Story The Strength to Protect,a short story


Cupcake Fairy
this story was written over a long period of time so i know there are some story issues and it might be a little dry, i really love how i wrote this. the point of veiw switches between the two girls, but is third person. questions comments, critisizm welcome! enjoy!

The Strength to Protect

By Tanya Weckwerth

Ch. 1: A Healer in White

“Whoa!” Faith shouted as she dodged a blow from her masters’ staff. I’m never going to get this barrier right! She grimaced before trying to focus her energy again. She saw Master Tidus give her a quick glance before charging at her again. She braced herself and focused her energy. Master Tidus was coming straight at her; she closed her eyes and focused for a moment. Thud! Drat. Did I mess up again? But wait I'm not on the ground, so I couldn’t have fallen? As she opened her eyes she realized it hadn’t been her that made that sound, it was Master Tidus! He had run into the barrier she had made!

“Yes!” she said as she leaped in the air.

“Well done Faith, you have learned well.” grunted Master Tidus as he got up and dusted himself off. “You have earned the garb of the Healer, wear it well and never forget what I have taught you.”

“Thank you Master,” she replied taking the dress he had handed her. “But, is there really nothing more that you can teach me?”

“I’m afraid I have taught you all that I know” he placed a hand on her shoulder, “now you must go out into the world, travel far and I'm sure you will find others who can teach you.”

“Thank you master, I will never forget your teachings!” she shouted back as she ran from the field where they had practiced just a moment ago.

The cold wind nipped at her cheeks as she dashed towards her house. She had always dreamt of being like her mother. Her mother was a valiant Healer who had died in a battle between Gaia and the Provoka dictatorship. The dictator was killed in the battle thus leaving the city free to choose its own government. The battle was long since over but the memory remained fresh in her mind. Are you watching mother? I'm finally an official Healer! She was medium height, and 18, with beautiful sun kissed hair. Her amber eyes gleamed as she saw her house come into view. She stopped in front of the door to catch her breath. When she opened the door the smell of sticky buns was still lingering from breakfast. She found herself walking toward the kitchen. Training had been brutal today leaving her extremely hungry. After eating a sandwich she decided it best to get some sleep before she left town. She lay down in bed and thought of her the journey ahead of her. I have a tough road ahead but it can’t be all that bad right? As her mind drifted she dozed off thinking of what was yet to come.

* * * * * * *

Crash! “Ouch!” Faith grimaced, picking up the pan that had fallen from the cupboard. She was just cleaning up after breakfast. It was early morning and she was packing for her journey. She packed a bit of food and all the money she had. She also packed her new staff. She wasn’t packing a lot of supplies because she was planning to buy them in Lufenia or “Wing of the Hawk”. Lufenia was just south over the mountains from her home town of Gaia. While Lufenia was the Wing of the Hawk, Gaia was the “Eye of the Hawk”. The Lufenians were good friends with Gaia but since the distance was so great there were never many trips between the towns.

As she walked through the town many of her friends and other towns’ folk came to say goodbye. After a short while she found herself standing at the town gate. She noticed that the gate was old and beginning to crumble. Once she looked through the gate all she could see was a huge expanse of field and mountain looming in the distance. She stood awestruck for a few moments before regaining her composure. As she walked through the gate she wondered what might lie in the almost everlasting field that stretched out before her.

* * * * * *

Faith let out a quiet yawn. The expansive field had finally come to an end. She had been walking for at least three hours when she found herself at the foot of the mountains. If she was going to look for the mountain pass her mother had once told her about she would have to follow the path that traders took. She trekked upward through the snow and ice. She could see the pass in the distance. She began to hum a quiet tune to pass the time as she continued upwards.

After making it through the gates of the mountain pass Faith looked at the landscape below. The mountain range was thin and long. It stretched about 4 miles to Faiths right and infinitely to her left. On her right the mountain spanned at least 3 miles till it came to a mile long curve that seemed to protect a small field with a pond and tree in the middle. The field was bordered by trees on the side opposite of the mountains. Faith spotted a small dot that seemed to be making its way across the field. I wonder if it’s some kind of animal. She imagined different stories behind the dot while she made her way down the mountain towards a small town in the distance. Was the dot a creature looking for food, or a lost baby animal, perhaps?

Before she knew it she was at the base of the mountain. She looked at the field before her and continued on towards the little village. Not long now and I will be in Lufenia!

Ch. 2 The Girl in Green

A crisp wind blew across an expansive, green field. The field was bordered by a dense forest of evergreen and maple trees. The meadow and forest formed a large valley with mountains to the north and east, a river to the south and everlasting wilderness to the west. There was a small pond sheltered by an old oak tree near the middle of the valley. A young girl sat beneath the oak tree, her green eyes gazing off into the distance. Her short, brown hair was tied up near the back of her neck and a green bandana covered the top of her head. She was wearing a green, Robin Hood style outfit.

She heaved a sigh as a chilly breeze settled over the broad plateau. The girl shivered, I better get to the forest; it’s going to get cold tonight. Her name was Emerald, inspired by the emerald colored lake in her home town. She stood up and grabbed her bag. Emerald glanced back at the mountains. She longed to return to her village just beyond the range. She pushed away her loneliness and began the long walk to the forest. She let her mind wander into the serene calm that was around her.

The forest grew larger as she walked and her eyes began to cloud with exhaustion. The trek over the mountains had taken a lot out of her. She stopped dead in her tracks as she heard a growl from behind her. She turned to see an old grey wolf with fur the color of coal. The wolf’s shaggy pelt was matted with blood. Emerald couldn’t tell if it was his or if it was from his last meal. She felt a pang of sadness; the wolf’s fur clung to its ribs and its menacing growl was turning into a pitiful whimper. This old wolf is barely alive, she thought. Its muzzle was grey with age and its eyes were cold and vicious. She took her bow out of her bag as the wolf took a few paw steps towards her. She grabbed an arrow from her quiver and tied a bit of food to it. The wolf’s malicious stare moved from Emerald to the food. Emerald drew her bow and shot the arrow as far as she could. The wolf turned and bolt after it, fading into the distance. Good luck friend. I just couldn’t kill you. She sighed and turned her attention to the looming forest ahead.

Within a few minutes she was at the edge of the forest, exhausted and hungry. As she walked amongst the trees she spotted a ripe apple tree nearby. She picked a few apples and sat down to eat. She ate until she was satisfied and warmed herself with a small fire before drifting into a light slumber.

She awoke the next morning feeling revitalized and packed some extra apples in her bag. The forest was dense and the trees grew close together. The branches were rough and knotted with age but were large and sturdy enough to hold Emeralds weight. She hoisted herself up onto a low branch and made her way up the tree. She tested a few branches and decided it was ok to travel through the trees.

She hopped from branch to branch and enjoyed the breeze that cooled her face. Her steady pace was broken when her foot slide off one the branches and sent her tumbling towards the ground. She managed to catch one of the branches but the rugged bark cut into her hand. She took a deep breath and hoisted herself up until the branch was under her arms. I should be able to hold on longer like this. As she hung there she thought of ways to get down without causing further injury. Her ankle throbbed painfully and the branch was stained red where her hand had been. Her hand was also throbbing and she could feel the warmth from her blood as it trickled slowly from her wound. She tried to pull herself further up on the branch but winced in pain as she realized that she couldn’t get up without the use of her hand. She began to feel dizzy when she heard a deep, warm voice from below.

“Hello? Are you ok? Or are you stuck?” the voice asked.

“I was walking on the tree branches when my foot slipped.” Emerald replied, “I don’t know I f it’s sprained or broken and I can’t get down.”

“I can see where you are from here,” the voice paused a moment, “do you trust me?” the voice prompted.

“What?” Emerald asked feeling puzzled.

“Do you trust me? If you trust me, then let go I can catch you!” the voice said.

“What!?” Emerald replied with shock.

“Trust me! Unless you can think of something better.” The voice said.

“O-okay I trust you. I’m l-letting go!” Emerald stammered.

I don’t have a choice but to trust him. Emerald let go of the branch and felt leaves fly past her. She fell and landed on the stranger with a thud. Before she could say anything her dizziness worsened and she fell into unconsciousness.

* * * * * * *

Emerald woke to a throbbing ankle and a stinging hand. Did I just fall out of a tree? Where is that stranger who caught me? Her hand was lightly bandaged and her ankle was propped up on her bag. A small fire crackled nearby. I wonder how I will get out of here on this ankle. Her thoughts were interrupted by footsteps nearby.

“mornin’ sleeping beauty!” the voice was the same one from earlier, “How doth thou feeleth?

Emerald felt her face get warm. Is he making fun of me!? She turned to see a young man walking towards her. He had messy, light brown hair and deep, chocolate brown eyes. He was carrying a sword and a dingy sheath.

“It seems like you prefer stealth to brute force right?” he said glance at a dagger that was sticking out of her bag.

“Yea I guess.” Emerald replied.

“By the way, my name is Hunter.” He said.

That name suits him surprisingly well, Emerald thought, repeating the name several times in her head.

“I’m Emerald.” She told him.

“Are you named after your favorite color,” he asked, glancing at her outfit, “or your own eyes?” he looked her in the eyes.

“U-Um, I was n-named after the lake in my hometown.” She stammered, looking away. My eyes? What was that look he gave me?

“So you’re from Lagosa?” Hunter asked.

“How did you know?” Emerald asked in shock, looking up again.

“I’ve heard many rumors about the beauty of the Emerald Lake.” He answered.

The two of them jumped as the fire crackled noisily. Emerald winced and remembered that her ankle was still hurt.

“You aren’t going to be able to walk on that.” Hunter commented, glancing at her ankle.

“But how am I-”

“I’ll carry you, so don’t worry.” he cut in. he stooped down in front of her with his back facing her direction.

“ok” she said hesitantly. She could feel herself blushing and hoped that he wouldn’t notice. She sat up a little and put her hands on his shoulders. He slipped his hands underneath her knees and she cringed as he stood up.

“Sorry, did I hurt you?” Hunter asked.

“My ankle is just sore.” Emerald replied quickly.

“I’ll take you to Lufenia. It’s in the direction you were headed and they have a good healers shop.” Hunter said as he carried her towards the edge of the forest.

* * * * *

Emerald lifted her head from Hunters back and looked around drowsily. Did I fall asleep? I think I had a dream… or maybe Hunter said something to me while I was sleeping? Emerald thought.

“Did you have a nice nap? Look we are almost there.” Hunter said nodding towards a small town in the distance.

“I’m sorry, am I heavy? I can probably walk a little now.” Faith offered.

“I’m fine, we can’t risk having you hurt yourself. It’s only a little further.” Hunter replied.

Emerald felt her face get red and laid her head on his back again. What’s with this guy? I don’t even know him and he is being so nice to me! Emerald felt relaxed for a moment. There was a familiar scent coming from Hunter. Poppies? Why would he smell like flowers? Poppies were a flower that was common in her hometown. The Emerald Lake in Lagosa had peculiar minerals in it that encouraged the growth of huge poppy fields in her village. It reminds me of home… Hunter must have been near a poppy field earlier. Emerald looked up again and saw the gates of Lufenia, old and ornate.

“We’re here. How is your ankle? Hunter asked.

“It’s just a little sore.” Emerald replied

“Ok. We can get it fixed right away.” Hunter replied as he approached the healers shop.

They entered the healers shop and Hunter set Emerald down on one of the beds. He walked over to the clerk standing behind the main desk.

“Is the local healer in?” he asked, “She sprained her ankle and needs someone to look at her hand.”

“She’s out looking for herbs, but she should be back by tomorrow morning.” The clerk replied, casting an amused glance at Emerald.

“Well, you can stay here for now, right? I have to get going.” Hunter told her.

“Ok.” Emerald replied.

“See ya” Hunter said with a grin and a wave.

“You seem lonely. I’m sure you’ll see him again, so you shouldn’t worry so much.” The clerk said.

The door clicked shut and Emerald saw a silhouette pass the window. It was true that she was lonely, but that didn’t mean it had to be him. She could travel with anyone. He isn’t that important right?

“I hope you’re not in denial.” The women chuckled, “you two seemed close.”

Emerald stared at the clerk in shock, “Wait! That’s not it! I just met him and I barely know him. I’m ok to travel with anyone; it doesn’t have to be him.” She blurted out.

“So be it.” The clerk replied with gentle eyes, “but your eyes give away what your words won’t.”

Emerald lifted her swollen foot onto the bed and lay down to rest. “Your eyes give away what your words don’t”, I wonder what she means by that. Emerald sighed and let herself drift into an uneasy sleep.

Ch. 3 White Meets Green.

Faith heard a quiet clatter and looked over at the forest. Birds were scattering above the trees seeming spooked by the noise. I wonder what happened. Did a tree fall over? Or maybe an animal fell from a tree? Faith shook her head to clear her thoughts.

It was around mid-day when she reached Lufenia. Lufenia was small town with many people bustling to and fro from the markets and shops. She spotted the healers sign and walked over to the quiet little shop. As she walked in the familiar scented of herbs greeted her. She approached the counter and wrote down a list of herbs for the clerk to prepare. The young woman scuttled away to get the herbs and Faith looked over to see a girl sitting in one of the beds. Her hand was wrapped and her ankle was propped up and swollen.

“Hello, how are you? It seems the healer is out today, how long have you been here?” Faith asked politely.

“About an hour.” The girl replied. Her green eyes were dull and she winced when she tried to shift around in the bed.

“May I ask your name? Mine is Faith.” She prompted.

“I’m Emerald” the girl replied.

“Are you named after your favorite color or your eyes?” Faith asked.

“You too!?” Emerald exclaimed.

“What do you mean?” Faith said feeling confused.

“Well, the person who helped me get here asked the same thing.” Emerald answered. She seemed bit distant for a moment then continued, “I was named for the Emerald Lake in my hometown of Lagosa.

“It’s a nice name. Pleased to meet you.” Faith greeted, “Since the healer is out, would you like me to heal you?”

“If you could that would a big help” Emerald replied.

“Alright, give me your hand.” Faith instructed.

Emerald held out her hand and Faith took it between her own hands. She focused for a moment and soon Emeralds hand was enveloped in a warm, soothing light. After a few moments the light faded and Faith removed the bandages from Emeralds hand. Emerald looked at her hand and flexed her fingers one by one. She smiled faintly as Faith moved onto her ankle. Faith put her hands over Emeralds swollen ankle and focused. Her ankle was bathed in the same soothing light as her hand. The light remained there for several minutes and eventually faded. Faith let out a sigh and looked over at Emerald.

“Are you feeling better?” Faith asked.

“I feel great, thanks to you.” Emerald said cheerfully.

“No problem.” Faith paused, “Are you traveling alone?”

“Yes, although I’m not sure where I want to go next.” Emerald responded.

“Would you like to go to Arum with me? It would be more fun to have a travel companion.” Faith suggested.

“Sure, sounds good to me.” Emerald agreed. She stood up slowly, testing her ankle and when she felt comfortable she looked at Faith with a big grin.

“To tell you the truth, I’m really excited! I heard that Arum has a festival going on around this time of year.” Emerald said cheerfully.

The clerk came back with a small package full of herbs and handed them to Faith. Faith handed the clerk a few gold coins and turned back towards Emerald. Emerald had already grabbed her bag and was standing near the door.

“Are you ready to go?” Emerald asked.

“Sure. Let’s head over to the market and get some food before we leave.” Faith suggested.

“Fine with me, I’m starving.” Emerald chuckled.

As they walked, Emerald seemed uneasy. I wonder what’s up. Emeralds expression seemed to go from puzzled to sad and back again.

“Emerald, I was wondering if you can hunt. It would be nice if we didn’t have to buy as much food.” Faith asked.

“What? Oh, yea, I can-” Emerald paused, “I can h-hunt.” She had a complicated expression on her face.

“Are you ok? You’ve seemed a bit uncomfortable since we left the healers shop.” Faith asked with concern.

“Well, I’m just kind of confused as to why that boy helped me. I fell out of a tree on my way here and a stranger carried all the way from the forest.” Emerald said.

“Really? I know people can be kind but I don’t think I have ever heard of someone being carried that far. I would think that a stranger would just make sure you are comfortable and send for help. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You’re lucky that person was there, and just be glad that you didn’t get hurt any worse then you did.” Faith commented.

“Your right.” Emerald agreed. “It looks like we’ve made it to the market.”

The street was bustling with people. There were stores on both sides of the street and people were chattering of business, family and weather.

“How about we separate for now and do our own shopping and meet back at that fountain in an hour.” Faith said pointing to an elegant fountain in the middle of town square.

“You won’t forget right?” Emerald asked seeming worried. Faith put a gentle hand on her shoulder to reassure her.

“I won’t forget.” She replied warmly.

“Ok. I’ll see you later then.” Emerald said seeming more relaxed.

With that said, they parted to do their shopping.

* * * * *

Faith walked through many stores and bought food that would stay fresh for a day or two. When she came out of the bakery a few young children ran past her giggling. As she tried to step around them she stumbled and fell. She dropped her money pouch and cut her hand on a rock when she landed. She glanced around and noticed that her money was gone. Did someone take it when I dropped it? She worried to herself. Suddenly a masculine hand reached down and grabbed her unharmed hand and gently helped her up. The hand belonged to a young man who proceeded to cradle her injured hand between his own, larger hands. As a familiar light soothed her stinging cut, Faith couldn’t help but noticed that he was around her age. He had dark brown hair and was a few inches taller than her. The light around her hand faded and he looked up from his work. For a moment Faith felt as though she were caught in the depth of his calm grey eyes.

“Are you alright? You had an awful spill there.” He asked.

“I, um, I’m alright. Did you happen to pick up my money? I dropped it when I fell.” Faith stuttered.

“Of course, here it is.” He said handing her the money pouch.

“Th-thank you.” Faith mumbled nervously, taking the pouch.

“No problem, but you should keep an eye on your hand. I’m not a very good healer; I’m more of an offensive person. By the way, my name is Fayt, what’s yours?”

“I’m Faith.” She said.

“Your name suits you well!” Fayt said with a friendly smile, “Well I have to get going, I hope to see you again soon Faith!”

As he walked away Faith turned to leave and glanced back at him over her shoulder. What a strange yet friendly guy. I wouldn’t mind chatting with him again.

She returned to the fountain when her shopping was done and met up with Emerald. The two girls headed towards the gates at the back of the town, leaving the mountains, and their homes, far behind.

Ch. 4 Emeralds Troubles.

As Emerald and Faith trekked through the wilderness together, Emerald was mulling over what had happened earlier. I just don’t understand Hunter. He made fun of me, he helped me, and then he just left without letting me thank him properly! But why do I feel like I’ve met him somewhere? Emerald had always thought the world to be a cold and cruel place. Maybe he is different.

“Are you alright?” Faith asked.

“I’m fine!” Emerald said seeming startled.

“Don’t be shy, we are traveling together we might as well try to get along. Besides you must have been thinking about something, because you were making funny faces just like back in town. It’s like there is a war going on in your head.” Faith said.

“It’s about the stranger from earlier; I guess it’s still bothering me.” Emerald said feeling more relaxed.

“Some people are just nice like that. Maybe you look like someone he knows? That might be why he was nice. Don’t let it bother you too much.” Faith chattered.

Emerald yawned and suddenly heard her stomach growl.

“Maybe we should rest and eat.” Faith suggested. Her stomach growled in agreement.

“Great, I’m starving!” Emerald replied.

“How about some bread with peach jam?” Faith suggested.

“You have peach jam?” Emerald asked.

“No, but I can smell peaches, so there must be a peach tree nearby.” Faith answered.

“Really? I don’t smell anything!” Emerald said.

“That doesn’t surprise me because I have a very good sense of smell. My mom could never figure out why.” Faith replied with a chuckle.

“That’s interesting.” Emerald said, “Well, I think I’ll go hunt for us.”

“Ok, be careful.” Faith said with a wave.

Emerald walked a short distance into the forest. Maybe I should go up into the trees; I won’t make so much noise then. She gracefully made her way up a nearby tree and sat on a sturdy branch. As she enjoyed the breeze, she got a piercing headache. She held onto the branch above her with one hand and covered her eyes with the other. Please stop! Why do I have to get a headache like this when I’m up in a tree? “I have something I have to go take care of but we will meet again. I promise. I won’t let you suffer again.” Wait, what? Who said that again? Um……. Emerald thought feeling puzzled. I know! Hunter said that when I was sleeping! Or half sleeping….. But why? Why would he make a promise like that? Emerald was snapped out of her stupor when she heard a twig snap. She looked down to see a young fawn retreating into the under growth. She stood up on her branch, shook her head to clear her thoughts and dashed off through the trees to hunt.

Ch. 5 Faiths Dream

Faith looked up from the fire to see Emerald carrying two plump fish.

“Those will make great dinner!” she commented.

“I can’t wait to get these cooked!” Emerald replied and her stomach growled in agreement.

Faiths stomach growl too and the girls looked at each other and chuckled. Emerald handed faith the fish and she began cooking them. When the fish was done they chatted and ate as the sun continued to set.

After their cheery meal they cleaned up all the food to keep animals from disturbing them. They each leaned up against the trees and quickly fell asleep.

The leaves crunched beneath Faiths feet as she walked through the forest. I wonder where Emerald went, She though. Suddenly a young boy with dark brown hair came tumbling out of the under growth.

“ouch! That hurt!” he complained as he got up and dusted himself off.

“Are you alright?” Faith asked feeling confused. He seems familiar, he almost looks like……

“Fayt?” the boy said, completing her thoughts, “it is true” he continued in a gentle tone, “My physical appearance and mental knowledge is that of Fayt, But my reason for being here is to deliver a message. Before you find the strength to protect those who are close to you, you have to find the two things that give you strength.”

“Two things that give me strength?” Faith repeated.

“Yes. And if look close enough you may find that they aren’t far away.” He replied.

“I don’t understand…..two strengths that aren’t far away?” Faith mumbled, looking down at her feet.

“You’ll find them.” He encouraged.

Faith looked up to see that Fayt had disappeared. She felt unsatisfied and still wanted to ask more questions. There was rustling behind her and she spun around to see Fayt. He was no longer a child but instead was exactly the same as when they had first met.

“Don’t worry; I know you can do it.” He said in a deep warm voice. He reached out, grabbed her hand, pulled her in, and kissed her on the cheek before vanishing. Faith was speechless as she felt herself flush red. She felt dizzy and collapsed in the leaves. After a few minutes she awoke to find herself sitting against the tree from the night before. It was a dream? But what did Fayt mean when he said I had to find two other strengths? She put her hand on her face where he had kissed her. Her face got warm as she heard Emeralds voice call over to her.

“If you’re awake lets get going.”

“Ok.” Faith replied quietly.

“Are you feeling ok?” Emerald asked.

“I’m fine; I just had a weird dream.” Faith said. For a moment she felt a warm sensation on her shoulder and heard a voice whisper “the two strengths apply to your friend as well.”

“Would you like to hear about it?” Faith offered once the voice had faded.

“sure.” Emerald replied.

Faith proceeded to describe her dream to Emerald leaving out Fayts name and how he kissed her.

“Wow.” Emerald said bluntly.

“It sounds crazy doesn’t it.” Faith replied.

“I think we should believe it”

“Wait, what?”

“It may be crazy but there is some truth to it. You have to have things that give you strength or reasons to gain strength before you can truly become strong.

“You are right.” Faith said, feeling glad that Emerald didn’t think she was crazy.

As they continued walking, Faith looked out at a nearby forest and wondered about her dream. What kind of person is Fayt? Even though I just met him why did I have a dream about him? Things are so unclear right now. It looks like there will be tough road ahead.

Ch. 6 Friends and Memories

Emerald set out with Faith shortly after sunrise. Emerald thought about Faiths message and Hunter. Why would he make a promise? He seems so familiar but I’m certain that we had never met before yesterday….. Emerald was curious about Hunter. She wanted to know why he made a promise to her and why he seemed familiar. Why did he tell me he wouldn’t let me suffer? The only time I’ve ever truly suffered was when I woke up from that coma and found out that my brother was dead…..

“He knew I was sad about my brother?” Emerald mumbled.

“What? “ Faith asked seeming distracted.

“It’s nothing.” Emerald replied.

“Are you sure? You seem out of it.” Faith commented.

“You should speak for yourself!” Emerald retorted.

“I guess so. I was just thinking about my dream.” Faith sighed.

“I was thinking about my brother” Emerald said.

“Brother? I didn’t know you had a brother.” Faith replied.

“I did.” Emerald paused. “But he died when I was 10.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean open old wounds.” Faith apologized.

“It’s ok.” Emerald said. “The only thing I regret is that I don’t remember how he died. I was in a coma for a year and don’t remember anything that happened before that. There is an 8 foot drop near the Emerald Lake in Lagosa and I was told that my brother, our friend and I were picking poppies from a field at the edge of the lake when I stumbled and fell over the edge. My mother said I was knocked unconscious. She never talked about my brother because she was so grief stricken. When I woke up all I could remember was names. I didn’t remember anything else.”

In an instant Emerald became dizzy and was overtaken by a horrible headache. What’s happening? Emerald thought as she collapsed in the grass. Once her headache receded she sat up and looked around. What happened to Faith? Where am I? Wait, it can’t be……I’m home? This I definitely Lagosa, I can smell poppies. She heard giggling nearby and went to check it out. She peered out from behind a tree to see two boys and a girl playing near the drop outside of town.

“My turn!” shouted the younger of the two boys, “I’m thinking of something big and greenish- blue and-”

“Hey! You already did this one! It’s the Emerald Lake!” the girl shouted.

“No, It’s different this time!” the boy replied.

“I don’t get it.” said the girl.

“I do”, said the older boy, “its Emeralds eyes!”

“My eyes look like a lake? What’s that supposed to mean?” Emerald asked.

“Don’t take it the wrong way,” the younger boy said, “I think the lake is beautiful and so are your eyes!”

“R-really?” she blushed.

Wait…..that’s me….. She thought looking at the young girl. I don’t remember the young boy but is that…..? She glanced out from behind the tree at the older boy, is that my brother? So this is a dream. This is one of the times we played by the lake. She turned away and leaned up against the tree. This must be a dream. The younger boy seems familiar. Emerald jumped as she heard a loud scream. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she peeked out from behind the tree. Young Emeralds foot slipped over the edge of the drop and her brother lunged after her. As he grabbed her wrist his foot slipped as well and the two dropped over the edge. The young boy looked over the ledge in horror. Emerald started feeling dizzy and sat at the base of the tree. Tears rolled down her cheeks and her head was reeling. It was my fault…… my brother died protecting me! After a few moments she blacked out and woke to find herself sitting next to a tree.

“You’re awake! Are you ok? You collapsed so suddenly I wasn’t sure what happened.” Faith said walking over to her.

“I had a dream…..and I remember now…” Emerald said with tears rolling down her cheeks, “It was my fault! I was the one who stumbled over the edge of the drop! My brother jumped after me and I remember him wrapping his arms around me before we landed. We both hit our heads but his took most of the impact and his neck was broken instantly.” Emerald started to break down and she felt as though she shouldn’t even be alive. It’s my fault! If it weren’t for my brother I would be dead….. She felt Faith hug her gently and hum a tune. I swear I won’t ever let anything happen to you Faith. I don’t want to lose anyone else.

Ch. 7 The Hearts Discovery

Faith hummed a quiet tune till Emerald quieted down. Once she calmed down a bit Emerald wiped her face and sat up a little.

“I can’t believe no one told me……I feel like I shouldn’t be here.” Emerald sighed.

“I’m sure you meant a lot to your brother, and I know you mean a lot to me.” Faith comforted, “I’m glad you survived that fall.”

“Thanks” Emerald replied quietly, “By the way, what was that song you were humming? It was so soothing.” She mumbled.

“It was a song my mom used to sing to me when I was young. She called it ‘A Lullaby of Fate’.” Faith replied. Emerald was still trembling when Faith got an idea.

“Wait a minute ok?” She said getting up and walking to where she had left her bag. Faith rifled through her pouch of herbs till she found a small envelope of fragrant leaves. She grabbed a small clay bowl and set the leaves in the bowl. She found her match book, struck a match, and lit the leaves. As the leaves burned slowly, a relaxing scent filled the air.

“These leaves make great incense. I hope they will help you relax.” Faith said bringing the dish over so that the soothing fragrance would reach Emerald. Emerald took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

“That smells nice.” She commented.

Faith leaned up against the tree next to Emerald. The two of them talked till they fell asleep. After a few hours it became dark and the two continued sleeping through the night. Faith was first to wake in the early morning. She cleaned up her herbs and woke Emerald.

“Emerald, wake up.” She said shaking Emerald gently, “we need to get going.”

“Alright” Emerald replied drowsily.

They went on their way again shortly after sunrise. Faith told stories of the things she and her mother did when she was young. Emerald tried to recall her favorite moments with her brother before the accident and all the things thereafter. After a while they ended up in a densely wooded area where the light filtering through the trees looked like beams warming the leaf covered earth below. Faith felt as though they were being followed but could hear nothing but Emeralds idle chatter. Faith let Emerald ramble on in good spirit none the less. She didn’t wish to interrupt this small bit of joy in hopes that she was free from the sadness that had gripped her so tightly the night before. Faith stopped as she heard a rustling noise from behind. She shushed Emerald and focused for a moment. A blue haze surrounded the two of them as the rustling got closer. Emerald read the situation right away and took her daggers from her shoulder bag. A scrawny man with dirty clothes emerged from the bushes.

“What’s a couple a pretty ladies like you doin all da way out here?” he wheezed.

“None of your business.” Faith answered bluntly.

“Might ya have some food fer a starvin’ man?” He said pulling out a rusty knife, “or am I gonna have ta take it from ya?” his eyes glinted coldly.

“No way!” Emerald challenged “if we give you food you’re not going to leave, are you.”

“Well! Looks like ya caught me! Course I aint gonna leave, couple ladies like yerselves outa bring a large ransom!”

“Brace yourself Emerald.” Faith warned as the man charged.

He slammed into the barrier but Faith held strong. As the man stumbled back barrier faded and Emerald stepped in front of Faith.

“Sorry I couldn’t hold it longer. I’m better at healing then fighting.” Faith panted.

“It’s fine. We don’t need a barrier. I can take care of this.” Emerald replied as the man stumbled towards them.

Emeralds dagger made a rough clang as it met the blade of the man’s rusty knife. They struggled to get a hit but neither of them let up their defense.

“Watch yourself!” Emerald shouted towards Faith as the man stumbled back. He ran into Faith, who was sent reeling back from the blow. She slammed into a tree and fell to the ground. As the world grew hazy a figure appeared next Emerald. The figure was familiar but before Faith could see who it was she blacked out.

Faith awoke to see Emerald sitting near a small fire.

“She’s awake.” said a masculine voice. Faith looked to see a familiar face sitting across from Emerald. Faith sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“Is that-?” Faith mumbled.

“This is Fayt” Emerald introduced.

“Fayt? What are you doing here?” Faith asked drowsily.

“Once I was done in Lufenia I started heading towards Arum. I saw you two and decided to help. Are you two headed to Arum too?” He replied.

“Yes, actually! We heard there was a festival going on!”

“Hang on a second!” Emerald interupted, “you two know each other?”

“Oh yea….sorry Emerald! I met Fayt back in Lufenia when we were shopping.” Faith apologized.

“It’s ok. You two just started talking like old friends or something so I thought it was weird.” Emerald commented.

“We-” Faith paused to look over at Fayt, “We did?” In the dim light of the fire she could see him looking away, blushing, which surprised her. He didn’t seem like the type to be bashful. It didn’t matter to her though, she just happy to have the opportunity to get to know him. As she tried to scoot closer to the fire she felt a dull sting in her hand. She looked to see blood welling from the cut she had gotten back in Lufenia. She winced, but didn’t say anything.

“I’m going to go look for some wood, do want to help Faith?” Emerald asked cheerfully.

“No thanks. I’m really tired” Faith replied quietly. Sorry Emerald. I really need to take care of my hand, She thought. She sighed, then got up and walked over to where her bag was sitting. As Emerald left, Faith ground up some herbs and added water to make a poultice.

“Are you ok?” she heard Fayt ask. She heard his footsteps behind her as he walked to where she was sitting.

“I’m fine” She lied. Her cut was throbbing and she knew that was infected. She turned and smiled at Fayt. “I just opened up the cut you healed back in Lufenia.”

“I knew I should’ve let you heal yourself.” Fayt mumbled. He took the medicine bowl with the poultice from her and took her by the wrist, turning her palm up. “You’re bleeding! Why didn’t you say something?”

“U-um, I didn’t want Emerald to worry….” She stammered. Fayt kept a hold on her hand as he wiped up the blood. “D-don’t worry I can get it” she said trying to pull her hand away. Fayt held fast and started applying the poultice to her wound.

“Sit still please. If I would have let you heal yourself your wound would have healed faster.” He said with concern.

What’s up with him? I could’ve done it myself….. Faith couldn’t help but blush as he helped her. She had never met a guy like him before. Her home town was so small that there were very few people her age. Most of the guys were arrogant showoffs and the rest were too busy helping their families spend time with their friends. Faith spent so much time helping her mother and taking care of herself after her mother’s death that she didn’t even have any close friends. As she looked up she found herself caught in his calm grey eyes, just as she had been when they first met. As Fayt wrapped her hand with a bandage from his own travel bag, his eyes shifted from Faiths hand to meet her gaze. Startled, she yanked her hand away from his and looked down.

“Thank you.” She said timidly.

“No problem.” Fayt replied. Faith looked up, and despite the ever-dimming light of the fire, she could see that his face had turned red again. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of his bashful behavior.

“What?” he said turning to her as she chuckled.

“Nothing really.” She said giving him a cheerful smile. I think I might have found something worth hanging on to, she thought. She felt the warmth that had painted her cheeks red spread throughout the rest of her body. I really hope he sticks with us.

Ch.8 A Promise Kept

Faith and Emerald made there way through a vast prairie alongside there new companion. They all chatted merrily, their voices carried by the wind. Emerald shivered when the wind picked up.

“It’s getting chilly.” Faith commented.

“It’s almost winter” Fayt pointed to a grove of nearly bare trees in the distance.

“Winter is such a sad season.” Emerald mumbled.

“How so? It’s beautifully white and so peaceful.” Faith asked.

“I awoke from my coma in early winter. I felt as bare as the trees.” Emerald answered, “My mother was still mourning the loss of my brother and I had no recollection of any of my friends, who had each started individual learning patterns for their future jobs anyway.”

“Jobs? But weren’t you only 11 at the time?” Faith asked.

“Yes. In my village we are so few that we start apprenticing at an early age.” Emerald informed. “I chose not to become a job apprentice and was trained in combat and stealth instead. When I finished training I still felt like something was missing and decided to start traveling. Interesting enough, the time I’ve spent with you has made that feeling fade a little, but there still something else. I just don’t know what it is yet.”

The group fell silent for a moment and Emerald began feeling dizzy. She stopped and Faith looked at her with concern. Her lips were moving but Emerald heard no words and within minutes she blacked out. She awoke moments later to a chilly breeze. She looked around and saw Lagosa once again, this time covered in snow. Another dream? And that’s my house. She peeked into the window and saw her mother speaking with a young boy.

“Are you sure you want to leave for such extensive training in the middle of winter?” she said.

“Emerald’s been in a coma for 9 months now. I turned 12 three months ago and if I don’t leave soon the rest of the boys my age will finish there training and I will be stuck with the young kids.” The boy said seriously.

“But today is-”

“Jayden’s birthday” the boy cut in. this statement struck a cord with Emerald as she stood and listened.

“I-” the boy paused, “I’ll visit his grave when I return.”

“I see that I can’t change your mind.” The woman gave him a weak smile “You’re so mature for your age.”

Their voices began to sound muddled and her vision was clouded again. She slipped into an uneasy sleep and thoughts of the young boy floated around her head. He was my best friend, wasn’t he? We played together all the time as kids. Many memories crossed her mind as she slept. She recalled her 10th birthday and the dress she received from her mother only months before the accident. “But mom! I hate dresses!” Her mother and brother had told her it was pretty and her friend was blushing as well. “I think you look beautiful Emerald.” The memories were bitter sweet and almost painful. My childhood friend huh? No. He meant more to me then that, and I to him. We were so close but too young to understand. I can’t believe I forgot about him and just left! How could I-

“Emerald!” Faiths voice startled her, “Emerald! Wake up!”

Emerald woke with tears in her eyes. Faith was holding one of her hands and looking at her with concern.

“Are you ok? When you passed out I decided not to wake you but then you started crying and I was worried……” Faith said as though the words were just falling out of her mouth.

“Whoa, whoa, settle down, I’m fine. I just had a dream. It was more of my memories from the past.” Emerald said sitting up.

“Was it about your brother?” Faith asked gently.

“No. it was about my childhood friend.” Emerald answered sadly.

“Care to talk about it? Faith asked.


“May I listen? Your dreams sound intriguing.” Fayt asked.

“I don’t mind” Emerald replied.

The three of them sat at the base of an enormous oak. They really carried me a long way….. Emerald thought. Faith and Fayt sat and listened to her dream asking a question here and there till she was finished.

“Wow. To forget someone so important to you, that must hurt.” Faith commented.

“I hope that someday I will see him again so I can apologize.” Emerald replied.

“I hope that I never forget those important to me.” Faith said. She glanced at Emerald, and over at Fayt as well. Faith seems to care a lot about Fayt, Emerald thought feeling somewhat lonely.

“It makes me even sadder to think of how much I want to see him right now. I miss him so much. I wish I could remember his name.” Emerald sighed.

“Why the long face?” A fourth voice said from above. Emerald was surprised to see Hunter climbing down out of the oak.

“What are you doing here?” Emerald asked him.

“I was taking a nap in this oak when you three came along and started making noise.

“Who is this Emerald? Faith asked.

“This is Hunter. He is the stranger who carried me to Lufenia.” Emerald answered. A hurt expression appeared and quickly disappeared from Hunters face. “Would you like to travel with us Hunter?”

“Sure. I’m not really headed anywhere in particular. Where are you headed?” He replied.

“Arum” Emerald answered, “For the festival of flowers.”

“Flowers? Isn’t it a little late for flowers?” Hunter asked.

“No” Faith said, “The festival is a way for Arum to show off and give out the last flowers of the season. And besides, some flowers can survive the cold of winter.”

“Poinsettias.” Fayt chipped in.


“Well I guess we learned something today.” Emerald said looking over at Hunter.

“That we did.” Hunter chuckled, “anyway, I think it would be worth traveling with you so I’ll tag along.”

“Hey Faith,” Emerald leaned and whispered into Faiths ear, “when are you going to tell Fayt you-” Emerald stopped when Faith glared at her.

“Shhh!” Faith shushed as her face went red. Fayt and Hunter looked at them.

“Nevermind!” Emerald said quickly. “Let’s go.” The boys shrugged and the four of them went on their way.

The four of them went on their way towards Arum. They traveled together for several days and as they got closer to Arum, Emerald felt them get closer to each other as well. They learned about each other and seemed to lose track of time till the dusk of each passing day.

Ch. 9 The Truth or Just Goodbye?

As the four travelers neared Arum, Faith found herself feeling sad. She wondered what would happen to her and her friends. She and Emerald had promised to travel to Arum together but hadn’t discussed what they planned to do after that. What would the boys do? Where would Fayt go from Arum? These questions tugged at the edge of mind as they made there way into the bustling little town.

“Are you ok Faith?” Emerald asked, “You seem upset.”

“I’m fine” she lied, “I’m just a little tired.”

“The inn is over there” Hunter stated, pointing at a large log building.

“We might as well stay the night since we plant to go to the festival today.” Fayt suggested.

The four of them went to the inn and rented two rooms for the night. The girls took one room and the boys took the other. The rooms were side by side and there was a door that connected them. Each room had two beds and two small windows. Once they were done at the inn they decided to head towards the town square where the festival was being held. On there way there they came across a lone, unoccupied stand full of flowers. The sign that sat next to the stand read: Welcome to the flower festival! Please feel free to help yourself to some of these beautiful blooms!

“How nice!” Faith said taking a deep breath, “what fragrant flowers!”

“I’m going to make a bracelet.” Emerald said taking a handful of daisies and weaving their stems together.

“Have you ever heard of the language of the flowers, Faith?” Fayt asked picking a flower.

“Yes I have. I know it quite well actually.” Faith replied.

“In that case, here’s a white lily. Do you know what they symbolize?”

“Of course, Purity and modesty, right?”

“That’s correct.” Fayt replied, putting the lily in Faiths hair, “it suits you”

Faith smiled and felt her face turn red. Emerald was finishing her bracelet with Hunter looking on contently.

“W-we should get going” Faith stammered.

“Alright, let’s go!” Emerald said excitedly.

The four of them made their way to the festival grounds. Faith stopped as they came across a ring toss game. One of the prizes was a pocket sized snow leopard.

“I love snow leopards! I’m going to try winning this.” Faith said.

She put a few pieces of silver on the counter and received a handful of rings from the man behind the counter. She tossed them at the heavy glass bottles but missed every single one. She tried the game a few more times before giving up.

“Let me try.” Fayt offered.

He put the money on the counter and tossed a few rings. The rings clinked against the bottles till one met the lip of a bottle and settled around its neck.

“The little leopard please.” Fayt told the manager.

The man handed over the fluffy, pocket sized leopard and Fayt gave it to Faith.

“You didn’t have to do that you know.” Faith said timidly.

“It’s fine.” Fayt smiled.

“What happened to Hunter and Emerald?” Faith asked.

The two of them were nowhere to be found.

“They were being really noisy and horsing around, but didn’t seem to notice you stop. I thought it would be rude to leave you by yourself.” Fayt informed.

“Oh. Thanks.” Faiths face warmed a little.

“Do you want some ice cream? My treat” Fayt offered.

“Sure” She replied happily, “Mint please.”

“Sounds good.”

After they got their ice cream they made their way through the festival grounds. They played a few games and enjoyed the floral fragrance that drifted around the large town square. As they reached the edge of the festival grounds they came upon a quiet bridge. A small creek babbled beneath the bridge and was illuminated by the full moon. What beautiful scenery! I wish this night would last just a little longer.

“Hey Fayt,” Faith mumbled, “Are you…?”

“Yes? What is it?” Fayt said looking at her.

“Well, we all promised we would come to Arum together but what will happen to us now?” She was caught in the calm of his grey eyes.

“Is that what’s been bugging you all day?” His eyes were unwavering.

“You noticed?” She looked down.

“You seemed a little off balance this morning, but, I can understand why. We’ve only traveled together for a few days but I noticed that we’ve all grown very close.” Fayt pointed out, “to answer your question, I don’t know what Hunter and Emerald are planning, but I have to leave tonight.

Faith felt her heart drop and her stomach turn. He’s leaving? Her whole body went cold. Maybe I should tell him.

“My uncle is at an age where he would like to retire and he offered to give me his herb shop. He supplies medical herbs for the island he lives on as well as the port town of Chalceny.” Fayt continued, “I’ll be taking a ferry from Chalceny to Celestite Island in the middle of the night so I can arrive early tomorrow morning..

“That’s great. You will make a great botanist.” Faith congratulated. She looked him in the eye. “Can I tell you something?”

“Of course.” Fayt said meeting her gaze.

“Well, you were right about all of us. We’ve grown so close in the past week and I was afraid I would have to travel alone after this. I’ve been alone since my mother died yet, until now I never realized how lonely I was. You’ve been so nice to me, thank you.” Faith took a deep breath, “I think, no, I know that I-”

“Hey! What’s up!” a familiar voice called out. Faith turned to see Emerald coming down the hill with Hunter close behind. “So this is where you two were!”

“Hi.” Faith replied flatly. It felt as though someone had stuck a needle in her chest. There’s no way I can say it with these two around. “I’m tired, I think I’ll go back to the inn.” She faked a smile before walking away.

“See you in a bit” Emerald said.

Faith walked back through the festival grounds towards the inn. The last thing she wanted was for Fayt to leave, yet, she didn’t want to keep him from doing what made him happy. She sighed as she got back to the inn. She sat on a bench outside the old building. She could still feel pins and needles in her heart and began to tear up. Why? Why does he have to leave? I wish it didn’t have to end this way. She wiped her eyes before any of the tears could fall.

“I thought I might find you here Faith.”

Faith looked up and saw Emerald walking towards her.

“Feel like telling me what’s wrong?” Her green eyes were filled with worry.

“Sure” Faith sighed.

Emerald sat next to Faith as she told her about her worries. She explained her fear of being left alone again, her amazing evening, and about Fayt’s plans to leave. As she finished, Emerald patted her on the back.

“Sorry for interrupting you.” Emerald apologized.

“It’s ok.” Faith replied.

“You should get him something since he got you that leopard.” Emerald suggested.

“That’s a good idea.” Faith thought a moment, “Lilacs! I should get him lilacs!”

Faith jumped up, quickly thanked Emerald and went back towards the festival grounds. She wandered around looking for a flower stand when the scent of lilacs drifted past her nose. She turned and saw a stand with almost no flowers left. She walked over and noticed a beautiful, fragrant basket of lilacs.

“May I have some of these?” Faith asked.

“Sure,” Answered the woman behind the counter, “In fact, you seem like a bright girl. You seem to have a reason for coming to get these, no? If you can tell me what lilacs stand for, I will give them to you for free.”

“They...” Faith trailed off somewhat embarrassed, “they stand for first love.”

The woman handed over the flowers and gave Faith an encouraging glance.

“Good luck” she said.

Faith ran back to the inn hoping to make it before anyone returned. She walked into her room and paused a moment at the door that separated the boys room from the one she shared with Emerald. She heard no voices and proceeded to open the door. The boys’ room was identical to hers, two small windows, and two beds. She noticed Fayts travel bag sitting on one of the beds. She walked over and quietly slipped the flowers into his bag. She made her way back to her room, and felt herself choke up. As the door clicked shut behind her a few tears rolled off her cheek. I really don’t want him to leave. Faith jumped as the door to her room opened. Emerald walked in and Faith wiped her eyes.

“You alright?” Her green eyes glinting with curiosity, “did you find the lilacs?”

“I did.” Faith smiled weakly. “I stuck them in his bag.”

“Don’t be sad.” Emerald walked over and gave Faith a hug, “You’ll be fine. You’re a strong person. Besides, it’s not goodbye right? You can always go visit!”

“You’re right. Thanks Emerald.”

She walked over to the window and looked out over the dimly lit town. This surely won’t be the last time I see him.

Ch. 10 Conflicting Feelings

Emerald woke early the next morning to find Faith and Fayt gone. Faith had left her bag sitting on her bed. Emerald left the inn to go looking for Faith and came across the unoccupied stand where the group had gotten there flowers for the festival. She noticed there were slips of paper in a small box off to the side. The papers were guides to the Language of the Flowers. She picked one up and picked out a bundle of white flowers before heading towards the river. There, she found Faith leaning over the railing of the bridge staring at the quietly mumbling water.

“Did you get to see him off?” Emerald asked, startling Faith.

“He left before I woke up.” Faith replied.

“I’m sure you will see him again.”

“I thought so too.” Faith nodded.

“Here, I found these at that little stand where we got our flowers last night.” Emerald handed her the white flowers, “according to the little pamphlet I found they come from the Arbor Vitae. You know what they stand for right?”

“Unchanging friendship.” Faith smiled weakly, “thanks.”

“Let’s go back. Hunter is waiting.” Emerald suggested.


Back at the inn the girls cleaned up their room and wandered into the boys’ room. Hunter was sitting on the floor examining his sword.

“I think you might need some polish.” Emerald chuckled eyeing the rusted blade.

“Very funny. I was just checking for cracks and breaks.” Hunter replied.

“I guess I never thought of that” Emerald said digging through her bag.

Faith wandered around the room cleaning up while Emerald checked her daggers.

“Those are nice daggers.” Hunter pointed out. “But there’s a crack here” he pointed at a thin line running diagonally down the middle of one of the small blades.

“There is! I never noticed.” Emerald replied.

“We can get it fixed in the next town we visit. There isn’t a blacksmith here.” Hunter suggested.

“Ok!” Emerald said and then glanced at Hunters bag. There was a few red poppies sticking out and Emerald grabbed one.

“Why do you have poppies?” She asked.

“They hold sentimental value for me. They grew abundantly in my home town.” He replied looking her in the eyes.

Emerald felt as though he were searching for something and looked down. She took his sword from him and wrapped the stem around the base of the handle. As she looked up Hunter was looking away.

“I’m sorry. I guess having flowers on your sword is unmanly?” She apologized, “might as well finish it though.”

She grabbed some tiny white flowers from her own bag and weaved them in with the poppy.

“These little white flowers symbolize…” Emerald pulled out the slip of paper she had picked up earlier, “Protection and wishes granted. They are called heather. Now not only will you have your sentiments, you will also be protected.”

Hunter turned back to her, his face slightly red. He took the white flowers from her hand and fumbled as he tried wrapping the stems around the dagger he had been looking at.

“Isn’t it you who needs protection?” his voice was surprisingly gentle.

“w-well….I guess” Emerald took her daggers and walked over to Faith as her face turned red. “I think we should get going.”

The three of them headed out and slowly made there way through a sparse forest. Night fell quickly and Emerald volunteered to find fire wood. As she wandered so did her mind. She thought back to all the memories she had recovered. In fact, there were only a few gaps left. Even her small memories of average monotonous days had returned. She was bothered her memories of her childhood friend and wished to see him. I really should have told him how I felt back then….. If only I had understood. I wonder where he is now.

Just as she was ready to head back to Hunter and Faith, a low growl came from behind her. She spun around to see a dark figure looming behind a tree. A bear! She thought with alarm. The large creature lunged out from behind the tree and snarled. Emerald jumped back. There is no way I can fight a bear. The bear stared at her through cold eyes. She stepped back and her hands met the rough bark of a tree. Perfect. As the bear charged again she turned and grabbed a low branch. She hoisted herself up, but before she was out of reach, the bear swung an enormous paw at her. The sharp claws torn at the back of her leg and she screamed. Her leg grew warm and blood flowed out of four deep scratches. She cringed and took a few deep breaths as she crouched on the branch. No! It hurts too much to move! She reached in her bag and grabbed a dagger while steadying herself on her good leg. The bear dug its blood stained claws into the bark of the tree and reached up towards her. The bear is too tall. There’s no way I’m safe here! And it can’t climb. The bear reared its head up snarling and Emerald lashed out with her dagger. The beast recoiled with a long scarlet line across its muzzle. As the bear turned its attention back at her, the bushes rustled nearby. There was flash of silver as Hunter appeared and lunged at the bear, sword drawn. The sword met fur and the bear turned and retreated with a shallow cut along its shoulder. Hunter dropped his sword and ran over to the tree.

“Emerald! Are you ok?” He asked, his expression was filled with worry.

“I-I think so…” Emerald replied weakly.

“Your leg! You obviously not ok!” he paused, “you’re going to have to jump if you can’t climb down.”

“S-sure” she was shaking and her head was pounding.

“It’ll be ok, trust me!” Hunter assured.

Emerald maneuvered herself to be sitting on the branch and slid herself off. It was a short drop and Hunter caught her easily. Once again she had been rescued and carried. Why? Why do I always cause so much trouble? And why… she thought, why did that seem so nostalgic?

“Trust me”

Emerald felt her self blush. He always helps me. I wonder if he….?

“What happened!?” Faith shouted.

Emerald snapped out of her haze to see that they had arrived in the clearing where they had stopped to rest. Hunter set Emerald down near the dim fire. Faith an over immediately and looked at Emeralds leg.

“Please look after her.” Hunter said with a serious expression. “I have to go back and find my sword.”

“I will.” Faith reassured.

Emerald looked down as Hunter ran off into the forest. Faith held her hands over Emeralds injured leg and in moments there was the same soothing light Emerald remembered from back in Lufenia. Emerald sighed as the light faded.

“Feeling better?” Faith asked.

“Yes and no.” Emerald answered and Faith gave her a curious glance.

“Care to explain?” Faith urged.

“I think…” Emerald hesitated, “I’m in love with Hunter”

Emerald turned beet red and looked down again. I said it. But can I say it to him? What about my childhood friend? Will my feelings change if I meet him again?

Ch.11 Faiths Departure

As Faith tended to Emeralds wound, she noticed something seemed to be bothering her.

“Feeling better? Faith asked

“Yes and no” Emerald replied

“Care to explain? Faith urged with curiosity.

“I think…” Emerald hesitated, “I think I’m in love with Hunter.”

“Did you just realize this?” Faith asked in shock, “I thought you were for a while now.”

“Did it seem like that?” Emerald sighed, “I’m still not sure. What about my childhood friend? I care about him so much.”

“But you don’t know if you will ever see him again. You should reach for what you have right now. “Faith frowned. Her whole body went cold again and she felt a lump rise in her throat. “While he’s still here.” She finished.

“Sorry.” Emerald apologized.

“It’s ok.” Faith said with a weak smile. “Why don’t we get some rest?”

Soon, Hunter came back with his sword in hand. Emerald had fallen asleep and Faith told him that she was fine.

After a good nights sleep, the three of them discussed their next destination.

“I’m not really familiar with this region since I spent so much time at home.” Emerald commented, and Faith nodded in agreement.

“We could go to Chalceny” Hunter suggested. “It’s a nice little port town, and is the only town that has boats that go to the Jasmine Isles and Celestite island.”

Faith frowned. I wish I could have told Fayt how I felt before he left.

“Sure. We don’t have anywhere else to go.” Emerald replied.

“I guess” Faith mumbled.

Hunter led the way towards Chalceny and chatted with Emerald while Faith trailed close behind. As they continued on their way they were greeted by the smell of saltwater. Faiths heart sank. She felt like a coward. She had let Fayt go without a fight and somehow felt as though she were interfering with Emerald and Hunter.

“Earth to Faith! Hello?” Emerald shouted at her.

“What?” Faith asked jumping back.

“Can I talk to you?” Emerald looked concerned. “This will only take a second Hunter”

“Ok.” Hunter replied.

Emerald dragged Faith out of earshot of Hunter. She had an uncertain expression and Faith knew the reason she wanted to talk.

“I don’t know what to do. No matter how much I like Hunter, I keep remembering my friend.” Emeralds eyes were pleading.

“Emerald, you haven’t seen your friend in years. Remember what I said before? Hold on to what you have.” Faith encouraged.

“Thanks. What about you?”

“Me?” Faith felt needles in her heart. “What can I do? He’s already gone.”

“Don’t give up yet.” Emerald said, “Take a ferry to Celestite Island, Speak your mind, and if things don’t go well you can come find us again.”

“Fine. But only if you promise me you will be ok figuring out your feelings on your own.” Faith prompted.

“I will.” Emerald promised.

Faith thanked Emerald and gave her a hug before they went to discuss their plans with Hunter.

“A ferry to Celestite Island? Sure. We might have to hurry though. They only send one ferry a day so you may or may not have missed it already.” Hunter informed.

The three of them hurried toward Chalceny and arrived at the port late in the afternoon. As Faith prepared to board the ferry she turned to Emerald.

“I guess this is it?” Faith muttered.

“No way. I won’t say goodbye.” Emerald refused. “Because this won’t be the last time we see each other.”

“True.” Faith agreed. “Remember my dream?”

“The one about where we get our strength?”Emerald clarified.

“I solved the riddle of the two strengths that were right in front of us, and it seems you have too.” Faith realized.

“Friendship” Emerald said.

“And love.” Faith finished.

Emerald smiled warmly, “having people we want to protect is what makes us strong.”

“The boat is about to leave.” Faith noticed. She gave Emerald a final hug and boarded the boat. “See you later.”

“See you soon.” Emerald said, as she waved.

The boat horn sounded and the vessel started to pull away from the port.

“Make sure you come visit when you get you feelings all figured out!” Faith yelled

“It’s a promise!” Emerald shouted back.

Faith watched as Hunter walk over to Emerald from where he had been waiting. He waved right along with her. I look forward to seeing you again Emerald.

Ch. 12 Final Memories and the Spoken Truth

Part 1

As she and Hunter left Chaceny, Emerald was downcast. Now that Faith had left, she was worried about sorting out her feelings. If Hunter decides to keep traveling with me I don't want things to get awkward.

"Hey snap out of it you going to get yourself hurt again." Hunter warned, grabbing emerald by the elbow.

"What?" Emerald mumbled. She looked down at her feet. There was a tree root sticking out of the ground. If Hunter hadn't stopped her, she would have tripped over it.

"Faith isn't here to heal you now." Hunter lectured. "I don't want you getting hurt"

I’m surprised he's not making fun of me.

"I don't want to have to carry you to the next town again." Hunter teased.

"Oh really?" Emerald got right up in his face. "I bet you like carrying a pretty girl like me!"

"Pretty? Don't you mean beautiful?" Hunter corrected.

They both paused a moment. When Hunter realized what he had said, his face turned bright red.

"I’m sorry that was a little-"

"No, its fine. No ones ever said anything like that except my childhood friend." She thought back to her tenth birthday. Her mother had made her wear a dress, which she was not comfortable with. Her friend had complimented her and she quickly cheered up because of how much she meant to her. Tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"if I wasn't so careless my brother would still be alive and my friend wouldn't have left. I hurt Him so much..." Emeralds chest hurt. Why am I always the one who needs help?

"Are you ok Hunter?" Emerald wiped her face. "You seem upset"

Hunter looked surprised. "You could tell?"

"Yeah, you’re not that hard to read."

He chuckled. "Is that so? Don't worry about me, I’m fine."

My brother and friend were always like that too. They didn't want me to worry. Emerald was hit by another dizzy spell and collapsed to her knees. Hunter I instantly got down at looked at her with worry.

"Emerald! Are you ok?"

She nodded, "I’m fine. Just a little dizzy."

"Just stay here and rest a minute. I’ll find something to eat" Hunter suggested before he ran off. Are you ok? Emerald? Emerald! Her childhood friends voice rang through her head. Her memories flashed through her mind as she sat in the grass. Wow. It makes sense now. Emerald could clearly recall her childhood friend. The haze of years past was gone and the confusion and nostalgia finally made sense. Hunter returned with a few plums in his hands.

"Thanks." Emerald said, "You’re always looking out for me."

"What’s with the sudden gratitude?" Hunter asked setting the fruit in a neat pile.

“It just seems really overdue." Emerald answered.

Hunter seemed confused, "Why?"

Emerald smiled, "You don't have to hide it anymore. You left all those years ago to protect me from the pain of my memories, right? The reason I was confused about my feelings for my friend was because he was right here with me the whole time."

Hunters eyes where wide as saucers as Emerald step forward and hugged him. “You finally remembered?” his voice was gentle.

“Sorry for making you wait” Emerald replied, “I love you Hunter”

Hunter smiled and kissed her on the forehead, “I love you too, and I would have waited as long as it took.”

Emeralds stomach growled and Hunter chuckled, "Maybe we should eat." The two of them ate their fill before deciding to move on. As they walked, Emerald clumsily reached for Hunters hand. He noticed and slowed his pace and took her hand. Both their faces were red but Emerald was happy. I hope you find what you're looking for Faith. I'll be sure to visit soon.

Part 2

Celestite Island came into view late in the afternoon. The ferry docked and Faith picked up her bag. As Faith disembarked young girl with short blond hair and bright green eyes ran up to her.

"Hey miss, can you help me find my brother?"

Faith was surprised by the young girls’ excitement, "sure."

The girl grabbed her hand and dragged her off the ferry.

"I found him!" She let go of faiths hand and ran over to a young man whose hair was as blond as hers.

He looked about Fayts’ age, and had hazel eyes.

"Coco! This lady helped me find you!" The girl explained energetically. "Is that so? Well, thank you. What's your name?" The young man asked.

"Faith." She replied, “and you?"

"Cory. This runt likes calling me coco." He answered.

"It’s nice to meet you." Faith said with a chuckle.

"I'm Jade!" The girl said proudly, "I'm eight!"

Cory laughed, "She always runs off. Since we are on the topic of age, I'm 21. I like sports, flowers, long walks on the beach..."

Jade sneered. “And hitting on girls."

"Not to mention giving this brat noogies!" Cory said before actually doing so.

“By the way, I’m new to this island, may tag along with you? I'm actually looking for someone." Faith explained.

"Sure I don't mind. We have to make a stop first." Cory answered.

"Ok. I might find my friend along the way." Faith said.

Faith followed the two of them into town and to a small flower shop.

"We're here sis!" Cory called into the tiny shop.

"Well look who decided to show his face!" A woman stepped out of the shop. She had short, jet black hair and blue eyes.

Faith met the womans’ mischievous gaze and gave Cory a curious glance.

“She has a different mother than Jade and I. we share the same father.” Cory clarified.

“That makes sense.” Faith replied.

The woman approached Faith and shook her hand, “Ami, 25 years of age, professional florist. You?”

“Um… Faith. 18.” She answered.

“Nice to meet you! What brings you to Celestite Island?” Ami asked.

“I have some unfinished business to take care of with a friend of mine.” Faith explained.

“A boy?” Ami guessed.

“Yeah, but how did you know?” Faith asked with surprise.

“Lucky guess.” Ami said with a mischievous smile, “Too bad Cory. And here I thought you finally found a nice girlfriend.”

“I’ll live.” Cory glared at his sister.

“You’re lucky Faith. This island is pretty small and the town is smaller, so it shouldn’t be hard to find him.” Ami commented, “Why don’t you wander around with Cory for a bit? That way you won’t get lost.”

“As long as it’s ok with him. I don’t want to disrupt the family business.” Faith said.

“This bum never helps anyway.” Ami joked.

“Don’t worry; I have to drop off a gift for my friends 20th birthday, so you might find your friend along the way.” Cory agreed.

“Alright.” Faith nodded.

The two of them walked amongst the towns people as Faith looked for Fayt. They came upon a shop and Cory motioned her toward the back of the house.

“My friend is probably in the garden.” Cory said leading her to the gate of the fenced in garden. “I’ll be right back.”

Faith nodded and looked around the garden. It was filled with fragrant herbs which reminded Faith of the home she had left far behind.

“Faith? What are you doing here?” A familiar voice asked.

Faith turned around to see Fayt standing in front of her with a bewildered face. Faith was ecstatic, and ran up to give him a hug. Once she realized what she was doing she quickly let him go.

“I’m sorry!” Faith said feeling her face go red.

“It’s fine. But why-”

“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” Cory said running towards them. “I see you two have met.”

Fayt laughed, “More than once, actually.”

Cory looked at Faith, “Fayt is the one you are looking for? Come to think of it, you never gave me a name.”

“Sorry,” Faith apologized, “but then again, you never asked who I was looking for.”

“You were looking for me?” Fayt asked.

“You never said I couldn’t visit.” Faith answered, “Plus I have something I want to say”

“Well if that’s the case, I guess I will head back to the flower shop. Fayt, I left your birthday present on the table inside.” Cory said as he left the garden.

Faith suddenly felt nervous as she and Fayt stood in the garden.

“You wanted to say something?” Fayts’ grey eyes showed just the slightest bit of eagerness.

“Yes. It’s just as we said a few days ago, we didn’t travel together for very long but we all became such close friends, and to me it felt like something was missing without you there.” Faith confessed. “I really missed you.”

“Wait here just a second” Fayt said suddenly. He went into the house and came back with his hands behind his back. “I have a gift for you.”

“Hold on, I still have something to say.” Faith said hastily. “You are such a kind person, and until I met you, Emerald and Hunter I didn’t realize how alone I had been. After getting to know you a little I realized” Faith took a deep breath, “I love you Fayt.”

Fayts’ smile was gentle, “then here is my answer.” He revealed a large, pink flower from behind his back. “Let’s test your knowledge of The Language Of The Flowers. What does this Ambrosia stand for?”

“Reciprocated love.” Faith said breathlessly.

Faith accepted his gift and before he could speak, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. As his surprise faded, Fayt put his arms around her waist and kissed her back.

“I love you too Faith.” He said quietly. “Are you planning on going back to the main land to find Emerald? If you aren’t I was hoping you would stay and run this shop with me.”

“Of course I will stay.” Faith gave him a teasing look, “Did you think I would leave just like that?”

Fayt seemed to get the point. “I’m sorry, and thank you.”

Fayt showed Faith around the garden and set up a room for her in the house next to the shop where he and his aunt and uncle lived. I hope you’ve got everything figured out Emerald. Ive found a new home, so come visit soon.



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