The Still Before the Storm [Team Manifest Destiny] [The Silver Apples of the Moon, the Golden Apples


Senior Member
The Wyld Hunt scours the land, summoned in their hundreds by the Mask of Winter's latest incursion deep into the River Province. For some, the Hunt is a blessed savior, bringing with it relief from the swarms of hungry ghosts and worse that follow in the Behemoth's wake like pirahnas trailing a river dragon at hunt. For many, the Hunt means opportunity and profit, as so many Dragonbloods must eat and drink, and a comely son or daughter might even catch the wandering eye of a great Dynast. For a few, it means a reunion with old comrades and the welcome (or resented) guiding hand of the Scarlet Empire, raucous feasting and genteel amusements in between the hunt for the last of the cursed Deathlord's pet anathema.

For a handful of Exalts, it is that most frustrating of experiences: inactivity. By a trick of luck or fate, they have gathered in a ruined fortress hidden in the walls of the Yellow River Canyon. Some came to rest and heal after near-deadly encounters with the dark knights of the Underworld, the Abyssals. A few came to observe and to plan, using the vast caves beneath the fortress to quarter their followers. Some are here for the company, such as it is: connections can be more valuable than all the jade under the Imperial Palace. One or two might just not have anywhere better to be.

None of them have the slightest idea that this is the beginning of their story, or what will happen before The End...

Fort Weyland is old - older than anyone knew.  Lookshy had used it as a resupply base for its river forces, until the Realm stopped making major pushes into the Scavenger Lands.  Before that it had served as a minor outpost for a Shogunate daimyo, handed back and forth between local warring factions.  During the Usurpation it had witnessed the fall of a trio of young Lunars - newly Exalted in the fighting, in fact - at the hands of one old and very powerful Sidereal.

But Fort Weyland dates back farther than had been imagined.  Inside the warren-like rooms and corridors of the base, underneath the Immaculate frescoes and mosaics, there are images of golden warriors and silver beast-men at their sides, and star-crowned figures with signs of knowledge in their hands.

It is a deceptively large fortress.  It is built into the walls of a canyon, along the Yellow River. Carved out from beneath the rocky overhang, it can only be approached from the west, where a winding stone path was carved out centuries ago.  Said path leads, eventually, to tall walls and a gate, both carved from the same stone - oddly looking as though it was all carved from one piece, rather than being assembled on site.

Behind the walls are a few rough-hewn buildings, clearly made later in the fortress's lifetime and crumbling with age, and a small spring with enough water to keep  perhaps ten men refreshed. Within the smallest of the buildings, however, was a wide stairway descending perhaps a dozen yards, and opening out into a natural cave, with half
a dozen oddly-shaped tunnels branching off.  Four of the six tunnels are sealed still, with ancient fading wards from the Shogunate still faintly glowing in the darkness, but two are open, leading into a surprisingly large complex of storerooms, cells, large empty spaces
and the like to house a small city.  The rooms are all decorated, with bas-reliefs of gods and demons, or the Dragons fighting the Anathema, or in one small room in the most distant parts of the complex a still-wet fresco of ten thousand shining orbs above a kneeling four-armed man in gold.

The farther into the open caves one travels, however, the weirder things become.  In some corridors, the shadows move in the absence not only of motion but of light, and echoes are muffled, delayed, and do not always repeat what was said.  One room was still furnished, a bedroom for someone, and the bedding is always rumpled and warm in a room where all the other fabrics had rotted away, as if someone just left it, and down one hallway the rocks make a chiming noise when touched.
Joyous Azure Coral

The woman dances within the walls. It is not a performance for anyone but herself. She enjoys the dance, so she dances. She's not alone of course, but this isn't for them. She wraps her arms around her midriff, shaking her hips as she pulls out a pair of paper fans. There is no music or song to her performance, just the sound of her moving. Her ribbons twirl round her as she jumps, spinning. She continues dancing for a few more minutes, ending it with a low-stance, moving in a semi-circle as she straightens up and covers her face with both fans. Coral immediately closes her fans and returns them to her sash as she heads to the spring to quench her thirst. She hopes that Marius was watching. It's not quite clear why, but she does.
Onyx Lotus

The young man sits quietly a little away from the others here, simply watching, taking it all in. He watches the woman's dance with apparent rapt attention, and indeed he is no eunuch; he appreciates the dance for what it is. But another part of his mind is dispassionately calculating how he would use that allure for his own ends. He sees the men turn to watch. Who stares? Who can't look away? Who's showing weakness..?

It's not even that he has any real plans to manipulate anyone here. It's just instinct at this point.
Tsuki is sitting at a table with Rei, talking about their next course of action regarding the deathknight situation... a few weeks ago, they met and killed one, and Tsuki was wounded, so she had to rest a week or two in the Fort. Her wounds are now healed.

Witnessing Coral dancing she speaks to Rei: "I... think I know this one, she's the companion of another solar I met a year ago." and gets up and waits for Coral to finish her dance to talk to her, admiring her moves.

"Nice to see you again... Coral, right ?! My name is Tsuki, I don't know if you remember me, we met when an old man, Hachi, was travelling with you..." she says saluting Marius with a discreet look and nod.
Onyx Lotus

Lotus watched as the woman stopped dancing, and headed toward the water to drink.

Time to say hello he thought to himself. He smoothly rose to his feet and walked over to where Coral was drinking water. He bowed politely to her, as was the fashion at the court he had been exiled from, and smiled politely.

'I must say, you dance beautifully. Perhaps you and I could dance together sometime? It's rare to find a partner of such grace and talent as yourself.'

"Yes, I do remember you," she murmurs as she kneels down.

She drinks from the spring for a few seconds, wiping away any remaining droplets with the back of her hand as she stands up to face her other guest, returning his bow with one of her own.

"I thank you for your offer, but I can only dance alone."
Marius sits to one side of the crowd of Exalts, his back against the aging stone, helmet and daiklaive resting beside him. Somewhere in the outlying areas of the fortress, aside from the various hangers on, the Tainted are camped.

His face is weary, tired and frustrated, the look of a soldier too long for inactivity. Yet he watches the dance with undisguised pleasure, taking in Coral's form and movement. When she finishes, he stands and goes to her, standing by her side although he has no idea why he is so drawn to her, nodding to the other Exalts.

"It is good to see you again, and alive."
Onyx Lotus

Lotus notes with no outward sign of emotion the obvious attraction between Coral and Marius, but says nothing. His pride stings a little from Coral's gentle rebuke, but he suppressed it and smiles again.

'Of course. My sincerest apologies. I would not wish to inconvenience such an artist.'

Turning to Marius, he nods affably. 'We should be safe here for now, this place seems very defensible. And with such talented warriors as yourself on hand, I'm sure we are in no great danger' he says, smiling. 'This place is fascinating, isn't it? The frescoes on the walls could tell us much about our... shared pasts, I feel.'

'Oh, I'm terribly sorry, how rude of me! I've forgotten to introduce myself. I am Onyx Lotus, at your service' he says, grinning at the assembled Exalts. 'And you all are...?'
"Yes," Coral replies, feeling her heart aflutter from Marius' comment, "it is good to see you too."

Turning to the group of people gathering, she curtsies, "I am Joyous Azure Coral. I hope my dance was to your delight."
Tsuki smiles, after all it's not everyday people are happy to see her.

"It is good to see you two are still doing fine. Please meet Rei Sunwise, a fellow hunter I have worked ." she says presenting Rei with an open hand and an elegant gesture.
Marius nods to Onyx Lotus.

"The Fortress is safe enough, although preparing it for a genuine assault would be daunting, at best. The decorative elements are indeed curious, although I wonder what dangers lurk in the heart of it.

I am Volgans Marius, called by some the Mountain that Breaks the Sea. It is good to meet you all."
Tsuki slightly blushes for a single second, she has forgotten to introduce herself to the charming man:

"... and the name is Tsuki, a pleasure to meet you."

Then she turns to Marius and Coral laughing:

"I haven't felt any evil yet, but the past days I was recovering from a wound that fury bastard inflicted me... this ghost was a pretty serious gig. We could search the area if you wish too, I'm sure these old walls have a lot of history..."
Coral nods in agreement, "yes, this place intrigues me. If there's an organized effort to explore this place, we should be able to discover a great deal of this place."

Lotus nodded. 'And about ourselves. The children of the Sun and Moon are easily picked out on these walls... but these starry figures... I know nothing of them. It intrigues me.'

The dark-skinned Southern lad pipes up, still petting the small lion that accompanies him, "No, there were too few of them. If the had been some kind of raiding party they'd have been better equ'..." He realizes that his new "partner" has wandered off and made friends.

And they're talking about him.

He jogs over and tries to catch on to the conversation. "To explore, here?" he says in accented Riverspeak, and a quick calculation of the situation runs through his head. "I am supposing there wouldn't be space for us. Sandy is getting restless." The desert cat seems to glare at him as the young man bows with an extended open right hand to each of his potential allies and introduces himself properly.
Coral nods at the newcomer, "I think it would be best for us to explore, because we cannot assume we are safe within these walls until we do."

The Eclipse smiles pleasantly at the boy and the large cat at his side. Something bonds this pair. Worth remembering. 'Well, there's no time like the present. Shall we all go and take a look around, then? It'd pass the time, if nothing else.'
Marius nods. "I agree - until the fortress is secured, or at least the sealed areas are fortified against all attack - including one from our own kind, we cannot claim to sleep safely. I will commit my men to the task, if they prove necessary."
Golden Thunder

The Zenith wanders in, rejoicing at the sight of so many exalted brethren, but she is also late and exhausted. The undead hordes were far more relentless than expected and forced more than one detour on the march. Even the red cloak she wears above her golden armor to shield her from the winds seems heavy now. She and her men have been marching for quite some time. She isn't even sure why she came here anymore. It was most likely a dream. A vision, maybe. She hopes it was brought to her by the Unconquered Sun, but it might as well not have been.

Two officers have escorted her, but Golden Thunder approaches the other exalted alone, the two men returning to the small army that the Solar has assembled over the last few years. A couple of steps away from the others, her caste mark lights up, illuminating her face, revealing both determination and exhaustion.

Once she reaches the others, she simply nods, she'll leave the introductions to someone who's better rested than she is.

Rei bows politely to the new-comer, then hopes someone else will deal with her. "How do we split this up, or do we? Start from the North, the South, or the deepest tunnel we can find? Call me homesick but I'm all for heading South."

He gives a quirky smile, hoping the joke translates.

He called the desert cat restless, but he flexes his fingers in an oddly rhythmic way and has adopted an seemingly unsteady "ready" stance.

"Hmm," she's unsure where to go. She's a thinker, but things such as fortress defense are beyond her.

"Perhaps we should leave the decision to those with military experience, like Marius here."
Golden Thunder

With a bow in reply, Golden Thunder approaches the group. "My name is Golden Thunder, I was led here by the Unconquered Sun", the Zenith proclaims. "What is this place? I saw it in my dreams..."

She curtsies to the newcomer, "welcome. I am Joyous Azure Coral. I doubt everyone will want to go through introductions again, so this is Volgans Marius," she gestures towards him with her fan.

"He is Onyx Lotus," she points her closed fan at him before moving on, "Tsuki, and Rei Sunwise."

"As for this place, it is a fortress of some sort. I am no expert on military fortifications so perhaps Marius may know something about it. We are... Deliberating on how we ought to search this place to make sure it's safe."
Marius nods at Coral as he begins considering what he knows of the place.

"Its a fortress, Shogunate at least in age, but if asked to speculate" he grins slightly "which I have been, I'd say its considerably older than that. It has the feel of an ancient place, and the seals and frescos in the lower chambers suggest that at least part of the structure was in use during the Usurpation."

The Eclipse nodded thoughtfully.

"Do you think the lower levels are trapped? It's possible the Exalted that made their final stand here left surprises for their murderers, which may well still work."

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