The Tessalist


Florian Society Member


[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Marakov Kelovin[/COLOR] 





Talent: Tessalation

Marakov has the ability to create and manipulate multiple little quadrilaterals. These [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]quadrilaterals[/COLOR] are light green in color, luminescent, and transparent. The strange thing about the [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]quadrilaterals[/COLOR] is that they are two dimensional, but have a hold in the terrestrial plain of existance. Marakov controlls the [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]quadrilaterals with his mind, but must have his hands free to command his shapes. Marakov[/COLOR] can stick the shapes together to create walls, platforms, barriers, etcetera. The edges of these shapes can also be sharp, but he has to focus on them individually for this to happen. One of his favorite things to do, and pretty much his go-to strategy, is to just create a massive hunk of the shapes in his hand and lob the thing, then making it expand rapidly, having the effect of a frag grenade. Another trick he's working on is making a whole bunch of pointed, sharpened shapes and sending them all in one direction like a mobile wood chipper. This takes alot of focus, and he's still struggling with it.

Given the nature of his power, and the fact it has to do with shapes, Marakov's talent has been deemed 'Tessalation', and is the only known account in existance at the moment.


Being a normal human, his talent is the only ability he has, but it can be used for quite alot of things. His core muscles are relatively strong, but he doesn't like running or climbing. He's also colorblind, so while this handicaps him with flashing lights and camoflauge, he can see in the dark and differentiate movement a lot better than other people. He can also solve complex math equations simply by looking at them, and can calculate things rapidly with almost no effort. This may be a bit of backlash from his concentration-related power, or it could just be him as a person.








Marakov Kelovin is a serious, strong willed, and cold individual. This doesn't mean he can't be friendly, but he preferes to keep people at arms length. Marakov has a set of goals and achievements, and he does his best to keep his sights on them. Headstrong and determined, Marakov would rather act than think, and come up with things on the fly rather than set a plan. He does make sure that he never bites off more than he can chew, and regulates his energy and abilities carefully. 


Marakov was born offworld. Both his parents were citizens, but since he was not born on earth, he could not be considered one. He'd come early. Displeased that the mothers labor was induced at such an inconvenient time for the couple, Marakov's parents left him with another person. The woman who he was left with was Russian, and a citizen, but did not plan to return to earth in her lifetime. She gladly raised the boy as her own, receiving aid from Marakov's parents, a form of child support..

When his powers began to manifest, Marakov's foster mother was elated. This was his chance to become a citizen, and a chance to travel, to make something of himself. She contacted the boys parents, but they would have nothing to do with their non-citizen son. His foster mother was dejected, but Marakov was angered. He bid farewell to his foster mother and set out to be what was supposed to be his all along. Wealth. Power. Citizenship. And he'd do it without the help of his parents. 


Marakov likes to conserve his energy as much as he can. He doesn't like to run, and to be honest, he's a pretty lazy individual when it comes to everyday activity. But when it comes to competition or an accomplishment, Marakov is always attentive, and fiercely competitive. 

Given his upbringing, Marakov can speak with an american accent like his peers, or a thick russian accent like his foster mother.


Foster mother, but she's on a different planet. None others worth noting to Marakov



Reason for enrolling at Helios academy:

Marakov wants to be a citizen. He wants to be powerful. He wants to be wealthy. He wants to be famous. Helios seemed a good a place to start as any.

Dorm Room:

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[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Marakov Kelovin[/COLOR] 





Talent: Tessalation

Marakov has the ability to create and manipulate multiple little quadrilaterals. These [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]quadrilaterals[/COLOR] are light green in color, luminescent, and transparent. The strange thing about the [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]quadrilaterals[/COLOR] is that they are two dimensional, but have a hold in the terrestrial plain of existance. Marakov controlls the [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]quadrilaterals with his mind, but must have his hands free to command his shapes. Marakov[/COLOR] can stick the shapes together to create walls, platforms, barriers, etcetera. The edges of these shapes can also be sharp, but he has to focus on them individually for this to happen. One of his favorite things to do, and pretty much his go-to strategy, is to just create a massive hunk of the shapes in his hand and lob the thing, then making it expand rapidly, having the effect of a frag grenade. Another trick he's working on is making a whole bunch of pointed, sharpened shapes and sending them all in one direction like a mobile wood chipper. This takes alot of focus, and he's still struggling with it.

Given the nature of his power, and the fact it has to do with shapes, Marakov's talent has been deemed 'Tessalation', and is the only known account in existance at the moment.


Being a normal human, his talent is the only ability he has, but it can be used for quite alot of things. His core muscles are relatively strong, but he doesn't like running or climbing. He's also colorblind, so while this handicaps him with flashing lights and camoflauge, he can see in the dark and differentiate movement a lot better than other people. He can also solve complex math equations simply by looking at them, and can calculate things rapidly with almost no effort. This may be a bit of backlash from his concentration-related power, or it could just be him as a person.






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Marakov Kelovin is a serious, strong willed, and cold individual. This doesn't mean he can't be friendly, but he preferes to keep people at arms length. Marakov has a set of goals and achievements, and he does his best to keep his sights on them. Headstrong and determined, Marakov would rather act than think, and come up with things on the fly rather than set a plan. He does make sure that he never bites off more than he can chew, and regulates his energy and abilities carefully. 


Marakov was born offworld. Both his parents were citizens, but since he was not born on earth, he could not be considered one. He'd come early. Displeased that the mothers labor was induced at such an inconvenient time for the couple, Marakov's parents left him with another person. The woman who he was left with was Russian, and a citizen, but did not plan to return to earth in her lifetime. She gladly raised the boy as her own, receiving aid from Marakov's parents, a form of child support..

When his powers began to manifest, Marakov's foster mother was elated. This was his chance to become a citizen, and a chance to travel, to make something of himself. She contacted the boys parents, but they would have nothing to do with their non-citizen son. His foster mother was dejected, but Marakov was angered. He bid farewell to his foster mother and set out to be what was supposed to be his all along. Wealth. Power. Citizenship. And he'd do it without the help of his parents. 


Marakov likes to conserve his energy as much as he can. He doesn't like to run, and to be honest, he's a pretty lazy individual when it comes to everyday activity. But when it comes to competition or an accomplishment, Marakov is always attentive, and fiercely competitive. 

Given his upbringing, Marakov can speak with an american accent like his peers, or a thick russian accent like his foster mother.


None worth noting



Reason for enrolling at Helios academy:

Marakov wants to be a citizen. He wants to be powerful. He wants to be wealthy. He wants to be famous. Helios seemed a good a place to start as any.

Dorm Room:

Accepted!!~ :3 :D X3 xD  

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