The Truth About This World

Abandoned Angel

New Member
This is what I would like from you when you are doing your sheet.

Not much to do... Short and sweet. But please add as many detail as you can.

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Name (First And Last)-

Age (20-24)-





Appearance (I enjoy the picture in the bottom)-

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Name- Alexis "Lexus" Pointer

Age- 21

Gender- Female

Personality- Vulnerable, sweet, loveable, quiet, and hopelessly romantic.

Bio- Lexus grew up quite like a normal child, so there was nothing from her childhood that made her this way. But in high school, the sweet little girl that everyone loved starting hanging out with the wrong people. At age 16, Lexus fell completely in love with an 18 year old and he used it to take advantage of her. He used her and abused her, but she thought that that's just what you had to put up with to be with the ones you loved.

When Lexus was 18, she wasn't even in school anymore. She literally became this guy's slave. She never left his house, followed him everywhere he went, and did whatever he wanted her to do. If he told her to drink a gallon of bleach, she probably would..

At age 20, the guy left. She woke up and he was gone, and she spent months looking for him only to find him in the obituaries of a Baltimore newspaper. It was devestating. She didn't leave her home for a good while, and when she finally decided to leave her bedroom, nobody was home, and nobody came back. She was alone, again..

Other- Okay so I didn't really know how to end the bio.. xD

Tragedy- She fell in love and got taken advantage of, then left alone to fend for herself. Now she's utterly terrified of the word "love."

Name~ Allison Livietta

(Nickname~ Ally)

Age~ 21

Gender~ Female








Bio~ Ally's childhood was an okay one, if that makes sense. She grew up with both her mother and father having little to no time for her because they both worked day in through day out with still very little money after paying bills and taxes. She honestly didn't mind this because even as a child she was always independent and never willingly got put into the spotlight.

Ally went through hours and hours of school like any other child, making a few good friends along the way. She enjoyed the average activities of playing sports, creating art, and immersing herself in the world of music... and gaming. She did indeed have a soft spot for gaming. Anyways, this female kept growing up like every other child and her constant routine didn't shift until she hit the age of 18. It wasn't exactly that big of a tragedy but a little after her 18th birthday her parents were involved in a car crash, the impact killing them both instantly along with the other driver. Yes, Ally did grieve but they ignored her all her life so she wasn't all that close to them.

A few months later she was mostly over it and continued on through life, getting herself a short-term job as she joined college. A few years later, when she was 20, is when the actual tragedy happened. Is when it happened. After the... incident, Ally slowly closed into herself, closing off all of her friends with little care, and became a shell of herself. She's been trying to push past it, a little of her former self creeping back up every now and again, but its taken a huge toll on her.

Its been a little less than a year later and she still struggles to cope with what happened, never having told a soul, and she only hopes that one day she'll be back to herself once again.

Other~ Let me know if there's anything that needs to be changed and I hope my choice of Tragedy isn't too triggering or anything for some people because I have a friend who went through the same thing so it's a bit more, for lack of better words, meaningful.

Tragedy~ At the age of 20 she was raped by someone unknown and is timid around others but does try her best to be more involved.


Name: Mona Patterson

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: Mona is very quiet and sort of child-like. She acts more like a teenager than anything else. She's also very sarcastic once you get through her thick barrier she has up.

Bio: Mona was born as Annabelle Marie Clyde. As Annabelle, she was abused, neglected, and almost died of starvation. Then, when she was thirteen, she decided she was done with the life her father gave her and tried to kill herself. It would of worked too if her older brother didn't walk in on her. He took her to the hospital despite their father's wishes. Her brother, Anthony, had to leave her there though because of his work. She stayed there under suicide watch for a total of three days without speaking a word. The doctors didn't even know her name.

Once they took her off of suicide watch and she finally was on the medication she needed, she made up an entire lie about how she was an orphan. She even gave a fake name: Mona Patterson. When the doctors released her, she was sent to a foster home. She stayed there and shaped herself into the Mona she is today. Her past still haunts her, but as long as no one finds out about it, she'll be okay.

Other: None.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be88623a3_large(11).jpg.ec3a831303fb343c4fbf4ece84faeb29.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be88623a3_large(11).jpg.ec3a831303fb343c4fbf4ece84faeb29.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tragedy: Her tragedy is explained in her bio.

Name: Elliot Drake

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Personality: Elliot is very outspoken and blunt. If he doesn't like you, he'd let you know. If he had a crush on you, you would know the moment he knew. But, at the same time, Elliot is hiding something, something he's determined to keep in his past.

Bio: Elliot wants nothing more than to disappear. As a kid, he was nothing more than a disappointment to his parents. He was addicted to drugs and alcohol. He basically threw his life away, but now, he's better. He went through rehab and now is happy. But when someone mentions family, he just shuts down. He doesn't want to talk about and doesn't want to have one. To him, family is something that would only destroy a person.

Other: None.


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Tragedy: His tragedy is also explained in his bio.



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(The role play will start soon until we get some more characters)


Mintiee Scarlett











Mintiee had her family taken away at the age of 6. She didn't know why at all. Her older brother and sister was curious so he followed the strangers that took her brother away. Mintiee was scared to be left alone in the house so she followed behind her brother and sister. When Mintiee finally caught up, she found his brother crying on the floor against the wall with her sister crying on his shoulder. "D-D-Don't go near here.... J-Just don't....." is what she heard from them She watched her brother struggling with big sister on his back walking towards Mintiee and then plopped on her shoulder crying as if there was no tomorrow. Mintiee didn't know what happened but she would like to know.

Age 14. Not even remembering her parents being taken away. Her brother finally told her the story. Mintiee started having break downs or she lost her mind a few times. Sometimes even become a psychopathy. She would try to commit suicide or kill anyone in her way saying that it was them. It was either that or she would cry when ever she wants.

Age 19. They were having a nice bond together. Someone rang the doorbell and their went her older sister walking towards the door. The door opened slowly but the bullets to her head was quick. The murderer ran away quickly before anything else had happen. Mintiee didn't know why all this was happening to her. She only has her big brother left and she doesn't want to lose him too.


She's rarely a psychopath


Parents and sister were killed.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/IU.jpg.a48b64b1e899990104828b73b49d53d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10962" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/IU.jpg.a48b64b1e899990104828b73b49d53d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Sacred Scarlett









Scared saw his family getting taken away at age 8. He didn't want his family to be taken away so he followed. He noticed his 2 younger sisters were following him. The youngest one was really far behind. As soon as he found his parents inside a house, he poked his head through the window to see what was happening. They were communicating and all her heard from his parents were "I'm sorry! I'm Sorry!" He didn't know what was going on until he found a guy stabbing his mother nonstop off and another guy forcing his father to hang himself. Sacred fell to the floor crying as his younger sister came and saw what happened. She began crying too but Sacred decided to comfort her instead. He saw his youngest sister Mintiee clueless of what happened. "D-D-Don't go near here.... J-Just don't" Sacred and his younger said together. Sacred picked up his sister and they went home together. Luckily, they weren't caught

Age 16. He kept seeing his youngest sister Mintiee losing her mind. Sacred saw her sister losing her mind and walking up to strangers yelling "IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Sacred and his younger sister had to control her. They would usually pick her up and put her head on their shoulder patting her head.

Age 21. The family all gathered up having a family celebration. All of a sudden the door bell rang and his younger sister went and opened the door slowly. "H-" Gunshot fired. Many bullets was attacking her. There was a thump on the floor and they hurried to see what happened. They found his sister on the floor so bloody and had many holes in her. Mintiee went and threw up of shock. Sacred ran out the door and he found the murderer running away. Sacred has only Mintiee left and he doesn't want to lose her too.

{Other}Sacred acts like he doesn't care when he does care. A lot.

{Tragedy}His parents and younger sister were killed right in front of his eyes.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Donghae.....jpg.3aed61ea70334e1e34e05fd6192ad306.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10963" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Donghae.....jpg.3aed61ea70334e1e34e05fd6192ad306.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Maximum 2 characters)

Name (First And Last)- Heather Pendleton

Age (20-24)- 20

Gender- Female








In the last couple of years I was bullied, left alone, cheated on and ignored by her close family. I don’t trust anyone, and yet somehow I just really want to have friends again*sigh* Welcome to the twilight zone.

Heather grew up with the believing that good things happen to good people. It always had been the old tale of good versus evil. And good always won, so good she was, to everyone she knew except herself. This started when she was just a little girl but growing up she started to notice that being nice doesn’t work in your fever. It backfires. People can’t be trusted, because people tell lies except when they tell your secrets to others. People leave you, especially guys. All of this has lead her to believing no one is who he says he is, she always “reads between the lines”

Tragedy –

Grew up with a depressive mother and a father who could ignore her for days.


Appearance (I enjoy the picture in the bottom)-


Christopher Reed









Bio: Christopher had a great childhood. His family was close and loving, and always seemed to be happy. People often labeled them the 'perfect family'. Well, the use to. Both his parents went missing while on Vacation in the Caribbean. They didn't come home, they never checked out of their hotel room and none of their luggage had been taken. After a long, extensive search the police department decided to give up saying the investigation had hit a dead end. Neither of them had been seen for 4 years, Chris hopes everyday that they will come home. Not long after losing his parents his Cancer came back, he had been in remission for 3 years and he honestly didn't want to fight it anymore. His sister is the only thing that kept him fighting.

Other: He has been in partial remission for 5 months and still regularly goes into the doctor. Bailey is the only one who seems to be able to get close to him.

Tragedy is added into the bio: losing his parents and having cancer.

Bailey Reed









Bio: Bailey feels like everyone she loves is taken from her. She tries not to get close to anyone, in fear that some sort of curse

will fall upon them and they will die. After losing her parents and watching her brother slowly dieing of cancer, and also watching him giving up on his life, she lost her high-school sweetheart. They were engaged and due to marry five months after his accident. The day she lost Adam was the day she lost herself. 3 weeks after Adam passed, she found out she was pregnant with his child and realized that her son was her reason to keep living.

Other: Her son is now 5 months, so the death of Adam is still very fresh. She hates watching her brother change into the man hes become.

Tragedy: Everything stated in the bio but also, she was in the car with her Fiancee during the crash.


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Name (First And Last) - Barbara Weber

Age (20-24) - 20

Gender- female

Personality - quiet, withdrawn,


Her mother left her after birth and she lived alone with her father. At first they were very happy but soon after, when she was only 7, her father started to drink and do some drugs. He hit her for every little mistake she made. He raped her first time when she was 8. She thought its her own fault because she wasnt a good daughter and started to self harm at the age of 14. He managed to convince her that this was an act of love so she never went to report him. He continued to abuse her until she was 18 and moved away. She never had any friends and was often bullied in school. She often drank whenever he hurt her badly.

Other - She hates when people touch her

Appearance - She has dark eyes and dark brown hair, short and normal weighted. She always wears band T-shirts such as Rammstein or Sabaton and usually black pants or trousers. With bracelets she hides her cuts.
Name: Terrence Rose

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Personality: A bitter and quiet person. He usually never talks, which sometimes annoys people and make them think he's mute. He is really cold and when he does talk, it's usually to taunt you 'cause you pissed him off. He is actually kind in his heart and has a soft side to people who are bullied.

Bio: His mother died when giving birth and his father is a workaholic that never pays attention to him, maybe even forgets that he even had a son. He was always quiet so he was always bullied and his father never noticed. He spent his childhood alone with painful memories, and he moved right when he turned eighteen and he never contacted his dad, not like it mattered, though. That's why he is always cold and distant to everyone.

Tragedy: His mother died and his father never paid attention to him. He was bullied and was never able to make friends.

Other: He has trust issues and is actually good at cooking, since his father never did.

Appearance: black hair, hazel eyes, pale skin

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