The Waffles and Braids Saga

Have a rofl waffle.
Our sweet breaded friends have gone away. Twould appear our journey does not begin till yet another fortnight.
[QUOTE="Dusk Archon]Our sweet breaded friends have gone away. Twould appear our journey does not begin till yet another fortnight.

It would seem you words right true. A pox upon killjoys, I'm being forced to get off and go to bed now. See you all in the morn.
i'm gonna be the braid theif 
techewok what'r you gonna be? 

TechEwok said:
I'm gonna be a waffle pirate! or a braid ninja.... SO HARD TO CHOOSE!
The braid ninjas should put rocks in their braids, so they can swing their hair around to knock people out.
Are we human like with the appearance of waffles and braids? Or are we human with waffle and braid paraphernalia

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