Affiliation: Sidekick
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2
One Woman Army - CBD is capable of taking out tens or even hundreds of normal human combatants at a time, even when the odds are against her. This is how she gets out of sticky situations and helps out the hero community. Nobody knows how she does it, but it's incredibly easy for her to do so, even though she may be tired after plowing through rows and rows of enemies.

  • Enhanced Combat - CBD's combat skills surpass that of a regular human. She is capable of taking down superhumans and humans alike despite having no physiological enhancements other than this enhancement of combat. With this enhanced combat, she also has something that simulates enhanced instincts and reflexes at the same time. She can dodge gunfire and knows the ins and outs of combat, making her a formidable foe on the battlefield (Don't make her dodge gunfire like that.)
  • Enhanced Stamina - CBD can and will fight until her opponents are defeated. This seems to falter whenever against a superhuman
Power Limits:
No physiological enhancements - Her body is just as squishy as a regular human is. So, while she's capable of taking down a hundred armed enemies in a single room, her body will still face punishment like a regular human will.
Superhumans - CBD struggles with superhumans that are stronger, faster, or more enhanced than she is.
Physical Weaknesses: See Limits

Extra (Optional)
Family/Spouse: [Open for relationship! <3]
Theme song:

Extra: Bush Bush First time I'm doing a character like this :)

My main problems are that your characters are way overpowered. Weaken or remove some of your abilities.
Name: Michael Ronnin
Nickname/Alias: None
Age: 27
Gender: Male

Weight: 152 lbs.
Height: 5'8"
Blood Type: A+



Michael is a grim, serious, and determined person, rarely stopping whatever he's focusing on to have fun unless someone else drags him into it. He's intelligent, though not nearly as much as his father; something that shows in battle. He's a protector above all, and if there's danger, he won't hesitate to rush straight into the fray to defend others; especially those he cares about. He also, admittedly, enjoys the adrenaline he gets out of being a hero; though, he'll never admit it. Also, he can't stand people who hurt others just because they want to; whether this be school bullies or full-on supervillains. He's particularly cold towards these types of people, not showing any empathy for their situation. After all, they're the type of people he's fighting to stop, right?

Behind closed doors, however, he's a wreck. All the emotional trauma has been building up, and he's bottled it up inside him, wanting to keep the appearance of being strong in front of others. His fear, his sadness, his joy . . . he holds it all back. He feels it's best to keep these thoughts to himself - it's all due to how he grew up. When he was younger, he wasn't exactly encouraged to share these feelings. He was taught that he had to keep the appearance of being strong, and unbreakable. When he's already been broken.

Sexuality: Bisexual
Habits/Quirks: He has a tendency to fidget a bit, not liking sitting still too much.
Hobbies: Justice. In all seriousness, though, he never takes the time off to have any fun, so he doesn't really have many hobbies. He does play soccer occasionally, however, and he's taken to tinkering with his equipment. He also enjoys cooking - something he gets from his mother, if his father is to be believed(he isn't always) - but he focuses on his work more often.
Human Strengths: He's a skilled combatant, having received training from multiple different areas and people. He's also fairly intelligent, though not to "making technology out of scraps" levels, he can come up with plans even in the middle of a battle. Above all, his determination and grit is his greatest strength, however; he'll never give up, no matter the odds. He fails, he'll just better himself for next time.
Human Weaknesses: He's predictable at times if you've seen him fight before - for instance, he always goes for a left uppercut with his robotic arm to start a fight. He might take too much time analyzing a battle to figure out a game plan, and not enough time actually taking part in the battle. Also, just . . . if you want a weakness, try mentioning anything about his past, especially his father. That's a good way to get him angry, and whether he shows it or not, you can use that anger to your advantage.

Affiliation: Hero
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2
Power: His robotic arm has a level of super strength, though not to levels you'd expect from traditional "super strength" individuals - he can't exactly lift cars one-handed, but he is stronger than most individuals. It's also more resilient, though being made of metal makes that kinda obvious. However, this doesn't mean it's unbreakable - it can be broken, with enough strength, and won't be able to, say, defend against explosions.
Power Limits: He's not as strong as most super-strength individuals, and those with "natural" super strength (as in, powers without technology) are likely stronger than he is.
Physical Weaknesses: Break the arm and he's completely useless in combat until it's fixed. Not to mention he'll have to talk to his father to get a new one. ((I'd prefer for this to not happen terribly often, tbh.))

Extra (Optional)
Family/Spouse: You've seen him mentioned multiple times already, but Michael does have a mother and father. He doesn't know where his mother is, though, and his father is . . . terrible.

His mother disappeared at a young age - he doesn't remember her well. His father, Warren, is the owner of a company called RonninCorp; a company specializing in robotics, but does have some things in all fields of science(not all of them significant additions, but hey). Growing up, Michael found himself dealing with being "toughened up" by his father - who believed Michael weak, and wanting to make him strong so he'll survive in this world. In truth, Warren thought he was doing the right thing by doing this. He saw the world as a harsh place, and believed only those who became "strong" by not letting their emotions shine through would become successful.

Eventually, Warren dragged his son - aged 14 at the time - along to a presentation for RonninCorp - a public presentation showing off new technology, that he'd hoped would be successful. Robotic machines, seemingly completely autonomous, designed to complete household tasks. One would take ingredients and cook them on their own. Another was designed to grab logs nearby it with robotic arms, and place them in an area on the device where they would be chopped automatically to create firewood.

Michael doesn't remember much of the event. However, what he does remember, is the log-splitting robot. He was told to turn on the machine by his father. He did, but the machine bugged out . . . and grabbed his arm. What happen next has been forgotten.

Forgotten . . . or too afraid to remember?

After the event, he was rushed to the hospital. While they couldn't do as much as he had hoped, Warren built him a robotic arm personally. Made it stronger, and made him stronger in the process. Later, Michael noticed that his father had tried to market the machine that took his arm previously - and for the first time since Warren started "toughening" his son, he let his anger show. He called him out, pointing out that the machine could have done a lot more than injure his arm. Warren coldly dismissed it, saying simply "and you're lucky it didn't. But I believe the kinks are worked out . . . hopefully."

After that, Michael made a promise to himself, that he wouldn't become the man his father was. He'd protect people, and help them, rather than caring only about himself. He'll be a hero.

And he's now taking his chance.

Theme song:
My main problems are that your characters are way overpowered. Weaken or remove some of your abilities.

I made changes except some changes that I'm not going to make because....

  • You allowed Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed to make a 14 year old sidekick. I'm sure a 17 year old sidekick isn't that far fetched.
  • Peak human agility comes with the enhanced combat ability. I removed some things but I don't want to remove it entirely. These characters are just well-thought out. It looks overpowered, but it really isn't...
I made changes except some changes that I'm not going to make because....

  • You allowed Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed to make a 14 year old sidekick. I'm sure a 17 year old sidekick isn't that far fetched.
  • Peak human agility comes with the enhanced combat ability. I removed some things but I don't want to remove it entirely. These characters are just well-thought out. It looks overpowered, but it really isn't...
I wanted her to be 18+ became she is said to attractive, cute, and you want to set up a relationship. Plus, that whole "dick" statement. This would be very weird if she was a minor.
I wanted her to be 18+ became she is said to attractive, cute, and you want to set up a relationship. Plus, that whole "dick" statement. This would be very weird if she was a minor.

(I'm 15 and I came up with that statement xD)

Ok I made the following changes
  • CBD isn't as powerful as she was before. She can only take out about 50 (which I think is reasonable, especially since most characters can do similar damage anyways)
  • Green had some things removed, including his relationship with Dávid.
  • CBD is now 19 years old and an independent hero. She is now a partner to Green, rather than a sidekick.
  • CBD's agility has been nerfed a little bit. She still needs it or else her enhanced combat won't make sense
  • Green now has a personality.
  • Green is still gay.
  • CBD has too many changes
  • I hope you like the changes
  • I'll stop now
Name: Andrew Valarium
Nickname/Alias: Chirurgia
Gender: male
Blood Type: o-


Personality: Andrew keeps a very professional aura spending long hours organizing and cleaning materials he uses in his work. This leads to him being a wee bit of a neat freak. Outside of the uniform he tries to be very friendly and close to his comrades so that they will trust him when they need medical attention this does not always work but he tries. Beyond his work he is a drinker ,he enjoys classy bars and drinks mostly for enjoyment. He's not by any means a drunk and knows how to handle his alcohol this will lead to him being mostly found at a bar when not directly on duty ,but this is very rare as he works very long hours in the attempt to always be prepared. He is also encourages augmentation as a solution to almost any problem. He feels the need to compliment augmentations and will also sometimes be found staring at them some what lust fully.
Sexuality: bisexual
Habits/Quirks: he always tries to keep a fine whiskey hidden away. He also checks his gear idly
Hobbies: drinking ,shooting ,and reading
Likes: classical music ,Fine Guns ,good conversation over drink
Dislikes: messy people those who value who killing over saving
Human Strengths: medical practitioner ,good Marksman, resistant to gore ,master of World War II combative knife fighting ,good shot
Human Weaknesses: he will not leave wounded behind will become Furious when someone suggest it.

Affiliation: hero

Threat Level: 2
Power: his eyes are augmented allowing for sight through smoke walls and through the human body allowing him to make quick medical assessments at a glance.

His arm is also augmented with a extremely sharp trench knife and a strange green liquid that seems to fill in Cuts scrapes and even replace blood when introduced to a body lacking it

The knife is capable of cutting through bone carbon steel and other extremely hard materials with ease due to a plasma Edge.

His arm is made of Chobham and is hooked to his eyes allowing for his hands to remain completely stable during surgery and react with the speed needed to move into the way of a bullet.
Power Limits: he may block one or two 9mm bullets but anything moving beyond that speed or in larger amounts than one or two will get past his defenses
Physical Weaknesses: as his body is supported by a large amount of augmentations if hr were to be hit by an electromagnetic pulse his arm would you deactivated ,he would be rendered blind ,and his heart would probably stop.

Extra (Optional)
He even from a young age wanted to be a doctor . His entire life was devoted to an almost fanatical study of Medicine. He began to pick up on things quickly faster than any normal person would able to perform surgery at the young age of 16 receiving a Ph.D at 18.
He was raised in the streets leading to a very close relation with the knife and also motivating him even more to try to become a doctor so that he may move away. When he began surgery a couple of months after graduating at the age of 18 he realize his own limits finding them irritating to say the least. He begin to rant and Rave that he wasn't a good enough surgeon yet despite losing no one. That's when he began to augment himself investing large amounts of his own money into it he eventually found the hospital boring thinking that he had better usage of his abilities in the field which he invested even more money into augmenting himself so that he can be effective in such environments.
Theme song:
Extra:first time using voice function on my phone
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