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Fandom The Tournament - CS



Salty human

Appearance: (realistic, description, or art)


Blood Status

Personality: (1 paragraph or bullet list)
History: (1-2 paragraphs)

Likes: (3+)
Dislikes: (3+)
Future job:
Pet: (Ask before including exotic magical creatures)

Other: (Quidditch? Nonverbal magic?)


Bad Bitch

[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
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basic information

Full Name: Guinevere Nott



Face Claim:
Eye Color:Blue
Hair Color: Usually pink
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc:Basic ear piercings, A wizard tattoo on her forearm of a flower slowly blooming.
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in depth

Personality: Guinevere had always been quite the devil's advocate, thriving on the process of shredding arguments and beliefs, shutting people down. She doesn’t do this for any reason besides the fact that it’s fun. If she doesn’t like them and it hurts their feelings then all the better. Her words aren’t chosen carefully as she cares little about being seen as sensitive or compassionate. She prefers hard truth and reality, having a ruthless level of rationality.

Despite her somewhat blunt nature, it also causes her to have deeper relationships with people as they know that they can go to her for something real. She is confident, charismatic as well as fiercely protective of those who are close to her. Once you gain her friendship you couldn’t find a better friend. Gwen will stand by those she cares for without wavering throughout whatever they are going through. Though she may give them a bit of tough love in order to pull them out of it.

If confronted about it she would quickly deny it but she can be a bit of a romantic. Though she thoroughly dislikes cheesy romance books she does secretly want someone. Though she usually suppresses these feelings with mischievous flirting. She can't help a bit of a nagging feeling of loneliness tugging at her heart.

Likes: Pop culture, Magical Creatures, Berries, Bees, Debates, Good listeners, Pranking, Makeup, Shopping.

Dislikes: House Elf mistreatment, Wasps, Rhubarb, Sand, Lip Gloss, Loud chewers, Impoliteness, Opera.
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Bio:Guinevere’s childhood was decent, Even though she never knew her mother. Like most pureblood families they were very wealthy. She never had to beg for anything if she wanted it, then it was hers. With her father she attended the most elite social events, wearing expensive clothing that Muggle-borns could only dream of. When her father went away on trips she stayed with finest pureblood families within their circle, having the most lavish playdates from a young age. From the outside, her life could easily be described as perfect.

But behind closed doors she found herself neglected by her father. His loving embrace only given when he needed to keep up appearances. He was always locked in his office that she was forbidden from entering and without a motherly figure. She didn’t really have anyone to raise her beside the house elves her father kept. He entrusted them in teaching her the ways of being the perfect proper pureblood. Whenever she picked up a bad habit they were punished for it alongside her. After being raised by the creatures she had a love for them stronger than for her father. So she began to act exactly how he wanted her to in order to prevent them from being punished too. This quickly transformed her into the perfect daddies little girl, never acting out or speaking out of turn.

As she grew older she secretly rebelled with her closest friends Gabriella and Anastasia. They would spend their time together watching muggle movies and doing things her father wouldn’t approve of. Once her and Ana even snuck into a muggle movie theatre. Throughout their years at Hogwarts, they became closer than ever. After being sorted into the same house and roomed together it was impossible not to.

In their second year, they started something great, The Brigands. Taking inspiration from infamous pranksters before them, they started their own little pranking group. Unlike the boys before them, they kept their identities a secret. Every time they went out they were dressed up as a famous muggle pop culture trio, Powerpuff girls, the heathers. Keeping things a secret was relatively easy as long as they avoided getting caught. After all, who would think a bunch of pureblood Slytherin girls would be interested in muggle nonsense and pranks.
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Amortentia: Strawberries and parchment paper, with a hint of honey.

Patronus: Hippogriff

Future job: Magizoologist

Pet: Daisy: Her tamed Niffler

Wand:12” Chestnut wood, Horned Serpent horn, slightly bendy

Boggart: Her standing in a messy room trying to clean and care of screaming babies. All while a man sits in an armchair beside her watching tv. (Ending up just being nothing more than a housewife to a man who doesn’t care for her).

Metamorphmagus: Mainly uses it for changing her hair up. It also tends to change when she feels intense emotions.

President of the Magical Creatures Club

Other Clubs: Dueling

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Gabriella Zabini

“We play to win.”

Name: Gabriella Chanel Zabini
Nicknames: None
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5’8”
Year: Sixth
House: Slytherin
Blood Status:


To many Gabriella is an enigma. On the outside she’s a polite girl who always uses her manners. She carries herself with dignity and grace, with her head held high and her posture straight. But she hides her true self very well. Gabriella believes that her looks are everything. She is someone who knows first impressions are important. Confidence is not something that she lacks. Gabriella has a sharp tongue and even sharper mind. Gabriella is a skilled wordsmith with a sharp mind. She has excellent control over her emotions. She’s good at hiding how she feels as well as manipulating others. Her ire is something to be avoided. Gabriella Is the vengeful type, though she not short-tempered at all. Instead she is patient, making her revenge often carefully thought out and well planned. Gabriella is also prideful and fierce. It is no secret that she is vain. She enjoys flaunting her looks and status. Gabriella can be charming and quite the flirt at times.

Gabriella is a spoiled girl. Her life consisted of her being spoiled by her parents. Because of this she has turned out to be quite the snob. She is a determined person who is willing to do anything to achieve her goals. She is not above using underhanded tactics and manipulating others to get her way. Despite her prickly exterior Gabriella is loyal to those that she holds dear. There’s no doubt that she is a good friend to have. Gabriella is a wise young girl who doesn’t fall for things easily. She was taught that being naive caused a range of problems, some resulting in death. Pureblood supremacy is something that she doesn’t concern herself with, and is well aware of the harm it can do.

Gabriella is quite the bookworm, it’s surprising that she didn’t end up in Ravenclaw. Knowledge is power is something that she firmly believes in. Gabriella is actually hard working when it comes to some things. Despite what others believe she doesn’t completely hold her parents’ hands through life.


As heiress to the Zabini family, and a variety of others due to her great grandmother, Gabriella had been living a life of luxury. Being an only child meant that Gabriella was spoiled and doted on by her family. Of course this doesn’t mean that her life was simple or easy. From a young age Gabriella was taught the ways of pureblood society and etiquette. She’d even had her own governess that taught her a variety of subjects, ranging from simple mathematics to horseback riding and dance. She schedule was very busy. It didn’t help that her mother was a popular socialite. She would often host balls in their family’s ballroom or attend some important event now and again, bringing along Gabriella to teach her the importance of networking. Play dates were held with other children of prestigious families. It was at one of these events that she was introduced to her betrothed.

Being the only heir meant that Gabriella needed to learn business, or as much as she could given her age. And so her father taught her, educating her so she could never be caught unaware or be tricked later in life. His lessons became more challenging the older she got but she took it all in stride. Her parents wanted to make sure that their daughter would be prepared for life once they were gone.

When it was finally her turn to attend Hogwarts Gabriella was excited. Her father’s side of the family had attended and all of them had been Slytherins. Her mother attended Beauxbatons in her youth but she could understand her daughter’s feelings. And so they prepared, buying everything that she needed in order to attend. The most magical experience was getting her wand, the feeling the rushed through her something that she’d never forget. Before she knew it she was off with her beloved cat Imperia in tow..

To her pleasure she was sorted into Slytherin, along with her closest friends Anastasia and Guinevere, who also happened to be her roommates. The three of them grew closer as the years went by. Guinevere, being the mischievous person that she was, started what she called a pranking trio. The were dubbed The Brigands. Of course Gabriella was usually dragged along until she gave in. Seeing as her ‘pranks’ typically turned out more malicious. She was tasked with keeping watch and suggesting ideas. The trips to the muggle world wasn’t too bad either, but the costumes she could have done without. Gabriella would agree to go only if they stopped at whatever high end store she wanted to.


Likes: Potions, Traveling, Expensive Gifts, Cats, Learning, Shopping, Wine, Reading
Dislikes: Idiots, Dogs, Messes, Cheap Things, Emotional people, The nickname Gabby,
Amortentia: Honeysuckle, Brown sugar
Patronus: Buzzard
Future job: Potioneer

Pet: Imperia - Kneazle
Wand: 12 ½” Elm Wood, Phoenix Feather & Slightly Springy
Boggart: Her name scratched off of a tapestry
Antoine Beauregard
Other: Slytherin Dueling Club Captain || Prefect || Slug Club member

code by pasta
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His confidence is tragic. . .
Name: Aldrian Bexler
Nicknames: Bex
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Height: 5"10
Year: Sixth
House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Muggle-Born

Likes: hazel eyes, potion making, flower arrangement
Dislikes: harsh opinions, curses, butterbeer
Amortentia: fresh rain, red-velvet cake
Patronus: Phoenix
Boggart: pure darkness
Future job: Auror
Pet: Anaconda boa named Felis
Wand: Rowan wood, Dragon-heartstring, 11.5", Rigid Flexibility

Other: some wandless magic, which comes to him rather naturally; Quidditch Keeper for Ravenclaw; Dueling club member

There are many facets to Bex's personality. He can come off brash and abrasive sometimes, but hidden within the clouded feelings of his heart are glimmers of what seems to be an affectionate defender. He has committed his life to learning and discovering new things, so his intellegence on the matters of wizardry are vast for his tutalage of six years. But his strengths lie in his loyalty and honestyy as well as his mind. He could have easily become a Hufflepuff. He is curious to no fault and if he gets into a bind he'll try every possibility to get himself out of it, with no ends to the means.He is complex, but open-minded and nothing will stand in the way of him and an answer.
Aldrian's history is a little different than most's. His mother and father are not wizards, so imagine hhis unending disbelief that he was somehow a wizard. Starnge things would happen around him, like finding missing things in his path with just a mere thought or windows and doors slamming in his wake. His parents, God fearing people, rejected him. Luckily for Bex, they weren't the type of parents that really hung around. He was used to being abandoned. They rathered him stay at the Wizarding school that recruited him, which was no problem on his behalf. His parents had always treated him with discontent.

Diving into his studies defined who he was as a wizarding student. He was sorted into Ravenclaw for his cleverness, but he always aspired to be like the greats before him, such as Roweena Ravenclaw or Hermione Granger. The only trouble he ever got into was taking a book from the Restricted Section, which is how he learned how to do wandless magic. Being that he was in his sixth year, and having a later registry into Hogwarts than most, imagine his surprise at actually getting into the in-house TriWizard Cup Tounrament. His motivation is not only to win but to be the very best and bring home the cup to Ravenclaw.


. . . but his intuition's magic.
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Name: Roger Morton
Nicknames: None

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6'1
Year: 6th
House: Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Half-blood


Personality: Roger has always been somewhat quiet, but friendly and approachable. He is fiercely loyal to those he cares about and will break out of his quiet nature to defend them when necessary. He is always there to listen when someone needs it and loves helping people. He tends to put other people before himself, often ignoring his own needs for other people's. Even if people are nasty and rude to him he makes an effort to be nice and helpful to them. He always uses his manners and is that person who is likely to say "sorry" when someone else steps on his foot. He trusts his emotions and is a bit of a hopeless romantic.

History: Roger grew up with his muggle father and his witch mother.They are a pretty average middle class family. Not rich by any means, but they get by comfortably. His parents have a happy relationship, but his mother's parents weren't happy with it. His mother was from a pureblood family, so they shunned her for her marriage to a muggle and Roger has never heard from that side of the family. He also has a little sister, Katherine, who he cares about more than anything else. She's currently 11 and showing no signs of magic, so the family assumes she's a squib. Roger loves her the the same nevertheless, and is probably even more protective of her because of this. Roger was always a helpful child, helping out around the house and with his sister, and he enjoyed that.
When it was his time to go to Hogwarts, he was very exited but a bit nervous. His mother was a Ravenclaw, but she told him that she'd be proud of him no matter what house he was in so he didn't have much of a preference as to what house he got into. Roger was happy as a Hufflepuff and found he got along with his housemates rather well, as most of them were friendly and kind. He did decently well in all of his classes and became a prefect in his 5th year. He also helps out in the hospital wing and has found a love of medicine and healing magic.


Likes: Helping people, romance novels, classical music, ice cream, dogs
Dislikes: Rude people, violence, spicy food, snakes
Amortentia: Citrus and vanilla
Patronus: Oryx
Boggart: His sister, dead
Future job: Healer
Pet: Snow Owl- Sparkle (he let his sister name her)
Wand: 11 1/2" Poplar wood, unicorn hair, flexible

Other: Roger is a Hufflepuff prefect. He is also the Hufflepuff keeper.

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[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentCoded"]
basic information

Full Name: Ansgar Járnsíða-Marlowe
Nickname: Hans
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: homosexual, Closested
Year: Sixth
House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Pureblood


Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'
Weight: 190lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: Has a tattoo of Apollo on his left forearm. A ship resting on waves on the back of his right calf. On his back he has a large tattoo depicting Odin's death by Fenrir. He has one magical tattoo of a mythical corvid, originally placed on his left arm, but it often flies wherever it pleases.
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in depth

Personality: At first glance, Ansgar is easy to approach and easy to get along with, the type of person who you’d be friends with for years and only would you realise that you actually know very little about him. Whilst a social and warm person, he will rarely speak about himself or his past, and should the topic ever turn to him he’ll grow flustered and irritated, making an excuse or brushing off the question.

However, he is an attentive person who will remember the seemingly small details of his friends and their lives. If he’s told something that seems important to the person, even if it is as small as not liking a certain food, he will ensure that he remembers it. Yet even with his observant nature, where he will typically notice changes to the people around his, whilst he will keep note of it, he will never approach the person, finding it too uncomfortable or awkward and instead believing that they’ll approach him if they need him.

Perhaps to a fault, Ansgar is an unwaveringly loyal person. He will stand by anyone who he feels even the faintest stroke of loyalty to, regardless of the blood or attitude between them. He would never forsake them if they’re truly in need. Although he’s proud of this, it’s also been a dangerous trait, with Ansgar willing to put himself on the line.

Prefering to let his heart rule over his head, he will act without thought. Catching even the faintest hint of a whim, regardless of the cause or consequence he will follow it and act. Which for an emotional person can cause issues. Despite this he will stand by what choices he made, however rash.

Ansgar is also incredibly strong willed, attempting to see anything through to the very end. However as well as this has served him with his studying and training, he also takes it too far. Ansgar pushing himself past his limits, impatient for the end result as he tries to force himself to carry on no matter what pain or exhaustion is taking over his body. Ansgar is also incredibly strong willed, attempting to

Ansgar is a passionate person who will dedicate however much time he needs into whatever’s captured his interest. However it is hard to motivate him to put the same passion into anything he has no interest in. As most teachers have said throughout his life, he lacks motivation to anything that doesn't immediately interest him. However Ansgar is also strong willed, attempting to see what he chooses to start through to the end, and as well as this has served him with his studying and training, he also takes it too far. Ansgar pushing himself past his limits, impatient for the end result as he tries to force himself to carry on no matter what pain or exhaustion is taking over his body

In spite of his kind and attentive nature, he can be a surprisingly angry person. With his emotions all but kept to himself he can find it easy to slip into a ‘rage’ or a bad mood. Once there he will act purely on the anger and emotion of the moment. Although once he is calm he usually regrets his actions or words he will mostly pretend that it hasn't happened and move on. However if he anticipates the drastic change in emotion he will often simply go off to find his own peace.

Likes: old stories, rain, dark nights, adventures, swimming

Dislikes:boredom, astronomy, sand, hot drinks, snakes
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Bio:Despite being pureblood, Ansgar was born in the breath of the spitting sea air, in the village of Ribe, Denmark. Despite the population persisting of almost 98% muggles, Ansgar loved the muggle life, their stories and superstitions that almost always had hints of their truth. His mother, a scholar and a young apprentice in a historical maritime museum, encouraged if not insisted on living an almost entirely muggle life, using magic as a way to enhance what they had, rather than to entirely rely on it. For Ansgar, there was never a second of doubt about the love his small family had for him.

Growing up, he’d been an energetic and unfortunately loud child. Running almost everywhere, climbing where he could and subsequently getting stuck where he’d climbed. Already following in his mothers footsteps as he developed an almost muggle-like adoration for folklore and superstitions. However, even as a young boy he suffered greatly from a constant ringing in his ears, an early sign of health problems to come.

Even as he grew older, this energy did not subside. But his mother had payed for ways to deal with that. At first it had been kickboxing. Ansgar, throwing his small fists at softened pads for hours until he tired out. But once he’d mustered all of his six year old courage, he’d asked his mother for ballet lessons. She’d quickly accepted.

Surprisingly, the heavy fisted child found a natural talent for grace and agility of ballet. After five years of ballet, he was performing in competitions and shows all around the globe. Shortly after his eleventh birthday, he was performing over in Paris with his troupe, the competition going beyond what they’d expected. Bringing home a trophy for the cabinet of their studio.

Their short week of glory had landed the troupe on the lumpy chairs of an airport gate. The flight delayed by twelve hours, they quickly involved themselves in card games and well meant phone calls.

Yet Ansgar had been met with voicemail, he resigns to the discomfort of his chair, and then to the reckless distance given by the flights. Checking his phone every moment he could use it.

It was once he’d landed that he’d understand the tremor in his stomach, the dread weighing each fingertip. The young boy greeted at the carousel by the large and gentle policemen. Warnings they’d never known they’d given, handing to the seat of their lips. They'd told him it had been arson that had killed his mother. Trapped in her parents shop, she'd had no option, they said.

Not even a week later he was sent across the sea to live with his fathers grandmother. A woman he had never once met before. She was unlike any family he had surviving over in Denmark, she was strict and demanding, magic haven taken over every part of her life, insisting on practice and use where his mother had ‘lacked’. And although he was more than adept with a wand, he found there was still no better thrill than a fight with his fists. Knowing how to win and still getting a surprise. He believes it holds a certain grace that casting an offensive spell could never achieve.
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Other: Quidditch - Chaser, Participates in the Magical Creatures club, as well as managing a non-official boxing club. Assists in the library. Unregistered animagus; grey wolf.

Amortentia: old leather-bound books, sea air just before a storm

Patronus: Black Bear

Boggart: Raging fire whilst the voices of his friends and family call out around him.

Future job: he isn’t sure, but he likes the idea of becoming a professor

Pet: Black with peppered white kneazle named Pilot

Wand: Yew wood with a phoenix feather core, 14 ½ and supple flexibility


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male / 17 / demisexual / sixth year / house gryffindor / half blood
[div class=hyunbin]

5'10 / 71 kg / / dark blonde
[div class="heading"]likes.
enchanted art / adrenaline / herbology / magical creatures / autonomy / flying / muggles / studies / spontaneity / smiles

[div class="heading"]dislikes.[/div]pity / subjection / killjoys / politics / social status

[div class="heading"]clubs.[/div] magical creatures club / quidditch - chaser / captain of gryffindor's dueler's society [/div]
[div class="heading"]about donny.
Donovan is the young apprentice of James K. Crowley - a renown wizarding naturalist. His fame accounts his eccentricity and brilliance, as well as his compassionate soul. He had inspired young Donovan with heart and color, introducing him to new worlds.

Donovan is an idealist with stars for eyes. He fancies the romance of chasing worldly wonders and spoils himself in his own indulgent behavior. His social awareness and lack of concern for judgement allows him to live honestly and without restraint. The ability to feel and understand emotion grounds him. He values purpose, adding meaning to his everyday interactions and color to his black and white world.

As a child, Donovan had a nasty - set the cat on fire and feel nothing - tendency. His apathy was channeled through his impulsive and reckless behavior. As the son of an american politician, he knew exactly how to act and gain favor. However he was isolated as the only half-blood child in a pure-blood household of eight siblings. His lack of sympathy was alarming, and his upbringing had amplified his aggression. As his father gained higher political status, concealing the affair and half-blood child became an issue. It was settled that Donovan would be raised under his uncle Crowley - a magizoologist.

It was tough love bent out of shape for young Donovan. His wack job of an uncle took him on wild excursions filled with deranged beasts. Faced with danger - Donovan opted many times to file against his inadequate caretaker. He was frightened by Crowley's emotional intelligence, and Donovan soon learned to drop his useless facade.

Over the years Donovan adopted his mentor's kindness and empathy. With the letters he received from Ilvermorny and Hogwarts, Donovan was inclined to reject both offers to continue travelling and studying under Crowley. However, with his uncle's encouragement, he chose the British school outside of his family's influence.

He spends majority of his time at Hogwarts caring for magical creatures, and keeps to himself - content without recognition. However, as he progressively took on more roles of leadership, his brilliance had quickly gained attention and followers. He is well known as Gryffindor's chaser and captain of his house's dueler's society. Though he tends to keep a low profile - he has the support of both peers and professors.

Other: he's known as Donovan, Donny, Don, Dono, El, Ellie, Captain.

Donovan has a fascination for muggles, their creations, entertainment and lifestyles. Despite being half muggle, he's lived in the wizarding world his whole life. Therefore he doesn't know how to act with muggles and becomes an embarrassment with his ignorant idealizations.

He has genius artistic talent. Donovan is credible in the wizarding world for his enchanted art, and many seek him for tattoos.

Future Job: Donovan aspires for a low status job. He's not a people person when it comes to kissing ass or others kissing his. Ideally, he would want to continue his uncle's work as a magizooligst and accept clients as a enchanted tattooist on the side (opening his own small studio and study). However in the future he finds himself tangled with high profile wizards and politics. He becomes bound to obligations, frequently sought as a strong duelist and works closely with aurors and hit wizards.

Amortentia: the smell of spruce and pine, morning dew and citrus.

Patronus: the elephant.

Boggart: an older version of himself resembling his father with gold chains and shackles around his neck. Symbolizes his fear of binding commitments that mean intrinsically nothing to him.

Pet: bowtruckle named Harold, peregrine falcon named Abigail and a tarantula named Jessica.

Wand: yew wand with a phoenix feather core 10.5" and hard flexibility
[div class="heading"]DARING, NERVE & CHIVALRY.

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message to discuss
[div class="heading"]relationships.
impressions and opinions [/div]
[div class=hyunbin2]

[div class="heading"]Olivia.
"don't mess with her. trust me. she'll knock you out. i hate to admit it but she's amazing. it's always a good time with liv, except when she pisses me off. i know she has my back and you're right to think that i have hers."[/div]
[div class=hyunbin2]

the sweetest
[div class="heading"]Ainslie.
"shes a sweetheart and i miss her. we don't talk anymore - can't say it doesn't hurt. she was my best friend but we haven't spoken in years. no hard feelings, i still care for her - but i just don't think i'd approach her."[/div]
[div class=hyunbin2]

[div class="heading"]Guinevere.
"she says she only likes me for harold but i call bluff. her resting bitch face is phenomenal. she tries to hide it but she's soft. it would be nice if she were more honest. i guess she's pretty cool - you know - for a slytherin."[/div]
[div class=hyunbin2]

[div class="heading"]Orpheus.
"hes my mom. low key, im his only child. im sure the ravens will understand. i like to bring him things. like a cat would bring home a dead rat. he's fun, even when hes mad. i like how smart he talks and im proud to be his son."[/div]
[div class=hyunbin2]

best mate
[div class="heading"]Henry.
"hes a brother to me. one of my favorite people and i make it damn obvious. i don't care what anyone else thinks - he's the best kind of company. seriously, i worked hard to earn it. i have all the love and respect for him."[/div]
[div class=hyunbin2]

[div class="heading"]Gabriella.
info info info[/div]
[div class=hyunbin2]

[div class="heading"]Anastasia.
info info info[/div]
[div class=hyunbin2]

[div class="heading"]choi jun hee.
info info info[/div]
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[div class="heading"]hwan sa hee.
info info info[/div]
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[div class="heading"]baek sun.
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Never let anyone know what you're thinking.

Name: Anastasia Hannah Greengrass

Nicknames: Ana

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual

Height: 5'7

Year: Sixth

House: Slytherin

Blood Status: Pureblood


Personality: Anastasia is a mild mannered girl, knowing when and how to bide her time to get what she wants. You would rarely see her get angry and even then, she only expresses cold and silent fury instead of a loud one. She is a rather friendly person who would rarely judge anyone for any rumors that circulate around them. She's rather charming and can easily befriend people no matter their circumstances. She does have a genuine want for friends even if she keeps most of them at arm's length. Her relatively kinder demeanor is a great buffer towards her friends' ruthless ones, often being the one to step up to cool a situation down. She's an excellent mediator with a rather long patience. Though once she snaps, there's little hope for escaping unscathed - whether because of a plan of her own creation or of her friends'.

Manipulation has always been one of her strong suits. Observant to the attitude of others, she adjusts herself well to those she is speaking with and is often done to make her be more likable or to get what she desires. It's more of a habit than a choice by this point. She finds it rather fun but she would never tell anyone that. She's perceptive to lies but rarely calls people out on it considering her own penchant for such a tactic.

Anastasia carries herself with pride and confidence with little room for error. The perfect mask for a pureblood girl - never let the little things get to you. Never let them see the chinks in your armor. Never show weakness. It is her flaw - the lesson of constant perfection ingrained so deep that she will refuse to show any sort of weakness even when it is acceptable. Even to her most trusted friends, Anastasia refuses to seek help for fear of both judgement and the fear of punishment for doing so. Anastasia grew up independent with the need to either impress the people around her by knowing what needs to be done or strive to learn something ahead of anyone else. Her pride will not allow anything less, to the point that it can sometimes be destructive towards her as she strives for greatness without rest.

She has a ridiculous fascination with animals - both magical and otherwise. Anastasia seems to be at her most honest and most vulnerable when she is around animals - her demeanor seemingly softer whenever her barn owl comes around. Anastasia has a couple of other pets that were left at home with a caretaker and she often talks about them very fondly. In fact, she seems rather childish whenever topics of animals come up - eyes lighting up with excitement and curiosity. She might not be bouncing with excitement but one can see it clear in her eyes. No one would know but even her naming sense seem childish in every regard for her pets at home.

To the observant, Anastasia has grown weary over the years. Her demeanor has not changed much but there's a certain sluggish feel to whenever she thinks no one is watching. It's as if she harbors a secret that no one else knows and that going through life carrying this burden is getting to her more than anything else. However, questions about this are often redirected or are left unanswered. Nearing the full moon and days after, Anastasia seems to be more irritable and less patient - surprisingly so for the usually calm and collected Anastasia. During these days, she holds her tongue more often than not or avoids any sort of confrontation, having even gone as far as disappearing from her usual group in fear that their attitude might only amplify the effects of the full moon on her.

Likes: Creatures, Friends, Learning, Pop Culture, Muggle Clothing, Pranking, Innovations, Technology

Dislikes: Her werewolf status, Vulnerability, Impoliteness, Impatience, Injustice, Baseless Judgement

Backstory: Anastasia grew up without a father and, soon enough, without a mother as well. She'd been told that her father had died due to an accident but Anastasia knew that they had been left. Her grandmother had been furious about the knowledge of her own son abandoning his family so she gladly took both Anastasia and her mother in despite the latter insisting that she could provide for themselves. But her mother was a sickly woman who was in bed more often than not. She had barely been six years of age when she had passed away, leaving Anastasia with her grandmother - Daphne.

The two got along well but Daphne was still bound to tradition - though in a less extremist way. She brought up Anastasia as a proper lady of the Greengrass household, teaching her what must be done and how it must be done. Anastasia was brought up with positive reinforcement but Anastasia knew that even her grandmother will not last if she was another addition of stress. And so, Anastasia thought it would be wise to simply be the perfect granddaughter, learning things at an exceptionally fast pace. Daphne had been more than impressed and that was what made Anastasia happy and perhaps the first instance of her perfectionist attitude. Daphne brought her along to pureblood parties, attended by those of the highest prestige along with arranging play dates with the children her age.

Daphne was a busy woman, still, as she needs to provide for Anastasia and herself despite sitting on a pile of money stored in Gringotts. She was a proud woman after all and she was not going to turn to her family or her dead daughter-in-law's riches. So Anastasia was left on her own, more often than not, with two House Elves who took care of her but never really made any sort of special bond with her. So when she was gifted a dog, Anastasia was ecstatic and she kept asking for more and more with Daphne giving them when she's able - even going as far as registering for magical creatures that were supposedly dangerous. Anastasia took good care of them.

As her time in Hogwarts grew closer, Anastasia grew more and more excited. So much so that Daphne had arranged a meeting with a wandmaker from another country to see if a wand there would suit her better than Ollivander's - which was also a dying wish from her mother who was an American pureblood. Gaining her wand a year before the allocated date, Anastasia was given early lessons by her grandmother to make sure she doesn't use it without precaution. Anastasia was rarely careless, however, even in her excitement so she got away with so much more than she should have.

Anastasia had rested quite easily when she got into Slytherin with her closest friends - Guinevere and Gabriella. She had been rather unsure about them being able to stay together but Hogwarts proved that the three of them should stick together. They had grown even closer when they became roommates and Guinevere had proposed the idea of The Brigands. Anastasia was more than happy to go along with the pranks, finding it fun as long as no one got hurt too badly. She could pinpoint when exactly she had completely lowered her walls around them - second year was when she let herself listen to their protests whenever she stayed up late and worked herself to near exhaustion.

And she could precisely tell you when she started building them up again. The summer between the fourth and fifth year was when disaster struck her. Daphne had been away and there was no scheduled sleepover during that particular day of the full moon. Anastasia had been outside, tending to the various creatures she had begun to collect. That was when there was a piercing howl followed by screams of terror. Her first mistake was thinking she could help. Foolishly, she had followed the source of the sound and failed to realize what the full moon meant on that day. So when she was faced with a werewolf, she was woefully unprepared.

She woke up at St. Mungo's the day after with Daphne hovering her - concern and fear written all over her usually stoic face. They explained the situation carefully to her and Anastasia took it surprisingly well. Too well. So they sent her home after she was assured that her wounds would recover. Daphne created a room for her transformations. The House Elves were notified. Hogwarts was notified so that they could provide a place for her to transform and not disturb the students. Fitting, Anastasia remembered thinking once when she was along, The Marauders had a werewolf too. And yet, Anastasia could not find it in her heart to tell her friends about this.

When fifth year rolled in, Anastasia had been the same... relatively. She had gotten a lot closer to their Care of Magical Creatures Professor and has become their assistant, often going out to aid them in taking care of the various magical creatures Hogwarts houses. They had even begun exchanging creatures and Anastasia has brought over a couple more. In reality, they had gotten closer because they were the one who was going to be responsible in taking Anastasia to the Shrieking Shack to be able to transform without worry - sticking in a bunch of creatures with her so that she won't go berserk. Since the creatures are her own and are familiar with her, they don't attack her in retaliation.

She's survived while keeping this a secret for a year. She's just hoping she can get to the end of Hogwarts keeping it a secret.

Amortentia: Chocolate, Lavender and Antique Building

Patronus: Jaguar

Boggart: A werewolf attacking her friends

Future job: Curse-Breaker

  • Rem - A barn owl
  • William Snakespeare - A ball python
  • Cooper - A Crup
Wand: 11" Cedar, Thunderbird Tail Feather, Unyielding

  • Practices non-verbal magic and wandless magic
  • Magical Creatures Club and Transfiguration Club
  • Assistant to Care of Magical Creature Professor
  • A werewolf; has a multitude of scars littering her body but rarely her face but is often excused as one of her creatures attacking her accidentally
  • Tattoos: She has a small moon tattoo on her left wrist. It changes with the phases of the moon in current time.
  • She holds a definite fear of anyone finding out about her affliction due to its grave consequences on her future
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  • 587194

    || Orpheus Telemachus Arcleves ||
    "Wisdom strides beside experience."

    Age: 18.
    Gender: Male.
    Sexuality: Homosexual.
    Height: 5'11''.
    Year: Sixth.
    House: Ravenclaw.
    Blood Status: Pureblood.

    Orpheus Arcleves wholeheartedly embodies the wisdom and wit of Ravenclaw House. An ingenious wizard, capable of rising to meet the demands of any challenging academic situation, he is one of the top scholars at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Intensely curious, Orpheus has a perspicacious character and is always looking for new projects to work on and new things to learn. Since arriving at Hogwarts, Orpheus, with a little help from his professors, has created two new spells, which have been submitted to the Ministry of Magic for ratification.

    He is extremely organised, and tries his utmost to maintain all his checks and balances in agreement. Orpheus triages his time diligently: he usually plans his mornings, his afternoons, and his evenings well in advance, and can be trusted to honour his commitments. However, Orpheus is also high-spirited - when he has free-time, he enjoys the thrill of spontaneity. Spending an evening in the Ravenclaw common room with friends, chatting by the fire, is one of Orpheus' favourite things to do.

    Happy-go-lucky and good-humoured, Orpheus is seldom downcast or downhearted. He is a cheerful soul, always laid-back and giving off a relaxed vibe. He considers people, and happiness, his highest priority. He does his best to get along with everyone, and so when he meets someone who is less than pleasant, it’s a little frustrating for him. Still, he's very good at avoiding conflict and keeping his head in a bad situation; he knows that outside of a war of words, his combative skills are abysmal.

    As a warm and friendly prefect, he invests a lot of energy into helping others. He is sympathetic and supportive, and the younger students in his house, or sometimes other houses, regard him as a paternal figure. He has a keen understanding of what is going on inside his own head, and his introspection and intuition provides him with incredible insight into the feelings of others. When witches and wizards need someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry upon, Orpheus is often the first choice; his smile and his laughter are infectious, and it’s difficult not to feel happy around him. He always looks for the best from those around him, believing firmly that every cloud has a silver, or even golden, lining. As a result, his blind trust can be easily abused, and he has been scarred bestowing too much faith and loyalty. His studies personality has also been the reason for a certain degree of harassment.

    Achilles Arcleves spent most of his wild youth sailing with his own mother, fishing to support his lifestyle and spending his free-time drinking and flirting. It was uncommon to see him without a lover on his arm, but he never grew too attached to any of them. One early morning, he was prepping his boat for a day at sea when he was alerted to a tiny din, and he uncovered an infant wrapped in a ultramarine-coloured blanket. All that accompanied the child was a hasty, tear-stained note reading: “His name is Orpheus Telemachus Arcleves. He's yours - I cannot take care of him.”

    Achilles took one look at the newborn's eyes and knew in his heart that it was true.

    Orpheus learned to walk and talk at his father's family home, surrounded by his extensive family of grandparents, godparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. His family may have frowned upon Achilles' hedonism. but they never turned a blind eye to his son - in fact, he had quite the peaceful and pleasant upbringing. He was a remarkably fast learner, and early on showed an innate affinity for recollection and reminiscence; he began to display his magical powers at an extraordinarily young age, and he excelled at school. His aptitude for magic started with small exhibitions; he would turn the pages of his books, steal cookies from the topmost shelf, and hurl a ball for Argus, the family griffin.

    Around the time Orpheus was 10 years old, he was offered acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. During his few years at school, Orpheus was sorted into Ravenclaw and excelled at his studies. He found that he had a particular knack for medicinal magic and herbology . He found it hard being so far away from his family, but it made the times they spent together that much sweeter.

    Reading || Learning || Academics || Tutoring || Medicine and Medical Magic || Herbology || Charms ||Wizard Chess | Chocolate || Fresh Strawberries.

    Quidditch || Duelling || Sport || Divination || Defence Against the Dark Arts || Stubbornness || Liars || Manipulators.

    Old Books || Strawberries || Hot Chocolate.
    A rook.
    Future job:
    Professor of Medicinal Magic.
    Odysseus - A golden-brown maltese.
    9" willow wand, with a dragon heartstring core and inflexibility.

    Prefect for Ravenclaw House.
    Captain of Ravenclaw Wizard Chess Club.
    Tutor for a variety of subjects at O.W.L and N.E.W.T level, including topics covered in the seventh year which he has self-taught.

    Used to date a fellow Hogwarts student; the relationship ended very poorly, which has been one of the most upsetting aspects of Orpheus’ life.

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"kill them with kindness and bury them with a smile"
Name: Ainslie Macmillan
Nickname: Ains, Leia
Age: 17
Gender: Scorpio
Sexuality: Bisexual
Year: 6
House: Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Pureblood, Macmillan Family

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 153 lbs

Personality Overview: With a calm disposition, friendly attitude, and killer smile, it's easy to see why Ainslie Macmillan is generally liked by the student body.

Despite her own thoughts towards her own upbringing, many of the traits instilled in her from a young age are still present to this very day. Ainslie is polite around strangers of authority, using what charm she has to try and sway others' opinions. She has undeniable pride in herself and her actions, although it is rarely undeserved. And thankfully, she's managed to shed most of her family's opinion about muggles and muggle-borns, regardless of her ignorance towards those of 'lesser' magical status.

However, much more of Ainslie's personality comes from her time at Hogwarts, traits that have developed from years of socializing with those of different ideas. In true Hufflepuff fashion, she is hardworking and loyal to a fault, although her blind trust in other's can sometimes verge on naïve. She's always willing to help out others, either with schoolwork as a student (something she's not particularly good at), quidditch as a captain, or herbology as a TA.

Likes: quidditch, herbology, baking, desserts, pretty people, flowers, working out, butterbeer, her cat, her maids, the Wigtown Wanderers, potions, transfiguration, competition, flying, Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, exploding bonbons, loyalty, kind people
Dislikes: being used as a chess piece, her family, dementors, divination, defence against the dark arts, dueling, being told what to do, dishonesty, bad hygiene, heavy robes, getting yelled at, greed, betrayal

Biography Overview: Amelia and Damien Macmillan were overjoyed when they brought a child into the world, but their excitement lessened rather quickly when they in discovered that their child was a girl, a daughter. The Macmillan's had long since struggled with infertility, and the announcement of a pregnancy was monumental to them, as it was expected of pureblood families to carry on their lineage. However, many of the Sacred Twenty-Eight were still old-fashioned, damning Ainslie to a life in which she would never be able to be the head of her family. No, that responsibility would be controlled by her husband. Her parents grew to resent her, feeling that their lives were scorned for such a disgrace.

Meanwhile, Ainslie was raised by her maids, or rather, servants. While it may have seemed like a lackluster replacement, her maids treated her with kindness and a motherly instinct that her own had never had. Ainslie gained her kind and grateful qualities from those she was raised by, only seeing her parents ever so often. Even when she found out about her parents' true feelings, she was unperturbed, sticking by her mindset of parents being those who nursed you, not those who birthed you.

Regardless of any feelings harbored in her family, Ainslie lived a rather lavish life. The Macmillans had always been rich, and she was just the one to inherit their assets. She was taught by the best tutors money could get someone, and her many, quickly-changing hobbies were easily satisfied by what seemed to be an endless bank account. Ainslie would even gift galleons to her servants, once she was given access to it. Of course, this was against the rules, but she had never particularly cared for the exhaustive work that her ladies were responsible for. It was also partially to rebel against her governess, someone with a similar mindset to her parents'.

Ainslie's magic developed quickly, and she was given an heirloom wand for her 7th birthday to experiment with. All other interests vanished with the coming of magic, and soon she was known to run through the house, begging any and every worker with magical capabilities for any tips they had. However, even magic was shadowed over by quidditch. It was by this time that Ainslie was of age to start at Hogwarts, of which she received her letter to with great excitement.

Hufflepuff was the most common house in the Macmillan family, so it was no surprise when Ainslie was chosen for the badger house upon her arrival at Hogwarts. She quickly found friends in her year, especially with the other girls in her dorm. She was fascinated by herbology, and she also enjoyed potions. To her, Hogwarts was a win-win situation. She can learn and make new friends, all while avoiding her parents.

Up until her current year at Hogwarts, her sixth, Ainslie's has been relatively simple. She definitely doesn't resent this; it has given her time to improve her schoolwork and her quidditch skills. However, she is starting to get a bit bored with the monotony of it all, so maybe she'll be able to find something a bit more exciting this go around.

Amortentia: The smell of the plants in the greenhouses combined with sandalwood, sweat, and clean air
Patronus: A large greyhound
Boggart: Herself dressed up like a puppet, only used to further her family's desires
Future Job: Herbologist
Pet: A Nebelung cat named Isobel
Wand: 12" Spruce wand with a unicorn hair core, pliable
Other: Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team, plays Chaser; TA's for the Herbology professor;

Guinevere Nott: ?
Gabriella Zabini: Gabriella and Ainslie certainly don't get along. They both have too many dislikeable traits for the other, and Ainslie often feels like she's being puppetted when talking to Gabriella.
Aldrian Bexler: ?
Roger Morton: ?
Ansgar Járnsíða-Marlowe: ?
Shaylan Wolfe: ?
Anastasia Greengrass: Ana and Ainslie are friends, albeit rather new ones. While Ainslie doesn't particuarly get along with the people Ana associates with, she's willing to put that aside for someone who can hold a nice conversation and is knowledgable in magical creatures.
Olivia Ellwood: A friendly rivalry would be the best term to describe Olivia and Ainslie's relationship. These Quidditch captians are willing to work together for a project, or say "Hello!" in the halls, but they certainly know when to get serious about their favorite sport!
Gordon Goodblood: ?
Cassius Floyd: ?
Maeve Eldridge: ?
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scrolls, hover over photo
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Every problem has an answer, you just need to think outside the box to find it.

Name: Gordon Weylin Goodblood

Nicknames: N/A

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 6'0

Year: Seventh

House: Ravenclaw

Blood Status: Pureblood


A bright young lad, Gordon is someone who would go above and beyond to learn what he has to. He is not the type of person who would normally be restricted by rules but knows the importance of them. He follows them when convenient for himself and for the cause he is working for - which is thankfully most of the time while he is at Hogwarts. He's also very quick on the uptake and knows that every problem has a solution - it was only a matter of time and brainpower to get through it. He's not the type to give up easily which can be both disastrous and miraculous, depending on the end.

He's a person who usually justifies the means with the end. If he manages to get his goal, then why does it matter how he got there? Perhaps this is what makes him dangerous, in a sense. He would never be guilty for doing something horrible if it meant that his goal is achieved. He is not above using people or nearly running people helping him ragged. There's little sympathy given when Gordon is driven.

Gordon is loyal to his friends but earning that kind of title for him is hard. He doesn't easily trust or give out this title because he does believe it holds weight and meaning. He would call acquaintances 'friends' but the true title is reserved for only the most trusted people. He also believes in returning favors - if you do something for him, it is assured that he will do something for you of equal value as well.

However, he has a very friendly and approachable persona. He acts like an older brother to most of the students, showing concern when it must be. He's known to come by the Common Room to give students something to drink when they're making an effort on their studies and answers their questions dutifully. He's also been known to help people with the door, knowing the difficulty it brings when you've spent the entire day studying with two hours of sleep and running purely on caffeine.

He's surprisingly patient with anyone who is willing to learn something but worryingly impatient with those who simply prefer doing things far too quickly and making mistakes left and right. He's a great tutor if you display enough enthusiasm or is actually difficulty learning something. He will sit down with you and take however long it takes to help you and is a very encouraging person. He doesn't really care what House you're in as long as you have genuine want to understand something, he will help.

Likes: Studying, Firewhisky, Coffee, Tea, Inventions, Research, Facts, Silence, Nighttime, Reading

Dislikes: Spreading misinformation, Trickery, Being interrupted, Being restricted

Born to two Americans, it was a wonder how Gordon was sent to Hogwarts instead of Ilvermorny like both of his parents. The reasoning was that his father had to move to England for work and his mother followed close behind. They originally wanted to send him to Ilvermorny and just have him fly back and forth for summers but figured that it would be too much of a hassle on both sides so they settled for Hogwarts.

Gordon was taught about magic early so that he could control it. His parents also taught him the importance of non-verbal magic if they ever start to teach it at Hogwarts. After all, if the non-maj... or rather the muggles figured out that they were using magic, it would be disastrous. Nevertheless, they were a loving bunch. Gordon absorbed their lessons as an eager child... but he never lost this will to learn and the will to obtain as much as knowledge as he can.

When he received the letter for entrance to Hogwarts, his parents had flown him to America to buy his wand - not trusting Ollivander for him. With that, he had gone to Hogwarts with an American wand but no one really knew that. He had done his best in his classes and absorbed every single piece of information and then more. It was no wonder why he was in Ravenclaw in the first place. But still, his professors had noticed that there was no end to his curiosity and would often ask for advance lessons and a lot of his friends had to stop him from pulling all nighters for his personal research.

His parents were very protective of him, often going out of their way to send him letters weekly and always visits when they can. Gordon often finds them overbearing but endearing as well. At least they don't send out howlers, he often thinks. However, his parents are very critical of Hogwarts considering their Ilvermorny roots and often wishes they could transfer him to the American school though Gordon manages to dissuade them. While he does think that he has much to learn in other schools, that can wait until he has graduated.

It became increasingly obvious that Gordon's willingness to study and research could lead to some interesting findings so professors often allow him to do independent research when he wishes to so long as he was under the supervision of a professor during times of dangerous experimentation. He had relented to the wishes of the authority, finding good reasoning behind it anyway. More often than not, it is better to have Gordon preoccupied with something so he's given research problems in spades.


Amortentia: Fire Embers, Parchment, Ink

Patronus: Bearded Vulture

Boggart: Burning Papers in a tornado

Future job: Magical Researcher

  • Noire - A Tawny Owl
Wand: 12", Walnut Wood, Rougarou Hair, Rigid

  • Practices non-verbal magic and wandless magic
  • President of the Transfiguration Club; Head Boy
  • A registered animagus - a vulture
  • Has regularly accessed the Restricted Section with permission from various professors
  • Has been known to attempt to create his own spells, whether he has succeeded or not is still unknown


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[div class=tab]Persona
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basic information

Preffered Name: Cassius Floyd
Given Name: Kim Cheol-min



Face Claim:
Eye Color:Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc:A Wizard tattoo of a ocean with moving waves
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in depth

Personality: Most people know Cassius as being a fun, sociable, athletic and well-respected person. He does his best to come off as being a genuinely good person. In a way, he’s trying to prove that he’s more than his furry condition. He has a strong presence, the type that demands the respect and attention of all those in the room. Public speaking and inspirational speeches are where he excels, he knows how to talk in a way that will affect people and how to paint things in certain lights. This causes him to have very good people skills and excel in sports environments. While he isn’t opposed to working as a team, it is quite clear that he prefers to be in control of a leadership role.

Even when he was younger he had an aura that demanded the attention of others. This made it so making friends was never very difficult. People just seemed to genuinely like to be around him and his sense of humour. He can usually be found laughing and cracking jokes, just trying to have a good time and socialise with others.

Cassius tends to follow his own moral compass because it makes more sense than to use someone else's. He lives a rather risky lifestyle, preferring to live in the moment and to dive headfirst into situations rather than sitting around planning. Mistakes can be fixed along the way and it’s usually easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

He loves to be the centre of attention but unlike most Ravenclaw’s he doesn’t like to talk about theory or global issues. Cass prefers more energetic and slightly intelligent conversations. Despite being smart he struggles in the more regimented and lecturing approached classes. Tending to learn better in hands-on environments where he can actually do the things they talk about.

Likes: Firewhisky, Dogs, Quidditch, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Surfing, Tattoos, Muggle sports.

Dislikes: Herbology, Acid pops, Snow, Divination, Seafood, Laziness, Arrogance, Rap, Transformations.
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Bio:Cassius's mother, Isabelle Floyd met his birth father while she was studying at a prestigious college. He was a wizard Marcus, disguising himself as a muggle student.He brought her a coffee while she was writing, consequently, she fell for his charms. After spending the night together she fell pregnant with his child.When she gave birth to him she asked Marcus to take the child with him. So that he could raise the baby himself, as she saw her new son as nothing more than a burden. She had never wanted a child let alone a son. Her plan was to build a fashion empire and then maybe think about children. Having to deal with a child fresh out of college sounded like a nightmare. But he refused, claiming that his family would never accept the boy and that he would be disowned.In the end, Isabelle had no choice but to reluctantly take him in and care for him as best she could.

When Cassius was five his mother met another man, his soon to be stepfather. He was tall and extremely wealthy. Everything his mother had wanted in a man. Not long after his mother started seeing him, they were married. She and her new husband had two kids together, twin girls. They were the perfect little girls, beautiful mixed babies that never caused a problem in their eyes. He started to fade into the background outshone by these little girls. It made sense though the twins were planned and he was a mistake. A burden on them that ruined their perfect family image. Something that they were just stuck with until he turned of age.

Things were always quite tense between him and his stepfather. He was starting to go through a bit of a rebellious phase. Always yelling that he didn’t have to listen to him because he wasn’t his real father.He also often caused a lot of trouble without meaning to. Thanks to his father’s magical blood he seemed to be a beacon for chaos. From glasses randomly exploding to him making doors slam shut without touching them. This caused, even more, fighting between him and his parents. In their eyes, he was putting them all in danger.

By the time Cassius was ten, he couldn’t take staying with his family any longer. Every night he would have nightmares and wake up yelling for his mother. But every night his stepfather would come instead, yelling at him to stop acting like such a little girl. So he decided to take things into his own hands to make a change. One everyone was asleep one night he started packing his things into a suitcase. He didn’t have much but it was enough. He took the cash from his step-father's wallet and walked out.

Cassius had never really liked the dark. Fear of the dark was quite common in kids but it wasn't actually the dark they were afraid of. It was the unknown. The way that the shadows danced to create threatening shapes. While he walked in the dark he couldn’t help the feeling that he was being watched. He found himself looking over his shoulder often while walking that night. At least the full moon that was out that night made it easier to see. A loud howl cut through the silence of the night, shaking him to the core. He barely had time to react before the thing that had been stalking him attacked. Before he passed out from the pain he saw a bright red beam hitting the beast, a werewolf.

He woke up in a bed of the leaky cauldron with a wizard standing over him. He explained to him what happened and introduced himself As Joseph Pomfrey, a healer. He took the news well mainly because he didn’t properly understand what it meant. After Cass did best to explain his situation Joseph decided that it would be best if he took the young werewolf. So he went home with the man to his countryside villa, plenty of room for him to be away from people during transformations.

Over the years the transformations got easier. It was a difficult thing to cope with but with the help of Joseph, it was manageable. He became a father figure to Cassius, showing him the kindness and love he had never really experienced. Even introducing him to Quidditch and buying him his first broom. He was eventually invited to attend Hogwarts. At first, he was hesitant but with a lot of encouragement from Joseph, he decided to attend after all. He was sorted into Ravenclaw which made him proud because it was the same house he had as a boy.

Throughout his years at Hogwarts he spent a lot of his time training for Quddich, eventually becoming Captain of the Ravenclaw team. He also did a lot of studying, mainly looking into offensive magic. The idea of being able to protect himself made him feel safer. As a werewolf, he had to have special treatment during full moons. Luckily they had already had werewolves attend so they knew just what to do. Hogwarts made him feel safer that he had in a long time.
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Amortentia: Fire embers, Cinnamon, Sandalwood.

Patronus: Black Stallion

Boggart: A Werewolf.

Future job: Auror

Pet: Nacho - Northern saw-whet owl

Wand: 10” Cypress wood, Phoenix feather, Supple.

Member of the Dueling club

Ravenclaw Prefect

Quidditch Captain.
Position: Beater

Is infected with lycanthropy

Nonverbal magic user

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[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
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basic information

Full Name: Maeve Daphne Eldridge
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
House: Gryffindor
Year: Sixth
Blood Status: Half-blood



Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'6
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: She has her ears pierced and a plan for a sleeve of magical beasts.
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in depth

Personality: Maeve is an intelligent and witty person, who generally believes she has a good sense for those around her. She consistently puts the work and effort into everything she does, taking the time to ensure that her research or approach is as perfect and well executed as it can be. Never letting herself submit or approve something that she isn’t entirely happy with. Although this dedication is never too much work for somebody who genuinely loves to learn, her methods aren’t always licit. Maeve showing a clear disregard for rules and restrictions, often believing they are simply a hindrance, or in her own words “bureaucratic nonsense” believing that sometimes people want you to break the rules, simply because they can’t.

Despite her not entirely adhering to the rules, Maeve’s nature is almost entirely honest and trustworthy. Breaking the rules only when she feels it’s right, or needed, and if she’s confronted about it, she won’t bother lying about it. She also comes across as a reliable person and friend, standing by those she trusts and believes and going out of her way to help anybody who would ask her.

In spite of her hard-working nature, Maeve can be rather light-hearted, cracking jokes and always trying to see a positive where there is none. As well as this she is rather creative, having practiced violin and classical arts since she was a young girl. Even if these are no longer things she participates in now, she enjoyed it up until she stopped, preferring reading to painting, she will only ever pick up a brush when feeling particularly melancholic.

Likes: challenges, big creatures, folklore, muggle science, lacrosse, hot drinks, loud music

Dislikes: boredom, olives, chocolate, hot showers, divination, heavy jewelry, ignorance
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Bio: Maeve grew up by the bustling streets of London, her parents house nestled tight among the muggles. But inside couldn’t have been more different than the houses around them. Her mother, a muggle and a botanist had every wall, every corner and ceiling, covered in plants and greenery, indulging her interests as she grew plants more accustomed to a wizarding hand. Whilst her father, a retired magizoologist who managed to lose his right eye only after retiring. He had animals and creatures, beasts from the far east, roaming through their home as he continued to teach older wizards about the fascinating creatures that they had ignored their whole life.

With five other siblings, two of which older than Maeve, her house was constantly alive and burning with life. Her childhood was often spent exploring the depths of her own house, creating adventures with her brothers whilst her parents attempted to teach her their lessons, Maeve often growing bored in the greenhouses, and only really liking the bizarre creatures as much as a muggle would love their family pets.

As she grew older, her parents encouraged her in any interest and whim they could afford, first it had been the arts, picking up violins and paint brushes, hurling lumps of clay at a table before she eventually settled into the sciences, taking on any extra projects her schools would offer her. Her eldest brother, Arthur, often driving her across the country to museums and events, sitting in on muggle speakers and lecturers, even from her young age, she realised how much more advanced the muggle world seemed to be.

After a while, things seemed to settle into their household routine, and it seemed to be going perfect. Their father, moving the largest of his creatures to their grandmother's island up in the scottish coast. Building it around the large manor he had once grown up in and advertising it to wizards as an ‘educational retreat’. Offering the opportunity to learn whilst encountering magical beasts. However, her brother eventually moved out. Arthur purchasing a large portion of land with dense forests and old stone cottages. His intent had been to create a retreat for lycanthropes, where they could rest without worry, or during busier seasons find work without discrimination, working as groundskeepers or cooks for those staying there. Arthur, who had been infected since a botched holiday with his father, put his heart into making the lad safe and protected. But he also took it as an opportunity to teach Maeve about his condition and about the need for their safe spaces.

Maeve loved it, taking every opportunity she could to visit her brother, armed always with a million questions. For a short time, Maeve wanted to be a voice for people like her brother, deciding that she wanted to dedicate her life to helping witches and wizards like her brother. However as much as her interest and beliefs stayed, she began to once again fall in love with science and the way muggles approached everything so logically and pragmatically.

However, this ease did not last. Shortly after her 9th birthday, her youngest brother Merlin, grew sick with a fever that caught in his lungs. Pox’s marking his skin, a sickly green hue burning on his skin. Their parents had spared no expense when it came to healers. Even as far as attempting to contact muggle doctors. But to no avail.

It took years for their family to find their momentum again. Without Merlins constant babbling, talk of dragons and merpeople, there was nothing to break the cold tension. But they found their footing, it had always been in the Eldridge nature to look back in fondness rather than sadness. Their family still celebrating young Merlin’s life, his birthday every year a celebration or more aptly a wake for their brother and their family, often celebrating how far their family has come.

Once arriving at Hogwarts, she was placed proudly in gryffindor. Although she had expected Ravenclaw, she was proud to be in the house that her father had been in before her. She quickly found her footing in her classes, excelling whilst finding her voice, arguing with teachers and friends alike over wizarding methods and the practicality of muggle methods. She also began to explore the castle and its grounds, eaer to mark down every secret it had, in her first years at hogwarts there wasn’t a week where she didn’t caught being where she shouldn’t. In her well meant disputes, Maeve quickly found her group of friends, constantly looking to them for company on her small adventures.
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Amortentia: smoking fire, fresh rain on dirt

Patronus: Tigress

Boggart: stood in a forest clearing, surrounded by seven shallow graves where her family lie.

Future job: Maeve's life goal is to raise the standards of crime scene investigation within the wizarding world, ideally combining muggles use of technology and simple logic with the more useful and helpful areas of magic. She'll argue tirelessly that without magic, muggles still have the advantage and have higher success rates.

Pet: Screech owl named Andúril. Crup named Pax

Wand: Alder wood with a unicorn hair core, 11 ¼ and surprisingly swishy flexibility

Other: Gryffindor Prefect / Practices non-verbal magic / President of a muggle science club /

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  • Innocent
    [class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
    [div class=tab style=";"]About

    [div class=tab]Persona
    [div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
    [div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
    [div class="tabsContent tabsContentCoded"]
    basic information

    Full Name:Kim Eun-Jin
    Blood Status:Half-Blood


    Eye Color:Dark Brown
    Hair Color:Dark Brown
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight:99 lbs
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    in depth

    Personality: Eun-Jin is known as a happy and lovable person, who likes meeting new people and getting to know them and eventually become friends, she has the mindset that everyone is a future friend so she would try to get to know everyone around Hogwarts and helped them become comfortable there.

    She is a hardworking girl who gives her best effort in everything that she does and would not give up until she accomplished her objectives but she is also a naive girl that could be tricked into doing someone else works just because she had this nature of helping others.

    Eun-jin is also known for her kind personality she would be the first one to jump if someone is feeling sad or discouraged, she is a good listener and also would help that person overcome their problems by giving them advice or just support them.

    Likes: Making friends, learning new things, sweets, working on the newspaper, animals, potions

    Dislikes: Dueling, being sad, getting scared, insects, divination
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    Bio:The beginning of the Kim family started when Kim Seung-Eun a wizard who was interested in the life of muggles decided to work as part of the Muggle relations, even if he could have had any other profession but his curiosity of being able to discover a completely new world that didn't use magic was intriguing for him.

    And he would never regret that decision if it wasn't for that decision he would have never been able to meet Kung Eunbi a muggle who just graduated from nursing school and that he met when he was walking near a hospital, he felt like she used amortentia in him even if he was sure that she was a muggle, so without thinking he decided to talk to her and the rest was history.

    Seung-Eun and Eunbi got married and not long after that, they bring into the world their first and only child a small and lovely girl who received the name of Eun-Jin.

    Eun-Jin grew up in a loving family where she was thought about the magic world and the muggle world, fascinated by the abilities of her father, Eun-Jin knew she wanted to become a witch and go to the same school as her father but still be able to help others just like her mother did on the hospital.

    The day when Eun-Jin received her letter was the happiest day of her life, she couldn't be more excited about being able to go to the same school as her father and being able to learn all this wonderful and exciting things.

    Before she entered her father told her about the different houses and how he was in Hufflepuff, but wouldn't get mad at her if she ended in a completely different house although Eun-Jin was hoping she would end in the same house as her father and live the same adventures that he did back when he was a student.

    When she got selected into Hufflepuff she couldn't be prouder of being selected on the same house as her father.

    The time passed and Eun-Jin found her love for potions and care of magical creature, stating that her dream of helping others as a healer could become true. She became part of the school newspaper on her first year to her becoming the president in charge of the newspaper.

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    Amortentia: Fresh baked cookies and hot chocolate
    Patronus:Black Swan
    Boggart:Herself covered with bugs
    Future Job: Healer
    Pet:Ragdoll Cat named Cotton
    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Sunshine
    Wand:Alder and Unicorn Hair, 10 & 3/4 inches, Springy
    Other:*She is the president of the school newspaper.
    *Part of the Potions Club
    *Part of the Magical Creatures Club

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