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Realistic or Modern The Students of Mr. Carpenter's Second Period Class


Senior Member
Character Sheet Template
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Full Name:





Appearance Description:



Classroom Behavior:





Accepted Characters

Male Students:




4. Optional

Female Students:




4. Optional

Nonbinary Students:

1. Optional

2. Optional



Other people in the school- other students, administrators, etc.

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Sebstian Gursten


Full Name: Sebastian Gursten

Age: 15

Grade: 8th

Gender: Male

Appearance Description: White blond hair crowns Sebastian's head, teal eyes dotting his pale face with the color is so desperately needs. He doesn't consider himself handsome, instead regards himself as being rather average in appearance, though others think otherwise. He's as muscular as one can expect from a guy who does lacrosse, as well as the occasional weight lift. He's also quite tall, his height reaching that of 6"2, rivaling many of the guys in his school. He rarely smiles, a smirk seems forever cemented to his lips.

Personality: Characterized by most as the trouble-maker, play-boy of the school, in reality Sebastian is a lonely, if not attention deprived boy who seems to seek attention in all the wrong ways. His parents are the affluent, wealthy sort of people, who think that showering enough money and possessions on their son can make up for their lack of attention. Around his friends, Sebastian presents a strong, unaffected front, when in reality he's sensitive to the words of others, often taking them to heart. People in the school refer to him as mean, when in reality he's blunt rather then mean, not knowing how his words may affect others. He's always gotten good grades in school, the memorizing and spitting out the knowledge aspect of it is something he's always been good at, despite his presented opinions of how much he hates school.

Classroom Behavior: Often the inattentive, immature student, often disturbing the other students with jokes, throwing things at the teachers back, texting during class - All things that contribute to the teachers of the schools otherwise bad opinions of him.

History: Born the oldest child of a rather well-off family, Sebastian's parents were often away on travel, which prompted them to make up for their lack of interaction with their son through the showering of many possessions. This worked at first, though soon Sebastian begin to crave more then the little attention his family could give him. In hopes of deterring his down-ward spiral, his nanny enlisted him into a public school rather then the private tutor he'd been given, in hopes of allowing him to make friends and interact with others a bit more. This did not go the way she'd expected, as Sebastian begin to hang with the wrong crowds, participating in activities his parents did not approve of.

At the end of his seventh grade year, his father tried to step in, scolding his son for doing what he called setting a bad example for his younger sibling. Sebastian yelled right back at him, much to the man's shock, and refused to listen to his demands. Since then, Sebstian's parents and him haven't spoken much, apart from the occasional 'pass the rice' at the rather uncommon dinner meals.

Other: He has quite the voice, though music has never interested him.

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Full Name: Jessa Dina Greene

Age: 13

Grade: 8th

Gender: Female

Appearance Description: Jessa is small for her age, about 4'10," with a very youthful face. In fact, one of her greatest annoyances of life is that no one will ever give her an adult menu at restaurants. She has short light brown hair, and green eyes, plus a smattering of freckles. She doesn't care much about her school uniform like some people, and it's often found wrinkled and askew. Her uniform skirt is too long for her short height, but she has never made an effort to get it hemmed- too much work for something so not important.

Personality: Jessa is a troublemaker- plain and simple. At least, that's what she'll let you see. She's infamous for some of the pranks she's pulled in the classroom, on school trips, anywhere really. She finds herself in trouble wherever she goes, and is very well acquainted with the headmaster at this point. She's also a bundle of energy, running from place to place, bouncing in her seat, and blurting out answers- which really doesn't help with her whole "I'm 13 and I'm mature" thing. Jessa is also very intelligent, though she slacks off in her studies and much prefers to use her intelligence when planning pranks. Away from school, Jessa is very different. She becomes withdrawn, rarely speaking, and isolates herself in her room. Her family isn't sure which side of her is an act- is she normally quiet, but the audience compels her, or is she normally boisterous and her behavior at home an anomaly.

Classroom Behavior: If she respects you, Jessa will still be snarky, but will tone it down quite a bit. If she doesn't respect you, good luck- she's the most ornery and impish student that the school has to offer. She rarely does her work, just about never does her homework, and more often than not, she just doesn't pay attention and talks right through your class. It's this behavior that has led to her and the principal becoming old friends.

History: Jessa's dad was in the Navy, so she's had to move around a lot. This impeded on her ability to make friends and keep them, and as a response, she became the class jester. It was almost a game to her- another year, another school, how many teachers can she break? It was better than making friends, only to have to move away and lose tough the next year, and it gave her street cred with some of her classmate- like being included, without actually having to form connections to people.

It was in 6th grade when a teacher finally noticed that Jessa was much smarter than she let on, and she pushed Jessa to do better in her studies and her behavior. She grew to respect this teacher, but wasn't ready to give up her trouble-making ways. The teacher was less than thrilled, but still worked with Jessa- she refused to be scared away like some of her other teachers. Jessa started to behave better because of this- she couldn't bear to hear the disappointment in the teacher's voice every time she got a detention. However, like all good things, that too came to an end when Jessa had to move yet again. She didn't take any of those lessons with her, becoming an ornery child yet again, despite still occasionally emailing that teacher.

Her parents enrolled her at EMA despite their complete inability to pay for it, because they heard that the discipline and rules were stricter, and hoped it would reign in their wild child. However, this didn't seem to be the case, as Jessa's horrid behavior continued. Jessa had come to resent her home life- people always busy talking about who leaves when and her father's next assignment, so she became very withdrawn, especially after she had to leave the only teacher who ever tried to help her. She isolates herself in her room, sometimes crying, and drives herself crazy with her thoughts- after all, it's not like she does homework.

Other: May update later​





Full Name: William Joseph Carpenter

Age: 34

Grade: Literature Teacher

Gender: Male

Appearance Description: William doesn't look physically intimidating, but don't let that fool you. Standing at 5'7", he's one of the shorter male members of the faculty, something he hates during assemblies and ceremonies. He has brown hair that's just the slightest bit floppy, and grey eyes. He's pale, but can sort of get a decent tan in the summer. He wears suits every day, as is the faculty rule at EMA. When not in school, he prefers to wear a button-down with no tie, and nice slacks. His idea of casual clothing is a long sleeved solid t-shirt, and nice trousers.

Personality: William is a very caring and warm person- something which his students find inviting. He's an ear for anyone who needs to speak, and he's great at keeping secrets. He protects his students like they are his own children, and is always concerned about helping them succeed more than anything else. He's a lot of students' "safe" person to go to if anything is wrong, because he listens and tries to help them through any trouble. He has a lot of patience, but can get strict when he feels it's required.

Classroom Behavior: Unlike some of the more stuffy teachers at EMA, William takes a more creative approach to teaching- and he sees results. It's not uncommon for him to have students run around, sit on the desks, lay on the floor, etc. in order to better teach a specific lesson. He gravitates away from assessment based teaching, and is not a fan of lecturing students. Instead, his classes are discussion based, with essays replacing assessments. He's pretty laid back, but he can be stern if it's required of him.

History: Will Edit Later

Other: May Edit Later



Full Name:

Lillian 'Frost' Storm







Appearance Description:

Frost is a slim girl, almost unnaturally so, with a height of around 5"3. She's often told she looks like a vampire, with deathly pale skin, flecked with a few freckles just beneath her eyes on her cheeks. Her eyes are bright, blood red, and her hair is snow white, apparently an albino, according to the people who adopted her a few years back. Because of this, she stays out of the sun, able to burn in it easier than most. A few scars litter her body, mostly in places one wouldn't see them, though a few scars sit upon her wrists.


Frost is a shy girl, who would not dare to speak to anyone, as if weary they'd hurt her, either mentally or physically. However, she also has a rather contradicting side to her shy personality, which is likely why she hides away from people at the rear of the class. This other side is violent, cold and snappy, and only usually comes out when she's upset or someone has said something to her or her friends (if she had any). This is why she prefers to sit alone, at the rear of most classrooms, and to do work alone, because she doesn't ever wish to hurt anyone. Other than that, she works hard, and is very determined to do her best, even when she overworks herself and gets stressed.

Classroom Behaviour:

Frosts behaviour in the classroom is like she doesn't even exist. She'll sit in the back and do her work to the best of her ability, and will ignore any of her classmates usually, especially when saddened or stressed over something. She hates to be called on in class, as her confidence is also practically non-existent, and she struggles with talking in front of the class, frightened of getting something wrong, and having people laugh at her.


Frost hardly ever knew her real family, for she was left on the doorstep of her aunt when she was 2 years old, wailing and cold. Her aunt, not ever having wanted a child, took her to the nearest group home for children, where she was raised. People tried to adopt her a few times, but soon got fed up with her behaviour, the cold, calculating and frightened looks she sent their way. She was finally adopted when she reached the age of 12, by a kind couple, who could have no children of their own, and who didn't mind for her behaviours, as they slowly disappeared over time, as she got used to them and began to trust them.

Frost has never had a good time at school. Between all of the work, and the bullies that would torment her for her red eyes and white hair, calling her all of the names they could think of, she got stressed very easily. At one time she took to harming herself to get away from it all, until her foster family found out. She had expected them to be angry, to push her back to the group home, but instead they helped her and, when she refused to go to a therapist to talk to an expert, they began talking to her,

pulling her away from her homework to do fun things, allowing her to relax.

Since then, her foster-father bought her a pair of ice blue contact lenses, so that she would have less problems with bullies, who always teased her for her red eyes. She loved them, and now relies on them, only ever taking them off when it was only her family in their home.




Full Name: Anastasia Lavalle

Age: 16



Appearance Description: Standing at a mere 5'2" and weighing just over 110 pounds, Ana is considered to be average for her age. With a slim frame and delicate features, she has a very soft, feminine look that is complimented by her dark brown hair, fair skin, and lively blue eyes. Ana cares greatly about keeping up her physical appearance and she always keeps her uniform in pristine condition.

Personality: For a rich girl, Ana is not exactly what you would expect. To some, she acts cold and crude, but with others she is bubbly and sweet. The only thing consistent in her personality on a daily basis is that she doesn't care about anything anyone else has to say about her. Whether it be her parents, peers, or even the higher-ups -- she refuses to let other people's opinions shape her life. Not one to necessarily follow the rules, she finds herself in trouble quite a bit, but not enough to destroy her academic reputation. In a weird way, she kind of just likes rebelling and therefore does things just to piss people off more often than not. Adventurous to the core, Ana could be considered a 'free spirit', though if she ever hears you say that she might laugh in your face. Her sense of humor ranges from cynical to stupid; in any case, she's just lucky to have one.

Classroom Behavior:
Most of the time, Ana is quiet and keeps to herself off in a back corner. However, if something is said to get her riled up, she's likely to cause some issues when she does choose to speak up. As far as work completion goes, she does just about all of her work, unless she feels it's simply busywork in which case she'll gladly exempt herself from completing it.

History: Born in Italy, Ana was raised by her loving parents, Cecco and Anita Lavalle. Since she had no siblings, she and her parents were relatively close throughout her younger years. Being the CEO of a major company in Italy, however, when Ana and her mother moved to the states, her father stayed behind to keep the money rolling in. Now, her father comes to visit only once a month, but they make sure to go on vacation as a whole family at least twice a year to make up for lost time. Always doing well when it came to school, she never had issues in that department, even back in Italy. However, when it came to her behavior outside of school, she was a whole new person who liked to cause a whole lot of problems. If it weren't for her wealthy parents, she probably would still be in juvie for things she had done years ago. Luckily for her, though, her parents do a great job of bailing her out of situations; especially ones that she specifically turns down help for. Nonetheless, she's always been a wild one and she is likely to always remain that way whether her parents can handle that or not.​

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