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Fantasy The Valley of the Winds

St. Clover

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Generations ago the Valley was born - whether it was by design or coincidence, the death throes of some nameless higher power bathed the land in its castoff divinity, leaving the world below forever changed. Once a thriving region of commerce for mining and logging, the Valley is now cutoff from the rest of the world. Great storms and things left unspoken of guard the fringes, conjured up whenever one ventures too far from home. But life goes on.

In the early weeks of winter, when the nomadic tribes return home to shelter themselves from the Valley's many dangers, word spreads of a looming threat in the hinterlands. The Bad Moon Clan, typically content to war among themselves and their neighbors, have begun to organize under the banner of an auspicious tribesman and his retinue of allegedly immortal warriors. The appearance of a new warlord this time of year would spell disaster for more than a few nomads without the means to stave off an invasion from the glacier. Your own tribe counts themselves among that number.

In the Valley of the Winds, I hope to tell the story of an underdog group of nomadic communities banding together to outpace their impending doom. Whether it's by meeting the threat head-on or finding another way, the stakes are high and the bodies to deal with the problem are few.

This world is best described as the fallout of a Renaissance-era society that saw a regional collapse and rebirth thanks to the hazards posed by the Sky Boom. In the Valley you'll find the remnants of the once-thriving communities, picked over by the survivors and occasionally visited by their descendants. You'll also find a rich culture that's grown to thrive in the place where the divine is part of everyday life, and the supernatural influences even the smallest of customs. Whether you choose to join the ranks of the Firefighters and torch a path through snow devil ranks on a rescue mission, scout the peaks of distant hills with the Harpies, offer guidance and support with the mystical talents of the Doulas, or even provide the tribe with valuable medicine and alchemy as a Perfumer, there are plenty of roles to fill and help resolve this impending disaster.

If this looks like the kind of thing you're interested in, don't hesitate to reach out! I've spent a lot of work to try and make this as fun a project as I can!
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