The teacher and I [private]


New Member
A warm puff of smoke ruffled into the cool morning air as I let out the last puff of my cigarette and tossed the butt of it onto the ground and crushed it with the toe of my shoe. As I looked into the east direction I noticed the pink and orange colors of the sun rising start to creep up into the sky and illuminate the darkness. My chilled hands slid over my cigarette pack and lighter in my hoodie pockets to make sure I hadn't forgotten them on the old painted bench that I sat on. I rose swiftly and opened the door to my old brick house to escape from the cold and prepare myself for school.

I stepped into my kitchen with old yellowed wallpaper on the walls and ceramic tile floors covering the ground and slipped off my shoes trying to ignore the small of alcohol and cigarette ashes that thickened and sat in the air. Quietly, I slipped upstairs and avoided the far end of the hallway where my parents slept. Luckily my step-father slept in so I didn't have to deal with his bull right now and my mother was one of the only people who I held dear so I didn't mind her. Taking another glance across the hallway, my eyes fell upon my sisters room and I let a small sigh slip through my lips. She was fourteen and only four years younger than me so she could be a bit pesky at times but i had to keep her on my good side since she was the only one who knew that I was actually gay. I preferred to keep it that way.

I walked into my room and pulled out some clean clothes from my closet and slipped into the light gray T-shirt and jeans and put on my black shoes before I hastily made my way to the bathroom. My bathroom had light blue walls that went all the way down to the gray tile floors. The shower in the corner was the only one in the house and was full of half empty bottles of shampoo and body wash that no body bothered to check to see if they were empty or not. I walked over to the sink and ran my fingers over its smooth white surface and looked into the mirror that was directly above it.

Dark bags circled under my eyes, signs of my many sleepless nights that come too often in my opinion. I grabbed my tooth brush and brushed through my teeth leaving my mouth with a minty taste and feel. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I looked at the time and noticed that I was going to be late, not that I truly cared but I didn't want to disappoint my mother who was very active on the whole idea of a good education.

As I jogged downstairs and grabbed my dark red book bag full of unfinished homework, I noticed some toast on the counter next to the stove piled onto a napkin. My mother must have left it before she left for her long hours of work. Reaching over and grabbing it, I remember to get my keys then jogged out of the door to my old beat up car that sat in the front drive way. Setting my bag into the passenger's seat and starting up the engine, I started my way to the high school which wasn't to far away and tried my hardest to resist another cigarette because of how much my mother hated the idea of me smoking.

Once I pulled into the parking lot of the school and parked my car, I tried to prepare myself mentally for the days tasks. Lugging my bag into the school and avoiding all eye contact that came my way, I loaded all my things into my locker and started to make my way over to my first class of the day. This class I actually liked. The teacher was very awesome and kind and a bit attractive but I wound never dare admit that to anyone ever. As I sat my binder down on the desk where I sat, I let out another deep breath trying to think of an excuse for not doing the homework. 
Name: Dominic Stevens

Age: Just turned 18

Eye color: Dark blue

Hair color: brown

Ethnicity: White

Personality: He is quite soft spoken because he can become very anxious around people and this causes him to have a lack of relationships in his life. He can be very stubborn around people that he is comfortable with and tends to show his real self around these type of people.

Past: His father left when he was two years old and his mother remarried and he now has an alcoholic step father and a fifteen year old step sister. He hasn't had any real connections with people because of his fear of socializing. When he figured out he was gay, he only told his step sister because of their very close bond.

[sorry this is short]

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