The Survivor's Theory projecy

The character sheet:

Appearance :( Real life pictures only)

Name: (Full name)

Sex :( Gender)


Sexual orientation:

Outfit :( what is you're characters is wearing)


Conviction :( Reason why he got in prison)

Jail time : ( How long he got )

equipments: ( This is what you're character has and it must be updated each time you find or lose something. Also the character will have a bag pack with him/her . in it they will have a army knife,casket filled with fresh water,a small med-kit ( including:2 bandages role,sewing kit and small bottle alcohol ), another pair of fresh and clean clothing and a compass

Skill: ( What you're character good at)

Bio: ( Characters back story)

The character sheet:



Name: Danny nefthugh

Sex: Female

Age: 22

Sexual orientation:Lesbian






Ex-job: unemployed

Conviction :Murder

Jail time : 10 years


A bag-pack filled with :

  • Army knife
  • casket filled with fresh and clean water
  • A small med-kit ( including:2 bandages role,sewing kit and small bottle alcohol )
  • compass
  • A fresh pair of clean clothing
  • A picture of kanzy ( Her sister)

Skill: basic concept on how to use a gun

Bio: Danny was a sweet average girl. Sadly her mother died when she was only 10 and her sister was 6 their mother died of a car accident. After the tragic death of her parents . her father couldn't handle it and restorted to alcohol. each day after work he comes home drunks. He beated Danny and her sister multiple times but what was worse is that he started abusing danny. She hated him but she though it better me then my sister but one night once danny was out ( Danny was 14 and her sister 10) She came home to find her father abusing her sister. she had it. She grabs a knife and slaughter her father. The nieghbhors heard screams and called the polices. they found danny on her father stabbing him. Blood everywhere. her sister terrified. The police took her in and she got charged for murder and got 10 year. she accepted that and can't wait to get out so she one day can go get her little sister .
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Name: Lila Morgan

Sex: female


Sexual orientation:straight


Ex-job: Painter

Conviction : theft, aggravated assault.

Jail time : 15years


A bag-pack filled with :

  • Army knife

  • casket filled with fresh and clean water

  • A small med-kit ( including:2 bandages role,sewing kit and small bottle alcohol )

  • compass

  • A fresh pair of clean clothing

  • a pocket watch her father had.

Skill: Lila is very good at camouflage due to her painter experience. She is a very gifted thief and has some background in martial arts.

Bio: Lila was an orphan at the age of 6 due to her parents being killed in a car crash. People didn't want to adopt a 6 year old with crazy temper tantrums, so she was bounced around from foster home to foster home. Her interest in school didn't stick very well so she ended up dropping out and then ran away at the age of 16. She has been on her own since them, living off what she gets from paintings and blackmarket items. Being a girl and alone proved to be dangerous, so she learned some martial arts to keep herself safe.

Lila wasnt expecting any trouble that night. She was only expecting to go in, grab the exotic animal that someone had stowed away, and to get out. She had done this many times before without tripping any lines, or notifying anybody she was even there, but this one time she messed up horribly.

She was rounding a corner that she had just surveyed, and came face to face with a security guard. They both looked at eachother a little baffled, and before he could react, she took off running. He yelled at her to freeze, but she had ignored him and sped down the hallway, up the staircase, and onto the roof. He had led her this way and she didnt even realize it...

She looked around hopelessly, trying to figure a way out. The security guard bolted out onto the roof and she quickly grabbed a nearby pipe. He wasnt armed, but he looked to be strong. All she wanted was some cash so she could eat for a month...

She charged at him, driven to get out of this so that she could go home. He was caught off guard, so she pushed him, right over the edge of the roof. She looked down in horror at his body that was in an unnatural position. Wasnt dead though, she could steal see his shallow breaths.

"What have i done?" She breathed, horrified with herself. She took off into the night, afraid to look back.


Name: Dex Rivers



Sexual orientation: straight




Ex-job: lead guitarist in a band

Conviction : hit and run

Jail time : 10 years


A bag-pack filled with :

  • Army knife

  • casket filled with fresh and clean water

  • A small med-kit ( including:2 bandages role,sewing kit and small bottle alcohol )

  • compass

  • A fresh pair of clean clothing

Skill: Dex only seems to be good at guitar, being drunk, and pissing people off. He knows some very basic survival skills, but other than that he's just a raging aussie guitarist.

Bio: Dex was raised in Australia, hence the aussie accent, but his parents were from America. Due to his abhorrent attitude, his parents sent him to live with his marine uncle. That situation didn't last long because once he turned 18, he left and joined a band with his druggie buddies.

Dex was driving down a not particularly used road, the air heavy with fog. The sun may have been out, but it did little to help anyone see. He took a swig from his whiskey bottle, enjoying the weightlessness it left on his mind. He blasted the radio and started singing his heart out, not paying attention to the road. All of a sudden, they were there. A mother clutching her tired daughter to her chest looked in horror at him and he looked stupidly back at her before he rammed right into them. The windshield cracked, he swerved, blood was everywhere...

He came to a halt and got out to look and see what had happened, stumbling on his feet. His heart was racing heavily and he saw the smear of blood his tires had left on the pavement. A little hand could be seen from the fog, bloody and held out to him. It wasnt attached to a body...

Dex retched all over the pavement, got back in his car, and took off like a bat out of hell. There were two images that were burned into his mind now: the mothers horrified gaze and the little hand stretching out to him, covered in blood.

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Name: Donnegan Naes


Age: 30

Sexual orientation: Striaght




Ex-job:Security Guard

Conviction :4 Murders

Jail time : 50 years

equipment: bag pack with him

  • a army knife,
  • casket filled with fresh water,
  • a small med-kit ( including:2 bandages role,sewing kit and small bottle alcohol ),
  • another pair of fresh and clean clothing and
  • a compass

Skill: Good at fighting, planning. good at survival. Bad at teamwork

Bio: Born and raised in Ireland, his Parents were both very knowledgeable people and not fighters. perhaps this is why it's so surprising Donnegan is what he is today. he has always had a stubborn, aggressive, fighter attitude

Donnegan was an Irish security guard, for a high up company. happy with his job, he was ready to start a family with his girlfriend. that all changed when three time his employers did not pay him. Going into there office they told him they were planning to let him go. extremely angry with this he came back the next day stormed into the employers office and killed him, not to mention the two other employees in a meeting there at that time. When he killed these people he relished it, he enjoyed and he loved it.

Yet when he went home he was still in a fit of anger and when his girlfriend Talked back to him, he killed her in cold blood. he didn't enjoy this. He sat over her body crying, weeping and preparing for what was next. When police stormed his house the next day, he made no attempt to fight back. After this he seems particularity broken.

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