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The Veteran Has A Query


Four Thousand Club
I've been with RPN for... Years,now. Damn,where does the time go!?

Anyways. I've recently started a project (check my signature for exactly what),and I want to get it some recognition,as it very much needs people to know it exists,become interested,and participate. However,it isn't an RP. Not a dice roller,not a collaborative storywriting effort. It's a Choose Your Own Adventure. It is,effectively,a novel. Player participation is limited to discussion and voting for the next series of events.

As such,I need to ask a question,to keep from stepping on rusty caltrops: In order to get some exposure,would it be proper to put up a recruitment thread in the recruitment section? I would pimp it in the Shoutbox,but assorted reasons make certain that isn't so. So,I must rely on agents,there.

I really need to stop playing Dragon Age... Morrigan's rubbing off on me.
I would suggest starting a thread in the Creativity forum, since that's the best place to find similar writing minds to field ideas with.

Captain Hesperus
Thing is,Cap,that's where the story is. If people go to that forum,they'd invariably see my story,thus completely negating the need for a recruitment thread.
It's not a roleplay, so it doesn't belong in the roleplay recruitment.

While you may not be getting as much attention as you would want in creativity, it's where it actually belongs.

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