The Teen Runaway Project


Too Far Gone

Age (14-19, though exceptions can apply at request)

Year in school

Picture of character, or description

Short biography

Why is your character running away?



Other (Theme song, outfits, hobbies, etc)
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Name: Brooklynn Octavia Storm. Goes by Octavia

Age: 16

Year in school: Grade 11

Picture of character, or description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/octavia-blake-the-100-tv-show-37126751-500-333.jpg.f1f94e5d37365eb583d8be180b8deb3d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42902" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/octavia-blake-the-100-tv-show-37126751-500-333.jpg.f1f94e5d37365eb583d8be180b8deb3d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Short biography: Octavia is very closed off. She was raised in a large family of 8 and was the mistake child. Her parents didn't plan for her and they never skipped an oprotunity to remind her of it. She turned to drug use at a very young age of 12 and is struggling to stay clean. She doesn't trust people as a rule and she would rather keep to herself. With this being said: She is fiercly loyal and protective of those whom prove worthy of her loyalty and protection. She can also be a spiteful bitch and not someone you want to anger

Why is your character running away?: Family and ex-boyfriend issues

Personality: Read Bio

Supplies: First aid kit, three hunting knives, compass, vast knowlage of outdoorsy stuff

Other: Keeps to herself, only those who proove worthy get to know these



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Muzixmonzter said:
Name: Brooklynn Octavia Storm. Goes by Octavia
Age: 16

Year in school: Grade 11

Picture of character, or description: View attachment 102617

Short biography: Octavia is very closed off. She was raised in a large family of 8 and was the mistake child. Her parents didn't plan for her and they never skipped an oprotunity to remind her of it. She turned to drug use at a very young age of 12 and is struggling to stay clean. She doesn't trust people as a rule and she would rather keep to herself. With this being said: She is fiercly loyal and protective of those whom prove worthy of her loyalty and protection. She can also be a spiteful bitch and not someone you want to anger

Why is your character running away?: Family and ex-boyfriend issues

Personality: Read Bio

Supplies: First aid kit, three hunting knives, compass, vast knowlage of outdoorsy stuff

Other: Keeps to herself, only those who proove worthy get to know these
accepted, just be sure to go easy on the whole outdoorsy thing ^.^
Maze Helms



Maze was born into a nice family with both parents and a older brother,but this changed when Maze lost her mother at age 9. Since her mother has been dead, Maze had begun being sexually abused by her brother, and her father to drunk to realize. She took on drinking for a while, but soon stopped after being caught by her brother, and abused for it. She worked at a grocery store for a while, and after learning about the project, she decided to begin putting her money away to save up for it.

Is running away to escape her brother and father, will learn more about why in the Rp

Headstrong, nice, shy, and pretty laid back.

$300 in cash, food, kitchen knife, clothes, and a 6 person tent

(Will add later)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.887a8fdf44c54d39c447eb0152c0fe13.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.887a8fdf44c54d39c447eb0152c0fe13.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lilian Yvette Brooks



Year in school:

Senior in HS

Picture of character:


Short biography:

Lilian Yvette was raised by a rich conservative family that threw her into an all girls school the first chance they got. She was stripped away from a fun carefree child hood having to deal with keeping up appearances of the boring, superficial society her parents had introduced her too. Even though she had every material thing she could ever wish for, Lilian was missing something in her life. Lilian was missing a sense of adventure. Starting high school Lilian was sent to a co-ed private school and all hell broke loose.

Lilian began hanging out with a group of wannabe socialites. Their influence on her life however, extended farther down the road than just high school. What started out as "innocent" after parties and bonfires turned into wild fraternity parties and the infamous party buses. As the events became more extravagant so did the lies. Lilian went form spending an evening at Katie's house to weekend study sessions and finally just flat out sneaking out of the house.

Every night, without her parents noticing, Lilian would slip out of her room, jump into a car and head over to a social gathering. This continued for months until one night Lilian got caught in a criminal act. As they were heading for a yacht party, the young adults made a stop at a low security pawn shop. The leader of the wannabe socialites, Katie claimed that she had seen a necklace in there that she wanted. Since she had been cut back, someone had to get the necklace for her. Seeing no one made the effort Katie grabbed Lilian's phone and threw it against the store window.

The alarms began ringing and the crowd dispersed yelling at Katie that she was insane. Katie claimed her necklace and left the scene before being caught. Meanwhile Lilian had scattered as soon as the glass shattered. She left that night not knowing it was her last night of freedom.

The following morning Lilian was awakened by the sound of police officers in the front of her house having found her phone in the scene of the crime. Lilian protested that it was her friend Katie, but with the evidence pointing her direction Lilian was handcuffed and taken to county jail. Her parents were able to pay her bail and bust her out of jail although her own home became a jail cell. She was under constant surveillance since cameras were installed outside her door an d window.

Why is your character running away?

Her parents have tied her down, and she needs out


Lilian is what most would consider a shy introverted girl, but the deeper you dig the greater her colors shine. While she was always involved in parties with the wannabe socialites, she wasn't really...involved. Lilian was socially competent enough to be liked by the in crowd, but she usually lingered around the crowd instead of in. Lilian is usually swayed to stay quiet and blend in. She never really felt like she belonged.

Although like mentioned before there is more than meets the eyes. Whereas Lilian is introverted with large crowds and strangers, she is completely outgoing person with her closest friends. When she is in company of her pals, Lilian is quirky and a bit unorthodox. Since she's with the people who love her the most, she isn't afraid to be her funky and wacky self. When Lilian is in company of the people she loves most in the world, she is comfortable enough to spring into a solo musical and drag her friends along until they crack and join in. She can come off as a bit childish and immature, but Lilian knows there's a time a place for everything...most of the time.

Lilian is a balance between introverted and extroverted. She is something people might call an ambivert. She is comfortable both living the life of an introvert, at home alone reading, or living the life of an extrovert, at a party or social gathering. Although she doesn't completely fit either of the categories completely.

Since Lilian is a bit of both worlds she her behavior is likely to change with situations making her a bit unstable. She can be completely happy and perky one minute, but a small comment can send her flying off the radar. These fluctuations of emotions are due to her need to have a balance. Lilian feels it is her duty to keep everything and everyone at bay. Trying to keep balance comes hand in hand with her flexibility.

While she has her own set of opinions, Lilian is flexible enough to change them to satisfy the crowd. This can be a bit off putting since this leads her to often being manipulated. She is like a piece of play-doh that you can mold and shape to your pleasing. However, just like play-doh, she can fold and bend, but she can also harden, meaning that she can either take charge or step down when the situation calls for it.



*Pocket Knife



*Small First Aid Kit




"So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."
NessieAlways said:
Lilian Yvette Brooks



Year in school:

Senior in HS

Picture of character:


Short biography:

Lilian Yvette was raised by a rich conservative family that threw her into an all girls school the first chance they got. She was stripped away from a fun carefree child hood having to deal with keeping up appearances of the boring, superficial society her parents had introduced her too. Even though she had every material thing she could ever wish for, Lilian was missing something in her life. Lilian was missing a sense of adventure. Starting high school Lilian was sent to a co-ed private school and all hell broke loose.

Lilian began hanging out with a group of wannabe socialites. Their influence on her life however, extended farther down the road than just high school. What started out as "innocent" after parties and bonfires turned into wild fraternity parties and the infamous party buses. As the events became more extravagant so did the lies. Lilian went form spending an evening at Katie's house to weekend study sessions and finally just flat out sneaking out of the house.

Every night, without her parents noticing, Lilian would slip out of her room, jump into a car and head over to a social gathering. This continued for months until one night Lilian got caught in a criminal act. As they were heading for a yacht party, the young adults made a stop at a low security pawn shop. The leader of the wannabe socialites, Katie claimed that she had seen a necklace in there that she wanted. Since she had been cut back, someone had to get the necklace for her. Seeing no one made the effort Katie grabbed Lilian's phone and threw it against the store window.

The alarms began ringing and the crowd dispersed yelling at Katie that she was insane. Katie claimed her necklace and left the scene before being caught. Meanwhile Lilian had scattered as soon as the glass shattered. She left that night not knowing it was her last night of freedom.

The following morning Lilian was awakened by the sound of police officers in the front of her house having found her phone in the scene of the crime. Lilian protested that it was her friend Katie, but with the evidence pointing her direction Lilian was handcuffed and taken to county jail. Her parents were able to pay her bail and bust her out of jail although her own home became a jail cell. She was under constant surveillance since cameras were installed outside her door an d window.

Why is your character running away?

Her parents have tied her down, and she needs out


Lilian is what most would consider a shy introverted girl, but the deeper you dig the greater her colors shine. While she was always involved in parties with the wannabe socialites, she wasn't really...involved. Lilian was socially competent enough to be liked by the in crowd, but she usually lingered around the crowd instead of in. Lilian is usually swayed to stay quiet and blend in. She never really felt like she belonged.

Although like mentioned before there is more than meets the eyes. Whereas Lilian is introverted with large crowds and strangers, she is completely outgoing person with her closest friends. When she is in company of her pals, Lilian is quirky and a bit unorthodox. Since she's with the people who love her the most, she isn't afraid to be her funky and wacky self. When Lilian is in company of the people she loves most in the world, she is comfortable enough to spring into a solo musical and drag her friends along until they crack and join in. She can come off as a bit childish and immature, but Lilian knows there's a time a place for everything...most of the time.

Lilian is a balance between introverted and extroverted. She is something people might call an ambivert. She is comfortable both living the life of an introvert, at home alone reading, or living the life of an extrovert, at a party or social gathering. Although she doesn't completely fit either of the categories completely.

Since Lilian is a bit of both worlds she her behavior is likely to change with situations making her a bit unstable. She can be completely happy and perky one minute, but a small comment can send her flying off the radar. These fluctuations of emotions are due to her need to have a balance. Lilian feels it is her duty to keep everything and everyone at bay. Trying to keep balance comes hand in hand with her flexibility.

While she has her own set of opinions, Lilian is flexible enough to change them to satisfy the crowd. This can be a bit off putting since this leads her to often being manipulated. She is like a piece of play-doh that you can mold and shape to your pleasing. However, just like play-doh, she can fold and bend, but she can also harden, meaning that she can either take charge or step down when the situation calls for it.



*Pocket Knife



*Small First Aid Kit




"So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."
I love this character ^.^, in!

Rimon Labue

Age; 15

Year in school: sophmore

Picture of character, or descriptio


Short biography

Rimon was born to a teenage mother wanted to raise him right. She worked as a waitress and did her best to raise him alone with his grandparents. When he was five his grandparents died in a car crash after a drunk driver rammed into their car. Then it was just them. After that Rimon had to grow up a little and learn how to care for himself while his mom worked. When he was eight his mom met and married a wealthy lawyer. Everything was great until he began sneaking into Rimons room at night and touching him. Scared about the threats he was told Rimon kept it a secret from his mom. Then at twelve his mom got sick and died of an unknown illness. After that Rimon was alone and the abuse got worse. Rimon didn't know what to do as his step father held lots of sway. Instead he learnt to survive learning that submitting made it easier on him. While acting complacent he waited until his step father was asleep then snuck some money from him. He wanted to leave and the projects going to help.

Why is your character running away?

Sexualy abused by step father.


On the outside Rimon is a shy quiet nervous boy. On the inside he is cunning, and slightly manipulative. He is smart but doesn't like being touched and is nervous around large crowds. Despite his life he has retained a kind heart though has trust issues. If he trust you then he will do his best to protect you but if you lose his trust you will never gain it back.


4 hundred dollars, some clothes, a book bag, and a base ball bat.

Other (Theme song,outfits, hobbies, etc)
Name: Emily Franklin


Year in School:



Short Bio: She was raised in a family of 3 brothers. Her being the only girl. She was always feeling left out being the only girl. She is slowly starting to like females more than guys and needs to get away from all that. She wants to change before she starts liking a woman. She is very kind and sweet, and loyal to anyone. She loves making friends, but if you tick her off enough, she will fight you.

Why is your character running away?: To get away from all the boys.







Roxie Heart



Year in school:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.057c259473c12b13c3469101eda9d5e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43065" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.057c259473c12b13c3469101eda9d5e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Short biography:

She was raised in a rich family and has a older sister named Rebecca. Her family is very famous and known. Her mother os a fashion designer and her father owns a talent agency.

Why is your character running away?:

She is getting tired of the way they treat her. They treat her sister as the perfect child and treat her as the mistake. Also she doesn't want to take over her father's business.


Considered as the bad Apple of the family. She doesn't let anyone push her around. She can b ajokester/prankster and a bully. But once you become her friend she will stand up for you to the very end. She also atomboy. Comes from a very rich family.


clothes, shoes, her personal box

Other (Theme song, outfits, hobbies, etc)​



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