The silly little thing sitting on a witches broom
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- Artist — TheColorfulCatStudioACT I“”Dear child, be pious and good, and God will always take care of you, and I will look down upon you from heaven, and will be with you.
After, happily ever after what happens? Before once upon a time who were they? All fairytale characters need to be somewhere; they’re people after all. Well, all of these fantastical characters were here in Satoria. Where all fairytale characters and mythology characters collect and live. Unlike some people believe, these people aren’t trapped in the stories they were born into. It’s 20XX after all; they should be allowed to wander around freely. They have lives aside from their stories, jobs, relationships, families, and all that it entails. Life for these people goes about just as you might imagine in your world. Although there are a few main differences from what you've been told. The stories are not exactly the same; each one is at least slightly different. People have a tendency to twist things up.ACT IISo I mean this to be a sort of slice of life RP, but for fairytale characters. I don't think I made it quite clear, but I'd like your characters to be the children/descendants of the original fairytale characters. I think this would allow you to branch off from the original character concept however you'd like. The characters I have reserved for myself are in the next act; as well as what I expect from your characters. It is your choice whether or not to keep the original characters alive depending on how old your character is.
Another very important thing about this RP, is that I want the stories to be twisted from the originals. They can be twisted as little or as much as you'd like. As long as they somewhat follow the original tale. These fairytale stories can be taken from any version of the fairytale that you'd like. (Yes this includes Disney versions, although I would prefer the Grimm tales of some) I do keep saying fairytales but I'd also like this to include other kinds of stories like Myths, folklore, and any other stories you'd like. (I'd like to include stories from all over the world, so don't be afraid to suggest any tales) Any stories are okay, but please ask first so I can approve them. Also include which characters descendants you'd like to play, and how you'd like to twist the story. There's many details to this RP, but I'd also like these characters to be aware of retellings of their stories. So please be prepared to do a little research on the tales you choose. If there aren't any retellings; that's okay. You can make up your own if you'd like. - ACT III“”Open the door, my princess dear, Open the door to thy true love here! And mind the words that thou and I said By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade.
Characters! So there are multiple characters to each story. I'd prefer if you stuck to one or two stories, so that everyone has the chance to pick the stories they want. As well as twist it and change it how they want. When you make your characters, like I've said, I'd like you to do some research on their stories and all the retellings. At least all of the popular ones or ones you're interested in. Choose one to base your character off of, and have the rest to make references to. Like I said there are multiple characters to a story. You can have at most 3 characters. Your characters can be the descendants to any of the original characters you'd like.ACT IV-CSCharacter sheet
⥽Fairytale details⥼
⥽Special items⥼
⥽Background tale⥼
ACT V-MCThe descendant of the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella. The mayor of Satoria. Sidhe Faye. She was very close to her mother and trained with her very often. It is a mystery as to who her father is; although Sidhe suspects that she doesn't have one and was conceived of magick. Unlike her mysterious birth, Ms. Faye is a very fair mayor. She tries to keep all of her citizens in mind when making decisions, and is often found wondering the town.The descendant of the White rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. The chief of staff to the mayor. Whitley Blanc Rabbit. Whitley is one of 7 children to the white rabbit. He didn't spend much time with his father but was very close to the child of Alice. Whitley is often very concerned about the well being of others; often bringing up issues in the town to the mayor Sidhe. Also making sure that he and Sidhe are always on time all the time. Often tailes ms. Faye, but also enjoys a good cup of tea and rest at home.The descendant of Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog. The President of the League of villains. Prof. Duvalier Facilier. Also known just as Professor. Duvalier was close to his dad when he was alive, but after him being trapped in voodoo hell he had to learn to fend for himself. After a while he was taken under the wing of the Wicked Witch of the west from Oz. He grew up and took the mantel as the president of the League of villains(LOV) from the Wicked Witch. Duvalier prides himself in making sure the villains of Satoria are cared for and feel appreciated in their stories. While also keeping true to their evil roots. Almost always in his castle, the headquarters of the LOV. - ACT VI-Rules“But it’s no use now,” thought poor Alice, “to pretend to be two people! Why, there’s hardly enough of me left to make one respectable person!”
All RPN rules apply
Please keep any and all OOC drama out of the RP, IC drama is accepted
Do not change someone elses story. Communicate and collaborate if from same tale.ACT VIIOOC is not a must, but please be open to talking and collaborating. Discord will be used but is not required; there will be both on site and off site OOC. I will post any updates and decisions made in a lore page on RPN.
Please be prepared to write at least a two paragraph reply once a week. I understand that this may not happen sometimes and that's okay, but please communicate that with me.
This is a first come first serve RP. Meaning that if you see someone else has a story already that you want to do; you have to ask them permission to change it if you want to.
All characters do have to be approved by me still. A heart on your CS, means that it's accepted.
This is a LGBTQIA+ friendly RP, so please be okay with that before you join
Other than that please be kind to each other and don't spread any hate. If you have any problems please contact me and I will try to resolve the dilemma. This includes only things about the RP. I will be making a Lore page and will post any links here. OOC page Lore page CS page IC page
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