The Twenty Second Century Sign Up

Character Name: Sebastien Trover

Crash/Landing site D

Age: 33

Gender Male

Nationality English

Speciality: Vision in the dark.
Charater Name: Dath Icevein

Crash/Landing site (A-D, also gives faction): A

Age: 24 (looks much younger, about 18)

Gender: Male

Nationality (Corresponds to Landing site): American (anarchist, does not like to be accosiated with any particular nationality. Originally became a part of the Gov't in order to carry out a plan to kill officials from the inside, but was drafted into the Space Race Infinity project because of his skill set. Now that he realizes the severity of the situation, he will cooperate, but only for the very basic survival tactic of sticking together.)

Speciality: Improvised weaponry and creating drugs and chemical weapons. Enjoys sniping but isn't the best at it. knows his way around an energy weapon, but is not proficient enough to turn a crapped out weapon back to a "good as new" state.


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