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Fantasy The Sword-breakers, the one to break fate: a medieval fantasy


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
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In the lands of Tasopp those born with the gift of magic are known as talents, a talent grows and learns their magic with time and effort. As you may or may not know each magic is generally unique even in the cases of similar or the "same" mana.
Two talents may be born with the blazing mana of fire but even so the two types of magic form differently to each other...
Magic can be a headache, arguing happens often in the studies of talent over many things as trivial as naming a type of magic correctly.

As a native in the fine land of Grudga you might not know alot of talents from other countries.
The talented of the Katak kingdom? They form magic with their words...
Shouting, chanting, whispers. They speak and magic is unleashed!

The talents of the Aku kingdom? They form magic with the help of the spirits...
Controlling invisible souls and ghostly ethereal beasts to unleash consumed mana as magic!

But Grudga is different, better if you ask any from the Hart kingdom. Grudga is known throughout Tasopp as the country of warriors and the talents of Grudga conjure a unique sword made of their own mana.
That is why the magic knights of Grudga are known as Spellswords. Respected, feared, to become a Spellsword is a mighty task!
One must have control of their mana to the point they can easily form their sword at a moments notice,
One must have skill in combat and with magic to be versatile with your technique in battle,
One must have honor and integrity with a drive to protect the Hart kingdom and it's people...

But even among talents their are... unique cases, a example of such a case in Grugda is what we call a Sword-breaker.
Its unexplainable as to how or why but when a talent has something special in them they cannot help but conjure something other than a sword.
Though they are unable to become a Spellsword, they can still train to become a magic knight...
It's said the sword breakers have the potential to become the strongest in the world.
Chosen by a higher power, regarded as fate changers capable of defying destiny!

To be a Spellsword is the dream of most talents in Grudga, but to be born a Sword breaker is both a blessing and a curse.
Heavy is the pressure one feels when the world looks at you with expectations of saving the lands or destroying it all.
The oldest legend known to man is that the fate of the world will be determined by a Sword breaker...
This is a group rp for four or five people, if you want to join you would be making a sword breaker or spellsword who recently qualified to become a magic knight. You get recruited into a elite squad who seem to get caught up in almost every over the top situation in the hart kingdom and beyond.

It is said the fate of the world rests in the hand of a sword breaker but that's just in Grudga, Katak and Aku also have legends and such of their own nature so don't think you get to make the evil badass villian of the story.

The main story is saving the lands of Tasopp from certain coming destuction but discovering that shit won't be the start of this adventure. Plenty of monsters, murderers and mysteries to deal with before the main quest happens.
Post requirements is two paragraphs or more once a week.
Ask questions or go banana below
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If four or five people show the same same amount of drive or more ill make the cs page
Looks like I'm a liar
What's the ruling on something like a bow that can split apart into different weapons (ie Pitt from Smash Bros) or having a spear that can separate into tonfa? Am also wondering if we are allowed companions/ mounts that are just for the character?
Short answer is no,
They can only form one weapon, some particularly skilled spellswords and swordbreakers can change the size or form two of their magicweapon but none can change into what's needed.
One who forms a bow would form arrows to but they would need to swing the bow or a arrow if it came to melee

As for mounts/companions yea but it won't be crazy. Horse or horse sized beasts allowed. Even then I may say no as it makes little sense for someone to ride a dragon or wolf unless their magic was beast taming
I’m just going to slide right on in here😄
Is this still open? If so, is there more lore on the other lands (Like Katak and Aku previously mentioned)?
Not written down as each player would be making a talent from Grudga. Down the line a refugee from another land could potentially join the team but Katak and Aku are foriegn lands for your characters to explore and die in if you want to replace them with say a Spellshot or Tamer.

Spellshot being a talent from Katak and Tamer being a talent from Aku
Poop poop splash splash big brown dump
This stupid shit deserves a bump
Literally only have two finished sheets in the cs page so there is a fair amount of room left aha
Am interested
Sounds good I’ll start working on something
Yes I do! I just haven't written my CS yet! I'll have it out soon though!
Is this still open? If so, is there more lore on the other lands (Like Katak and Aku previously mentioned)?
If yall care, made something with the same magic as this check

Join this one then

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