The time has come to talk of many things...


Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings.

-The Walrus and The Carpenter

Greetings and Salutations,

I am known as Annuzzi, often shortened to Ann or Annie. I am an avid roleplayer, with about six years of experience ranging from sites similar to this one, to ones that required a one thousand to five thousand word minimum. Recently, I've reached a stalemate where I find myself craving new, exciting roleplays and people to work with. Out of the places I looked into, this one seemed the most promising.

I suppose, if this relationship is to work out, I should share details pertaining to my hobbies and likes. I am a high-school student working part time with a passion for anything artistic. I bounce around from paints, to digital work, to writing, and on occasion, old fashioned pen and ink. I am enamored with books, my favorite, as witnessed from the quote above, is Alice in wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. I adore the realm of fantasy, folk lore, and magic, though I do dabble heavily in other genres as well. I play a large amount of pc games, one of the biggest two I spend my time on being Minecraft and Sims.

So far, everyone seems rather pleasant, and I do hope I'll get a chance to make friendly with the locals. Or at the very least, work with a few of you in roleplaying.

But wait a bit, Before we have our chat; For some of us are out of breath, And all of us are fat!

A fellow Alice lover, well met! Hello and welcome. I generally go by Renn Skye about the internet but you can call me just about anything you'd like. It's always nice to meet someone else who has dabbled in novella roleplay and who won't be intimidated by ridiculously long posts, so I do hope that we can write together some time in the near future. If you're ever in the mood for something specific (or, perhaps, something not specific at all and just want to play around and see what we can come up with) drop me a line. I'm always willing to write and usually have a number of characters lined up and ready to be dropped in to most scenarios at the drop of a hat.

I'm afraid you'll notice that my showcases are rather bare right now - I've not had the time to put up personality and histories on them yet, mostly because I'd like to shake each of them out and dust them off properly before putting them up for perusal (and since most of them are somewhat lengthy that'll take a while). But if you're interested in anyone please let me know! And if you'd like to hear about anyone else, as I've only got my females up at the moment - aside for Ian and Alex who I just happened to have nearly completed and up to snuff - just ask, since I've got the population of a small city running around in my head.

A pleasure to meet you, my dear.
Hello Annuzzi! Ah, so you're a seasoned Role Player as well?

Why, that's wonderful! If you are ever short on Role Play members, feel free to ask me; for I am thoroughly enjoying your style of writing.

I, truthfully, love reading and writing paragraph-long replies, so seeing as you're quite the wordsmith, I do hope we Role Play alongside each other in the near future!

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