[The Tavern] [The Tavern] Ender Droak


New Member
Power Level Distribution

Weapon Power: 2

Physical Strength: 2

Defense: 2

Agility: 3

Armor: 1

Name: Ender Droak

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Ace.png.e806d320c1449d8939a05e95b64053c1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Ace.png.e806d320c1449d8939a05e95b64053c1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: He carries two daggers on him, but prefers to not use them.

Personality: Ender is very relaxed most of the time. When hes not relaxed, it is probably because he just saw something he had never seen before. Ender lives for new experiences. As far as he’s concerned, if there’s nothing new to see or do, then why even keep on living. Sometimes, his attitude gets him in to trouble, because a side effect to his laid back manner is underestimating dangerous situations. Despite his attitude, he loves company from other people.

Likes: New things, adventure, People

Dislikes: Fighting, Being idle

History/Bio:Ever since Ender was young, he loved going on adventures. The thrill of doing new things or seeing the sunset from a mountain was greater than anything else. He would sneak out of the house at night to go searching for nocturnal animals or to find new places to view the stars. As he got older, he also started to get more ambitious with his journeys. In turn, this made his parents worry about him more and more.

One day, Ender went on an adventure to find a flower he had seen in a book his mom was reading. From the moment he left the door, he had the feeling you get when you are being followed, but he thought nothing of it. He went to the location of the flower, which he had learned from some herbalists in town, picked it, and began to walk back home. About halfway home, he saw something move in the corner of his eye. Ender, being the adventurer he is, decided to go figure out what it was. he walked over to the bushes and slowly parted them. There, in the bushes, sat a white dog. Ender looked at the dog for a few seconds, smiled, and said "Have you been trailing me this whole time! You were really quiet, like a ghost!" Ender petted the dog and began to leave. To Enders suprise, the dog got up and followed him all the way back home. From that day on, the dog, that Ender had named Ghost, came with ender on every adventure he went on.

Ender constantly asked if he could leave the house on a huge adventure, that could take anywhere from months to years. When his parents asked where he would be going, he replied, “I don’t know”, so of course they said no. He asked so many times, on his 18th birthday, they finally agreed to it under one condition, he had to learn to fight. His dad was great with the dagger, so Ender took lessons from him. After a year of training, he was proficient enough to leave on his adventure. Who knows what lies ahead!

Other: He has a dog named Ghost who keeps him company.



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I like the character already but there is a minimum of three paragraphs for the history and personality. But you seemed to have wrapped this character up very well in the straight and to the point kind of way that I love. I say approved, unless Akihito vetoes my decision.

However, a few things to add would be how did he meet his dog? Or perhaps you could cheat and simply divide that one large paragraph into three smalls ones? But I like the character. A lot. It may be because it's a picture of Ace from One Piece but I do hope to see more of this character in the future.

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