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The Story of Our Lives [Jon_14 & Armageddon]



"Thank you sir!"

The young woman walked out of the gas station store, stuffing the few water bottles she had managed to obtain into the heavy backpack in her arms. She had gotten a good deal on them, and she'd definitely be needing them while she traveled. She had left her suitcase outside, and she thanked whatever godly presence kept it safe and where she left it when she came back outside. She took the suitcase's handle and heaved it back onto its wheels, slung the backpack back over her shoulders, and started her on-foot trek once more.

Her hands were colder than before by holding the ice cold water bottles, but were slowly warming back up, thanks to her black gloves. She pulled the soft, plaid-patterned scarf close around her neck, pulling her milk chocolate brown hair back, the strands disappearing from her face. Green eyes flickered here and there. It was moving slowly close to dusk. The sky had been overcast for the entire day, threatening rain. Though she did have an umbrella, rain had become more than just a simple inconvenience for her in her time on the road; it was a desperate struggle to not get one of her only sets of clothes wet, as well as the rest of her belongings in her flimsy little suitcase. She took in a deep breath and huffed it out, eyes scanning to and fro on the streets, catching the glances of passerby.

She walked along crosswalks and across the familiar texture of concrete sidewalk as the day progressed. This is basically what she did daily - she simply walked. And at night, she'd find some bench or corner to sleep in. It was not easy being a runaway, not in the slightest. Her money was dwindling, even though she left the house with a relatively good amount; she had kept a secret stash of cash, cutting certain amounts from the work she had done back at home, and accumulated a hefty amount with time. Even so, you had to be very careful with how you spent and divided up what you had, and she, at first, did not do well in doing so. She had learned eventually, though.

After a little while, she turned onto a quaint-looking street, with cute shops and small businesses lining the side of each sidewalk. She liked places like this. Smaller businesses tended to have smaller prices on what they were selling, and she had managed a lot of good bargains with smaller shops. Her gaze stopped on each store sign, ranging from bakeries, to antique shops, and more of the sorts.

She had to admit, the feeling of freedom was a lovely one. She could do what she pleased, as long as it was in cash and not with her traceable credit card. She just had to survive until she turned eighteen - one and a quarter years, about.

She sighed as she thought about her lack of a plan for the future, letting her eyes wander the stores in wonder.

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"Thanks for the tip."

Henry, though grateful for the tip of five dollars rather than just pennies or nickles into his empty guitar case still let out a sigh before continuing on playing his guitar. This wasn't really what he had in mind doing for money, but it was the only thing he could think of with his funds getting so low dangerously fast. He did need money to eat and not die of starvation.

It sucked though, but it seemed that people were pretty generous in this small town he came across. Better this than getting run off or not getting anything at all. Henry figured to play for about an hour more before calling it quits for today and getting some food to eat. He'd still had enough in reserve to get a decent meal that should be filling enough to him.

Henry laid back against the brick building on the sidewalk he was sitting on and began to strum a simple slow tune that came to mind as he waited for more tips to come.​

She began a slower walk down this stretch of sidewalk. Her feet and her legs were killing her. She had been standing for pretty much the entire day, either standing or walking. It wasn't the greatest feeling. She found herself starting to search for a bench or wall where she could not get yelled at for sitting on or against.

Her question was eventually answered when she saw a young man, sitting against one of the walls. It didn't look like he had been told to move; he seemed sure about his spot.

It was funny. He had an empty guitar case that was strewn with coins and some bills. He had the guitar that the case belonged to in his hands, which he was strumming softly and slowly in a practiced, yet soothing tune. She went still in her walking as she approached to pass him. That was strange. Maybe it was just a guy needing some extra money? He looked so close to her age, though. I mean, he looked like a decent type; even she, at the lowest point, had managed better work than sitting on the side of the street, pecking for change with one of her talents.

Or maybe this was something else.

She didn't know why she was thinking so hard about a dude on the street. He could play well, at least. She found herself pulling out her wallet and walking towards him, parking her suitcase against the wall. Her legs were hurting, and he seemed like a reasonable type. Maybe he'd be cool enough to let her sit with him and listen to his guitar - with a nice tip. She knew this wasn't the best thing to spend some of her money on, but she settled on a five dollar bill, hoping it would coax him into answering positively to her request.

She walked around to his guitar case and put in the bill, glancing up at him and cracking a small smile. She asked him the million dollar question,
"Sorry, I wanted to ask - my legs are killing me and I can't find a place to sit. Would you ... mind if I joined you on this wall for a few minutes? You play very well." She was a bit timid in actually getting to that part, but she had powered through and asked the question to the stranger. She went back to her suitcase and put her hand on the handle, to leave in case he said no.

Henry continued strumming along a peaceful tune as more tips slowly filled in his guitar case. Things were starting to look a little more up as he continued his slow tune that he was just mostly improvising at this point. He noticed a girl with a suitcase come and tip him. The suitcase made Henry curious about exactly what she was doing, but then again when you sit around looking at other people and what they're doing, that's something you tend to do after a while to entertain yourself.

What he wasn't expecting though was for her to ask him if it was alright for her to sit next to him. Certainly he really had no objection to it, and it's not like it be that much of a bother. Henry studied her for a second before answering her request. She seemed pretty friendly enough, and looked around his age or younger. Probably not bad company to have around.

"Sure. I don't mind. You're welcome to have a seat next to me."​

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