The Twenty Second Century


New Member
The Twenty Second Century

The twenty third century is a futuristic style role-play. Imagine Risk having a love-child with Anno 2070.

The year is 2138. After years of abuse, the world finally crumbled. Pollution clouds the atmosphere, and travelling inside cities becomes virtually impossible without heavy breathing apparatus. Entire nations fall apart, with towns and cities alike rife with riots and rebellions, disease and infection. There is no such thing as cooperation, as it is every nation to themselves.

China was the first main nation to collapse, with people passing out on the streets and utter chaos across the city.

The other governments began to quickly realise that they had to act quickly, but their nations were overcome by pollution more quickly than anyone had expected. Communication between nations ceased, and in rapid succession, countries began to fall.

Only a few nations managed to get organise themselves enough to arrange refuge for a few people. This refuge came as an escape from certain doom on Earth. Every ship was given strict instructions on how to survive, but only the crew knew the exact details. Each crew member on board the shuttles was a specialist in one subject. The ships were powered by nuclear fusion reactors, a technology that has been refined for many years. However, due to the rag-tag scramble to organise the escape, each ship was only given enough fuel to make it to the nearest known habitable planet. What happened from then onwards was down to them.

The Planet

As explained on the image, the letters are the initial locations of the ships.

Some ships were badly damaged upon impact with the planet. These ships are represented by a red letter.

The other ships made it to the planet safely, but without fuel, they too are incapable of space travel. These are represented by a black letter.

I may or may not have just cropped a risk image of Russia, but hey, who cares, right?

The planet's landscape mostly consists of large, dense forests, and grassy plains. This will be specified to you when you enter a new area.

For water, as a general rule, small areas of water are usually fresh water, and large areas of water are usually salt water. As with the land, the water type will be specified when you enter the area, by a Game-master.


All of the ships would've been given the basic equipment that you would expect for the time period. This means that anything in the range of advanced medical kits (i.e. short-term cell-regrowth kits etc.) and Ionic deterrent weapons (Stun weaponry, EMPs etc.). Laser weaponry is acceptable as long as it is not too overpowered, meaning that you wouldn't be able to fire it too quickly, and only if you have a power supply.

Ammunition will become more scarce as the role-play moves on, forcing people to move back to simple melee weapons and weapons with easily craftable ammunition (bows, crossbows, throwing weapons etc.), so if I were you I'd assume the instructions given to the crew included how to conserve ammunition by only using knives for hunting if possible, and since you've had a lot of time on the ship during travel, I'd expect you've read up on it a lot.


The rules are what you'd expect for a Text RP.

  • No Metagaming

  • No Powergaming
  • Try to let others choose for themselves, and if that's not possible wait for a Gamemaster
  • Don't be super intelligent, or a jack of all trades (generalists are acceptable, within a boundary
  • Let a Gamemaster decide what items you get, i.e when scavenging, etc.
?And all the things that go without saying.

Please keep in mind that this is my first text-Rp, so any constructive criticism is completely welcome. If you have an idea as to how I can improve the storyline, or an addition to the rules, just post a reply.

The character sheet and the actual Roleplay should be up at least by tomorrow.

Once again, this is a kind of experiment for me, and it might not work. Here's hoping for the best, though.

Oh, and a Gamemaster (GM) is someone who controls all the events, basically like what the thread owner would do in another RP.

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