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Realistic or Modern The Strays [Character Bios]



night of the living punk
feel free to add any coding you want!

Age & Date of Birth:
Biological & Gender Identity:
Sexual & Romantic Orientations:
Place of Birth:

Description: [Try to avoid anime images, please.]
Scars, Tattoos, Piercings:

Skills & Weaknesses:
Likes & Dislikes:

Secrets?: [Optional.]
Relationships: [You can edit this anytime to add relationships that develop, just to keep track.]
Bloodline: [Your family tree. Talk about your relationship with your family. Add childhood friends too, if you'd like.]

Theme song: [Use the YouTube embedded media player. I love listening to these.]

(secret scrolls)​

[class=titleholder]height:60px; padding: 20px 10px 0px 10px; width: 320px; background-image:url(https://78.media.tumblr.com/15d6c00576c8e505fce7730aed590c02/tumblr_inline_mfhvu08fUK1r2p4mj.png); background-size:120%; background-position: 50% 20%; transform:rotate(-90deg); transition:all 1s ease-in-out; color: white; font-size: 30px; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 2px; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; position: relative; top: 130px; margin-left: -120px; [/class] [class name=titleholder state=hover]color: #f1f1f1; text-shadow: 2px 1px 0px #7f806a; letter-spacing: 5px [/class] [script class=bigimage on=mouseenter] addClass selected bigimage fadeIn 600 hoverimg[/script] [script class=bigimage on=mouseleave] addClass selected bigimage fadeOut 800 hoverimg[/script] [div class=titleholder]darion lynch
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[div class=firstword]nickname[/div] king

[div class=firstword]age/d.o.b.[/div] 21 || 02/04/1997

[div class=firstword]sex/gender[/div] cis male

[div class=firstword]orientations[/div] homosexual, panromantic

[div class=firstword]ethnicity[/div] irish-african

[div class=firstword]p.o.b.[/div] county cork, ireland

[div class=line][/div]
[div class=firstword]description[/div] Everything about Darion's appearance is fight-over-flight. He stands menacingly tall, his stature broad and poignant. His black hair has been shaved down to a clean buzzcut, and despite being a Stray, tries his best to keep his attire of leather jackets, DIY muscle tees, and scuffed-up black jeans as presentable as possible. His face is a constant expression of judgement or brooding - sometimes a mixture of both. His sharp, dark eyebrows make any cock or furrow more intimidating. His bright green eyes are those of a snake, darting and all-knowing. A strong jaw and high cheekbones frame his face. [div class=firstword]scars, tattoos, piercings[/div] Darion has a full-back tattoo of a flying raven atop the Celtic Tree of Life. This was a design he had been waiting to get since his 17th birthday. He got the tattoo in spite his parents protests; it subconsciously symbolizes the beginning of his rebellious spark.It's intention was to permanently showcase his faith and spiritual freedom.[x] [/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display:none"] [div class=titleblock]persona[/div] [div class=infocontainer][div class=overflow] [div class=firstword]strengths[/div] leading, problem-solving, hands-on tinkering, witty retorts

[div class=firstword]weaknesses[/div] seeing others in pain, nightmares, science, deep water/swimming

[div class=firstword]likes[/div] music and singing (especially hearing birds sing), autumn, energy drinks, little kids, roasting marshmallows, secret handshakes

[div class=firstword]dislikes[/div] authority and adults, chaos and absence of order, arguing and yelling, judgeful eyes, "extra" people

[div class=firstword]mannerisms[/div] His hands are constantly scrubbing his tired eyes and rubbing the back of his neck when he's frustrated. When he's focusing very intently on something, he often subconsciously sticks out the tip of his tongue.

[div class=line][/div]
[div class=firstword]personality[/div] Darion Lynch is a firecracker. He is powerful, full-hearted, and one-hundred-and-ten percent. His presence is made in every room he walks into. He prides himself in being king-like: a passionate leader, a man of his word, and thirsting for justice. While he may seem imitating to some, he is very much selfless and caring of others -- he will always put other's emotions and pain before his own. He wants to make sure everyone in his personal group is safe, happy, healthy, and all in the same boat before preceding, and if any of those are off, he will try his godly best to make it right. His heart is bursting with fiery passion to fight back, yell at the top of his lungs, and get full revenge on the unfair government system in this country. He strongly believes in freedom and equality, especially when it's the ones he loves. [/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display:none"] [div class=titleblock]history[/div] [div class=infocontainer][div class=overflow][div class=firstword]secrets[/div] Darion often has night-terrors. He's learned to hide them as best as he can from other people.

[div class=firstword]relationships[/div] He at least tries to be friends with everyone.

[div class=line][/div]

[div class=firstword]mother[/div] Aurora Lynch, 38, cabin duty manager at L.A. training camp (another way of saying "fancy housekeeper")

[div class=firstword]father[/div] Niall Lynch, 42, retired war veteran after suffering a bullet to the leg

[div class=firstword]brother[/div] Matthew Lynch, 8, in elementry school back in Ireland

[div class=firstword]theme song[/div] Centerfold - J. Geils Band
[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [class=credit]width:550px; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 5px; font-size: 9px; color: grey [/class] [div class=credit]code by @diaphanous[/div]
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t h e l l a
l a i n

othella rose lain
thella, rose, doc
20 - 03/20/1998
cis female
bisexual, panalterous
san fran, california, usa

Everything about Thella is small. Having a very petite stature, some mistaking her for a young teen instead of a strong-willed woman. Thella's face holds many freckles, which Thella attributes to being out in the sun for too long.. Her features are soft and rounded. Although her hands are small her fingers are thin an long, like that of a piano player. Her lips have a healthy tint of pink to them, and can almost always be found in a smirk. Thella's roughly chopped hair made its appearance after a terrible stroke of bordum came into her world.

She has a tattoo of a snake wrapping around her body, as well as a tattoo of a snake and rose on her hands. As can be seen she has an infinity for snakes.

s t r a y



Thella is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable, and independent. She doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause. Even though she welcomes people with open arms she can always be seen as keeping people at arms length, never letting anyone get too close. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is. While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Thella can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

Skills: decent knowledge of healing (medicine), good on her word, witty
Weaknesses: Says whatever is on her mind, Second Guesses, Untrusting

Likes: The rare cigarette, Fleece, Reptiles, Cereal
Dislikes: Insects,Lightening,Hot Air Balloons

Mannerisms: Thella tends to favor her right leg, often placing most of her weight on her right foot. Having one arm wrapped around her while the other holds the rare cigarette she happen to get her paws on. When sitting she often leans foreward, resting her arms on her knees if there is not a table in front of her. .


secrets: Thella's parents are high ranking military officers. She believes that if the strays were found she'd be unharmed. For this she is terrified of the others finding out. Scared she will lose their trust.

relationships: relationships are kind of a struggle for Thella but she tries her best.

father: Abel Ernesto Lain, 53, high ranking military officer
mother: Tandi Naomi Lain (nee. Nedica), 51, high ranking military officer
sister: Viviana Talia Lain, 23, currently serving
sister: Natalie Alexis Lain, 15, started her freshman year of high school
brother: Kendrick Martin Lain, 10, Thella's pride and joy

theme song

code by pasta
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|Amethyst Marlow Jakushi|

|Amy| |Marley| |AJ| |Ames| |MJ|


Date of Birth
|October 26, 1998|

Biological & Gender Identity
|cis female|

Sexual & Romantic Orientations
|pansexual| |demisexual| |panromantic|

|japanese — arabian|​

Place of Birth
|vienna, italy|

|Amethyst has a muscular build and stands at 5'6". Her hair is usually curly and stays up in a messy bun, braids, or cornrows. She wears a locket around her neck containing a picture of her family and an engagement ring still decorates her left ring finger.

Scars, Tattoos, Piercings
|scar in her inner thigh that runs from the knee all the way up|
|tattoos: fox sleeping on flower bed - right shoulder blade|
|piercings: left ear - daith, helix, two ear lobe; right ear - bar, two ear lobe; belly button|

|Amethyst is reserved and highly educated. It is very hard for her to trust others and until you gain it, she is quiet and tends to keep away from you. When she puts her mind to something, she gives it her all and always expects the best. This classifies her as a perfectionist. She comes from a wealthy family, but doesn't allow the money to go to her head. When she is with someone she trusts Amy can be very bubbly and outgoing. She only keeps the cold, hard persona to protect those she cares about and herself.|

|Hand to Hand Combat| |Technology| |Fabricating False Identities| |Loyal| |Resourceful|

|Family| |Stubborn| |Hard to trust| |Panic Attacks| |Flashbacks| |Migraines|​

|Photography| |Drawing| |Cooking| |Tae Kwon Do| |Oreos| |Writing| |Making Friends|

|Loud noises| |Physical Contact| |Green| |The Military| |Her Mother| |The Government| |Avocados|​

|Is always looking for an exit in an enclosed space| |Bites her lip when's focused| |Runs hand throughout her hair when nervous| |Cracks her knuckles|

|Has been sexually assaulted by a military recruiter and it resulted in a child, which she loses. Her assault results in PTSD, a flew flashbacks appear in her eyes depending on which situation she is in. She has nightmares and occasional panic attacks. She told her father and he believed her, helping her escape. Her mother thought she made it up to get out of joining and tries to continue selling her off|
|After telling her fiancé she was pregnant, he believes she cheated on him and breaks up with her, she kept the ring and wears it|

|Friends — N/A|
|Significant Others — N/A|
|Enemies — Her Mother; the Government|

|Father - Vincent Jakushi. Japanese Male born in Tokyo. Is a retired Airman, now does business in security. She has a very close relationship with her father|
|Mother - Hilal Jakushi. Syrian Female of a dark complexion. Never served. Is a lawyer. She favors her son more than her daughter|
|Brother - Jade Jakushi. 17 year old male. Is looking forward to joining the military. Loves his sister and misses her dearly|
|Ex-Fiancé - Andrew Walters. 20 year old male. Met Amy in high school and has been with her since her sophomore year, his junior year|
|Ex- Best Friend- Margaret Smith. 19 year old male. Doesn't believe her friend for running away. Is in the Armed Forces|

Theme song

I haven't coded in a minute, so it's gonna take a while till I get the hang of it again​
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"Fear is stupid. So are regrets"

Name: Kristina Elsner
Nicknames: Kris
Age & Date of Birth:20 3/15/1998
Biological & Gender Identity: Female Agender (Them/They/Their)
Sexual & Romantic Orientations: Pansexual Panromantic
Ethnicity: German
Place of Birth: Jena, Germany

Description: Kris is muscular and stands at an even 6'0. Always wears their red beanie over their short hair. Wears mostly grey or black shirts and cargo pants.
Scars, Tattoos, Piercings:
Has a scar going from under right eye diagonally across their face. Has burn scars covering most of Their back and shoulders.

Personality: Kris tries not to get close to people and tends to answer using as few words as possible due to this. When they do get close to others they end to get very protective of them. They are paranoid slightly is always aware of their surroundings which helps their stealth .Is known to have a temper and easily gets angry when provoked.
Skills: Finding things and people, Combat, Stealthy.
Weaknesses: Sensitive about their past, doesn't think when angry, friends
Likes: Quiet, heights, music, weapons, their beanie, Parkour
Dislikes: Authority, Talking too much, nosy people
Mannerisms: When annoyed or nervous they tap their foot.

Secrets?: Was nearly killed by Father when 12.
Relationships: N/A
Bloodline: [Your family tree. Talk about your relationship with your family. Add childhood friends too, if you'd like.]
[Father]Adal Elsner- Retired military officer. Kris loathes him.
[Mother] Mia Elsner- A doctor. The only reason Kris isn't dead

Theme song:

As a warning i wrote half of this while tired
"pills eat through you like acid burning holes"
|| NAME ||
Tate Piers

His sister called him bubba if that's anything? Other than that, Tate is pretty hard to shorten.

|| DOB ||
19th of March, 1998 (Twenty years old)

Cisgender male

Straight, but he'd fuck a guy if he were drunk enough

His grandfather was a Japanese immigrant, but other than that he's caucasian

Prattville, Alabama

Tall, stands at around 6'1" with an athletic build from playing football from when he was 11-15. (he had to quit because he got too aggressive, but he'd still work out) Self-inflicted scars on his wrist from when he was thirteen (though he wasn't depressed, don't think that) Sprinkled in freckles.

Gauges in his ears stretched to around 10-12mm, and a nose ring. No tattoos.
Tate's a dickhead, to say the least. He's manipulative without truly meaning to be, though unless you're his sister or his dad, he could give two shits if you're gonna go home and cry yourself to sleep cause you got offended by his foot-in-mouth syndrome. You'd think he'd gotten these attitudes from living in the south, but it roots deeper than that. He wasn't born like that, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time- or he had the wrong characteristics and a pedophile for a mother. Either way, the fuckass does have good qualities, he's loyal, mostly and maybe if you're close enough to him you might just become something precious, and he'll protect you. He has a high level of charisma which sure did help in his years of high school and getting a job, and he's mostly not a whiner, or a crybaby. Don't think you're lucky though, if you make one wrong move he'll scream at you till you're a pulp. He's got fire in his belly, and he has the bruised and scabbed knuckles to show it. To summarise it, he's an asshole but he'll deep down love you if you don't annoy him too much.
|| SKILLS ||
- Definitely a leader, not a follower, however he isn't too bossy
- A fast runner??
- Mostly not irrational, mostly

- Can be a complete dick, thus pushing people away
- Impulsive
- Most of the time, if not his family, will only care about his own wellbeing

- His mother
- People who whine or complain
- Crying
- ^ Showing any sign of weakness, really
- Cats
- Being belittled

|| LIKES ||
- Taxidermy
- Iced tea (reminds him of home)
- His father and sister (wherever they are)
- Blood
- Horror movies
- Marylin Manson

- When he's drunk, sometimes, he'll be the worst kind of drunk that brings him back to his childhood, he'll flinch at people touching him and cry like a baby
- Cracking his knuckles
- Rolling his eyes
- Bouncing his leg while waiting
- He was sexually abused by his mother from ages four to eleven, he's never told a soul
- He has ASPD (Antisocial personality disorder) due to his trauma


Elizabeth Dougal (Mother, fucked off when he was eleven, which was heaven for him. He swore on that day he heard the angels sing)
Sam Piers (Father, precious to him in a weird way, taught him almost everything he knows, maybe even saved his life?)
Louise Piers (Younger sister, again precious to him, would probably shoot someone if they tried hurting her)

- Creek Blues by Nicole Dollanganger

- We Found Two Dead Swans And Filled Their Bodies With Flowers by Teen Suicide

coded by: witchery
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let's maybe go for two more characters, then we can start! if there's no one else joining within the next week, we can start anyways!
Molly Chalmers
Rumble (Preferred to be called over her real name)
Rum (shortened version)
Queen of the Free Runners (self-proclaimed)
Age & Date of Birth:
4th of September 1998
Biological & Gender Identity:
Sexual & Romantic Orientations:
Pansexual/Prefers females
Place of Birth:
Colorado, USA



Rumble is 5'8 ft tall and weighs roughly 73kg
Scars, Tattoos, Piercings:
marks along her forearms/surgery scars down the right leg
Tattoos- A dolphin along her lower back
Piercing- A blue navel piercing/three studs on each ear/one small hooped earring

If Rumble could be described in two words it would be ‘wild’ and ‘free’. Two things she isn’t is subtle or humble. When she isn't thinking about food, she's thinking about sex and it's not easy to break through that thick wall of non-attentiveness. While she has a big heart (and stomach) her overly loud and obnoxious approach to people and to life, in general, can be a turn off to many. She feels that life should be about having fun, in more ways than one. A massive flirt, she has an annoying habit of flirting with anybody she comes across regardless of gender or age, except for those clearly too young she does have some control. The flirting is primarily to annoy people for the heck of it, it is ultimately harmless as Rumble would not actually pursue the person sexually unless they showed genuine interest back. Despite her off-putting forwardness towards people, Rumble really is a good person at heart who just wants to have friends and anyone she does become friends with she will stick with them and stay loyal to them. She is also that one person who seems to know every film quote and song lyric in existence and will relentlessly drop references whenever possible. Rum may come across as laid back and stupid to people who don't know her, but for people who do know her well, they would quickly realise that this not the case. A loner by nature, Rumble does not react well to being controlled or made to acknowledge authority, much preferring to do things her own way and when it suits her.
Rumble is particularly skilled in parkour which has proven vital in a lot of situations whether it be escaping cops or simply for the thrill of it.
Wit- Rumble never stops talking and can talk her way out of most situations.
Street smart- Rumble knows how to keep herself out tricky situations and, if she finds herself in one, chances are she can get herself out of it.
Rumble is very much an act-first-think-later person which can often lead her into trouble.
Book Dumb- Academics was never Rumble's strong point.
Thinks with her stomach rather than her head- Self-explanatory
When she's not thinking about... suggestive things, Rumble will most likely be thinking about food and a lot of the time it's the only thing she shows interest in aside from annoying or flirting with people. You can probably guess where the name 'Rumble' actually came from.
Alcohol- Rumble will deny it but she really does like a drink and can go overboard.
Independence- Rumble is a strong independent woman who don't need no people.
Friends- Any friends Rumble has, she holds close to her and will protect to the best of her ability.
Rumble hates the government for what they are doing and will be hostile to anyone who supports them.
Going hungry-Rumble does not cope with hunger well at all.
Violence- Despite her brashness, Rumble does not condone violence and will become upset if she sees it or ends up involved in it.
Selfish people- Though that may sound big coming from someone such as herself, Rumble really dislikes people who only care about themselves.
When frustrated or annoyed, she bites her lower lip
When anxious or having an attack, she strokes her hair or rubs her hands together
Talks to herself when she thinks she is alone (simply cannot shut up)

Rumble was involved in a bank robbery when she was in her teens which resulted in seeing people, as well as her boyfriend at the time being shot and she herself was attacked in other ways. Her boyfriend's family relocated forcing them to end the relationship. Rumble has PTSD following that and is severely triggered by the sight of blood, guns or the sound of screaming. She also has a severe fear of losing friends.
None for now
Jacob Chalmers- Father and the Police Chief, disowned Rumble for her rebellious behaviour
Amy Chalmers- Mother and school teacher, wishes to reconcile with Rumble
Kimberly Chalmers- Older sister sent to the army
Samuel Chalmers- Older brother sent to the army
Ricky Chambers- Older sister sent to the army, Kimberly's twin
Natalie Chalmers- Older sister sent to the army

Theme song:
Why Should I Worry?- Billy Joel

S£X- Cheat Codes x Kris Kross Amsterdam

I cannot code to save my life I apologise

Crookie Crookie
( haven't been on in about a year, sorry about lame-ish coding ! )




>Mere, Edith, Grey<

Age & DOB?
>19 y/o, born August 15, 1998<


Sexual and Romantic Orientation?
>Pansexual, Panromatic<


Place of birth?
>Auburn, Georgia<


>Meredith is short with a height of 5'1". She has a fairly athletic build from doing gymnastics when she was younger, though she later lost interest in it and quit. She has long, honey blonde hair that goes down to a little bit below her chest. When not wearing makeup, Meredith has freckles across her nose and cheeks. <

>A few on her legs and arms from being in the woods often, which ultimately resulted in a few falls.<

>One of an infinity symbol on her left wrist.<


>Meredith is a very kindred spirit. She is usually smiling and joking around, but can easily be serious if need be. Though, often she doesn't know when 'need be' is. She's always trying to bring the positives in a situation out, and tries he best to not say anything negative, even if the situation she's in isn't ideal. She's a very musical person and is usually humming to herself if things are silent.<

>She can easily sneak around and hide due to her small frame and prior knowledge of gymnastics. She can also run pretty fast.<

>Her constant positivity can easily be a weakness, as it can get annoying, she is also very sympathetic and wants to help everyone and everything, which can slow her down. She can sometimes be careless, putting herself in danger without realizing it.

>Meredith likes animals and nature, often stopping to, quite literally, 'smell the roses'. She also likes horror movies, despite her constant positivity. She also enjoys playing with makeup and any form of art, really.

>She hates being pushed around, and treated as a child. She also dislikes people putting themselves down, as cliche as it sounds, it makes her upset. Meredith hates being held down and not having her own freedom, as well.<

>Meredith has a habit of cracking her knuckles when she's nervous, as well as picking at the skin around her fingernails. When she's excited, she'll talk quickly and ramble. She often plays with her hair, either twisting it around or pushing it back.<

>Her father abused her when she was a child, until she ran away at the age of 15. She never speaks about this<


>Meredith no longer speaks to or about her father due to her past. When she was 11, her mother passed away, she is who Meredith gets her positivity from. Meredith was an only child, and has no connection to other family members.

Theme Song

'Take Her to the Moon' - Waterparks

sorry for the crazy late response, but accepted !!

hopefully everyone else who has applied is still active .. i haven't been on for a few weeks now because i was finishing up school and got a crazy amount of hours at work, but now that i'm back i'd love to get this started!!

Name: Samantha Ujin
Age & Date of Birth: 19
January 14, 1999
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Ethnicity: Korean-American
Place of Birth: San Francisco, California
Personality: Mysterious, depressed and unkind.
Skills: Martial Arts-
Weaknesses: Dyslexic-
Addicted to Smoking-
Likes: Smoking, listening to rap music, watching T.V. and robbery.
Dislikes: Politics, religion, education and her brother.

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