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Fandom The Avengers: Decendant's Rise

Sooo I'm going to post first ^ ^ quick character profile

Name: Syn

Age: 15

Guardian: Natasha Romanoff

Syn was originally "conceived" in a Red Room laboratory. Half of her genes were harvested from one of the greatest assassins the red room had ever trained, Black Widow and the other half? Remains a classified mystery. Shortly after her birth (via a surrogate) Syn was confiscated by S.H.I.E.L.D and raised in a secret facility. They had originally planned to use her to infiltrate Hydra bases and help to take them down from the inside, but Syn showed inability to avoid temptation and was pulled from the initiative. Her existence was made known to the avengers only when Tony Stark hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s databases (after it's collapse) in search of ongoing illegal activity. The secret facility was quickly raided and the young red head was brought to the Avengers' training facility, along with her files, which unfortunately still held no information on the male donor. In the year since then, Syn has been trained along side the Avengers' new recruits. While she excels at hand to hand combat and weapons training, she is prone to violent outbursts and does not work well with her team mates, even with Natasha's guidance. To her, the dark side of life is more appealing.
File Name: Thunder Panther

Name: Raikou Kaminari


Guardian/Master: Black Panther



Bio: Not much is known about this individual's origin as they are surrounded in rumor and mystery. The little that is known is that he was raised by T'Challa as an adoptive son and trained as his pupil up till the age of 15 in which T'Challa sent him to Japan to study and refine certain unique skills and skills Raikou had an interest in. While there Raikou studied the ways of the ninja but also spent some time as a temple honing an innate ability to manipulate lightning/electricity. Upon his recent return to Wakanda, T'Challa judged his training complete and bequethed to him his vibranium tech armor with blades made of adamantium. It was then he took of the persona of Thunder Panther.


Vibranium Tech Armor with mini adamantium blades and adamantium sword. His armor is layered to allow him great protection and the freedom to infuse it with electricity and not damage it. It's mini adamantium blades and claws make him deadly even in h2h. His sword made of adamantium is made more than a simple sword when he infused his electricity into it with alternating current to weaken the bonds of materials.



Electricity Manipulation
Name: Kenna Strauss

Age: 17

Guardian: Scarlet Witch/ Wanda Maximoff

Back when the nine realms were still connected and gods could freely walk within Midgard they created children known as demigods. As the years passed those demigods had children and their children had children until the present day came to be. When she was younger Kenna’s lineage as a descendant of Thor was revealed to her through an unfortunate neighbor hood party involving several pristine green lawns being reduced to ashen dust. Since then she has been under the protection of S.H.I.E.L.D developing her abilities and learning how to control the emotions linked to the Asgardian powers she possesses. When S.H.I.E.D.’s database was spread for the world to see Kenna’s file was set loose and found by Tony Stark himself who quickly removed it from circulation, but not before informing Thor of his descendent. She was quickly relocated to the new Avengers head quarters where she forged a rather unorthodox friendship with Wanda Maximof, who would eventually become her mentor in the mystic arts.

Kenna tries to remain positive in all situations and would rather think her way out of a problem before punching her way through. She enjoys using her magic for mundane everyday tasks but also realizes there is a proper time and place in which to display her abilities. Through books, trial by error, the help of the internet, and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s extensive knowledge of Asgard she has managed to become fairly adept with magic, though she knows she will need a proper teacher if she is to get any further in her studies.

Equipment: Besides her numerous books on magic Kenna wears a bio-suit when on missions that helps protect her from physical damage out in the field and regulates her body temperature so she doesn't over heat when using strenuous magic. Along with its protection the suit aids in understanding the effects magic has on the human body.



(^ this was a lot bigger than I though it was going to be... O.o )
Name: Mark Murdock/The Crimson Shadow

Age: 16

Guardian: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

Bio: Being a person of generally good nature, he rarely ever loses his light hearted personality, and can sometimes be quite the talker. Even when faced with foes and adversity, he will usually have a positive attitude, usually accompanied by his sarcastic side as well. That being said, his serious personality will sometimes show when he is in a hard spot. Having been raised by the original Daredevil, he learned a lot about being a self sufficient and balanced person. Only until a few years ago, he never knew about his families superhero side, due to his father not wanting him to follow in his crime fighting footsteps. Generally he lived a rather normal life, adjusting to the constant high standards set for him, and only recently did he choose to put on the suit in order to someday take his fathers place. Though he has only recently started, he has already obtained the skill of tracking, and often uses it in conjunction with his other abilities.

Equipment: Though his suit is not particularly armored, it allows him the freedom of movement to conduct any acrobatic maneuver necessary. For emergencies, he has small throwing knives hidden in his suit, as well as a couple of brass knuckles on his belt. He also have other miscellaneous items such as gas pellets, grappling line, a whip, and hearing aid to adjust his hearing. His favorite tool is his mask, which allows him to see in night vision and infra red.

Powers: Echo Location.


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Name: Lauren Paige Stark/Iron Valkyrie

Age: 17

Guardian: Tony Stark (and Pepper)

Bio: Lauren was born in England and moved to New York. She has been classified as a genius and one of, if not the smartest child of the decade. She was 9 when her parents died in a train crash, she survived the crash at the cost of her right arm and her left hand. She was rushed to a hospital then relocated to an orphanage near New York City. Since no one in her family was making a living she had to quit school as well. Lauren never got a proper education at the orphanage, but she was allowed to borrow books from the public library. From borrowed textbooks and the very few tutor sessions the orphanage receives, Lauren learnt about the world and more specifically engineering. She built herself a left hand (She is left handed) at the age of 11 with the help of a few friends. Her life became much more exciting when Tony Stark visited her orphanage as part of a charity drive. He noticed her robotic hand and had a long conversation with her about it among other things. He saw her potential and came back two days later with a application for adoption after convincing Pepper. Tony made a pair of robotic limbs shortly after she moved to Stark Tower. She now spends most of her time hanging out at Stark Tower, building things, training (with suit and in hand to hand combat) or listening to AC/DC.

Personality: Snarky, sarcastic, calculative, analytical, logical, independent, open-minded, strong willed, secretive, insensitive, perfectionist, INTJ Type. Lauren has very few close friends mainly because not a lot of people look past her seemingly emotionless exterior. Despite what others think, she values friendship just as much as the next person, close friends are the only people who really understands her. Though Lauren isn't much of a team-player, she will listen and do her best on a mission, if she agrees with what she is being told to do, and she expects the same from everyone else. She rarely looses her cool and can stay calm and focused in stressful situations. She is an excellent strategist and will try to find the best possible way to do anything.

IronValkyrie VI (IV6)


IV6 is the latest model of Lauren's IronValkyrie armor. The IronValkyrie armor and the Iron man armor share many similarities, flight, repulsor rays, lasers, missiles. Though unlike the Iron man suits, the IV6 is lighter and allows the wearer to move freely and silently. But because of this, the IV6 has less weapons and battery than the Iron man suits, this may cause problems in the future (She's working on it). The IV6 is designed to take significantly more damage than it's previous models, suited for heavy warfare.

A.I.: Fidelis

Fidelis is a copy of one of Tony's A.I., personalized by Lauren. She mainly uses Fidelis in her armor because if she and Tony used different A.I.s in the tower, it's pretty noisy. So she tends to stick with Tony's A.I.s (They're better).
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Ben Parker/ Arachnoid




Peter Parker (I'm going with the cancer story line, so Marry Jane is dead...yeah)


Ben's mom, Marry Jane Watson, died of cancer just as Ben was born. His father, Peter, blamed himself for her death. Due to his radiation in his body, he had given his wife cancer. Peter then chose to quit being Spider-Man for a while, to look after Ben (named after his dead uncle). But, at the age of three, Ben began to show signs of having the same abilities as his father, with slight differences. It started with him being able to lift stuff some teenagers struggle with. Then, a year later, he grew a spider-sense. This was shown when book from a bookcase his father had knocked almost fell on him. Ben caught it without looking. His father soon realised what was happening. His son had the same abilities as him. Peter didn't know how to feel about that. But eventually, he decided to help Ben learn his powers. Soon enough (and by soon, I mean twelve years later. His father was too over protective), Ben was running up walls and jumping over buildings. That's when his father decided to give him a suit. It was very different to his own, but kept the colour theme (Inverted) of his old one. Ben decided to not take the name Spider-Man and thought of something else.


His most prominent traits is his sense of humour. Even at the face of certain death, Arachnoid invariably cracks a joke, to the annoyance of both friends and foes. His reasons for this vary: either he wants to relieve the stress of a situation, or simply because he wants to hide how scared he really is during a crisis. Also, he does this to get on the nerves of his opponents, since he knows that if they are angry, that they would normally lose themselves and be vulnerable to a superior skilled opponent. It is generally agreed, however, that whenever a life is in danger, he will stop telling jokes and take the current situation with the utmost seriousness (like his father)


Super strength, Super agility, Spider sense, Being able to stick to anything, Sped up healing, Minor night vision.


Web shooters.



Arcus "Ark" Odinson






As a child Arcus was a very bubbly kid, but that all changed when he discovered his powers.. One day after school, a kid in Arcus' class asked, him to come over to play. Though it was really was a test form Odin to see if he was ready for his birthright. His best friend was Kimberly. She was a disgraced Valkyrie. So her last mission was to test Arcus to see if he was worthy. When he arrived at her house, Kim had Arcus' so called "Parents" tied up, and was about to kill them. She said to him, "Arc I'm not what you think I am. I am a Valkyrie. I am here sent by Odin himself to test you. So this is your test kill me and save your parents." Arcus refused to believe her, that was until she pulled out a sword, and attack him. Arcus' mind seemed to process what she said. In an instant Arcus hit the grond with his hand, and a sword appeared. On the blade read Restless Tide. He then attacked Kim in a flurry of strikes. The ground began to rumble, and water started to make cuts on Kim's body. When Arcus had his sword at Kim's throat. She said, "You have passed the test, and I love you." Kim then kissed Arcus on the lips, and she disappeared in a golden shimmer. Arcus never saw Kim after that moment again. Then his so called parents transformed into Odin, and his wife. Then he explained to him his birthright was the God of Oceans, and Earthquakes, and that my dad was Thor. When Thor flashed into the room. Arcus attacked him. He then asked why he was never there. Then he explained the whole Avengers, and the portal, was shut down. Arcus then realized that his dad didn't really have a choice. Thor then offered a position to Arcus about the next Avengers. Arcus she he would test it out before he made a choice.


Arcus is a shell of a person. He comes off as a loner, but that truly isn't him. He has had a very troubled past. He was moved across the world, to live with his aunt, because of his Thro. He wants to be able to trust people, but someone very close to him broke that bridge a long time ago. Though maybe a friend, or friends can make him to be the person he once was.


Heightened Senses, God like strength/speed. Hydrokinesis, Terrakinesis





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Brandon Wilson

Age: 17

Guardian: Wade Wilson/Deadpool


"My Mom and my Dad had sex. 8 months later I was born. That's pretty much it. I got my Dad's healing and fourth wall breaking which is cool. Oh and don't diss Deadpool. That's Muffin's favorite superhero."


"As you would expect I am exactly like my father. That's right hot stuff I'm a massive flirt. The biggest flirt. *winks*. So why don't you and me go back to my place for some... alone time."

Equipment: "We shoud get to know each other more before we talk about that," Main: Pistols and Kanatas. Side: All the guns. Suit: His fathers.




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