The Wanderer


Florian Society Member
Name: Charles (Charley) Kirchner

Grade: 11

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Charles Kirchner is a caucasian male. He's not too especially tall, but he isn't short either. Charles is very lean, and has no fat whatsoever, however, small amounts of muscle cling to his wiry frame in respectable places. 

Height: 5', 10 1/2"

Weight: 130lbs

Hair: Charles wears his brown hair semi-long, and swept up and to the side. This leads to the right side of his forehead being visible, and the left slightly less so.

Eyes: Charley has normal-sized brown eyes.

Personality: Charley's got a pretty lax outlook on alot of things. He isn't a natural born leader, and he isn't a follower either. He wouldn't classify himself as a lone wolf, but he wouldn't classify himself as a social butterfly either. He's just a normal kid who likes to mess around, wether it be online, with his friends, or at school.

The only bad thing to be said about this kid is he doesn't focus on things he doesn't like, and looses interest easily. His teachers have had to tell him countless times to turn in a project or homework a week past its due date, or to snap out of it, and hurry up when taking a quiz or test. That isn't to say he's dumb, Charley's brilliant and charismatic enough if he wants to be. But again, that's only when he wants to be.

Bio: Growing up with a fascination with small, strange, cute, and complicated things, Charles Kirchner was always able to keep himself entertained with something or another during his childhood. He doesn't think he had a good one, nor a bad one. Things just seemed to pass him by, and when freshman year rolled around, his attitude was no different. He got decent enough grades, but his parents and teachers could tell he wasn't trying. Despite their best efforts, Charley still couldn't muster up enough ambition to care.

He was, however, almost immediately classified as a geek. Joining the marching band was one of the first things he did, being a drummer. He got pretty good, and by the beginning of junior year, he was head of the percussion section. When he wasn't drumming, he was playing videogames. These two things seemed to be the only thing Charles genuinely enjoyed wholeheartedly, and has allready recieved a scholarship for college via his skills with percussion.

Class: Wanderer


           Level: 3

           Vitality: 10

           Attunement: 11

           Endurance: 10

           Strength: 10

           Dexterity: 14

           Resistance: 12

           Intelligence: 11

           Faith: 8


Scimitar- Main hand (primary)

Leather Shield- Offhand (primary)

Wanderer Hood- Head

Wanderer Coat- Body

Wanderer Manchette- Gloves

Wanderer Boots- Feet

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