The Useless Student Council


The Fool
The Student Council is like a clock on the wall needing all the gears to work together in order to create motion.

The Student Council is the elites of the elites the best of the best... Or at least some are. This may not be the case...

Kinto High School

This student council is one of talking and not action. They tackle different subject that they believe are paramount to society. If there is one thing to be known about this student council is they never get their work done.

There are as many slots in the student council as the president deems needed.

-Student Council President- Humor

-Student Council Vice President- Aria Rising

-Treasurer- Titania Heartlex

-Secretary- Happy Crane13

-Historian-21stCentury Capulet

-Disciplinary Officer- C h a t N o i r

-Officer- (Open)

This Role play takes place only inside a single room (Unless otherwise stated.) it has within it a white board, a large table with 5 chairs around it 1 at the head and 4 at the sides a few lockers and a desk in a corner with another chair. There is a large storage closet in the back with many things back there from the drama clubs old costumes and props. To the sports clubs old gear.

Characters have access to props and anything that can tickle their fancy from costumes to fake weapons to magazines and books.

Rules: No god modding or mind reading You must be able to mindlessly banter with other Role players. You must keep to your character. You can not puppet other players. (If you can not show up just post that you are sick from school. Or have to leave school early.) You can not bully or harass users. (unless apart of the character then only to other characters.) These are conversations that people can interrupt always open to all the role players. (Characters are in a small room.) 3 sentence minimum. Diverse characters. Must be active and participate. Different days are different topics leaving old ones behind although you can reflect and bring up certain things from old conversations if it fits. Keep the conversation flowing.

If You believe yourself to be ready to the challenge of student council

Fill out your application to see if you are voted in by the students of Morano High.

  • Name:
  • Age: (14-18)
  • Gender:
  • Grade: (Freshman-Senior)
  • Position:
  • how/why you have the position:
  • History:
  • Personality:
  • Hobbies:
  • Negatives (of your character):
  • Appearance:


My character:

Name: Juno Remy Regalius

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Grade: Sophmore

Position: Student Council President

How/why you have the position: His 4 sisters are all alumni of Kinto High. 3 of them were student council representatives. The faculty might have rigged the election in hopes that he would be like his sisters. Or he might of won the popular vote... either way he is no way near qualified to run the student body.

History: Juno is the youngest with 4 sisters. He has been dress-upped make up slapped on him and has had his nails painted. He is the toy of his older sisters. He has developed a loud mouth and strong opinion in spite of this. He hates all females with a fiery passion due to his sisters. He was always vying for attention in his family and is constantly compared to his sisters. He constantly spends time out with his friends or in his room with it locked for fear of being tortured by them. He has become the class clown of the high school in which all groups like him. His last sister left the academy of his freshman year as student council president. When the new election came up the student populace placed their votes for the candidates, He was the initial shoo in by a large landslide. He was elected based on a popularity contest instead of his credentials or skills.

Personality: Overly passionate about the things he likes. He has a strong disposition to things he doesn't. He comes off as silly because he takes himself way to seriously. He is an idiot with a random genius at times. He says anything he wants and usually ends up with his foot in his mouth.

Hobbies: Video games, reading comics, and watching movies and cartoons. He hates manga and anime.

Negatives:He has a quick temper overly impassioned, he has no problems pushing peoples buttons. Hates women. Hates manga and anime. No subject is taboo for him. He hates being called Remy


  • Name: Rinako Yuki
  • Age: 15
  • Gender: Female
  • Grade: Sophomore
  • Position: Vice President
  • how/why you have the position: She is liked almost as much as Remy, but she only applied because her closest friends suggested her to try. She is very responsible, kind and smart, and she is always open to assisting someone, unless they are doing something mean to another.
  • History: She comes from a big family, and is heir to her clan as well as her family's local shrine. She has an older brother, who looks a lot like her mom, while she received their father's looks. Her family is very religious, and she had grown up practicing her faith everyday. She always had chores to do, but some how still manages to put time in for baking, archery, student council meetings and straight A's.
  • Personality: They say that the nicest people can have the darkest sides; Rina is a perfect example of this. Though usually she is kind and doesn't complain, she can switch when finding some one slacking off or pulling pranks. She is an amazing baker and she always fixes snacks for her fellow council members. Because of her responsibility traits, she can sometimes get in trouble by the other members for trying to actually do things for the school. The suggestion box she made is piling up with jobs and her punishment is to watch it pile up and not be let to do any of the jobs.
  • Negatives of your character: Her dark side.
  • Appearance:
  • Other: none
My Character

  • Name: Sky Medici
  • Age: 15
  • Gender: Male
  • Grade: Freshman
  • Position: Secretary
  • how/why you have the position: Although he didn't do much; he wanted to stay under the radar as much as possible, everyone noticed him. Strangely, everyone knew him and he had no idea why. He'd walk the hallways with people looking at him and murmuring his name, but he couldn't care less, for he had another thing to worry about. His father always expected the best from him; he wanted him to join the Student Council, so when he ran for the position of Secretary, he got it almost immediately. Up to this day, he still had no idea as to why everyone knows him or how he got so popular.
  • History: Born from a motherless family. His father was rich man who owns big companies. All his life he's always been under the guidance of his father. He expected nothing but the best from his father, and Sky painstakingly tries to and even though he never wants to stand out, for some strange reason, he often does.
  • Personality: Julius is an easygoing guy who always goes with the flow. He never plans for anything, for he lets time do its job. He is very relaxed and never lets anything get under his skin. He's sometimes almost very cold, because of the way he talks and how he very often thinks of other's emotions.
  • Hobbies: Sleeping, singing a song that comes into his head, talking to himself; eating popcorn
  • Negatives (of your character): He's very lazy; he tends to sleep on almost everything he does(except for study, for he doesn't want his dad to kill him). He's also over-relaxed that he doesn't realize the pressure and trouble he sometimes gets himself into. He doesn't take others' feeling into consideration almost every other time.
  • Appearance:
View attachment 12797 (Close-Up)View attachment 12798(Full Body)

Other: He's gay, but he's in the closet. If he's Dad knew, he'd disown him almost instantly.
[MENTION=4375]Aria Rising[/MENTION] Accepted.

[MENTION=3031]Happy Crane13[/MENTION] Accepted.

Thanks you guys for applying when we get atleast 1 or 2 more we can start the first day with other people able to join later in the school year
  • Name: Cana Heartlex
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Grade: Sophomore
  • Position: Treasurer
  • how/why you have the position: Her older brother used to work for student council his senior year along with his best friend which Cana had a crush on. Finally after they graduated she decided to sign up to join. Because her brother was well know, so was she. Because of this she was given the spot in the student council as Treasurer even though her real goal was to become president, she's still happy with the position she has.
  • History: When Cana was younger she used to be shy and was always in her older brothers shadow. But once she gotten into high school she'd made many new friends, mostly because of her brother. Now she is well known for just begin her and she's happy about that.
  • Personality: Cana is very bubbly person who is always smiling at everyone who passes her in the hallway. She is very friendly to new people and strangers and sees the good in everyone. Loves working with her members but sometimes have to remind them about their tact. Can sometimes forget to collect the money for some events for the school which causes the members to yell at her.
  • Hobbies: Cooking, dancing, singing, student council, eating.
  • Negatives (of your character): Her forgetfulness.
  • Appearance: Wallpapers/3556_1280x800.jpg
  • Name: Esther "Essie" Wyatt
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Grade: Junior
  • Position: Historian
  • how/why you have the position: Essie is the definition of IT GIRL. She has parties down, a giggly girl posse, perfect looks and a 32-page list of exboyfriends. She defines trendy... and also gossip. She's a loudmouth who never cares of hat other people think. So, no wonder why she's on student council! Actually, Essie is no way a definition of "student leader". She doesn't even know what a historian does. But she needs extra credit to get her through Junior year without having to do summer for failing Math... and History... and Science... So, she chose student council. What better way to spike up her already Everest-high popularity?
  • History: Essie was a new girl in freshman year. No one knew her cliche past of being the "ugly" dumb girl. But as soon as she got into high school, she bashed her old self and transformed into the bubbly, crazy queen bee she is now.
  • Personality: Essie is sassy borderlining bitchy. She is loud and practically doesn't care about what other people think about her. Popularity is her number one priority
  • Hobbies: Texting, bubblegum chewing, gossip, date-dump-date-dump-date-dump!
  • Negatives: She can be a bit too loud at times and she's incredible at spreading gossip
  • Appearance:
View attachment 12835
  • Name: Deux Liam
  • Age: 15
  • Gender: Male
  • Grade: Freshman
  • Position: Officer
  • How/why you have the position: Many of the people who wanted him to become the officer did it for a joke, and so he was pressured into applying. To his dismay, he was accepted, even though he believes that he won't be such a great officer.
  • History: Deux is like any other regular guy, with a mother and father and two younger sisters, but his mother is overprotective and overcaring. He was often babied even though he didn't exactly want to be. He ended up relying on his dad, who was a lawyer, who often gave him advice he never thought he would use in his life. In short, he's basically normal with unreliable parents.
  • Personality: Deux is rather shy, introverted, and he tends not to socialize openly with everyone. He will if he has to, but he doesn't do it on a regular basis. He can be easily embarassed
  • Hobbies: Planting/being around plants, word games and puzzles, assorted tea.
  • Negatives: Public speaking, conflict, loud noises, sharp objects.
  • Appearance:
View attachment 12958

(Hope this isn't too late!)
[MENTION=3862]C h a t N o i r[/MENTION] Nah its not to late. how could i say no to someone that shows interest in it. Welcome aboard, We will just say you didn't show up to Fridays first meeting. When the next Episode gets posted feel free to jump in we are waiting on one more post till we change days. Ill be sure to mention you on the Episode 2's first post along with everyone else so you know it started so you don't have to keep looking at it wondering.
OMG! I find this intensely humorous! I am on my schools student council, and we are basically the definition of this. Made up of the jocks and the populars, the thespians, and the scholars. AND NOBODY DOES ANYTHING. It is severely irritating because I've done more for our school in one year in the one year of joining [is a senior] than the people who have been in since they were freshmen..

I might just join this and be the person who flips over tables and yells at them.
Are there any positions left that I can have?

Name: Austyn Atwell

Age: (14-18) 16

Gender: Female

Grade: (Freshman-Senior) Sophmore

Position: Officer

how/why you have the position: When Austyn applied, she wanted to make a statement to her parents that she didn't want to move anymore. She also wanted to join because she's very experienced in Student Council. At almost every school she went to, she was in the student council, either as president or officer.

History: She was born in South Africa and since her father is in the military so her family moves a lot. She has lived in Paris, Hawaii, Germany, India, and Florida.

Personality: She's a traveled person, she's sweet. But she's not afraid to put up a fight if she feels threatened. She was teased sometimes for not fitting in.

Hobbies: Language (french, german, Hindi)

Negatives (of your character): She can be stuck up and rude at times.

Appearance: View attachment 13039
  • Name: Vivi "Undici" Ledger
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: f
  • Grade: Junior
  • Position: Disciplinary Officer
  • how/why you have the position: Vivi was always the type to enforce things. In a sense, she liked push her weight around. She was the type to expect that what she states to anyone about a certain matter, is law. She chose this position because it fits her well. She enjoys being an enforcer of something and if it is the enforcer of school law, then why not? She gets to be the bossiest she can be
  • History: Vivi was always the take the lead kind of kid. Her parents are both involved in law enforcement -her mom being a cop and her dad a lawyer-. As a young child she was taught to be the leader and never the follower and that is exactly what she did. Her bossy, "push my will on everyone", attitude developed from years of being used to people doing the things she told them. She wasn't a bully though, or at least she wasn't much of a bully. She is all for doing what is right and that is why she always tells others what to do if they're doing wrong and demands them to fix themselves
  • Personality: She's an outspoken, tomboy who absolutely loves speaking her mind even if it makes no sense.
  • Hobbies: Playing video games, Playing baseball, and making terrible sketches
  • Negatives: She has the tendency to lecture people when she feels they're doing something wrong or bad. (Her lectures are like Medaka's from Medaka box). Her diciplinary skills are a tad bit too much
  • Appearance: (See attached)

View attachment 13358

I read that the officer position was open, but when I searched it seemed that it was already taken.... I hope I'm allowed D. Officer

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