The Stuffed, The Dangerous, The Cuddly - Sign ups and info (totally random)


The Ghost in your Closet
The monster under the bed has long been a fabled myth. Remember when you were a kid and you made your parents search the cupboards and the bed to make sure the monsters weren't there? You always worried, even after your parents told you ten times that there was nothing there. Now what aboout that other myth? The one where toys come to life when you fall asleep. What if I told you that was true? What if I told you it was all true? There is a monster under the bed and in the cupboard. Those shadows on the wall aren't just trees in the moonlight. And that creaking sound isnt the rof contracting in the chill night air. And most of all, your toys do come to life in the middle of the night. You know what they do while you're asleep? They're defending you from the monsters. You look at them when you wake up but you have no idea what they've done the night before. You think they're lying on the ground because you accidentally knocked them off the bed in your sleep but that isn't the case.

This is the story of those toys, the ones that you'll forget when you grow up. The ones that are passed down to your siblings, that go to the second hand shops and get given to a new owner, to defend them.

Target: The monsters

Agent: The toys

Plot: To unite with the others and defeat the monsters once and for all

Setting: The cupboard and the bed. Night time or when the owner is not around or awake

That is your mission. Get to it.

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Character sheet:


Toy type:

Toy age:


Weapon: (eg, toothpick, thimble, etc)


Appearance: (pic preferable, but words work just as well)


No God modding. The toys have no abilities. They can only use the weapons available to them and they have to be somewheat realistic about the situation. So no swinging a random axe out of no where. You must write where you got the weapon.

2. Remember your manners. We're here to rp, to get along, not to insult others' writing or characters.

3. Try to pay attention to others and what they've written.

4. Try and have a variety of toy types. No more than two of each type of toy okay? So if someone else is the toy you want, just choose something else.


If you have any questions, PM me. I'm going to be unavailable for a few days, due to changing my living circumstances, but i'll get back to you as soon as I can.


Toy type:
Teddy Bear

Toy age:

Geoffrey was bought for Parker, his original owner, when she was 10 years old. She kept him for five until her baby sister came along, and then she gave him to her as a birthday present. He defended them successfully from the monsters for all of those years, with the help of the other childhood toys.

Toothpick, sewing needle and thread.

Personality: Loyal and proud, Geoffrey is a kind teddy that would risk everything for his masters. He continues to protect parker, even though she's older now. He doesn't get angry easily, and is generally cheerful.


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Name: Mr.Bubbles

Toy Type: Action Figure

Toy Age: 18

History: Has been a vintage $200 eight inch action figure from a video game. David saw the action figure and wanted it more than anything in the world. He begged his parants to get him the toy without even knowing its violent and extreamly protective ways.

Weapon: Drill on his arm

Personality: Extreamly violent and protective, wont let anything happen to anyone he protects


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Name: Blu

Toy type: Bunny Rabbit :3

Toy age: 8

History: Blu was purchased at a Target store for her original master; Mattie. It was Mattie's 4th birthday when she opened up the pink wrapping paper, and saw Blu. Her eyes widened, and then she picked the little blue rabbit out if the box. She had kept Blue for about 6 years, until her little sister May was born. Mattie gave Blu up for May, and now, May sleeps with her Blu every night.

Weapon: (eg, toothpick, thimble, etc) A light blue ribbon, a toothpick, and a spike from a plastic fork.

Personality: Blu is a faithful and loving companion. She has a soft heart, but protects her master with every inch of herself. She is very cunning and quick on her feet; Blu is also patient and fuzzy.

Appearance: (pic preferable, but words work just as well) (Her ribbon too)
Name: Princess Danielle (Danny)

Toy type: Barbie Doll

Toy age: 3

History: Princess Danielle was bought as a Christmas gift for Kayla when she was four. She originally was a collectible Princess Barbie doll, but the child opened her to play, losing all her original items. She was dressed in some regular Barbie clothes, but luckily Kayla wasn't the kind of child to cut off her doll's hair. Danny has been defending Kayla for three years, and the little girl is now 6. Danny has always been Kayla's favorite doll.

Weapon: Plastic doll accessories (Barbie hairbrushes or whatever else Kayla played with that day)

Personality: Danny, even though she's a Princess Barbie, is very tomboyish. She is always up for a good fight with the monsters under the bed and will do anything to protect Kayla. She is very sweet and kind to the other toys.

Appearance: View attachment 8445 Sorry the photo is sideways, I don't know why it did that 0.o
[MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION] [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] both accepted, see if you can recruit more people for me?
Name: Lillian

Toy type: porcelain doll

Toy age: 40

History: Lillian was the doll that Parker's (I figured some would be from the same child) mother had saved up for as a kid and was now Parker's own, She sits on top of the cupboard looking down on the room.

Weapon: A staff she came with, she is the 'guard' so she doesn't need much.
(Just the staff)

Personality: Lillian has seen all The family has been through, right from that shelf and cares for them a lot, she was kept in great condition and repays her old owner by helping to protect her kids. She is sweet and caring, but troubled.

Appearance: (pic preferable, but words work just as well)
That would be appreciated. Make sure you tell them that i'll be absent for a week at most though, so that they dont get upset when i dont respond.
Name: Ping

Toy type: Slinky, ha

Toy age: 2

History: (Like Lily said- maybe I could share an owner with someone? May, maybe) Ping isn't really the type of toy that children often cherish and keep, and often they cared little for their owner as well. Ping was a lucky one, though; it avoided being stuck in the attic, and still stayed on the shelf in its owner's bedroom. Every so often, it'd still be carried around the house, bounced up and down in the child's hand and walking down stairs when it was pushed. It hasn't been around for long, but two years is quite enough. Ping doesn't need hands; other toys of its nature stay still and rest at night, but now, Ping protects May with everything it can.

Weapon: None, really, other than its body and the environment in general. It is possible to scoop things up and launch them, but I can't wait to get to knock a lamp down on top of someone!

Personality: Ping doesn't talk. Maybe it can't, or maybe it doesn't feel like it. It hardly needs it to show his enthusiasm, however; Ping is perpetually hopping, bouncing like a spring whenever it's not doing anything. It's new to all this, but it's willing to try about anything to help.

Appearance: Credit to Carlie24 on dA

Name: Kinelle

Toy type: Cat stuffie

Toy age: 43

History: Kinelle had been passed down from every child born into her owner's family, protecting each and every one of them. From being a play-pin toy to a cuddling friend, Kinelle has been there.

Weapon: Sewing needle

Personality: Kind and caring

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Hey guys, sorry i've got like no internet right now. As soon as i get my net connected i'll start the rp

[MENTION=1503]Nivrad00[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3721]TheTruthLiesInLies[/MENTION] both accepted, try and recruit more?

Hey guys, sorry i've got like no internet right now. As soon as i get my net connected i'll start the rp

[MENTION=1503]Nivrad00[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3721]TheTruthLiesInLies[/MENTION] both accepted, try and recruit more?

Name: Moonlight Nicky (or just Moonlight)

Toy type: Stuffed dog

Toy age: 9 years

History: Moonlight was given to her owner Gracie when Gracie's older brother passed away. Gracie was 7 years old at the time and had been very close to her brother. Gracie's aunt gave her Moonlight Nicky, hoping it would cheer her up a bit. Gracie immediately bonded with the stuffed dog and named her Moonlight Nicky after her older brother Nick (Nicky). Gracie is now 16 and still sleeps with Moonlight every night.

Weapon: the small pocket knife Gracie keeps under her pillow just in case (you can never be to safe...)

Personality: Moonlight is very mature and motherly. She loves to help others and look after her daughter, Starlight. Moonlight is very loyal to Gracie and would gladly give up her life for Gracie's safety.

Appearance: a black stuffed dog about the size of an average house cat. Her once shiny, soft fur is now rough and dull from years of wear. Her ears used to be sewn flat to her head, but the right-sided one has come unsewn and flops freely, her nose is black leather.


Name: Starlight Nicky

Toy type: small stuffed black dog

Toy age: 5

History: When Gracie was 11 years old, she went to the mall with her parents and in the window of the toy shop she saw a small stuffed black dog. She immediately thought of Moonlight and convinced her parents to buy her the dog, which she named Starlight. She brought her home to Moonlight and has kept the two of them together at all times ever since.

Weapon: Gracie's key necklace. She holds it by the chain and hits the monsters with the key part.

Personality: crazy, spunky, playful. She loves Gracie, but she hates having to fight the monsters. When it comes to work she tends to be a bit lazy. She loves to laugh and enjoys trying to make her mom laugh as well.

Appearance: a black bean-bag dog with soft, but dull fur. both of her ears are unsewn. her nose is black plastic.


Okay, so the history behind these stuffed animals is 100% true. My name is really Gracie. Moonlight and Starlight are real. Don't judge me for being a 16 year old who still sleeps with stuffed animals!
:P >.< <3

Name: Cross

Toy type: Little homemade devil doll

Toy age: 92

History: Cross has been passed down from parent to child for many generations in the Collen's family,Cross was handmade by the Mother of Lily Collen since she had wanted a doll.Her mother always said the cross on Cross' chest was for good luck and protection,Lily kept Cross with her at all times until she grew up and started the tradition of passing Cross down and telling his purpose. Now Cross is with Greg Collen,as the cycle had continued to the next generation.

Weapon: (eg, toothpick, thimble, etc) Small needles and pins

Personality: Even though his appearance is somewhat wicked,Cross is very nice and gentle most of the time. Though he has his crazy moments and he's somewhat hyperactive.

Appearance: (pic preferable, but words work just as well)

(Hope this works ^^)
Ok, the following idea is one that I thought up while thinking about this RP. Feel free to tell me if it is good, or if it isn't what you're looking for. I think this could be one of my most creative ideas yet :) .

Name: The Black King

Toy Type: Half Chess Set (W/O Board, the White King, and all the White Pieces)

Toy Age: 14 Years

History: Adam isn't your average 12 year old boy. He never had a propensity to play with toys because he was too occupied with his books. Currently, he is finishing his senior year of high school with a full ride to Yale University. In his opinion, playing games is a waste of time that could be spent bettering his already gleaming resume. However, there is one activity that Adam enjoys immensely: chess. His father was an international chess grandmaster. In fact, he had been the World Chess Champion for the past two years. Tragically, a drunk driving accident took his father's life when Adam was 4. Adam has bought almost a dozen chess sets since then, and he has become a nationally ranked player. However, he has kept that board with him, obviously for sentimental reasons. His father always played white, and Adam used black. Since his father's death, Alex has refused to continue to play the game, leaving it at the stalemate it was in. Over time, the white king has gone missing.

Weapons: The Black King uses only his wits to defeat his opponents (Although, he does have a broadsword.). But, what is a king without his subordinates? The pawns, although replaceable, are sturdy infantry soldiers who are useful in the Black King’s strategies (They have normal swords and armor.). The knights are maneuverable, and they can flank the enemies, attack, and retreat when threatened (They have horses, javelins, swords, and shields). The rooks are powerful, resilient pieces that can divide enemies, mark victories, and protect those areas from further attack (They are giant towers that must be moved by the other pieces. They can be manned by the pieces because they have ballistae.). The bishops are useful in that they can suddenly cut forces into parts by interjecting themselves into the fray and then unexpectedly leaving, which causes mass disarray in the opposition’s forces (They wield clergy staffs .). The queen is the last resort, normally staying with the king. However, if need be, she can lay waste to enemy forces (She has a sword and a dagger… Plus, you know, a woman’s fury and all xD .). The Black King is very protective of his queen, and as such, he doesn’t like to make her vulnerable by sending her out. (As the appearance of the pieces will suggest, they actually look like their medieval namesakes. They can also grow to the size of their enemies. I didn’t create personalities for each of the types of pieces. Basically, they are completely obedient to their king. As such, the white pieces are immobile because the White King has gone missing. But, maybe I could bring him back some time… Note: The movements and abilities were based off of the actual movement capabilities of the pieces in chess xD .)

Personality: The Black King is a brilliant strategist, and with the help of his subjects, he is always able to thwart the monsters. The only opponent he has never beaten is his brother, the missing White King. Although the Black King is just as intelligent, the White King had the experience to put the plans into action. But, the Black King has what the White King lacked: great instinct. This may make him seem a little arrogant at times, but, in general, the Black King is quite formal, although this is only the way he speaks. He seems nonchalant and laid back, even during times of panic and battle. He still manages to command the respect of those around him due to his ability to be victorious. The Black King’s easygoing countenance is a mask that covers his constant attempts to live up to the White King’s mantle. However, the White King’s subjects cannot animate themselves to anyone but their king.

Appearance: The pieces are made of granite and gold, and they look like their medieval counterparts would. They are very expensive and very lifelike. The pieces move just as normal humans would.
Name: Katherine.

Toy Type: Doll.

Toy Age: 14 years old.

History: Katherine has been passed down in the Smith family for 14 years now. Isabelle, the Smith's precious daughter, was given Katherine when she was just a baby, and has had her ever since. Isabelle's great-great-great Grandmother found Katherine at an antique store, where she sat on a bookshelf, waiting to be bought. Katherine was a very rare doll. She was handmade by the greatest doll-makers in the world. She was 1 out of 10 dolls that still existed in the world. The people who made her had shut down there company, and no longer made the dolls.

Isabelle's grandmother bought Katherine for an extreme price, and took her home to her niece. Soon enough, Katherine was being passed down to each daughter that entered the family.

Weapon: Katherine keeps a small letter opener under Isabelle's pillow. (Just in case you don't know what that is:

Personality: Katherine is very intelligent, and always knows what to do in a time of need. She is a brave little thing, always risking her life to protect Isabelle from the monster that lives underneath the bed. No matter how fearless she may seem, Katherine is easily scared, but has the ability to regain herself quickly before anybody notices. Like all dolls, she is pretty calm, and doesn't show much emotion towards others.


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Name: Sack

Toy type: sackboy

Toy age: 17

History: Sack was passed down through the Master family for generations. he has spent most of his nights defending the children from the monsters every since he could remember. one day he was passed to a boy named Konkuro. Sack has grown a special bond to this boy. this is where he gets his new weapon a small wodden sword made for him by knokuro.

Weapon: small wodden sword

Personality: playful at times and others very serious. espicaly around his owner. he must protect this child with everything he's got.

like from little big planet

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