The Troubles and Risks of Flirting with the Enemy

Avalible Electives: Music, Art, Creative Writing, French, Spanish, Gym

Extra-curricular sports: Lacrosse, Softball, Baseball, Basketball, Football(Soccer)

(((insert gif here for appearance)))

Name: ~ FC: ~ Age: ~ Gender:



Personality Condensed:

Brief History:

Relationship Status:

Crush/Who you flirt with:




Name: Ali Fabray ~ FC: Dianna Agron ~ Age: 17 (just turned) ~ Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Alison is that girl that most people would call "popular." Guys constantly flirt with or make eyes at her, other girls want to be her, and she's also got rumors made about her. "Yeah, I hooked up with Ali." "I heard she gave Carson a bj last Saturday." But if you really know her, she's a normal teenager, who likes to have fun. She's really sweet, and can actually be emotional and insecure at times. She's just a girl who's misunderstood.

Personality Condensed: +Sweet, Humorous, Benevolent, Witty; -Insecure, Misunderstood

Brief History: Ali got her reputation when she came to school and was recognized as the "super-hot blond girl," a natural stereotype. She had a nearly perfect family, her parents were together, her brother had come out as gay and her parents had accepted it. Then, it got even "better," when she started dating the football team's captain, making her envied by more than just a couple girls. She was always pressured to be perfect, and people used to insult her, calling her a 'fat cow,' 'stupid b*tch,' and more that she decides better not to remember. The attention eventually died down, but she is still known as "the hottest and most popular girl in Wimbleton," by a couple of guys she could care less about. She's always hoping to turn around her reputation, and her friends suggest by dating someone new.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush/Who you flirt with: Nobody currently~

Other: Her elective is Music


1.) Mason Potts

2.) Michael 'Mike' Lee

3.) Nicholas Arken

4.) Erik Chamms


6.) ~~This depends~~


1.) Ali Fabray

2.) Marilyn Angelo

3.) Analiese 'Ana' Prescott

4.) Cylia Numai


6.) ~~This depends~~

Reserved spots:

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Mason Potts - FC: Hunter Parrish - Age: 18 - Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Mason is the kind of guy many girls fall for and most guys want to be; of course, that doesn't go for everyone by any means. Mason's worst traits are his cockiness and his anger issues. He is very cocky and boasts about his lacrosse skills to anyone and everyone he sees fit. Mason believes in himself more than anything and doesn't care if anyone else likes that or not. His anger can spark up at any point in time over even the simplest things. Mason's better traits would be that he can be compassionate, is incredibly charismatic, and quite flirtatious. His compassion comes more into play if he really cares about people; otherwise, he could give two shits less. Mason has the ability to win many people over quicker than most can. His charisma and intelligence roll into one big, adult-pleasing skill that he has worked very hard to perfect. Among many other things, the biggest thing people notice about Mason, aside from his cockiness, is his flirtation. He constantly has someone to flirt with, hit on, or sleep with. Mason's favorite thing about himself is that he can pull most girls without trying too hard and they love it just as much as he does. It's probably also a good thing he knows how to treat girls right, although he only shows this with girls he actually thinks are worth this effort and not just a regular on-night-stand.

Personality Condensed: + Compassionate, Charismatic, Flirtatious; - Cocky, Short-tempered

Brief History: Mason grew up in a strict household. His father was in the navy and Mason, along with his younger sister, Mallory, were forced to do several chores and various other things daily. Mason was supposed to follow in his father's foot steps and sow an interest in the armed forces but he never did; lacrosse was always more his thing. Of course, Mason and his father didn't get along very well, to say the least. They argued constantly and eventually Mason quit doing what he was told to do despite any reasoning his mother and sister tried. Mason and his father fought almost daily until the bitter end. His father, among thousands of other men, were taken down in their ship after being hit with several torpedoes. Mason regrets fighting with his father a lot but it has been 2 years now since his father's death and he has healed over; for the most part. Mason tries to spend a lot of time with his sister who is still trying to deal but he also distances himself a lot from home to try and control his anger issues and not take it out on his mother or Mallory. Mason has never really had a long-term relationship but, then again, he has never really wanted one. He has has various relationships in the past but has cheated in more than a few of those relationships.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: n/a

Elective: Gym

Extra Curricular Activity: Lacrosse

Other: Mason has been diagnosed with IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder) and has shown possible signs of Hyper-Sexuality.

Flirting or something real?

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Name: Marilyn Angelo ~ FC: Sasha Pieterse ~ Age: 16 ~ Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: To cut straight to the chase, Marilyn is quite shy. She doesn't talk much, since she has a small stutter and lisp which she's very insecure about. It was a genetic mess up. She's very kindhearted if you get to know her. She'll always try to put people ahead of herself and will be equally upset if they're upset. She doesn't trust people very well, which causes her to lose some opportunities. She can get very excited on some things and that's all she'll talk about if she really trusts you. She stresses over small and big things, which explains her anxiety. Her hands will often shake when she's either very stressed or very excited

Personality Condensed: + Sweet, Excitable, Trustworthy - Quiet, Broken, Socially Awkward

Brief History: Marilyn grew up in a "loving" family. Loving meaning that no one really cared for anyone. Her father would often be working and her mother didn't really ever love her kids. Once her siblings were old enough, they all moved out, into their new lives, leaving Marilyn all alone since she was the youngest sibling. There came a time when it was just Marilyn and her parents. That's when her father spent 12-14 hours at work and her mother acted like Marilyn was a piece of furniture. She's always been known as the "wallflower" or the "outcast".

Relationship Status: Single

Crush/Who you flirt with: No one yet.

Other: Her elective is Music. She'll often be seen with a notebook or a regular book around the campus and regularly plays the ukulele.

"Flirting or something real?"


Name: Micheal 'Mike' Lee ~ FC: BooBoo Stewart ~ Age: 17 ~ Gender: Male


+Humorous, Easy-Going, Optimistic; -Naive, Careless, Irresponsible




Mike is the kind of guy that makes almost everybody laugh with his comical behavior. He acts more like a child than he is supposed to but he always states that he is just enjoying life to the fullest. Mike is a very approachable person with his always smiling face and confident thinking. Though he is easy to get along with, Mike's childish behavior tends to get him in trouble. He never thinks before speaking or
taking action and responsibility isn't a word in his dictionary. Mike see's the good in everyone and has no real enemies but little does he know his closest friends could be his enemies. He's too trusting of people and is easy to take advantage of.

Brief History:

Mike grew up most of his life in San Diego, California with his two moms'--a police officer and a guidance counselor--and his three older brothers. Mike wasn't adopted like most people would think; his moms' have a sperm donor that they used for all pregnancies. Being the youngest in the family, he was teased on a lot but it was all in good fun and it never really bothered him. Besides his brothers' were always protective of him so that made up for the teasing. Mike and his family moved to Wimbleton after Mike had an accident while surfing. He almost drowned which gave his mothers' a big scare and soon his moms' both requested to have their jobs relocated. Mike settled in nicely into the small town though their isn't a moment when he misses California.

Relationship Status:


Crush/Who you flirt with:




Extra Curricular Activity:


flirting or something real?



Name: Analiese (Ana) Prescott ~ FC: Sarah Hyland ~ Age:17 ~ Gender: Female




Ana is the type of person you'll see partying the entire the entire weekend, but still end up at the top of the class. While she may act like she doesn't care about her studies, she actually does pay attention in class and is extremely dedicated to her clubs and extra-curricular activities. Although she's quite the flirt (which earned her some names like "the sl*t" or "the wh*re", she's only slept with one guy, who was her boyfriend of four years whom she broke up with shortly after the previous Summer break. She might seem like the typical wild child at times (and she never holds her tongue for anyone) but there's more to her mind than most people expect. She's sly and perceptive, and will not hesitate to use her wits to get what she wants. But if you get to know her, she's really just a teenager with an eccentric sense of humor and is very compassionate towards others. Loyal to the core, she'll never betray the ones she care about, but if you're her friend, you might find yourself dragged off quite often to some last-minute parties or to join her for a wild dare in the middle of the night.

Personality Condensed:

+Outgoing, compassionate, smart, witty, dedicated; -Flirtatious, wild, reckless, sly, eccentric , spontaneous

Brief History:

Ana has never been liked by a lot of people, some were because they were jealous of her grades or her wealth, while some just thought she was a rude b*tch because she never seems to think things through before saying them out loud. Born in a family of modern-day aristocrats, she always had a bit of difficulty keeping up with her over-achieving older siblings. Whatever she did, her parents wanted more. So, tired of living under her brother and sister's shadows, she decided to pull out of the stereotypical good daughter's role and switch things up a bit. After being cheated on by her boyfriend of four years, she decided to ditch him and was involved in various relationships with other guys (and girls) after that. Though none of them lasted long. This time, she's hoping for a change. Maybe she'll finally find the one. Or will everything crash and end up in flames?

Relationship Status:


Crush/Who you flirt with:

N/A yet


Creative writing


She always carries around her own personal notebook and a sketch book, though she's never allowed anyone to look in them.

flirting or something real?

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Name: Nicholas Arken~ FC: Kim Bum ~ Age: 17 ~ Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Nicholas is that one guy who is always tired and can come off as a slacker. He tends to sleep and not pay attention in class, which causes him to be branded as lazy by his friends and professors. The thing is, Nicholas is actually very intelligent as he gets some of the highest scores on tests and assignments. Nicholas is a great observer as he can analyze a situation to see every possibility before making a judgement. He is a quiet individual and can seem cold at times (especially if you wake him up), but overall he will help others who need his help and will go to great lengths to do so. Nicholas is also the sort of clueless individual as he does not update himself on useless things such as television shows or celebrities as he is much more inclined to learn things that he is required to learn, or things he is fascinated with.

Personality Condensed: Quiet, Considerate, Loyal and Lazy

Brief History:

Nicholas grew up in a household where everything was provided for so really had nothing else to do. He comes from a wealthy family but cares little for it. Growing up, he never had to do any chores, so he spent all of his time studying, reading, sleeping and playing his favourite sport, basketball. Sometimes, he would go for days at a time without eating anything. He would hole himself up in his room and not come out unless food was necessary for him. He became entranced with Basketball and sought all of his time into it. Since he spent so much time into basketball, he hardly slept, so he had to sleep during class to make up for it. By age 14, he was playing so well he could dominate other teams with his skills of analysis and observation that he could get pass anyone. His parents, feeling as he needed to go to a school where he could continue basketball at a professional level and where academics are highly regarded, sent him to Wimbleton to hone his skills and learn new things.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush/Who you flirt with: No one yet

Other: Named "Faker" for his incredible fakes during basketball games.

Extracurricular activities: Basketball

Elective: Gym

Flirting or something real
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/936full-colin-morgan.jpg.6e49ee0ef7f067cc23c7cfa11cd96000.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15134" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/936full-colin-morgan.jpg.6e49ee0ef7f067cc23c7cfa11cd96000.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Erik Chamms ~ FC: Colin Morgan ~ Age: 17 (soon to be 18) ~ Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Erik is very quiet Not many people know what goes on in his head since he kind of distance himself from most people. Even though he is very quiet, Erik loves music. It is his outlet for life. He may look like a bad guy, but deep down he is just misunderstood. He is actually really sweet and caring. He is often alone due to many people not wanting to engage in contact with "mute kid" (he isn't really mute). Because of this, Erik is always in a soft state of depression but he doesn't let it run his life. He will continue to be who he is and find out the guy he wants to be.

Personality Condensed: -Quiet (with others), Loner, Depressed; +Expressive (through music by himself), Sweet, Caring, Soul Searcher

Brief History: Erik's parents divorced when he was 14. Erik acted out in some rebellious and harmful ways because of it. His parent's thought it would be a good idea to send him to a boarding school to help him straighten up. He was soon kicked out of his first school for too many demerits. At the second one, he met his mentor and idol who helped him through his issues and helped him take up music playing. Erik knows how to play the guitar and drums (he is currently learning on how to play the piano). Erik then transferred Wimbleton where he knew no one and became a loner. He has a hard time making friends and has never even had a girlfriend. Now, Erik is just trying to make it through his new school, play music, and discover the person he truly wants to be.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush/Who you flirt with: None Yet

Other: His elective is Music and you'll often see him with and Mp3 Player and a journal.

Flirting or something real? Welcome to Wimbleton.



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Name: Cylia Numai FC: Ariana Grande Age: 18 Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Cylia is bright, gorgeous, and outgoing. But sometimes, she hesitates when meeting new people, even when she's very talkative - especially towards the opposite gender. When it comes to her friends, she loves to give them advice when they need it, or give them a hand when it comes to shopping or something even bigger than that. Most of all, Cylia loves to hang out with them, gossip, and just chill with the 'homies.' Cylia hates arguments, but can get out of them very easily most of the time; or you could say she wins most of the time. And when a cute/hot/sexy guy walks up, she will stutter, try and act normal than make up a weird pick-up line, and just be her regular self. But her regular self... Can be somewhat a bit 'sl*tty.' You heard me. Cylia can dress a bit like one when you're not looking.

Personality Condensed: Flirtatious, funny, smart, helpful, wild.

Brief History:

Cylia grew up in New York, and never liked it at all. She always dreamed of moving to California, or Florida.And her parents: always drunk and at it in the bedroom. That's why Cylia mostly spent time outside of the house: shopping, hanging out, skating, and broke up with her boyfriend after an incident occurred. Cylia was spending alone time with her lover, when her drunk father approached and... well, it actually wasn't a break up. Her father beat him to his death and was sentence to prison for the rest of his life. Once Cylia was old enough to move out, she moved to a place called Wimbleton.... Maybe she'll find a new love?

Relationship Status:


Crush/Who you Flirt with:

Mason Potts


Elective is Gym

Flirting or something real? Welcome to Wimbleton




Name: Amaya Grace ~ FC: Zoey Deutch ~ Age: 17 ~ Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Amaya is your typical fun loving but still remains careful kind of a person. Her powerful smile and goofy gestures makes everyone laugh out loud. Together with her polite behavior and pretty looks, it is impossible to not like her. Other than the positive traits, Amaya is extremely protective of the people she loves. She is rude and sarcastic to the people she hates, and often reserves a few punches for them. She hates violence, but when it crosses the limit, it gets hard to not do anything. She is a straight A student, headstrong and competitive.

Personality Condensed: Goofy, fun-loving, sarcastic, headstrong, protective, smartass.

Brief History: Amaya stays with her single mom. Her father had left them when he found out that her mom was pregnant with her. She came to know about all the details a few years back and decided not to go look for him. This increases the hatred she has towards the male clan. Her mom does a decent job and Amaya wants to graduate high school fast, get into a nice college and do a job to support herself and her mom. She loves her more than anything, and couldn't have asked for a better best friend.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush/Who you flirt with: No one

Other: Elective is creative writing.

Flirting or something real?

Welcome to Wimbleton.

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