The Voices in the Walls(Gyvierre College) CS(Enroll here please!)


I'm the salt master
Character Skeleton(CS)



Species of Spirit:*Note: By species, I mean mythical creature*

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):



Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed):

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):*If you are a first, second, or third year, you do not need to fill this*



Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here):

Note 1: Forever accepting, don't worry 'bout it!

Note 2: Any species that is based off history is okay, but your own creations should have a bit f background about themselves.

  • Name:

    The Sun-clad Dragon: Arcturus "Arthur" Pendragon



    Species of Spirit:


    Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):


    Arthur has blonde hair and purple eyes, and often wears either armour or a robe. He is often characterised by the large grin, or smirk, on his face, and he is generally considered charming.


    Arcturus is a relaxed and laid-back individual, much to the surprise of others, especially when you consider his position as headmaster. His natural charisma and his features helps him in his duties as a headmaster, and he is good at everything but paperwork. To add, he is also forgetful, eccentric, and whimsical. Despite his attitude, he can be very serious about his work, and has proven to be a good headmaster. Unfortunately, he has been undergoing some personality changes as of late.


    -To be revealed (& worked on)-

    How long have you been working:

    132 years

    Subjects(Please refer to Overview):

    Used to teach:

    • Combative Arts
    • Miracles
    • Auramancy
    • Alteration
    • Conjury
    • Illusion
    • Mathematics
    • Spirit World Geography
    • History of Magic
    • Human Linguistics(English)
    • Human Statistics, Business, and Economy
    • Human Politics, Geography and History

    Now, he is often holed up in the headmaster's office doing work.


    • Excalibur


    War Call Magic

    Utilising his magic, Arcturus is extremely proficient in several schools of magic, backing up his title as headmaster. He has been known to handle intruders in the past, and leave no remains behind. His fighting techniques and style are both eccentric, which makes it difficult for even the most war-hardened veterans to fight him.

    -what might happen hmm?-

    Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here):

    • He is a heterosexual
    • He can be slightly perverted at times
    • He can be angered when the school is in danger, and when he's in a rage, it'd probably be best to stay away.

Example CS below, didn't expound on appearance and personality, just a heads up.


Zanden Iizha


19 in Undine years, 38 in human years

Species of Spirit:


Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):

This is an example, thus, this is redundant.


No need for something too melodramatic or tragic. Both parents dead, sure. Accidentally killed entire clan on a rampage... eh, not so much. I want sane students enrolled at the college please. :)

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed):

Eighth Year(This is an example)

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):*If you are a first, second, or third year, you do not need to fill this*

Second Year, thus, no need to fill this out.

In the case that you fill this out, please place subjects in bullet points. It just makes it easier to read for me :P Of course, you don't really need to though.


  • Knapsack:
    6 Water bottles
  • Extra set of clothes
  • Tissues


  • Notebook
  • Pen


Having grown up in an undine family, she was initiated in water magic for a while, therefore, she has a grasp on the basics of water magic. She is capable of bringing forth large waves that can sink small sailboats, but this fatigues her extremely quickly(Something like this, you will slowly grow your character, this is a school after all)

Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here):

  • Heterosexual
  • She likes seaweed, but she hates salamanders and sand.
  • She has a coral rock collection.

Character Sheets' Completion: 100%

WOOT! CSs complete!
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Just getting this up so I can edit it later, as well as to let you know I'll be makin' a character.

Name: Haru Krest

Age: 662

(If it were possible to translate her age to the equivalent of a human being, which can actually die from time, she would be approximately 14.9099099 years old, as she physically ages one human year for approximately every 44.4 years, with her physical aging ending upon hitting age 666 (exact human physical aging of 15 years old), and death can only come from being killed or killing herself, exception being things like bleeding out, etc.)

Species of Spirit: Scientifically Self-Mutated Demon-Born Human

(In other words, Half Demon, Half Human, Pure Science xD )



Haru is a bit of an oddball. She tends to seem creepy and insane, though she's actually very calm. Her appearance tends to make people think she's some creepy monster that doesn't have any care for feelings and emotions, but she doesn't really bother with getting frustrated, angry, of feeling insulted over that, because she herself would think the same thing if she were still her original self and someone else was like her.

Haru can often be portrayed as weird and not in this world in description by those who've gotten somewhat close and talked to her a bit, this being sort of a more accurate description, and like the previous, she doesn't really mind it all that much. She actually admits that she has a few tendencies, while working with her chemicals and other scientific tools, that could portray herself as weird and not part of this world.

Haru's actual self is very friendly and easy to talk to. When she's not focused on burning her left eye with cyanide by mistake, and making a bloody mess with extracting blood from her body without a syringe, she'll pay fair attention to what attention needs to be paid to, and will participate in a conversation like she were a normal person or being, even showing that she has pretty much all the same emotions as other beings as well.

Haru's favorite three colors are purple, black, and red. She also likes white as a close fourth, it actually being her natural hair color. Red is the color of blood, purple is the color of shadows, and black is the color of death. That's how she sees her favorite three colors, and it shows how weird and creepy she can actually be on the inside, but that's only just a small thing that comes from her basic nature, nothing more.


Haru was born into a world of many wonders. She lived on the borders of science and magic, learning about both, experiencing both, living as both, and using both. Haru absolutely loved both magic and science, devoting her whole time to studying both subjects of the world. In one hand she had science, and in the other, she had magic.

Sadness is love, love is pain, pain is hate, hate is happiness, and happiness is sadness. That was the most basic fact she'd learned through science, which she's proven to hold true through her own self, as well as the way others emotions are. She's found science to be a mighty weapon of which can be used to back up just about any words through this basic fact and a few others.

To be burned is to be shocked, to be shocked is to be cut, to be cut is to be hit hard, to be hit hard is to be frozen, and to be frozen is to be burned. This was the most basic principle of magic she'd learned, as the pain that each element tied to the type of action gave off the pain of a different action when put into normal elements of such. She learned she could also counter these pains by inflicting herself with the element's type of pain that comes before the element hitting her's type of pain, thus neutralizing the pain, though still leaving the actual injury to her body.

Haru lived this secluded life of science and magic for two hundred years before deciding to do something that had been previously proven impossible; mix magic and science. Science was purely logical, while magic was purely illogical, two things that seem like they could never be mixed together. She knew the dangers of such a task being attempted, though she decided she would attempt it anyway.

When she was in the middle of an experiment involving blood about four hundred years later, she accidentally mixed in a vial of basic magical essence into the blood, so when she went to use flame magic to heat the scientifically-modified blood, the magical energy in the magic fire was absorbed by the magical essence, creating the first ever successful mixture of science and magic that's ever truly been, with the closest thing to it done so far was creating things and using magical energy like a source of energy, which wasn't anywhere near true mixing of science and magic.

Haru, with her great memory, reviewed her actions that created the blood which created a blood portal to a special type of realm, figuring out what she'd done and repeating the process carefully, to see if it was actually a mixture of science and magic, and not just magic ending up used with the blood itself a simple liquid used by accident for a liquid portal, which was purely magic. She found out, it was in fact, a mixture of science and magic, not just some simple mistaking of a liquid portal as a mixing of the two.

About fifty years later, she decided she would take her studies of science and magic further and learn more to science and magic than freelance science and basic magic, so she could further attempt the combination of science and magic, which would, if successful, be one of the greatest feats that the world has ever seen, especially seeing as the previous millions of attempts ended in utter failure, or utter chaos, that proved the mixture of both in a stable way as near impossible, though her blood portals were proof that it is possible to mix science and magic in a stable way.

Grade/Year: Third

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):

Third Year, thus not to put a list of classes/subjects.


  • Versatile Blood Realm
    Portable Medicine Lab (For making her various medications)
  • Various Chemicals (For making medication and experimenting)
  • Scientific Books (Various medium-small piles and one decent-sized shelf)Scientific Magic Table (For combining science and magic, though she's yet to really do much in the subject of magic with science)
  • Artificial Blood Machine (For creating and replenishing blood if injured in any way, or bleeding due to body modifications or something; the blood machine's made to be compatible with virtually any being's blood; blood is mixed together with another liquid, creating twice as much liquid to go inside the body, but only half of the liquid is truly blood, with the blood not lasting all too long)
  • DNA Collection (Two collections of basic structured DNA vials with labels, that includes DNA samples of every type of species known to exist, allowing for her to figure out what species a DNA belongs to if out of DNA Analysis Liquid or something; she has another identical collection in her dormitory.)

  • Inner Jacket Pockets
    Insanity Control Medicine (Vial x4)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (Vial x3)
  • Mutation Suppressor (Vial x2)
  • Basic Scientific Element (Basic magical compound made through science, Vial x4)
  • Magic Tome (Book containing various types of magic, Book x1)
  • Scientific Magic Blood (A special mixture of magic, science, and blood, that can be used to enter a special realm, Vial x3)

  • Dormitory
    Liquid Cyanide (Vials, Unknown Number)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (Bottles, Unknown Number)
  • Death Mark Field (On the door and all her possessions, marks a person with a 'Death Mark' if they try to open the door to her room forcefully or touch her possessions. Only she can remove these death marks easily, they don't actually kill or anything but are quite easy to locate, and they wear off after three days.)
  • Microwave (Simple; a microwave for her to cook her food in; modified to allow for more instant heating of food, and can be powered by solar radiation)
  • Insanity Control Medicine (Vials, Unknown Number; to carry with her to prevent herself from going insane in the event any of her experiments on herself start digging at her mind in some way; please note she's not actually insane, though her creepy personality may make one think she's insane at times)
  • DNA Analysis Liquid (Vials that contain the liquid for identifying what species and everything a DNA type belongs to, as well as a list of what each color of the liquid becoming upon mixing in DNA in stands for, such as dark red would represent demons, bright red representing red fire dragons, etc. and can also be then placed under a microscope to compare it to another DNA to see if they belong to the same person/being)
  • DNA Collection (A collection of basic structured DNA vials with labels, that includes DNA samples of every type of species known to exist, allowing for her to figure out what species a DNA belongs to if out of DNA Analysis Liquid or something; she has two more identical collections in her blood realm)
  • Various Metal/Electronic Parts (For if she needs to repair and/or create scientific machines, tools, or other things, such as if she requires melted metal for one of her experiments.)


As a being who was partially constructed by science, her body isn't very much of a natural occurrence. Her regular body was made of pure dark emotions and urges such as hatred, an urge to kill, an urge to cause chaos, etc., which created a being who's basic instincts are more of focus on killing everything in the way, rather than focus on their own survival like most beings do. This makes for an extremely high compatibility with dark and negative-based magic, though she can control her basic instincts fairly well.

Haru is also a freelance scientist. She's very capable with what she does, though about half the time it turns into one huge mess that's quite difficult to clean up. She's had one particularly successful accident though, where she accidentally mixed in magic with one of her experiments with blood, which created portals between each other and a small 'blood realm' which is always existent.

Haru can use three elements of magic; dark, water/ice, and fire. These are more of basic-intermediate level, and she doesn't have much actual strength with these types of elemental magic like those with high skill and training do. These do tie in quite nicely with her scientific magic goals though, since it gives her a good bit of magic to attempt her science-magic mixtures with.

Haru's also, due to experimentation on herself, able to regenerate her wounds a good bit faster than a human. Wounds dealt to her usually end up healed up within half a day or less, unless they're major injuries, which will still take less time than a human's recovery rate, though it's still at least half or more of the time that a human takes, since the damage being severe enough also destroys the regenerative compounds in that section of her body, making her body have to produce more off of those in other parts of her body.

Haru's final set of abilities, involve her bodily structure. Her bone claws are capable of extending out a decent distance and can move quite swiftly, with them hard enough to block things, such as bullets, with ease. Her tail is capable of powerful attacks that can cut through quite a bit, as well as the tip capable of cutting straight through magic that has some kind of actual form (fire, lightning, water, etc.), meaning it can't really cut through things like gravity.

Haru has full control over these body parts, as well as her drill fingers are able to shoot out a small distance as well, with each drill finger just as strong in material as her bone claws, with enough force to actually break her bone claws if she wanted to. The giant drill on her left hand is capable of doing through just about any physical surface, though doesn't have any reach past where it rests on her arm when the arm is extended outward.

She has some good limits on the use of her drill hand though, due to having to be careful not to harm herself in the process of using it with how big it is compared to a hand. Her actual body's strength is a bit higher than most around because of all the experimentation she's done on herself, though it isn't anything special, since there are a good few with bodies as durable as, or more durable than, her own body.


Just two rather graphic songs that I think fit her well.

Only listen if you're fine with songs that are a little on the mature side.


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Name: Zane MckNeil

Age: 18

Species of Spirit: Human



Personality/History(Bio): There are many words used to describe Zane. The primary ones being asshole, dick, prick, and simply ass. He's a cocky guy who thinks he's gods gift to women and that other men should kiss the ground he walks upon. Not much is known about where he's from or his past and he doesn't tell much. Occasionally a story will come out involving illegal activities here and there but that's a rare occasion amongst the rarities.

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed)(Answer if you are a student): 4

Subjects: Astrology, Combative arts, Illusion, Auramancy, Magecrafts,

  • Runic Language
  • Paleography(study of ancient texts and languages)
  • Incantography(study of magic sparked by words)

Inventory: An enchanted pack of cigarettes that never runs out. Concealed quite well.

Abilities: Illusion and fire magic

Basic immobile illusions and advanced fire, specializing in it rather than others over four years.

Other: Straight. I have created a world class asshhole! I am proud.
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I will try to post my profile today since I probably won't be on Saturday. Just doing this so I don't have to copy and paste it later on. Will post some basic things.



Species of Spirit:

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):



Third year.

Subjects: Is a third year.



Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here):
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Glai'Lei (pronounced Guh-lay-lee)


200 (or 18 in human comparison)

Species of Spirit:

Chronos Angel

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):

Glai'lei is a young angel having just begun to reach maturity. She is delicate and rather small in stature, being only 5'4" and weighing roughly 108 lbs. Like most of her kind Glai'lei closely resembles a human in physical aspects however their are some very key differences. Like all angels Glai'lei possesses a pair of wings, as a Chronos Angel these take the form form of a free-floating set of metallic structures controlled by her magic. She also posses a hallow and long slightly pointed ears. Glai'lei's eyes are a pure vivid white in hue with no discernible iris or pupil, she also has a scar just below her left eye. Her hands bear faint golden hued markings that glow when she uses magic.


The best way to describe her personality would be studious. Glai'lei was at one point an apprentice Chronicler and as such has a vast appetite for gaining as much knowledge as she can. Despite her intense curiosity Glai'lei is actually very shy as she has little experience in dealing with others outside of her own species. She has little people skills and becomes easily flustered in social situations. However she has a very sweet demeanor that makes her awkwardness somehow more endearing.


|Before we begin I though it would be best to add some background on lore for her breed for familiarity purposes.

  • Lethinara: The world of the angels it exist beyond the veil it is made up of thirteen sky islands.
  • Rishail: One of the smallest of the sky islands Rishail is inhabited by the Chronis Angels. The entire island is one large city known as Liberitus.
  • Chronis Angel: Also known as the Recordkeepers, they dedicate their lives to studying, recording, and collecting information on any species in existence.
  • Council of the Divine: The ruling force of the angels it consists of the representatives of all the angelic races.
  • Records: The four distinct "families" of Chronis Angels. They include the the Emerald Sky, Crimson Temple, Azure Feather, and Silver Thread.
  • Chronicler: A Chronis Angel responsible for keeping, organizing, and eventually maintaining all of a Records knowledge.
  • The Still: A rare occurrence that targets the females of the Angelic species. The Still refers to a time where reproduction rates come to almost a halt as female angels become incapable of reproducing without great difficulty.

Possibly will add more as needed||

Born on the sky island of Rishail in Lethinara, Glai'lei was the first and only child to be born to the a Record of the Emerald Sky during the Fifth Great Still. Her father was Ensil the current Head Chronicler of the Emerald Sky and her mother was Councilor Yggdra'hi. Directly of of noble birth Glai'lei was trained at an early age to take on the duties of a Chronicler.

Bright and exhibiting a talent for record keeping even as a juvenile. However as she began to come more fully into her angelic powers she began exhibiting a rare trait; the FarSight. The FarSight is a rare ability that few Chronis are born with as it allows them to collect and experience knowledge from periods of time long past through contact with items from that period. This ability also gives them limited vision on to future by taking into account likely probabilities to occur based on past patterns.

As the FarSight was a rare gift the method for training the skill had been all but lost. Seeking to control this newfound gift Glai'lei decided to find a worthy school of magic where she could both learn and train; as such she departed from Lethinara.

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed):

4th Year

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):

  • Astrology
  • Alteration
  • Divination
  • Conjuration
  • Combative Arts
  • Auramancy
  • History of Magic
  • Language (All)


  • Rucksack: The Compendium, Habrin's Egg, A photo of her parents, 13 assorted sky quartz stones, A quill.


  • The FarSight(One hour into future, only flashes; flashes will be incoherent and random)
  • Spirit Summoning: Glai'lei can summon her spirit bind partner, an adolescent dragon by the name of Habren, from the Dragon Egg she carries
  • Verbal Casting: As an angel Glai'lei has recieved training in casting spells through spoke incantations alone
  • Speech Adaptability: Glai'lei can learn any language after it is spoke to her once.

Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here):

She is pansexual. The scar on her face came from the a fight with Habren. She can adapt her clothes to suit her needs but can not alter the color. Glai'lei typically speaks trough a form of mental telepathy as her actual voice is the source by which most of we magic is cast with or without her intending to do so.
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[QUOTE="X3 Infernal Infinity]
Glai'Lei (pronounced Guh-lay-lee)


200 (or 18 in human comparison)

Species of Spirit:

Chronos Angel

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):

Glai'lei is a young angel having just begun to reach maturity. She is delicate and rather small in stature, being only 5'4" and weighing roughly 108 lbs. Like most of her kind Glai'lei closely resembles a human in physical aspects however their are some very key differences. Like all angels Glai'lei possesses a pair of wings, as a Chronos Angel these take the form form of a free-floating set of metallic structures controlled by her magic. She also posses a hallow and long slightly pointed ears. Glai'lei's eyes are a pure vivid white in hue with no discernible iris or pupil, she also has a scar just below her left eye. Her hands bear faint golden hued markings that glow when she uses magic.


The best way to describe her personality would be studious. Glai'lei was at one point an apprentice Chronicler and as such has a vast appetite for gaining as much knowledge as she can. Despite her intense curiosity Glai'lei is actually very shy as she has little experience in dealing with others outside of her own species. She has little people skills and becomes easily flustered in social situations. However she has a very sweet demeanor that makes her awkwardness somehow more endearing.


|Before we begin I though it would be best to add some background on lore for her breed for familiarity purposes.

  • Lethinara: The world of the angels it exist beyond the veil it is made up of thirteen sky islands.
  • Rishail: One of the smallest of the sky islands Rishail is inhabited by the Chronis Angels. The entire island is one large city known as Liberitus.
  • Chronis Angel: Also known as the Recordkeepers, they dedicate their lives to studying, recording, and collecting information on any species in existence.
  • Council of the Divine: The ruling force of the angels it consists of the representatives of all the angelic races.
  • Records: The four distinct "families" of Chronis Angels. They include the the Emerald Sky, Crimson Temple, Azure Feather, and Silver Thread.
  • Chronicler: A Chronis Angel responsible for keeping, organizing, and eventually maintaining all of a Records knowledge.
  • The Still: A rare occurrence that targets the females of the Angelic species. The Still refers to a time where reproduction rates come to almost a halt as female angels become incapable of reproducing without great difficulty.

Possibly will add more as needed||

Born on the sky island of Rishail in Lethinara, Glai'lei was the first and only child to be born to the a Record of the Emerald Sky during the Fifth Great Still. Her father was Ensil the current Head Chronicler of the Emerald Sky and her mother was Councilor Yggdra'hi. Directly of of noble birth Glai'lei was trained at an early age to take on the duties of a Chronicler.

Bright and exhibiting a talent for record keeping even as a juvenile. However as she began to come more fully into her angelic powers she began exhibiting a rare trait; the FarSight. The FarSight is a rare ability that few Chronis are born with as it allows them to collect and experience knowledge from periods of time long past through contact with items from that period. This ability also gives them limited vision on to future by taking into account likely probabilities to occur based on past patterns.

As the FarSight was a rare gift the method for training the skill had been all but lost. Seeking to control this newfound gift Glai'lei decided to find a worthy school of magic where she could both learn and train; as such she departed from Lethinara.

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed):

4th Year

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):

  • Astrology
  • Alteration
  • Divination
  • Conjuration
  • Combative Arts
  • Auramancy
  • History of Magic
  • Language (All)


  • Rucksack: The Compendium, Habrin's Egg, A photo of her parents, 13 assorted sky quartz stones, A quill.


  • The FarSight
  • Spirit Summoning: Glai'lei can summon her spirit bind partner, an adolescent dragon by the name of Habren, from the Dragon Egg she carries
  • Verbal Casting: As an angel Glai'lei has recieved training in casting spells through spoke incantations alone
  • Speech Adaptability: Glai'lei can learn any language after it is spoke to her once.

Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here):

She is pansexual. The scar on her face came from the a fight with Habren. She can adapt her clothes to suit her needs but can not alter the color. Glai'lei typically speaks trough a form of mental telepathy as her actual voice is the source by which most of we magic is cast with or without her intending to do so.

Hmm... You could possibly hone your FarSight in the Auramancy class, but I'd like to know how far into the future you can see O.o
Atom said:
Name: Zane MckNeil
Age: 18

Species of Spirit: Human



Personality/History(Bio): There are many words used to describe Zane. The primary ones being asshole, dick, prick, and simply ass. He's a cocky guy who thinks he's gods gift to women and that other men should kiss the ground he walks upon. Not much is known about where he's from or his past and he doesn't tell much. Occasionally a story will come out involving illegal activities here and there but that's a rare occasion amongst the rarities.

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed)(Answer if you are a student): 4

Subjects: Astrology, Combative arts, Illusion, Auramancy, Magecrafts,

  • Runic Language
  • Paleography(study of ancient texts and languages)
  • Incantography(study of magic sparked by words)

Inventory: An enchanted pack of cigarettes that never runs out. Concealed quite well.

Abilities: Illusion and fire magic

Basic immobile illusions and advanced fire, specializing in it rather than others over four years.

Other: Straight. I have created a world class asshhole! I am proud.
Mmkay, I see no problems here c:

I can foresee him just putting a cigarette in his mouth before the embers spark violently and he releases several fireballs. That came out pretty cool in my head *^*

[QUOTE="X3 Infernal Infinity]
Glai'Lei (pronounced Guh-lay-lee)


200 (or 18 in human comparison)

Species of Spirit:

Chronos Angel

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):

Glai'lei is a young angel having just begun to reach maturity. She is delicate and rather small in stature, being only 5'4" and weighing roughly 108 lbs. Like most of her kind Glai'lei closely resembles a human in physical aspects however their are some very key differences. Like all angels Glai'lei possesses a pair of wings, as a Chronos Angel these take the form form of a free-floating set of metallic structures controlled by her magic. She also posses a hallow and long slightly pointed ears. Glai'lei's eyes are a pure vivid white in hue with no discernible iris or pupil, she also has a scar just below her left eye. Her hands bear faint golden hued markings that glow when she uses magic.


The best way to describe her personality would be studious. Glai'lei was at one point an apprentice Chronicler and as such has a vast appetite for gaining as much knowledge as she can. Despite her intense curiosity Glai'lei is actually very shy as she has little experience in dealing with others outside of her own species. She has little people skills and becomes easily flustered in social situations. However she has a very sweet demeanor that makes her awkwardness somehow more endearing.


|Before we begin I though it would be best to add some background on lore for her breed for familiarity purposes.

  • Lethinara: The world of the angels it exist beyond the veil it is made up of thirteen sky islands.
  • Rishail: One of the smallest of the sky islands Rishail is inhabited by the Chronis Angels. The entire island is one large city known as Liberitus.
  • Chronis Angel: Also known as the Recordkeepers, they dedicate their lives to studying, recording, and collecting information on any species in existence.
  • Council of the Divine: The ruling force of the angels it consists of the representatives of all the angelic races.
  • Records: The four distinct "families" of Chronis Angels. They include the the Emerald Sky, Crimson Temple, Azure Feather, and Silver Thread.
  • Chronicler: A Chronis Angel responsible for keeping, organizing, and eventually maintaining all of a Records knowledge.
  • The Still: A rare occurrence that targets the females of the Angelic species. The Still refers to a time where reproduction rates come to almost a halt as female angels become incapable of reproducing without great difficulty.

Possibly will add more as needed||

Born on the sky island of Rishail in Lethinara, Glai'lei was the first and only child to be born to the a Record of the Emerald Sky during the Fifth Great Still. Her father was Ensil the current Head Chronicler of the Emerald Sky and her mother was Councilor Yggdra'hi. Directly of of noble birth Glai'lei was trained at an early age to take on the duties of a Chronicler.

Bright and exhibiting a talent for record keeping even as a juvenile. However as she began to come more fully into her angelic powers she began exhibiting a rare trait; the FarSight. The FarSight is a rare ability that few Chronis are born with as it allows them to collect and experience knowledge from periods of time long past through contact with items from that period. This ability also gives them limited vision on to future by taking into account likely probabilities to occur based on past patterns.

As the FarSight was a rare gift the method for training the skill had been all but lost. Seeking to control this newfound gift Glai'lei decided to find a worthy school of magic where she could both learn and train; as such she departed from Lethinara.

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed):

4th Year

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):

  • Astrology
  • Alteration
  • Divination
  • Conjuration
  • Combative Arts
  • Auramancy
  • History of Magic
  • Language (All)


  • Rucksack: The Compendium, Habrin's Egg, A photo of her parents, 13 assorted sky quartz stones, A quill.


  • The FarSight
  • Spirit Summoning: Glai'lei can summon her spirit bind partner, an adolescent dragon by the name of Habren, from the Dragon Egg she carries
  • Verbal Casting: As an angel Glai'lei has recieved training in casting spells through spoke incantations alone
  • Speech Adaptability: Glai'lei can learn any language after it is spoke to her once.

Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here):

She is pansexual. The scar on her face came from the a fight with Habren. She can adapt her clothes to suit her needs but can not alter the color. Glai'lei typically speaks trough a form of mental telepathy as her actual voice is the source by which most of we magic is cast with or without her intending to do so.

Alright then,if I have any further questions, I will ask. Just make sure your FarSight isn't omnipotent, or too accurate early on. It might be more fun to piece them together with clues, I have some ideas broiling... ;)


If you have any questions, please bring them into the OoC, try not to clog the character-signups tab with posts just for a couple questions. c:

I appreciate your cooperation.

Btw, make sure to read the rules if you haven't!

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Full Name:

"It might give you chills"

Aysel Vang


"I'm older than the moon, but younger than the sun"



"Promise not to yell"

BuruBuru: The ghost of fear


"Beware I'm coming for you."



Aysel has pale chalky skin that give's her a ghost like appearance. She has pale blue eyes and a silvery long white hair. Aysel is of average height and bone skinny although she hides it with her clothing. Aysel has a dark style and tends to stick darker colors


"Let's just say I don't like people"

Mysterious and intimidating, Aysel likes being on her own most of the time. When she is forced to interact with people, she usually keeps a monotone voice and replies in sarcastic comments. Her disconnected nature causes Aysel a feeling of suffering when she is interacting with others, and although she doesn't say everything that is in her head, her thoughts go wild trying to pinpoint everything that is wrong with a situation. However distant and indifferent she mayseem, she is stuck in this realm for a reason. Aysel was not always the cold and lonely girl she is now. Deep inside her unbeating heart is the girl that gave her life for a friend and until she learns to be that loving, trusting and caring person again she's stuck in this world.


"You mean before or after I died?"

It was a dark rainy October night when Aysel died. Halloween. Too old for trick-or-treating Aysel got together with her best friend Marissa and headed to a haunted house with a couple of her buddies from school. They decided to go to a haunted house and feel the fright of Halloween. Aysel had always been afraid of haunted houses, but in order to be with her friends she decided to suck it up and go with them.

When Aysel was inside the house she clenched on to Marissa the entire way. Horrified Aysel yelled at all the pup ups and loud sounds then laughed after for being such a wimp. About half way through the haunted house Aysel was beginning to enjoy herself and appreciate the element of fear.

In every haunted house there's always a guy chasing after you with a chainsaw, and this one was no exception. The roar of the chainsaw and the howl the man gave was enough to send Aysel and Marissa flying out of his section, but the chainsaw man wasn't a hired actor. A psychotic man that had been in the group before them had stowed away in the haunted house and waited for the next group to come. Following the girls with his chainsaw and howls he grabbed hold of Marissa. That's when Aysel knew something was wrong. They had been told at the beginning of the attraction that the actors were not allowed to touch you.

The man threw Marissa to the ground and lifted the chainsaw over his head. Scared to death Aysel tried to fight the man in order to save her friend. She was able to distract him long enough for Marissa to run out of the room leaving Aysel behind. Aysel yelled after Marissa, but the chainsaw got to her before she could run after her friend.

None of the group said a word about Aysel's disappearance because they were to afraid of what happened. The actors of the house found Aysel's cold body the following morning with the bloody chainsaw next to her. The psycho was never found, but Aysel's spirit still roams around. She goes around bringing upon fear to people, so they too can experience the monstrosity of dying in fear.


"The faster I get out of here the better."

4th year


"Oh joy learning..."






*Spirit world Geography

*History of Magic



"I've got no pockets."

Aysel isn't a sentimental person, so aside from living essentials she is not carrying anything.


"You won't come out alive"

Buruburu's have the ability to make your darkest nightmares come to life by a simple glance however Aysel still has much to learn to be able to do this. The nightmares she brings about people aren't really the person's deepest fear, but instead just smaller fears. She also has to creep up behind her victim and touch the person to make him/her think that he/she is living his/her this fear. A buruburu then has the choice to either let her victims live or make them die of fear. Although, Aysel isnt' powerful enough to kill someone out of fear, she can temporarily weaken them.


"Can I just go now? I'm getting hungry..."

Being a ghost her powers are weakened at daylight. Also she can only inflict fear in one of the victims she touches, so if she touches two people only one can be engulfed in fear. Unlike other buruburu's Aysel has to actually know the fear of a person before creating the illusion. This makes her somewhat of a creepy stalker, but she's working on being able to break through the mind without the stalking.
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Novega Cecsus

Age: 17

Species: Ice elf



Novega is a calm, reserved and calculating man. Sometimes he can be cold and distant, and he doesn't like to share much about his past, but will to those he trusts. He is mostly merciless and ruthless, although he won't go about hurting innocent poeple.


Vega is the only child of Ice Elven Firs Lord Nigail Cecsus and First Lady Nalayne Cecsus, thus making him the First Prince and heir to the Frozen Throne. Novega spent his first years of light living in the luxury of his home and love of his parents. He was introduced to the other Elevn Kingdom at the age of 10 and became best friends with the Over Land Elven Prince Alai Sentinel. He continued living at his home until he unlocked his power at the age of 15 and as such was sent to the College so he can hone his power. There is more to his life than this goldern upbringing, but it is up to him to tell people about it.

Grade/Year: 5


  • Alteration
  • Magecrafts
  • Conjury
  • Combative arts
  • Auramancy
  • History of Magic
  • Runic
  • Illusion



Vega, like every generation of the Cecsus clan, has control over ice. But his powers differ because he can control water too, thus being able to freeze it, boil it or just move it using his hands. He once tried to turn his body into water but ended up becoming a wet blob for weeks. He can't control water if he can't see it, thus meaning he can't just summon water from his hands. He can't control water with his mind either and needs to touch something for him to freeze it.

If he tries to freeze a lrage dry object, he will turn into steel hard ice himself and won't be able to move for weeks. If he tries to control a large amount of water he might end up breaking every bone in his body from fatigue. He possesses great long long eye sight and hearing, and has above human speed but less strength. In a dry place, he sometimes feels trapped and can suffocate if he doesn't eat ice every hour.


He carries a long katana blade where by most of his combat comes from. He is exceptionaly good at it, but his new powers make him sloppy sometimes and his extreme pride and confidence in himself. He also has various hidden daggers in his arms and inside his cloak and carries many books written by his ancestors. He has a large white elk calf as a pet, which will be at the college in the stables if there are any.


Alai Sentinel

Age: 17

Species: Over Land Elf




Alai is almost an opposite of his best friend Vega. He is very outgoing, loves to have fun and almost always has a smile on his face. What makes him similar to his friend is that he is also merciless and pretty much ruthless too, and he carries no little amount of pride and confidence, although he doesn't undermine others like Vega does.


He is pretty much like Vega except he didn't live in ice but in a large kingdom surrounded by an ven large forest. He is also the only child but his powers are shared by all the members in his clan, he was sent to the college so he could practically keep his friendship with the Frozen heir going strong, something which both princes were ecstatic about.

Grade/Year: 5


  • Alteration
  • Magecrafts
  • Conjury
  • Combative arts
  • Auramancy
  • History of Magic
  • Runic
  • Illusion


He caries two long daggers with him which are very effencient in combat when he can't use his large bow. He carries a large silver bow with him and a bag of long arrows.


He has control over earth, lightning and wind. He can't use more than one element at the same time and can't use one after another all the time or he will destroy himself. He create the elements except for lightning and has to be in the perfet elemental condition for the element. Using his elements with his weapons can destroy the weapons. He has even better eyesight than Novega but and just as much strength. He is one of the best archers in the world and once he has the proper training he can become the best. Ha can use his twin daggers as substitute swords with great efficiency but can't fight for too long in close range.


Just as the Cecsus clan have elk as pets, the Sentinel family have griffins, Alai's griffin is still young so it's not fully grown yet. It has golden lion fur, a yellow eagle beak and four talons and a white eagle head and wings
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Name: Persephone Hrisostomos


Species of Spirit:

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):


True to her species, Persephone has hair made of Mud Snakes (Farancia abacura) coming to around shoulder length. Dark olived skinned and slender body, commonly wears rimless sun sunglasses at all times and when out of school wears a veal to cover her hair.

Reserved, sarcastic and confrontational but a good soul if given the proper chance.

Persephone is the sole descendent of the Gorgon Medusa herself all away back to the age of conflict. A unique among species of spirits for being originally human till a dalliance by her infamous ancestor to a spirit of water angered angered another spirit of wisdom who considered Medusa her own. The vengeful spirit cursed Medusa turning her and her female descendent to the gorgons know to this day. Most gorgons since lived in seclusion not accepted by human or spirit alike with some living in relative peace while others victimized and hunted down. It wasn't until the formation of the college that gorgons had any acceptance in modern society of any kind.

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed): Third Year

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):
Third Year

Feed for snakes, a few cigarettes and other essentials.

Petrifying sight uncontrolled unless wearing glasses, blood taken from the left side of a Gorgon can heal, yet blood taken from the right side was an instantly fatal poison. Affinity to alteration and ecology.

Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here):WIP
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NessieAlways said:

Full Name:

"It might give you chills"

Aysel Vang


"I'm older than the moon, but younger than the sun"



"Promise not to yell"

BuruBuru: The ghost of fear


"Beware I'm coming for you."



Aysel has pale chalky skin that give's her a ghost like appearance. She has pale blue eyes and a silvery long white hair. Aysel is of average height and bone skinny although she hides it with her clothing. Aysel has a dark style and tends to stick darker colors


"Let's just say I don't like people"

Mysterious and intimidating, Aysel likes being on her own most of the time. When she is forced to interact with people, she usually keeps a monotone voice and replies in sarcastic comments. Her disconnected nature causes Aysel a feeling of suffering when she is interacting with others, and although she doesn't say everything that is in her head, her thoughts go wild trying to pinpoint everything that is wrong with a situation. However distant and indifferent she mayseem, she is stuck in this realm for a reason. Aysel was not always the cold and lonely girl she is now. Deep inside her unbeating heart is the girl that gave her life for a friend and until she learns to be that loving, trusting and caring person again she's stuck in this world.


"You mean before or after I died?"

It was a dark rainy October night when Aysel died. Halloween. Too old for trick-or-treating Aysel got together with her best friend Marissa and headed to a haunted house with a couple of her buddies from school. They decided to go to a haunted house and feel the fright of Halloween. Aysel had always been afraid of haunted houses, but in order to be with her friends she decided to suck it up and go with them.

When Aysel was inside the house she clenched on to Marissa the entire way. Horrified Aysel yelled at all the pup ups and loud sounds then laughed after for being such a wimp. About half way through the haunted house Aysel was beginning to enjoy herself and appreciate the element of fear.

In every haunted house there's always a guy chasing after you with a chainsaw, and this one was no exception. The roar of the chainsaw and the howl the man gave was enough to send Aysel and Marissa flying out of his section, but the chainsaw man wasn't a hired actor. A psychotic man that had been in the group before them had stowed away in the haunted house and waited for the next group to come. Following the girls with his chainsaw and howls he grabbed hold of Marissa. That's when Aysel knew something was wrong. They had been told at the beginning of the attraction that the actors were not allowed to touch you.

The man threw Marissa to the ground and lifted the chainsaw over his head. Scared to death Aysel tried to fight the man in order to save her friend. She was able to distract him long enough for Marissa to run out of the room leaving Aysel behind. Aysel yelled after Marissa, but the chainsaw got to her before she could run after her friend.

None of the group said a word about Aysel's disappearance because they were to afraid of what happened. The actors of the house found Aysel's cold body the following morning with the bloody chainsaw next to her. The psycho was never found, but Aysel's spirit still roams around. She goes around bringing upon fear to people, so they too can experience the monstrosity of dying in fear.


"The faster I get out of here the better."

4th year


"Oh joy learning..."






*Spirit world Geography

*History of Magic



"I've got no pockets."

Aysel isn't a sentimental person, so aside from living essentials she is not carrying anything.


"You won't come out alive"

Buruburu's have the ability to make your darkest nightmares come to life by a simple glance however Aysel still has much to learn to be able to do this. The nightmares she brings about people aren't really the person's deepest fear, but instead just smaller fears. She also has to creep up behind her victim and touch the person to make him/her think that he/she is living his/her this fear. A buruburu then has the choice to either let her victims live or make them die of fear. Although, Aysel isnt' powerful enough to kill someone out of fear, she can temporarily weaken them.


"Can I just go now? I'm getting hungry..."

Being a ghost her powers are weakened at daylight. Also she can only inflict fear in one of the victims she touches, so if she touches two people only one can be engulfed in fear. Unlike other buruburu's Aysel has to actually know the fear of a person before creating the illusion. This makes her somewhat of a creepy stalker, but she's working on being able to break through the mind without the stalking.


Gothemel said:
Novega Cecsus

Age: 17

Species: Ice elf



Novega is a calm, reserved and calculating man. Sometimes he can be cold and distant, and he doesn't like to share much about his past, but will to those he trusts. He is mostly merciless and ruthless, although he won't go about hurting innocent poeple.


Vega is the only child of Ice Elven Firs Lord Nigail Cecsus and First Lady Nalayne Cecsus, thus making him the First Prince and heir to the Frozen Throne. Novega spent his first years of light living in the luxury of his home and love of his parents. He was introduced to the other Elevn Kingdom at the age of 10 and became best friends with the Over Land Elven Prince Alai Sentinel. He continued living at his home until he unlocked his power at the age of 15 and as such was sent to the College so he can hone his power. There is more to his life than this goldern upbringing, but it is up to him to tell people about it.

Grade/Year: 5


  • Alteration
  • Magecrafts
  • Conjury
  • Combative arts
  • Auramancy
  • History of Magic
  • Runic
  • Illusion



Vega, like every generation of the Cecsus clan, has control over ice. But his powers differ because he can control water too, thus being able to freeze it, boil it or just move it using his hands. He once tried to turn his body into water but ended up becoming a wet blob for weeks. He can't control water if he can't see it, thus meaning he can't just summon water from his hands. He can't control water with his mind either and needs to touch something for him to freeze it.

If he tries to freeze a lrage dry object, he will turn into steel hard ice himself and won't be able to move for weeks. If he tries to control a large amount of water he might end up breaking every bone in his body from fatigue. He possesses great long long eye sight and hearing, and has above human speed but less strength. In a dry place, he sometimes feels trapped and can suffocate if he doesn't eat ice every hour.


He carries a long katana blade where by most of his combat comes from. He is exceptionaly good at it, but his new powers make him sloppy sometimes and his extreme pride and confidence in himself. He also has various hidden daggers in his arms and inside his cloak and carries many books written by his ancestors. He has a large white elk calf as a pet, which will be at the college in the stables if there are any.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Name: Persephone Hrisostomos


Species of Spirit:

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):


True to her species, Persephone has hair made of Mud Snakes (Farancia abacura) coming to around shoulder length. Dark olived skinned and slender body, commonly wears rimless sun sunglasses at all times and when out of school wears a veal to cover her hair.

Reserved, sarcastic and confrontational but a good soul if given the proper chance.

Persephone is the sole descendent of the Gorgon Medusa herself all away back to the age of conflict. A unique among species of spirits for being originally human till a dalliance by her infamous ancestor to a spirit of water angered angered another spirit of wisdom who considered Medusa her own. The vengeful spirit cursed Medusa turning her and her female descendent to the gorgons know to this day. Most gorgons since lived in seclusion not accepted by human or spirit alike with some living in relative peace while others victimized and hunted down. It wasn't until the formation of the college that gorgons had any acceptance in modern society of any kind.

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed): Third Year

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):
Third Year

Feed for snakes, a few cigarettes and other essentials.

Petrifying sight uncontrolled unless wearing glasses, healing or poisoning blood depending on which side of her body its drawn. Affinity to alteration and ecology.

Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here):WIP
Accepted. If you want to smoke, smoke around Abel ;)
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Name: Majora C. Aracanai

Age: Placed somewhere in the mid fifteenth century for creation - to present day.

You stop counting the birthdays after you realize they aren't going to stop. . .

Species of Spirit: Tarot Card Spirit - specifically embodying the seventh trump in the major arcana: The Chariot.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Majora.jpg.3c506890a6b8c58d26cf28b51d42a1d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40477" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Majora.jpg.3c506890a6b8c58d26cf28b51d42a1d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brown, short hair as pictured - usually with her circlet, but without armor (unless need arises). Flat brown eyes. Pale skin - slim, unfeminine figure. Her height is an imposing six feet - her nails immaculately French manicured at all times.

Personality: Sober, would be the best way to put it. Accommodating to questions - but certainly not warm and friendly about answering them. Somewhat flat voice - very self disciplined. Has a confidence about her that calls to mind high positions of authority in the military.

There is an almost depression - not quite apathetic air about Majora; a result of knowing the inevitable. She has seen centuries before your own rise and fall and be forgotten. She knows the ultimate truth of life as her personal mantra: "This too, shall pass."

History: Created as a way to divine the future in an age of spiritual curiosity, Majora was simply and straight-forwardly called "Chariot" in her younger days. At first, it as hard to keep up with the demand of her duties to the people; times were busy and the future looked bright.

As time passed, though (and it always will) Tarot grew out of fashion and was passed to the hands of the few and the faithful. Bitter over her and her fellow Tarot Spirits evident unpopularity - for the last few centuries Chariot has been hiding in plain sight under the alias Majora Aracanai. Rarely does she even make an appearance at divination sessions these days - let alone lend her strength to the Seer in question.

Perhaps it was time for a change. Perhaps that was why she accepted the invitation to Gyvierre College.

Grade/Year: First year (though perhaps boasting of more maturity than most).

Subjects(Please refer to Overview): N/A


A wand made of Lapis Lazuli - with a semi precious stone for each of the chakras - of which there are seven - in each corresponding color of the rainbow. (For energy focus and meditation aid).

A circlet made of golden laurel leaves - the symbol of victory.

Five packs of Tarot cards on her at all times - the images depicting the Major Arcana change art style every now and again.

Two horses - both of them white - called respectively "Bravery" and "Honor". Stabled appropriately, of course.

A golden chariot that she may or may not be technically allowed to have - and may or may not be hiding in a well warded shed somewhere.


Divination, all forms - of weak proficiency (being as she can't muster any enthusiasm for her believers anymore).

Energy Manipulation, of moderate proficiency. This is the ability to convert the energy all around you to varying forms - such as turning something once hot cold, or switching an electronic on. (Not to be confused with elemental specialties - Majora is unable to manipulate fire or lightning itself. Just set things in motion.)

Physical Combat and Strategy abilities - of varying proficiencies. Her preferred weapon being a hulking lance that looks too heavy for her to actually lift.


Asexual at present (and past, and future)

Cannot stand the type of ADHD noise some people produce (tapping on paper, bouncing legs)

Doesn't speak to the other members of the Major Arcana - nor does she speak about them. No one knows precisely why.



  • Majora.jpg
    16.5 KB · Views: 99
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Just getting this up so I can edit it later, as well as to let you know I'll be makin' a character.
Name: Haru Krest

Age: 662

(If it were possible to translate her age to the equivalent of a human being, which can actually die from time, she would be approximately 14.9099099 years old, as she physically ages one human year for approximately every 44.4 years, with her physical aging ending upon hitting age 666 (exact human physical aging of 15 years old), and death can only come from being killed or killing herself, exception being things like bleeding out, etc.)

Species of Spirit: Scientifically Self-Mutated Demon-Born Human

(In other words, Half Demon, Half Human, Pure Science xD )



Haru was born into a world of many wonders. She lived on the borders of science and magic, learning about both, experiencing both, living as both, and using both. Haru absolutely loved both magic and science, devoting her whole time to studying both subjects of the world. In one hand she had science, and in the other, she had magic.

Sadness is love, love is pain, pain is hate, hate is happiness, and happiness is sadness. That was the most basic fact she'd learned through science, which she's proven to hold true through her own self, as well as the way others emotions are. She's found science to be a mighty weapon of which can be used to back up just about any words through this basic fact and a few others.

To be burned is to be shocked, to be shocked is to be cut, to be cut is to be hit hard, to be hit hard is to be frozen, and to be frozen is to be burned. This was the most basic principle of magic she'd learned, as the pain that each element tied to the type of action gave off the pain of a different action when put into normal elements of such. She learned she could also counter these pains by inflicting herself with the element's type of pain that comes before the element hitting her's type of pain, thus neutralizing the pain, though still leaving the actual injury to her body.

Haru lived this secluded life of science and magic for two hundred years before deciding to do something that had been previously proven impossible; mix magic and science. Science was purely logical, while magic was purely illogical, two things that seem like they could never be mixed together. She knew the dangers of such a task being attempted, though she decided she would attempt it anyway.

When she was in the middle of an experiment involving blood about four hundred years later, she accidentally mixed in a vial of basic magical essence into the blood, so when she went to use flame magic to heat the scientifically-modified blood, the magical energy in the magic fire was absorbed by the magical essence, creating the first ever successful mixture of science and magic that's ever truly been, with the closest thing to it done so far was creating things and using magical energy like a source of energy, which wasn't anywhere near true mixing of science and magic.

Haru, with her great memory, reviewed her actions that created the blood which created a blood portal to a special type of realm, figuring out what she'd done and repeating the process carefully, to see if it was actually a mixture of science and magic, and not just magic ending up used with the blood itself a simple liquid used by accident for a liquid portal, which was purely magic. She found out, it was in fact, a mixture of science and magic, not just some simple mistaking of a liquid portal as a mixing of the two.

About fifty years later, she decided she would take her studies of science and magic further and learn more to science and magic than freelance science and basic magic, so she could further attempt the combination of science and magic, which would, if successful, be one of the greatest feats that the world has ever seen, especially seeing as the previous millions of attempts ended in utter failure, or utter chaos, that proved the mixture of both in a stable way as near impossible, though her blood portals were proof that it is possible to mix science and magic in a stable way.

Grade/Year: Third

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):

Third Year, thus not to put a list of classes/subjects.


  • Versatile Blood Realm
    Portable Medicine Lab (For making her various medications)
  • Various Chemicals (For making medication and experimenting)
  • Scientific Books (Various medium-small piles and one decent-sized shelf)Scientific Magic Table (For combining science and magic, though she's yet to really do much in the subject of magic with science)
  • Artificial Blood Machine (For creating and replenishing blood if injured in any way, or bleeding due to body modifications or something; the blood machine's made to be compatible with virtually any being's blood; blood is mixed together with another liquid, creating twice as much liquid to go inside the body, but only half of the liquid is truly blood, with the blood not lasting all too long)
  • DNA Collection (Two collections of basic structured DNA vials with labels, that includes DNA samples of every type of species known to exist, allowing for her to figure out what species a DNA belongs to if out of DNA Analysis Liquid or something; she has another identical collection in her dormitory.)

  • Inner Jacket Pockets
    Insanity Control Medicine (Vial x4)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (Vial x3)
  • Mutation Suppressor (Vial x2)
  • Basic Scientific Element (Basic magical compound made through science, Vial x4)
  • Magic Tome (Book containing various types of magic, Book x1)
  • Scientific Magic Blood (A special mixture of magic, science, and blood, that can be used to enter a special realm, Vial x3)

  • Dormitory
    Liquid Cyanide (Vials, Unknown Number)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (Bottles, Unknown Number)
  • Death Mark Field (On the door and all her possessions, marks a person with a 'Death Mark' if they try to open the door to her room forcefully or touch her possessions. Only she can remove these death marks easily, they don't actually kill or anything but are quite easy to locate, and they wear off after three days.)
  • Microwave (Simple; a microwave for her to cook her food in; modified to allow for more instant heating of food, and can be powered by solar radiation)
  • Insanity Control Medicine (Vials, Unknown Number; to carry with her to prevent herself from going insane in the event any of her experiments on herself start digging at her mind in some way; please note she's not actually insane, though her creepy personality may make one think she's insane at times)
  • DNA Analysis Liquid (Vials that contain the liquid for identifying what species and everything a DNA type belongs to, as well as a list of what each color of the liquid becoming upon mixing in DNA in stands for, such as dark red would represent demons, bright red representing red fire dragons, etc. and can also be then placed under a microscope to compare it to another DNA to see if they belong to the same person/being)
  • DNA Collection (A collection of basic structured DNA vials with labels, that includes DNA samples of every type of species known to exist, allowing for her to figure out what species a DNA belongs to if out of DNA Analysis Liquid or something; she has two more identical collections in her blood realm)
  • Various Metal/Electronic Parts (For if she needs to repair and/or create scientific machines, tools, or other things, such as if she requires melted metal for one of her experiments.)


As a being who was partially constructed by science, her body isn't very much of a natural occurrence. Her regular body was made of pure dark emotions and urges such as hatred, an urge to kill, an urge to cause chaos, etc., which created a being who's basic instincts are more of focus on killing everything in the way, rather than focus on their own survival like most beings do. This makes for an extremely high compatibility with dark and negative-based magic, though she can control her basic instincts fairly well.

Haru is also a freelance scientist. She's very capable with what she does, though about half the time it turns into one huge mess that's quite difficult to clean up. She's had one particularly successful accident though, where she accidentally mixed in magic with one of her experiments with blood, which created portals between each other and a small 'blood realm' which is always existent.

Haru can use three elements of magic; dark, water/ice, and fire. These are more of basic-intermediate level, and she doesn't have much actual strength with these types of elemental magic like those with high skill and training do. These do tie in quite nicely with her scientific magic goals though, since it gives her a good bit of magic to attempt her science-magic mixtures with.

Haru's also, due to experimentation on herself, able to regenerate her wounds a good bit faster than a human. Wounds dealt to her usually end up healed up within half a day or less, unless they're major injuries, which will still take less time than a human's recovery rate, though it's still at least half or more of the time that a human takes, since the damage being severe enough also destroys the regenerative compounds in that section of her body, making her body have to produce more off of those in other parts of her body.

Haru's final set of abilities, involve her bodily structure. Her bone claws are capable of extending out a decent distance and can move quite swiftly, with them hard enough to block things, such as bullets, with ease. Her tail is capable of powerful attacks that can cut through quite a bit, as well as the tip capable of cutting straight through magic that has some kind of actual form (fire, lightning, water, etc.), meaning it can't really cut through things like gravity.

Haru has full control over these body parts, as well as her drill fingers are able to shoot out a small distance as well, with each drill finger just as strong in material as her bone claws, with enough force to actually break her bone claws if she wanted to. The giant drill on her left hand is capable of doing through just about any physical surface, though doesn't have any reach past where it rests on her arm when the arm is extended outward.

She has some good limits on the use of her drill hand though, due to having to be careful not to harm herself in the process of using it with how big it is compared to a hand. Her actual body's strength is a bit higher than most around because of all the experimentation she's done on herself, though it isn't anything special, since there are a good few with bodies as durable as, or more durable than, her own body.


Just two rather graphic songs that I think fit her well.

Only listen if you're fine with songs that are a little on the mature side.






Keturah said:
Name: Majora C. Aracanai
Age: Placed somewhere in the mid fifteenth century for creation - to present day.

You stop counting the birthdays after you realize they aren't going to stop. . .

Species of Spirit: Tarot Card Spirit - specifically embodying the seventh trump in the major arcana: The Chariot.


View attachment 98362

Brown, short hair as pictured - usually with her circlet, but without armor (unless need arises). Flat brown eyes. Pale skin - slim, unfeminine figure. Her height is an imposing six feet - her nails immaculately French manicured at all times.

Personality: Sober, would be the best way to put it. Accommodating to questions - but certainly not warm and friendly about answering them. Somewhat flat voice - very self disciplined. Has a confidence about her that calls to mind high positions of authority in the military.

There is an almost depression - not quite apathetic air about Majora; a result of knowing the inevitable. She has seen centuries before your own rise and fall and be forgotten. She knows the ultimate truth of life as her personal mantra: "This too, shall pass."

History: Created as a way to divine the future in an age of spiritual curiosity, Majora was simply and straight-forwardly called "Chariot" in her younger days. At first, it as hard to keep up with the demand of her duties to the people; times were busy and the future looked bright.

As time passed, though (and it always will) Tarot grew out of fashion and was passed to the hands of the few and the faithful. Bitter over her and her fellow Tarot Spirits evident unpopularity - for the last few centuries Chariot has been hiding in plain sight under the alias Majora Aracanai. Rarely does she even make an appearance at divination sessions these days - let alone lend her strength to the Seer in question.

Perhaps it was time for a change. Perhaps that was why she accepted the invitation to Gyvierre College.

Grade/Year: First year (though perhaps boasting of more maturity than most).

Subjects(Please refer to Overview): N/A


A wand made of Lapis Lazuli - with a semi precious stone for each of the chakras - of which there are seven - in each corresponding color of the rainbow. (For energy focus and meditation aid).

A circlet made of golden laurel leaves - the symbol of victory.

Five packs of Tarot cards on her at all times - the images depicting the Major Arcana change art style every now and again.

Two horses - both of them white - called respectively "Bravery" and "Honor". Stabled appropriately, of course.

A golden chariot that she may or may not be technically allowed to have - and may or may not be hiding in a well warded shed somewhere.


Divination, all forms - of weak proficiency (being as she can't muster any enthusiasm for her believers anymore).

Energy Manipulation, of moderate proficiency. This is the ability to convert the energy all around you to varying forms - such as turning something once hot cold, or switching an electronic on. (Not to be confused with elemental specialties - Majora is unable to manipulate fire or lightning itself. Just set things in motion.)

Physical Combat and Strategy abilities - of varying proficiencies. Her preferred weapon being a hulking lance that looks too heavy for her to actually lift.


Asexual at present (and past, and future)

Cannot stand the type of ADHD noise some people produce (tapping on paper, bouncing legs)

Doesn't speak to the other members of the Major Arcana - nor does she speak about them. No one knows precisely why.
Cool, I like your character. Accepted.
Name: Yuki Frazier

Age: 2,318 years old in reality, but appears to be 8 physically.

Species of Spirit: Vampire

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):


Despite being two thousand years old, due to her certain "conditions", Yuki retained the physical properties of an 8 year old girl. Her hair and eyes share the same vibrant shade of blue, although her eyes are a shade darker. Her skin is pearly white, almost pale but not quite. Despite her petite and small body, she has an incredible amount of strength and stamina which can easily surpass that of a grown man, mostly due to her being a vampire. Contrary to the picture, Yuki wear's a bat cloak instead of a frog, and she has no puppet on her hand.

Personality: At first she may seem to be a sweet, charming, adorable, and a somewhat clumsy and ditsy girl, but don't let that fool you. Under all that charm and allure, she is a manipulative, smart, and cunning vampire. She will use whatever she has in her arsenal to achieve what she wants. Despite this, she is not entirely cold hearted. She cares for her friends, especially since there are only a few of them. She is really lazy, which is the reason why she just went to this academy right now, and will more often than not rely on others to do her work.

History(Bio): (Still working on it)

Grade/Year: Third Year

Inventory: An umbrella, a stuffed toy, some books, a quill, her journal, a scrying stone, a bat shaped pendant, her knapsack.

Abilities: Her voice is alluring to mortals, easily bringing them under her control. She can give life to her stuffed toy, using the scrying stone to see whatever it sees. She can float and turn invisible. She is stronger than 4 grownup men and has more stamina than them.

Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here): She is bisexual, although her peers may frown upon her from getting into a relationship due to her young looks. She is easily annoyed with anyone wearing the color pink (it's a long story) and will cry easily once provoked. She loves sweets and coffee, she loves reading and drawing as well.
Gothemel said:
Alai Sentinel

Age: 17

Species: Over Land Elf




Alai is almost an opposite of his best friend Vega. He is very outgoing, loves to have fun and almost always has a smile on his face. What makes him similar to his friend is that he is also merciless and pretty much ruthless too, and he carries no little amount of pride and confidence, although he doesn't undermine others like Vega does.


He is pretty much like Vega except he didn't live in ice but in a large kingdom surrounded by an ven large forest. He is also the only child but his powers are shared by all the members in his clan, he was sent to the college so he could practically keep his friendship with the Frozen heir going strong, something which both princes were ecstatic about.

Grade/Year: 5


  • Alteration
  • Magecrafts
  • Conjury
  • Combative arts
  • Auramancy
  • History of Magic
  • Runic
  • Illusion


He caries two long daggers with him which are very effencient in combat when he can't use his large bow. He carries a large silver bow with him and a bag of long arrows.


He has control over earth, lightning and wind. He can't use more than one element at the same time and can't use one after another all the time or he will destroy himself. He create the elements except for lightning and has to be in the perfet elemental condition for the element. Using his elements with his weapons can destroy the weapons. He has even better eyesight than Novega but and just as much strength. He is one of the best archers in the world and once he has the proper training he can become the best. Ha can use his twin daggers as substitute swords with great efficiency but can't fight for too long in close range.


Just as the Cecsus clan have elk as pets, the Sentinel family have griffins, Alai's griffin is still young so it's not fully grown yet. It has golden lion fur, a yellow eagle beak and four talons and a white eagle head and wings

CrimsonEclipse said:
Name: Yuki Frazier
Age: 2,318 years old in reality, but appears to be 8 physically.

Species of Spirit: Vampire

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):

Despite being two thousand years old, due to her certain "conditions", Yuki retained the physical properties of an 8 year old girl. Her hair and eyes share the same vibrant shade of blue, although her eyes are a shade darker. Her skin is pearly white, almost pale but not quite. Despite her petite and small body, she has an incredible amount of strength and stamina which can easily surpass that of a grown man, mostly due to her being a vampire. Contrary to the picture, Yuki wear's a bat cloak instead of a frog, and she has no puppet on her hand.

Personality: At first she may seem to be a sweet, charming, adorable, and a somewhat clumsy and ditsy girl, but don't let that fool you. Under all that charm and allure, she is a manipulative, smart, and cunning vampire. She will use whatever she has in her arsenal to achieve what she wants. Despite this, she is not entirely cold hearted. She cares for her friends, especially since there are only a few of them. She is really lazy, which is the reason why she just went to this academy right now, and will more often than not rely on others to do her work.

History(Bio): (Still working on it)

Grade/Year: Third Year

Inventory: An umbrella, a stuffed toy, some books, a quill, her journal, a scrying stone, a bat shaped pendant, her knapsack.

Abilities: Her voice is alluring to mortals, easily bringing them under her control. She can give life to her stuffed toy, using the scrying stone to see whatever it sees. She can float and turn invisible. She is stronger than 4 grownup men and has more stamina than them.

Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here): She is bisexual, although her peers may frown upon her from getting into a relationship due to her young looks. She is easily annoyed with anyone wearing the color pink (it's a long story) and will cry easily once provoked. She loves sweets and coffee, she loves reading and drawing as well.
Please finish History as soon as possible. Will confirm once done. :)
Name: Kierna Gene Redmond

Age: 18

Species of Spirit: Human



Kierna is always wearing clean, pressed, clothing. She usually appears (as far as her clothing goes) neat and organized. But the rest of her is a bit of a mess, from her always oil slicked hair (no matter how much she showers or washes it), to her chewed down nails (that never grow past her finger tips). Apart from her clothing her appearance is a bit in shambles, though she generally is attractive. Kierna is seen as a bit wore down.

Kierna needs to wear glasses, but she often doesn't.

Personality: Kierna is a quite easily frightened girl, someone who is almost always a nervous wreck. She hardly ever talks, and when she does almost never more than two words at a time. It is hard for her to trust others, and to open up. But even so she ends up still easily pushed around and tricked into things. When she does interact with other people she is a nice and sweet girl.

Kierna is fairly intelligent, slightly above average but nothing remarkable.

History: Kierna was born into a large family, two parents, one set of grandparents, her aunt, eight siblings and two cousins. Being the fourth to last child, out of all the children in the house Kierna became lost in the crowd. Throughout her life she was picked on a lot, first by her older siblings, then by other children in school. She never really tried to get help for it, instead isolating herself and creating a little bubble of protection.

The main isolation was in her writing, where she dipped out of reality by write up her own reality. Mostly of fantasy, magic type worlds. Dragons and brave knights, etc. She more or less spent a large part of her life in her own mind rather than in reality.

Grade/Year: First year

Subjects: N/A


A handmade stuffed dragon, small enough (apple sized) that she keeps in her pocket and takes it everywhere.

A journal and pencils, which she always takes everywhere.

Glasses, that she rarely wears.


Fearful Echo - Kierna can scream a deafening shout that echoes for miles and causes shocking fear in others. Either the victims freeze up, scream in response, or run away in fear/terror.


-Pansexual, though she isn't good about expressing herself in anyway (to others or herself). So she may as well be asexual.

-Scared of nearly everything, easily startled, and quick to cry

-Clumsy, usually out not wearing her glasses rather than physical clumsiness

-A brilliant writer, and decent illustrator


Done, I think.
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Roo said:
Name: Kierna Gene Redmond
Age: 18

Species of Spirit: Human



Kierna is always wearing clean, pressed, clothing. She usually appears (as far as her clothing goes) neat and organized. But the rest of her is a bit of a mess, from her always oil slicked hair (no matter how much she showers or washes it), to her chewed down nails (that never grow past her finger tips). Apart from her clothing her appearance is a bit in shambles, though she generally is attractive. Kierna is seen as a bit wore down.

Kierna needs to wear glasses, but she often doesn't.

Personality: Kierna is a quite easily frightened girl, someone who is almost always a nervous wreck. She hardly ever talks, and when she does almost never more than two words at a time. It is hard for her to trust others, and to open up. But even so she ends up still easily pushed around and tricked into things. When she does interact with other people she is a nice and sweet girl.

Kierna is fairly intelligent, slightly above average but nothing remarkable.

History: Kierna was born into a large family, two parents, one set of grandparents, her aunt, eight siblings and two cousins. Being the fourth to last child, out of all the children in the house Kierna became lost in the crowd. Throughout her life she was picked on a lot, first by her older siblings, then by other children in school. She never really tried to get help for it, instead isolating herself and creating a little bubble of protection.

The main isolation was in her writing, where she dipped out of reality by write up her own reality. Mostly of fantasy, magic type worlds. Dragons and brave knights, etc. She more or less spent a large part of her life in her own mind rather than in reality.

Grade/Year: First year

Subjects: N/A


A handmade stuffed dragon, small enough (apple sized) that she keeps in her pocket and takes it everywhere.

A journal and pencils, which she always takes everywhere.

Glasses, that she rarely wears.


Fearful Echo - Kierna can scream a deafening shout that echoes for miles and causes shocking fear in others. Either the victims freeze up, scream in response, or run away in fear/terror.


-Pansexual, though she isn't good about expressing herself in anyway (to others or herself). So she may as well be asexual.

-Scared of nearly everything, easily startled, and quick to cry

-Clumsy, usually out not wearing her glasses rather than physical clumsiness

-A brilliant writer, and decent illustrator


Done, I think.
I like your character c:

If she can scream such a deadly scream, I think that people might mistake her for a banshee xD


I can relate to her, I spend all of my time in my own world xD
Otakuyaki said:
I like your character c:
If she can scream such a deadly scream, I think that people might mistake her for a banshee xD


I can relate to her, I spend all of my time in my own world xD
Well she can't kill anyone with her scream, yet.

We'll see
Otakuyaki said:
Hmm... Sure, it might be a bit bad if all the people who heard her scream died, especially since you said it can be heard a few miles away, but I'll see how you use it when the time comes.
Well if I did give her a deadly scream, I would make it lower radius

But that has not come to pass yet, we'll just have to go along with whatever comes

Good luck with your CSes
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Name: Henry

"That's my name, don't wear it out"

Age: 18

"Been surfing through life for 18 years now"

Species of Spirit: Half Siren half Water Nymph

"Gnarrllllyyy Am I right?"



"Aww nice a picture of the surfing contest a few weeks back, What'cha think?"


Henry is a chill dude, he loves to party and have fun, he always has a smile on his face and is always trying to cheer people up whenever possible; you don't know him? Great your his friend now, he is that trusting. Henry is not a big fan of violence and would rather go chill and surf instead of arguing/fighting, but he will if absolutely necessary. He thinks people should try to expand their horizons and try new things.

"Right, it's just like, dude, you get the best barrels ever, dude! It's like, you pull in. You just get, like, spit right out of 'em. Drop in and smack the lip. BWAH! Jump down and it's like, BWEAAAH! And then after that, it's like, drop in, ride the barrel, and get pitted, man! Like, so pitted and then like..."


Henry has lived, in some people's eyes, a boring and plain life; he was born and raised in Hawaii, learning how to surf and respect nature. His mother, a siren, fell in love one day with his father, a water nymph, when she arrived in Hawaii on her traveling. They got married and a few moths later out came Henry. He grew up knowing what he was, and the natives knew as well so he didn't have to hide anything, being raised in the remote parts of Hawaii has those perks. Anyways, he spent his childhood just surfing and having a blast, his parents there for him every day. They both think that this is an excellent way to explore the new world and make new friends, so he is now attending this college.

"The wise man says, 'You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf'"

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed): First Year

"Just started bro"

Subjects(Please refer to Overview): First year


A starfish named Joey

10'6 SUP board

"Wanna see it?"


Water control/creation/manipulation

Singing (Being half siren)

"Not as cool as you I bet"


Sexual orientation: Straight

"No surfer bunny in my life yet"


+ Surfing

+ Beach

+ Water

+ Eating


+ Having fun

- Seafood

- Potatoes

- Carrots

- Being bored.

"Bro you like... get me"

Name: Zara

"Oh Hi"

Age: 18

"18 I guess?

Species of Spirit:

Half demon, daughter of Arachne

"Yeah yeah yeah, later later, I need some sleep"

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/pink-hair-anime-girls.jpg.cc9b5781ed2fabac676185dfaecd67b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/pink-hair-anime-girls.jpg.cc9b5781ed2fabac676185dfaecd67b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I know I know, I'll brush my hair later"

Personality: Zara is a very easy going person, unless you piss her off. She does not take kindly in people telling her what to do nor does she like people who are arrogant or who think less of her; then she will probably kill you and turn you into a cocoon. Zara is extremely lazy, her favorite way of looking at life is doing what takes the least amount of work, which backfires quite a bit in most ways; but when she is motivated, watch out she is not a person to mess with.

"And? You got a problem!?!"


After her mother was turned into the first spider, she was alone for many many years, often resorting to killing people for fun. One day, a traveler passed by and Arachne fell in love with the traveler, and set out to win his heart. Miraculously, somehow, she did win his heart and the two became wedded, a few months later came Zara; the pride and joy of her parents. They raised her as best they could, and turned out pretty successful for the most part, despite the fact she is extremely lazy. Her parents knew that she would need more then what they could teach her, so they sent her here to learn more about the world and how to survive it.

"Alright alright, enough with the screaming, yeash"

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed): Third


Subjects(Please refer to Overview): Third


Average college supplies

"But that requires work!"


Spider control/manipulation

Silk creation and manipulation of that silk

"Pretty cool huh?"


Sexual orientation: Pansexual

"Don't matter to me"


+ Sleeping

+ Being lazy

+ Seafood

+ Fun to a certain degree

- moving

- arrogance

- Anything formal or fancy

"So you understand now right?"



  • pink-hair-anime-girls.jpg
    153.4 KB · Views: 41
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Federoff said:
Name: Henry
"That's my name, don't wear it out"

Age: 18

"Been surfing through life for 18 years now"

Species of Spirit: Half Siren half Water Nymph

"Gnarrllllyyy Am I right?"



"Aww nice a picture of the surfing contest a few weeks back, What'cha think?"


Henry is a chill dude, he loves to party and have fun, he always has a smile on his face and is always trying to cheer people up whenever possible; you don't know him? Great your his friend now, he is that trusting. Henry is not a big fan of violence and would rather go chill and surf instead of arguing/fighting, but he will if absolutely necessary. He thinks people should try to expand their horizons and try new things.

"Right, it's just like, dude, you get the best barrels ever, dude! It's like, you pull in. You just get, like, spit right out of 'em. Drop in and smack the lip. BWAH! Jump down and it's like, BWEAAAH! And then after that, it's like, drop in, ride the barrel, and get pitted, man! Like, so pitted and then like..."


Henry has lived, in some people's eyes, a boring and plain life; he was born and raised in Hawaii, learning how to surf and respect nature. His mother, a siren, fell in love one day with his father, a water nymph, when she arrived in Hawaii on her traveling. They got married and a few moths later out came Henry. He grew up knowing what he was, and the natives knew as well so he didn't have to hide anything, being raised in the remote parts of Hawaii has those perks. Anyways, he spent his childhood just surfing and having a blast, his parents there for him every day. They both think that this is an excellent way to explore the new world and make new friends, so he is now attending this college.

"The wise man says, 'You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf'"

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed): First Year

"Just started bro"

Subjects(Please refer to Overview): First year


10'6 SUP board

"Wanna see it?"


Water control/creation/manipulation

Singing (Being half siren)

"Not as cool as you I bet"


Sexual orientation: Straight

"No surfer bunny in my life yet"


+ Surfing

+ Beach

+ Water

+ Eating


+ Having fun

- Seafood

- Potatoes

- Carrots

- Being bored.

"Bro you like... get me"

Name: Zara

"Oh Hi"

Age: 18

"18 I guess?

Species of Spirit:

Half demon, daughter of Arachne

"Yeah yeah yeah, later later, I need some sleep"

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):

View attachment 99213

"I know I know, I'll brush my hair later"

Personality: Zara is a very easy going person, unless you piss her off. She does not take kindly in people telling her what to do nor does she like people who are arrogant or who think less of her; then she will probably kill you and turn you into a cocoon. Zara is extremely lazy, her favorite way of looking at life is doing what takes the least amount of work, which backfires quite a bit in most ways; but when she is motivated, watch out she is not a person to mess with.

"And? You got a problem!?!"


After her mother was turned into the first spider, she was alone for many many years, often resorting to killing people for fun. One day, a traveler passed by and Arachne fell in love with the traveler, and set out to win his heart. Miraculously, somehow, she did win his heart and the two became wedded, a few months later came Zara; the pride and joy of her parents. They raised her as best they could, and turned out pretty successful for the most part, despite the fact she is extremely lazy. Her parents knew that she would need more then what they could teach her, so they sent her here to learn more about the world and how to survive it.

"Alright alright, enough with the screaming, yeash"

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed): Third


Subjects(Please refer to Overview): Third


Average college supplies

"But that requires work!"


Spider control/manipulation

Silk creation and manipulation of that silk

"Pretty cool huh?"


Sexual orientation: Pansexual

"Don't matter to me"


+ Sleeping

+ Being lazy

+ Seafood

+ Fun to a certain degree

- moving

- arrogance

- Anything formal or fancy

"So you understand now right?"

Both Accepted. c:

All info in Overview.

I will add both characters in three hours.

Mid-terms XP
Character Skeleton(CS)

Rue Lancaster

Age: 16

Species of Spirit:*Note: By species, I mean mythical creature*

Moon Spirit

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):



Rue prefers quiet silence, due to her love for reading. She is very intelligent, but to some, crass. She is very kind to animals. She loves the smells of Lavender, Asters and red velvet cake. She loves sweet things, and that can be used as bribes for help. She loves antiques, and had many back in her old home. She can go into deep daydreams of what she wants to write. She believes that every thought should be written down. Rue is a very good listener. She is also adventurous in a quietly way. Rue always attracts animals, and has a love for flowers. She was raised quite modestly and is very conservative. She is quite shy at first, it takes a while for her to speak to others. She is very haughty with others who disrespect her. She can have quite a temper when her buttons are pushed, leading her to be very disliked. She is not a pushover. She is very innocent in love or any kind of physical relations, blushing red at facts of love.


Rue lived in a small town prior to coming to Gyvierre. She lived with her Grandparents, her actual parents are never spoken of. Rue went to a private school, which then turned into homeschooling for her due to being different. She then took care of her Grandparents and they explained to her when she was older that she was a child of the Moon. Rue was then asked to spend time at Gyvierre to protect herself and be less sheltered. She worked in her Grandparents antique shop, and became acquainted with loving History and items that were created. She wants to graduate from Gyvierre and help others.

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed):

First Year

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):*If you are a first, second, or third year, you do not need to fill this*


A bag filled with items for school, and perhaps a book too.


Ability to use moon blasts which depends on the strength when the moon waxes and wanes, fortune telling.

Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here):

-Rue is heterosexual.

-Favorite food would have to be steamed vegetables.

-The library is her second home.

-Rue has never left her town before.

-Rue has never been one to break rules.

-Rue loves Poetry.

-Rue does love concerts.

-She can be caught dancing by herself.
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Milah said:
Character Skeleton(CS)
Rue Lancaster

Age: 16

Species of Spirit:*Note: By species, I mean mythical creature*

Moon Spirit

Appearance(Photos+Description recommended):



Rue prefers quiet silence, due to her love for reading. She is very intelligent, but to some, crass. She is very kind to animals. She loves the smells of Lavender, Asters and red velvet cake. She loves sweet things, and that can be used as bribes for help. She loves antiques, and had many back in her old home. She can go into deep daydreams of what she wants to write. She believes that every thought should be written down. Rue is a very good listener. She is also adventurous in a quietly way. Rue always attracts animals, and has a love for flowers. She was raised quite modestly and is very conservative. She is quite shy at first, it takes a while for her to speak to others.


Rue lived in a small town prior to coming to Gyvierre. She lived with her Grandparents, her actual parents are never spoken of. Rue went to a private school, which then turned into homeschooling for her. She then took care of her Grandparents and they explained to her when she was older that she was a child of the Moon. Rue was then asked to spend time at Gyvierre to protect herself and be less sheltered. She worked in her Grandparents antique shop, and became acquainted with loving History and items that were created. She wants to graduate from Gyvierre and help others.

Grade/Year(First through Seventh years allowed):

First Year

Subjects(Please refer to Overview):*If you are a first, second, or third year, you do not need to fill this*


A bag filled with items for school, and perhaps a book too.


Ability to use moon blasts which depends on the strength when the moon waxes and wanes, fortune telling.

Other(sexual orientations, pet peeves, as well as other noteworthy qualities go here):

-Rue is heterosexual.

-Favorite food would have to be steamed vegetables.

-The library is her second home.

-Rue has never left her town before.

-Rue has never been one to break rules.

-Rue loves Poetry.

-Rue does love concerts.

-She can be caught dancing by herself.

But just a forewarning, several role players in this rp have gone inactive c:

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