The Walking Dead: Roads


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Character Sign Up Template

So here's the information needed in order to sign up your character for the story:



Hair Color

Eye Color

Blood Type


Hobbies (Up to ten)

Good Character Traits (Up to six)

Character Flaws (List five)

Brief Character Bio: (Small Paragraph)

_________________EXAMPLE (AND MY CHARACTER)___________________________

Name: Destiny Frye aka "Fry"

Age: 19 years old.

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Light Brown

Blood Type: O+

Occupation: Computer Science Major at NYU/NYU Track & Field.

Hobbies: Tech geek, video gamer, sports fanatic, hunting, zodiac expert, pro class dancing, white lotus martial arts, fashion junkie, culinary fanatic, gnosiophiliac.

Traits: Strong-Willed/Loyal/Honest/Intelligent/Open-Minded/Optimistic

Flaws: Melodramatic/Domineering/Pretentious/Stubborn/Sensitive

-Destiny Emerald Frye is originally born on July 4th 1994, and raised in Springfield, Missouri and moved to NY Junior year of high school. She is Caucasian and British, 5'10" and approx. 130 lbs. Her father Norton is the vice superintendent at West Point Academy and was the reason for her moving. Her mother Hope is a biochemist at NY Presbyterian/ Weill Medical Center. Both her parents graduated from Missouri University and Hope attended graduate school at Yale. She has an older brother Norton Jr "Norty" (23 years old) that joined the Air Force at 18 and became an Aviation Resource Manager and attended Air Force Academy. Destiny and Norty are like twins more than siblings, and have a very close relationship/chemistry. Destiny is an introvert to her parents but outgoing in nature. She attended Delaware elementary, John Pershing middle school, and Parkview High School in Springfield. In NY, she attended Clarkstown High in West Nyack, NY. She graduated #24 in her class of 862 students. She also broke track records in NY in the 100, 200, and 4 x 100 relay events. She received a full scholarship to NYU where she now attends in her upcoming Junior year, and runs track as well and was recruited top 10 in the nation. She is highly logical while yet being extremely creative and imaginative. Bred a country girl, but enjoys the urban setting and nightlife. Being a military girl, she has proficiency with firearms and weapons. She dances in her spare time and is trilingual with Spanish and Italian. Her best quality is her adaptability to any situation, having vast resourcefulness and willpower from her experiences. She is also an avid Christian and has great faith religiously and in general. A popular figure, her worst downfall is the limitations she places on herself. All of that, or none of that will matter for what she is about to face...

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Name: Gabriel Hughes

Age: 34

Hair Color: Dark brown / Black

Eye Color: Blue

Blood Type: B+

Occupation: Ex-lawyer, now he scavenges the rubble and tries to stay alive.

Hobbies: Killing infected, reading, playing poker, smoking cigarettes, cleaning guns, friendly boxing matches

Good Character Traits: Smart, thinks of his feet, killed a lot of zombies, knows his way around weapons, leadership skills

Character Flaws: Asshole, does not play well with others, gets hot headed at times, stubborn, shoots first and asks questions later

Brief Character Bio:

Gabe was born and raised in London. Then he got a job at a big law firm in the states and he moved his mother and his sister there. When the infection hit he came home to his mother's reanimating corpse and took her out by bludgeoning her in the head with a coffee maker. The location of his sister is still unknown and she lives on the other side of the state and by the time he made his way to her house she was long gone. Desperate to survive he stumbled to the neighbor's house and teamed up with Jacobs, an aged Marine Corps veteran who taught him everything he now knows about survival. They traveled together for a long time and developed a father-son type of bond that meant the world to two people who had just lost everything.

Then one day they were raiding a K-Mart, and a zombie attacked them in the middle of the frozen food section. It tackled Gabe, frozen peas going everywhere. It took him down, and he was only saved by Jacobs reaching out and grabbing the teenage zombie's backpack and hauling him off. Unfortunately he got nicked in the process and knew it wouldn't be long before he was infected. They had promised each other if this were to happen they'd end the others life. So Gabe took Jacobs' handgun, pressed it to the old man's temple, and blew his brains out. After that he wandered, withdrew into himself. The last person he knew hadn't turned into a homicidal flesh eater is now gone... [cue meeting new survivors!]

...If you're interested in RPing with him you can see his whole bio [here].
Name: Dylan Jameson

Age: 29

Hair Color : Dirty Blonde

Eye Color : Brown

Blood Type : B+

Occupation: Drifter/Conman

Hobbies: Gambling, Drinking, Smoking, Firearms, Movies

Good Character Traits: Cares about those he trusts, fiercely protective, Adaptable

Character Flaws: Compulsive liar, disregard for those he doesn't value, excessively violent when provoked, hot-headed, lets his emotions get the best of him

Brief Character Bio: Dylan wasn't always a bad kid, but after his dad killed himself, things took a turn for the worse. At age 9, he was fatherless, and dealing with an alcoholic mother. He quickly resorted to theft and trespassing just to give himself a thrill, it helped him escape the harsh reality of his day to day life. Forming up with a group of kids whose lives echoed his own, it was no surprise when he left his mother for good a few years later to roll with his new friends.

Unfortunately for Dylan, his new friends eventually considered him too much of a liability a few more years down the line. Things got bad for Dylan, constantly drinking, smoking, and gambling. His friends were justified in leaving him due to his inability to stop spending their money on bets and alcohol. Left alone after they decided to kick his ass and steal what he had left, he knew from that point onwards it was just him, and that's the only person he could rely on.

Drifting from town to town for the next 15 or so years, he made a living womanizing and taking them for all they had, restricting himself from getting emotionally invested. It worked, and he made out quite well doing so. Knowing that if he cared for someone, he would stop his ways, he shut down emotionally and saw everyone as mere tools to be utilized, money to be had, things to be taken for.

However, when the outbreak happened, Dylan was forced to adapt. Luckily for him, his entire life had been adapting. He was always either on the run from the law, loan sharks, or bad people he'd gotten tangled up in. The undead just seemed like another symbol of things that had been chasing him for his entire life, the ghosts of the past and present hunting him down with relentless pursuit. Unfortunately, for Dylan, he knows he's not going to be able to make it on his own, and he's going to have to let his guard down and trust people if he wants to have any shot at surviving in this new world...
Name: Vasily Zaitzev

Age: 21

Hair Color:black

Eye Color:blue

Blood Type:AB-

Occupation: Army sniper on leave

Hobbies: working out, hanging out with friends, video games, shooting at the gun range,

Good Character Traits: trustworthy, friendly, hard to change his mind

Character Flaws: nervous, shy, unpredictable, cautious, mentally unstable

Character bio: Being on leave after successfully completing a mission that helped take down a drug lord. Vasily was given shore leave for a month but then the outbreak was happening around him and he was called back to service. He was sent to new york to help deal with the zombies that were trying to get into a military base and a help signal was sent out. He made it to the base but it was completely overun by the time he got there. He had no way of getting evacuated so he left on his own and has been dealing with surviving ever since that day.
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Name: John Morgan

Age: 30

Hair Color:Brown

Eye Color:Brown

Blood Type: AB+

Appearance :


Occupation: ex-soldier in the Australian Defense Force and ex-soldier in Special Air Service Regiment

Hobbies (Up to ten): training, unarmed martial arts, drinking, weapon maintenance , running

Good Character Traits (Up to six): survivalist instincts, adaptable, fast footed,

Character Flaws (List five) suffers from Multiple personality disorder, Insensitive, stubborn, unpredictable, head·strong

Brief Character Bio: (Small Paragraph) He and a small squad were mobilized into a larger force, known as the second battalion. They where deployed amphibiously south of New York, whereas they hiked through the outskirts of the city; because command ordered them to supply 'humanitarian aid' little did they know what would come next the outbreak the zombies picked of his men one by one he managed to find a place to hold up even with no ammo he was fine as he is a master of unarmed martial arts so brass knuckles was good enough for him he has been surviving by any means necessary ever since.
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Name: Alexandra van Amstel

Age: 22

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-28_23-57-1.png.473f6ab88c4ce7c05546cbb0234174a0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19243" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-28_23-57-1.png.473f6ab88c4ce7c05546cbb0234174a0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Blood Type: A-

Occupation: College graduate, pre-med student, and martial artist

Hobbies (Up to ten): taekwondo training, drawing, gardening, reading, writing, playing spanish guitar, video games, tinkering

Good Character Traits (Up to six): loyal, protective, brave, honest, intelligent, curious

Character Flaws (List five): wears heart on her sleeve, stubborn, short-fuse at times with anger, sometimes too naive, too critical on herself

Brief Character Bio: (Small Paragraph): Alex is a normal woman, coming from an average middle-class family, eager to make her contribution to the world through the eyes of science and medicine rather than through art and literature (having those as her worst classes throughout high school and college). Visiting New York City on a well-deserved vacation before she would return home to Boston to go to medical school, Alex was caught in the middle of the city when the outbreak occurred, unaware of it at first before she started to hear screams up and down the street. When she would rush to people who looked injured and assumed they needed aide, Alex would quickly double back to see they were walkers. While she was a great fan of sci-fi and supernatural movies, Alex just kept saying to herself it wasn't real...none of it was real. It couldn't be... But as the hours turned to days, Alex grimly realized it was for real and she would have to make sure to do with whatever she could find to ensure her survival. Her knowledge and educated guesses have kept her alive so far...but for how long will she be able to make it on her own before she dies or before she finds help?



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Name: Mimi Winters

Age: 16

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Blood Type: O

Occupation: Student

Hobbies (Up to ten): Reading, writing, drawing, dancing

Good Character Traits (Up to six): loyal, intelligent, brave

Character Flaws (List five): merciless, paranoid, cold

Brief Character Bio: (Small Paragraph): Mimi is a small, pale girl. She has long black hair and striking blue eyes. She lived in Bury, England. Originally a charismatic and happy girl, Mimi was an innocent and happy girl who was very talkative. She excelled in all forms of literacy and art and she often wrote stories of magic and wonder accompanied with bright pictures depicting happiness and prosperity. After a car crash killed her parents; her personality took a turn for the worse. She became a withdrawn and quiet girl who was filled with pent up sadness and anger. She was adopted by a couple who could not conceive their own child, as there were no other relatives for her to go to. Her attire was changed to be as black as her mood. Her stories became tragic and her pictures began bloodied. The couple, worried about her mental health decided to take her on holiday in hopes of brightening her mood. Little did they know that it would be the beginning of a far more traumatizing experience...

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Name: Spencer Hastings, AKA "Spence"

Age: 18

Hair Color: Brunette

Eye Color: Brown

Blood Type: O+

Occupation: Senior at Rosewood High School

Hobbies: Charity Work,Field Hockey, Attending After School Clubs, Studying, Hanging Out With Friends, Horseback Riding, Decathlon Team, Exercising, Tennis, Academics

Good Character Traits: Intelligence, Determination, Protective, Fighter, Realist, Clever

Character Flaws: Perfectionist, Hopeless Romantic, Sometimes Overly Protective, Scared Of Failure, Secretive

Brief Character Bio:

My name is Spencer, Spencer Hastings. I was born in Rosewood, Pennsylvania. I come from a family of profound lawyers and scholars with high expectations and nothing wanting but perfection. It wasn't easy being in my older sisters shadow, Melissa was my parents pride and joy. Me? More like runner up. Once I started High School I joined sports teams at school so I didn't have to go home. I just wanted to escape, be free. But now? I would do anything to be with my family again.

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Name: Devin 'Dev' Saverino

Age: 41

Hair Color: Bald

Eye Color: Brown

Blood Type: O+

Occupation: Auto Mechanic

Hobbies: Mixed Martial Arts, Driving, Weapon Collecting

Good Character Traits

-Big Heart


-Puts others before himself

-Willing to Sacrifice himself for the greater good


Character Flaws

-Takes betrayal personally


-Vengeance is everything

-Difficulty moving on from losses

-Hate is indeed a strong word

Brief Character Bio: The name's Devin Saverino, Dev for short. I grew up in California. However, recent events have taken me to Rosewood. I was born an American, I will live as an American, I will die as an American. Growing up, I always had a strong passion for cars, which lead me to become an Auto Mechanic. When it comes to cars, I'm your man. Other things I enjoy are Mixed Martial Arts and Weapon Collecting. If you wanna be friends, get to know me. I'm pretty flexible.



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Name:Terrell Harris(Tarry)


Hair Color:Black

Eye Color:Brown

Blood Type:A+

Occupation: Paramedic

Hobbies (Up to ten): Swordplay, drinking, climbing, driving, chemistry, basketball, reading, games, movies.

Good Character Traits: Friendly, Calm, Good leader, Realist, Persuasive

Character Flaws : Greedy, cunning, arbitrary, authoritative, somewhat egoistic

Brief Character Bio: I am Terrell Harris, but most call me Tarry. I lived a quiet and peaceful life in Los Angeles, enlisted myself as a paramedic, hoping to do some good. I had a supportive family, good friends, and a girl whom I was lucky to call my lover. My everyday life, however, was too boring, I wanted more - I wanted something exciting that will bring me out of the ordinary. It seems I got what I desired...and now, I lost everything.

Name: Kyla Guinne

Age: 22

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Mint green

Blood Type: A+

Height:139.7 Centimetres

Weight:35.38 Kilogrammes/5.57 Stone

Occupation: Courier

Hobbies (Up to ten): Parkour, Dirt Biking, Rock Climbing, Paintball, Marine Corp. Martial Arts Programme, Cycling, Tattoos/Piercings, Music

Good Character Traits (Up to six):Friendly/Loyal/Calm/Ingenuitive/Honest

Character Flaws (List five):Stubborn/Violent/Short Tempered/Callous/Critical

Brief Character Bio: Raised in the bad ends of Glasgow, Scotland, Kyla bounced about from gang to gang growing up. Her times spent with gangs always went one of two ways, with her either becoming famed until an arrest, or her becoming hated for beating up one too many members. This allowed Kyla to grow accustomed to unstable backgrounds, and her parents both being involved in drugs didn't help. During this time Kyla was in an altercation that had her in a juvenile detention facility for eight months. The altercation also cost Kyla her right eye.

After a bout of incarceration after rather brutally beating a man with a wrench after he tried to force himself on her Kyla was contacted by her Uncle David, who was medically retired United States Marine Corp. He offered her a job with his courier company, a place to live and food in return that she help him around the house keeping things clean and stay out of trouble. (David was a triple amputee.)

Accepting her chance at a new life, Kyla moved to New York and started working as a courier both by cycle and by foot. She made a number of friends, and her uncle enlisted a friend to teach her how to properly fight and defend herself.

Almost immediately after Kyla got her first stable living situation the infection hit. She lost her Uncle David to Nippers on the second day and has been making her own way since.

Good thing she's used to a tough crowd.

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revo said:
Sorry @Ch0sen1 I'm going to have to pull out of this. I'd have to rework his bio a lot and I'm pretty busy right now. Enjoy!
Understandable @revo !! maybe mid-way we can cross him in after his battle worn journeys!!! 

[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]

Name: Kyla Guinne

Age: 22

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Mint green

Blood Type: A+

Height:139.7 Centimetres

Weight:35.38 Kilogrammes/5.57 Stone

Occupation: Courier

Hobbies (Up to ten): Parkour, Dirt Biking, Rock Climbing, Paintball, Marine Corp. Martial Arts Programme, Cycling, Tattoos/Piercings, Music

Good Character Traits (Up to six):Friendly/Loyal/Calm/Ingenuitive/Honest

Character Flaws (List five):Stubborn/Violent/Short Tempered/Callous/Critical

Brief Character Bio: Raised in the bad ends of Glasgow, Scotland, Kyla bounced about from gang to gang growing up. Her times spent with gangs always went one of two ways, with her either becoming famed until an arrest, or her becoming hated for beating up one too many members. This allowed Kyla to grow accustomed to unstable backgrounds, and her parents both being involved in drugs didn't help. During this time Kyla was in an altercation that had her in a juvenile detention facility for eight months. The altercation also cost Kyla her right eye.

After a bout of incarceration after rather brutally beating a man with a wrench after he tried to force himself on her Kyla was contacted by her Uncle David, who was medically retired United States Marine Corp. He offered her a job with his courier company, a place to live and food in return that she help him around the house keeping things clean and stay out of trouble. (David was a triple amputee.)

Accepting her chance at a new life, Kyla moved to New York and started working as a courier both by cycle and by foot. She made a number of friends, and her uncle enlisted a friend to teach her how to properly fight and defend herself.

Almost immediately after Kyla got her first stable living situation the infection hit. She lost her Uncle David to Nippers on the second day and has been making her own way since.

Good thing she's used to a tough crowd.

View attachment 55741

I like this character A LOT. Nice.

Name: Jax Corrigan

Age: 22

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Blood Type: AB

Occupation: Was an investor.

Hobbies (Up to ten): Mixed Martian Arts, weight lifting, reading, writing, cooking.

Good Character Traits (Up to six): Courageous, Brave, Intelligent, Open-minded, Quiet, Strategic

Character Flaws (List five): Can emotionally lose it when it comes to hard loss, sometimes acts without thinking, always confrontational if approached incorrectly, not the strongest man in the troop, a bit on the shorter side at 5'8.

Brief Character Bio: Jax was not born to two parents. He was conceived out of a one night stand, which his mother kept as a secret. On the day of his delivery, she abandoned him. He was left for dead, had a certain old man never found his body on that side of a familiar walkway. He took him in as one of his own. The old man ran a local dojo, teaching his students about the style of mixed martian arts; with Judo, Tae-Kwon-Do and wresting as his main areas of expertise. Jax grew up within that dojo, training.


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