The Ties that Bind(Please post character sheets here)


Junior Member
(CLOSED!!)The Ties that Bind Character Sheets (Shifter Role Play)

Welcome everybody! This is the first role play Ive started on this site so Im hoping to have alot of fun!! This page is going to be where you'll post your character sheets. You'll know you've been accepted when your name appears in the list on this post when I edit it. I will also PM you to let you know.

I want to start this off with at least 5 other people. When I get those I will officially open the Role Play and shenanigans will begin!

My Character will be posted down below!!Now! Blank Character Sheet!!



Shifter Species:

Human Desciprtion:

Animal Description:



Like I said! Please post your Character sheets here and I'll let you know if you're accepted!!

Accepted Members

Wingal- Maxwell Rodgers

Vitreous- Isaac "Izzy" Forscythe

14hca14- Rosalind Faire

Aerynne- Kaeleora Johnson
I've moved this to the Signups section of the Fantasy/Supernatural section,since that is this thread's primary purpose.
(Heres my Character sheet!! Dont be shy in posting yours!!)

Name: Terry Kitoyama

Age: 19

Shifter Species: White Tiger

Human Description: blonde male with blue eyes, taking from his mothers side despite his fathers strong Japanese background. The only real showings of this are his slightly slanted eyes and slight short stature being at only 5'6. His hair goes a tiny bit past his ears and is a very bright and light blonde.Since he is living on the streets he is usually found in dirty jeans, ratty t-shirt and a jacket he took from home. He also sports a baseball cap turned backwards.

Animal Description: A slim white tiger with blue eyes. In either form he has superhuman strength and speed.

Personality: Offcially as "People-orineted and fun-loving, they make things more fun for others by their enjoyment." But to elaborate, he's kind towards strangers if they return the gesture, but due to his backgroundd he's generally wary of people. He's not always the sharpest tool in the shed and isnt very booksmart but has learned enough to be streetsmart and is very observant of his surroundings. After certain events that transpired he has determined himself to be gay, but while he silently accepts this he is still very hesitant to admit this to other people.

History:Terry Kitoyama was born in America to a Japanese father and American mother, both members of the shifter species. Each parent came from a long line of Tiger shifters, the white gene more prominent on the Kitoyama (his father's) side of the family and thus Terry was born as a white tiger in his family.

His parents were a part of an aristocracy that stayed specifically in the shifter community. It was very high profile and his parents were proud to be a part of it but this put alot of pressures and expectations on the young male.

He finally got fed up with the whole bit when they arranged for him to be married at 16 to a girl so they could attain a higher status in the Society. Realizing he was practically a tool to them, he ran away from home to live on the streets and find his own way. He is currrently unemployed but has grown skilled in street fighting and martial arts.
Name:Maxwell Rodgers


Shifter Species:Dog

Human Desciprtion:

Animal Description:A Dog the size of an Labrador with brown fur and specks of white around his eyes and at the tip of his tail. The only thing he gains so far is a slight increase in strength and a large increase in speed.

Personality:Due to his shiftier nature he cant help but be loyal to anybody he considers a friend. Doesn't like humans too much but will be nice to them if that's his only chance not to be hurt. He has a good nature to people he trusts and tries not to make enemies out of other shifters unless they just really want to be one.

History: Maxwell was born in a human community to parents both belonging to the dog species of shifters. His parents were a middle class family, known well throughout the neighborhood as a little odd but nice either way. When one day Maxwell made the mistake of Shifting to a dog before checking his surroundings. The next night his house was raided viciously by the combination of police and other members of the community. As his parents were fighting he was able to make it out the window and run down until he was exiting the community. Just as he was about to turn and start walking he watched wide eyed as the people left the house and set it on fire cheering as it burned down. He made it to the shifter community a few days later after growing a hatred for human kind.
Name: Isaac "Izzy" Forscythe

Age: 18

Shifter Species: Timber Wolf

Human Description: Izzy is on the taller side of short, by his standards anyways, with a height of 5'8". He is leanly muscled, built for speed and endurance. His eyes are large and are a deep blue color. Izzy has dark brown hair that hangs in jagged, somewhat feathered layers to frame his face and end just past his ears. He has a round face with slightly childlike features that make him look younger than he is. As for clothing, Izzy will wear whatever he feels like wearing at the moment. His wardrobe varies widely and as long as he is happy with what he is wearing, he doesn't care what other people think. He tends to be pretty tame though, most often opting for a dark colored t-shirts with amusing, often nerdy/geeky, slogans, a pair of jeans, and his favorite bright green sneakers.

Animal Description: Typical grey-white mix timber wolf coloring only with his deep blue eyes. Has highly increased speed whether in human or animal form.

Personality: Izzy is very shy and guarded. Unless someone breaks him out of his shell, he isn't one to really trust others, especially after the betrayal by his parents due to his coming out. Once he is friends with someone though, he is with them until the end no matter what. Izzy hates seeing others sad and tries to do anything in his power to make them feel better, even if it gets him in trouble sometimes. He is definitely on the clumsy side, but he is very intelligent and analytical. No matter what the situation is, Izzy will try to find the best strategy to get everyone out safely and relatively unscathed.

History: Izzy was born to two rather prominent Wolf shifters and grew up in the Shifter community. While his parents were very attentive and doting, they held high expectations for him and Izzy was constantly afraid to disappoint. He was their only child, so all of the responsibility was on him. Eventually the pressure became to much for Izzy and he lashed out at his parents and let out some information that he wasn't ready to share, including the truth about his sexuality. Upon hearing the news, his family promptly disowned him and he hasn't heard from them since. Izzy has done well on his own though and uses his intelligence to his advantage, always finding some way to support himself.
Name: Rosalind Faire

Age: 18

Shifter Species: Pit bull

Human Desciprtion: Rosa has long brunette hair that is almost black however it is layered with natural dark brown highlights. It is very similar to her brindle coat color in her dog form and because of this she has a single streak of white hair that frames the left side of her face. It is very bizarre mostly because it doesn't look dyed but at the same time seems odd as if it shouldn't be natural. She has warm brown eyes that never fill completely with trust. Her skin is tanned and freckled slightly from long hours in the sun. Rosa is thin but far from emaciated, you can't be strong with out eating! She also has a tattoo, it more of a bar code, across the back of her neck reading H04I18C97.

Animal Description:

Personality: Rosa doesn't really believe in that whole "there is good in everyone" idea or the theory that "everyone deserves a chance". No she operates by the, "if I am letting you into my life you better not double cross me or I will kill you" philosophy. She is constantly on the movie and doesn't allow herself to become attached to anything or anyone. By nature she is very protective so if by chance you are luck enough to some how win her over she will not let harm come your way without putting up a fight.

History: Rosa isn't simple a random mutation of DNA resulting in a shifter, she is a science experiment created by a company in hopes of mass producing and monopolizing the slave trade. She was designed to be a fighter, companion and eventually breeder for the company. She was to be shown off to clients demonstrating unique skills such as the ability to maintain her canines in human form if she so chose or to keep her finger nails black like her claws.

For years she lived that way never hoping for anything different or even trying to escape, Rosa didn't know of a different life or even fathom the idea of options but when handlers began to taunt her about her terrible life she began to understand. Understand that there was something more and if she could just escape than she might get to experience it. So from that point on she began to plan, she never tried to escape until she was sure she could do it otherwise her security would have been doubled.

Rosa was eighteen when she finally escaped, they were on an investors estate and they wanted to see her move about in her animal form. They assumed she wouldn't go for escape and on top of that his property was fenced in so they released her from her leash. She took knowing exactly where she would go. The moment she had entered the yard she had seen a pile of log stacked by the fence and she knew that if she ran at it and used them as stepping blocks she could get over fence. Rosa was right and since that day she has been on the run avoiding capture and whatever fate she may have back in that hospital.

Ava Niels



Shifter Species:

White Panther

Human Desciprtion:

View attachment 4756

Animal Description:

View attachment 4757


TBR- To Be Revealed....If that is okay..


Ava grew up in a large family, with four older brothers. All of them are shifters, each being a panther. Only Ava and her mother are white panthers. Her father is the normal panther, giving all her brothers that shift. Her family owns a small car mechanics shop in town, but actually live out in the woods.

To her mother's disapointment, Ava is not one bit, a girly girl. Being around all boys growing up, she inhabited boy tendencies. Ava knows she is a bit of a let down to her mother, after all boys and then a girl,she got a tomboy.

Ava isn't afraid to get down and dirty, to push people forward, or to get into a fight, because she is very good at it, both verbally and physically. She has a short temper, and is very tough, from all those years of torment from her brothers.

She can be often found at the family shop, helping her dad with the cars and such. Strangely, out of all their children, Ava is the only one who seems to take an interest in it.

( Hope this is okay... it's my first actual CS on this site.. not sure If I am doing it right.)
Name: Kaleigh Biles

Age: 17

Shifter Species: wolf

Human Desciprtion:


Animal Description:

Personality: She's a really sweet girl that usally doesn't get in trouble. She does have a short tempore and lashes out at people at times, but, all in all, her friends love her. She shifts whenever her heartrate shoots up, which she tries to avoide, but it happens since, like I already said, she has a short temper.

History: Kaleigh grew up with five older brothers so she is one hard nut to crack, but her brothers did come in handy when she was picked on in the seventh grade. She's moved around a lot until her parents promised her she could finish high school at her final school.

Her parents don't know she's a shifter because she got it by some weird coincidence.

(I have no idea if I did any of this right. This is my very first RP I've joined on here so I'm sort of clueless in what to do.)
Name: Lily

Age: 18

Shifter species: Snow Wolf

Human looks: She looks like this but a little older (18)


Animal looks:


Personality: Lily is shy but a great person. She has a big heart but can tell when people are leading her on. She loves cookies ad has some weard quirks, she is a bright and happy person and her smile is contageos she loves to read and can spen HOURS in a book store. she is guarded at first but prove youself and she is like an open book

Bio: Has moved out of her house and is living in an apartment, her parent and step parent want nothing to do with her, she has no siblings. The only other significant event is her mothers death (which she belives her step mother was responsible)
Name: Aislynn Pierce

Age: 18

Shifter Species: Silver Fox

Human Desciprtion:

View attachment 5233

Animal Description:

View attachment 5234

Personality: Aislynn is loud, goofy and outgoing person. She is reckless and wild and carefree. She has an infectious laugh and a glowing smile. She is very tomboyish and is really clumsy.

History: Aislynn grew up as an only child of a very rich couple. They spoiled her with items she didn't want or need. They raised her with the high expectation of her being the perfect daughter, polite, feminine, and poised. She grew up however to be the opposite. She partied a lot, and got into trouble often. They kicked her out when she was 17 and she now lives on her own in a small apartment complex.
[[EDIT: COMPLETELY changing my character! Hope no one minds D=]]


Kaeleora Johnson



Shifter Species:

Red Panda

Human Desciprtion:

View attachment 5798

Animal Description:

View attachment 5799.


A relatively friendly young woman, Kaeleora tends to come across at shy at first in order to determine how to react to people. She is easy going, however can have both a nasty temper if provoked and is also easily jealous.


Kaeleora has been aware of her shifting abilities since she was 12 years old. Confused at the time, two things she was certain of: what she could do was special and NO ONE could know about it. Since then, she has practiced shifting at night until recent. Upon living on her own and settled into the college lifestyle, she enjoys going out in the early hours as well as late at night, growing used to her fury alterbody.

Note: Kaeleora is unaware that her mother also possesses the shifting ability. When shifting first occurred, Kaeleora vowed never to speak a word to anyone, including her parents. Her mother never mentioned nor suspected anything, hoping that this 'curse' would end with her.

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