The Walking Dead


One Thousand Club
1x1 in between me and animelover101

Name: Aaron Ghates

Age: 24


Personality: Explained in the roleplay

History: Explained in roleplay

Equipment: A backpack, which is filled with water, food and clothes. He also carries around a knife and a Desert Eagle, which has 5 bullets left in it.
Name: Amber Westling


Appearance: Blonde hair with strawberry color strikes and

green eyes skin is a slightly tan

Personality: one thing that does not change is that she is very sarcastic rest of personality will develop later in roleplay

History: not much of one though she did play a lot of sports and whent camping a lot.

Equipment: at a small camp she made she has food and water also has a pistol with a silencer on it with 1 clip left she carries a hatchet around with her as well

(Sorry it took so long to respond)

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Ok then, I'll go ahead and get us started!

Shit. Shit.

"Get away you sick bastards! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Aaron Ghates shoved past the people in the streets. They were trying to...bite him. It was crazy. Some of his friends had called them zombies, but that's real goddamn insane, right? He didn't even know any more. All he knew was that they weren't people anymore. That had been made clear by the military. They were dead now. It was too bad. Well, at least he had gotten this Desert Eagle from them. It had been fairly useful for hitting things with so far, but he dared not use a bullet on a single monster. He only had five left, and he had to conserve. Besides, there weren't that many on the streets now, so he had raced for a building across the street.

He slammed into the door and pushed his way inside. Aaron could still hear the distant groaning of the things outside. He began dead bolting the door, then ran to find something to barricade it with. Aaron turned to face the barrel of a gun. "I suggest you back down, son." An old man stood with a rifle pointed at his face. "S-sir.."

"You stop right there mister. Were you bitten?!"


"Were you f**king bitten?!"


The old man stared Aaron up and down, like he was studying him. Finally, he replied. "You get up these steps. I'll hold them back for ya."

"Wait what? Why the hell would you stay down here alone? Those things are com-"

"And they wouldn't have been coming had you made less noise with that damn lock! Now get!"

Aaron simply nodded, and ran upstairs. He kept running until he made it to the door that said ROOF in big bold letters on it. He quickly opened the door and ran out. Daylight. Aaron left the door open in case the man changed his mind, then searched for a way out. He could try building hopping, but that sounded a bit risky. He turned around to see a woman not too far off. She was standing around on one of the buildings also, just standing around. She kind of looked like a looter. None the less, Aaron had to do something.

"Hey! Over here! Help!"

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