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Fantasy The Stars In The Sky

Nialah Stonekin

Location: Zymt Wood

Nialah listened carefully to Karasu's words, a soft smile dancing across her lips as he gently petted the little Nymph Dragon, much to its delight. Despite being the God of Assassins, he certainly has a softer side and doesn't seem partial to hiding it either. Nialah had thought that he'd know of the Mirror, and it seems that her suspicion that he came from there was probably correct. The mirror was the only way to cross between the worlds she'd ever heard of, though there might be others. Being a god, perhaps he can manifest himself here simply by willing it. She didn't know, and it seemed to be a curiosity for anther time. The way he spoke about Heaven and hell whilst confirming the mirror truly is what it's rumored to be made Nialah all the more excited to see it for herself. Karasu expressed she could follow if she so wishes, and began heading off. Seeing no reason to part with him since they were heading the same direction, Nialah mounted Michah once again and quietly began to follow Karasu.

Suddenly, Karasu froze in his tracks. Nialah commanded her mount to halt, looking over at the God quizzically. "Is.. something the matter?" She asked. In answer, he turned to her and explained, if rather cryptically, that something strange was happening ahead, and it could be dangerous. Nialah wondered if Gods had some sort of sixth sense and that's what she was witnessing right now, but then again she had to consider anything could be possible for such powerful beings. The God asked if she wished to continue, at which she tilted her head to the side in thought, but then nodded without much hesitation. "Dangerous or not, your warning has mostly served to intrigue me further. Curiosity has always been what drives my people. I shall certainly continue." Nialah didn't have a grasp of what might be going on, but she could always simply retreat or attack if things went awry... or at least she assumed. Still, a Nomad is no stranger to encounters of a less savory sort, and over time such encounters have strengthened her resolve. She continued to follow he God cautiously, looking all around as well as a head, hoping to spy what strange occurrences Karasu may have been referring to.

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Location: Three-Way Mirror


Kurai observed the scene unfolding before him, luckily for him, his whereabouts seemed unknown to the Demon, God and Human. This pleased him, very much. The demon watched in slight awe as the Goddess who identified as Utuna, made her weapon materialise and apper in her grasp. "Utuna? Hmm... This gets even more interesting by the second. I wonder why she's come here. How curious, indeed." His attention then averted to the other demon present, who seemed to go by the name Azazel. Kurai chuckled slightly, He had heard of this demon, but then again, everyone in the underworld had heard of Azazel. The demon who's comrades left him to save their own hides, how tragic.

Kurai let out a quiet sigh when he saw the demon ready some kind of gauntlet weapon, a slight smirk found it's way onto his face. Kurai spoke quietly to himself, "Truly fascinating... I think I should go and introduce myself as well, after all, It would be nice to talk to someone.." And with that, he jumped down from the tree, now clearly visible by everyone present. He let out a kind, warm smile. Which no doubt was deceiving. He then slowly began to approach the people present as he said, "You know, it probably isn't wise to start fighting. Azazel and Utuna. You should know better... Tut tut..." With a sly grin, he sat up on a nearby boulder, and waited to see what would happen next. "This is like a fantasy novel...The tale of a mortal man, with the courage to point his gun at a demon, standing with a God, who undoubtedly feels the need to protect him. How...odd."

Kurai wasn't going to introduce himself as of yet as it was likely that he was already known, so instead he'd wait and see. As he sat on the boulder, he took out his silver dagger and began carving strange stuff on it.


Location: Zymt Woods, Aothea

A low chuckle emitted from the God at Nialah's response. Perhaps that is why you're people are now few in numbers. He thought to himself but didn't say it out loud. She was rather good company, quite likable in his opinion so he refrained from the rude comment. If she had been unlikable then he would have gladly said it though luckily she had this God's favor. "Some would say that is an idiotic thing to say...I think those who say such things live a rather boring life." Karasu smiled in a calm but approving way. "Come then. We still have a little ways to go." He then began to lead the little group once more.

As they drew closer to their destination there was the unmistakable feeling of tension lingering in the air. Even the singing of animals began dying down the nearer they got. While there was that almost kind presence of a God there was still the two darker aura's. Though the creatures remained silent he could still feel them lurking curiously in the shadows. Perhaps that one Nymph Dragon still fluttered about. Sooner or later he could hear the faint sounds of voices. Karasu slowed down to where he walked side by side with the Nomad and her mount. "I assume you can hear the voices, maybe even feel the strange aura in the air. I don't doubt that he can sense it," the God motioned to Michah ", as well as your Nymph Dragon. As far as I can tell there are two demons, a single God, and there is a faint presence of an Aothean like yourself. I can assure you, on some level, that one Demon won't do you harm. The God I can assure you will like...depending at the situation at hand. It seems like there is a small dispute going on. Stay close and if things go badly I'll assure your safety. You can call it appreciation for the company you have provided. If you don't feel comfortable enough stay in the shadows, though I have a feeling that regardless of my warning you will still come out." His eyes flickered to her for a brief second. "Let's greet our 'friends'."

As Karasu walked a bit faster then to take lead, ahead of Nialah by a few feet. Even with the leaves underneath he made absolutely no sound with the exception of a small yawn. Then they were close enough to make out words. And sure enough there was the unmistakable voice of a close friend. He then came out from the shadows and into the light of the crowd, breaking his silence to join. "Are you the teasing demon in this tale then, Kurai? Perhaps the narrator that messes with the story every so often?" A smile crept on his face as he positioned himself beside the carving demon. "Regardless this is certainly a strange story." The Assassin nodded slightly to the Goddess. "Utana, it's a pleasure to see you once more. Though I'm a bit surprised to see you here, finally decided to check it out?" Of course he spoke kindly and nonthreatening to the Goddess. She had always been on his list of better Gods. Then he addressed the human of the group. "Hello to you too and sorry for this unfortunate position you are in. Of course you didn't do anything Miss Utana, but more of the rambling mouth of him." His head turned towards the demon known as Azazel. While he did like more demons then Gods, this one never ceased to get on the Assassin God's dislike list. If I am ever assigned to kill him, I shall do it without hesitation.

While everyone else had weapons in their hands, Karasu remained without any. If it came down to it then he wouldn't have to worry about unsheathing one. "I'm sure this human could go without your so called knowledge, Azazel. There are less annoying creatures he can learn from. If he truly wants to learn from you then I will gladly volunteer in his place to...'even' out the odds. Seems fair at least." While he spoke to the demon there was the unmistakable look of dislike within the God's red eyes, a slight glare to them but that was gone once he looked away. So many 'people' were gathered at this one spot. It was almost annoying addressing them all while keeping a steady conversation. However what he had to say to the three in front was done until they replied. Now his attention was to the demon carving into the boulder. "It's been too long Kurai, I can see you have been making friends. So have I actually. I'll leave it up to her for introductions." He glanced over his shoulder to check with Nialah before looking at...whatever it was Kurai was doing. "What in Hells name are you drawing?"

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Azazel (Mood change)

Location: Three-Way Mirror

Azazel heard an annoying voice from behind him it wasn't the 'oh my god' type of annoyance but the deepest and darkest from the bottom of the soul kind of voice. when he turned around he saw Karasu he hated this god because for Azazel he annoyed the hell out of him he didn't know about everyone else though, so Azazel turned back to Utana while the eyes on his gauntlets focused on Karasu and the pupil slits became thinner as they concentrated with some magic infusion. "*sigh* You know how to push my buttons don't you Karasu" Azazel said as he sat down in a relaxed state like nothing would happen to him it's not like Karasu would be able to kill him by himself anyways "besides it's not like i did anything to you....probably" as he shrugged his shoulders because if he did do something he probably didn't remember it or anything for all he knew.

Azazel looked over to Kurai and shrugged his shoulders saying
"carving something into his blades for all we know...stupid god" he said the last part quietly like a child while sticking out his tongue a little. As Azazel sticked out his tongue he smiled a little it's not like it was his own fault he just had different moods easily, but it was all fine if he wasn't pist or pushed to the brink while in a fight. so he looked back up to the people surrounding him saying "am i the only one dressed nicely gosh im surrounded by madmen"


Location: Three-Way Mirror

Kurai smiled as Karasu approached him, he sensed the Gods presence from quite a distance away but he didn't expect him to be with a human. Stopping his carving momentarily he quickly glanced at the human girl. Just by looking at her he could tell she was nomadic. "How intriguing..." He muttered under his breath as he then took his attention away from the human and back to his carving. Listening to what Karasu was saying, about him being the teasing demon, Kurai smiled and looked up to see the God who was stood beside him. He said, "Of course not, I'm simply the observer. But... I guess I do tease quite a lot.." With a slightly childish chuckle he continued on with his carving. Kurai smiled at his old friend and spoke with slight solace in his voice. After all, it had been a while since he had seen Karasu. "It's been too long, Indeed. In fact, I was getting so bored lately that I nearly went back to my old ways... But now you're here I don't need to do that..." He let out a slightly devious chuckle as he then explained what he was drawing. "Oh? This is me, and this is one of those nymph dragon things that these humans seem to like.." As he explained the carvings he pointed to each part of it. Luckily he explained what they actually were, as the pictures were shocking and the nymph dragon looked more like a fat fairy than anything else.

Kurais attention then averted to the other demon present, who's strange gauntlet thing was focusing on Karasu. Kurai could sense the magical energy within the strange devise, stopping his carving for a moment he jumped down from the boulder and stood next to his friend, eyes fixed onto Azazel as he said. "Don't think of harming Karasu... Otherwise I will intervene and send you back to the abyss..." As he said that, he smiled deviously and then added. "Also, I've seen a medieval homeless child dress better than you.. In all honesty, suits are too formal for me... I don't know why you are wearing one, you're not going to a ball..". Kurai was ignoring the goddess present for quite a good reason. He didn't know her. He knew of her, but he didn't have any personal connection with her be it good or bad. Kurai quickly jumped up back on his boulder and kept his eyes on everyone present, caution was slowly taking form.

Anyone can interact with him should they want to^w^


Three-Way Mirror

Utuna had kept her spear, but remained in a relaxed position. She had never strayed too far from the Aothean man's side, determined to protect him as all her people would. She watched the others arrive and reveal themselves, nodding to each one as if they were old acquaintances. She looked to Karasu, "Maybe his attitude is prickly." then to Azazel, "Displays of power and hostility wont make you friends with the Gods."


Derek Kane

Three-Way Mirror

Derek watched cautiously the others approach but he continued to hold the gun at Azazel. Listening to their words, the hunter calculated the risk, deciding not to start a full-on battle between Gods and Demons. He flicked the hammer of his pistol back into place and slid the weapon into its holster. Looking over at the Nomad, he was shocked to see one of her kind, having thought them wiped out by raiders. Fred seemed interested in the girl too and bounded over to her, sniffing at her legs and toes, snorting at the Gorillian musk.

"I thought this mirror was something of legend, a myth. Aotheans tell bedtime stories about the Immortal war where Gods cleansed the world of Demons. I have prayed to the Pantheon before, never in my life thinking they were people who walked amongst us." he rubbed his chin, scratching at the five o'clock shadow, "If you're a Demon, tell me this. What happened to Kay-Lynn? Are there any Demonic possessions or can you people control others like puppets on strings?" he addressed the group.
Azazel Bune

Location: Three-Way Mirror

Azazel stood up a little with a mocking voice of the mortal saying "Didn't i just say if you could hit me....well I'll tell you this time for free next time it ill be for your soul or life ok" he said as he stretched, he hasn't relaxed this will in

After Azazel stood up he said "Well yes and no, demons can control people like puppets when ever they want but they have to be a Arch-Devil like me with immense power. Not only that but the mortal need's to sighn a contract giving his soul away, the only way this contract can be broken is if a stronger devil forcefully brake's it alright." he said as he Summoned Fasfer. the horse was 2x bigger than a normal horse and had a X where the eyes should be a giant pole through it's back and sharp teeth with sharp claws it looked over at Derek like he was food but Azazel said "He's not food boy calm down" so Fasfer growled a little from this line and sat down with Azazel as he stroked his mane.
Nialah Stonekin

Location: Zymt Wood

Nialah listened carefully to Karasu words as they two began to near the voices, seeming taken aback by being told of the other supernatural beings present. When he said one of the Demons wouldn't harm her, she looked at him quizzically. 'Does he know one of these demons?' She thought. 'It seems he might even trust them, giving me such assurance about them... odd....'

Not really knowing what to think about most of the Assassin God's other words, she contended herself with observing cautiously. Michah stopped and sniffed the air as he neared the group of beings, seemed to slow in his approach cautiously. Nialah felt what she could only assume could be what Karasu was referring to: a group of strange, powerful presences similar to his own. Nilah dismounted as Karasu greeted the group, looking over them all curiously. She could tell there was some tension, and her hand meandered its way over her shoulder, lightly gripping the fletchings of an arrow just in case this got anymore heated. She didn't feel like speaking up at this moment, too tense and unpredictable. Her instincts told her to watch them all carefully until this seemingly reasonless conflict either settles or escalates to a point in which she feels the need to take action... hoping desperately the former occurred rather than the latter. Thankfully, the other Aothean lowered his weapon, rather wise in her opinion since he was surrounded by such powerful beings. Satisfied, she slowly brought her hand or a rest atop Michah's shoulders, urging the Gorillanian to move out of the shadows. The situation was still very tense as Beast and Rider neared the odd group in front of the Mirror. Micah seemed uneasy. Nialah could tell he wasn't quite comfortable being around all these powerful humanoid auras, especially with the rather tense feeling about the air. Looking over the group, she cast a wary glance at Azazel as she observed the situation, not liking his attitude already.

She then noticed a beautiful woman, a source of one of the auras, that seemed very familiar. Only when Karasu spoke the3 Goddess' name did Nilah realize she was in the presence of Utuna herself! She didn't look exactly how she was depicted in artwork, but the resemblance was certainly clear. Despite being in the presence of this being she greatly admired however, she couldn't help but be distracted by the man who was carving into the rock earlier as he and Karasu spoke, who was apparently named Kurai. The beings seemed to know each other. She listened to thier conversation quizzically, before realizing this must be the Demon Karasu spoke of, the one she didn't need to worry about. He certainly seemed a bit more polite than what she could only assume to be the other one, who was was already deciding
to take issue with all the others here in some way or another. She was quite wary of the man she heard being called Azazel, but seeing that Utuna, Karasu, the other Aothean and even Kurai didn't seem too pleased with him, she doubted he'd be unwise enough to try anything dangerous right now.

Glancing back at the one named Kurai, she noticed that he was looking at her quizzically, probably due to her attire and mount. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the other Aothean man giving her a similar look, albeit more surprised and spontaneous. She paid it little mind, as she was used to such reactions to her presence... her people aren't exactly well known. Suddenly, a large dog that seemed to be owned by the man began bounding over to her. "Why hello there," she said to the excitable Canine in greeting, reaching down to pet the creature. Michah gave it a rather irritated sounding grunt.
"Calm, Michah," Nialah scolded her simian mount. "The canine means no harm." Seeming to understand her words, or at least her tone of voice, Michah didn't provoke the dog further although he did seem to cast wary glances at it every once in a while. Spark, on the other hand, flew up to the pooch and began excitedly hovering around it, chirping in a friendly matter. Micah came to a stop in front of the group, at which point Nialah dismounted him and gave some more attention to the Aothean man's dog. She looked up at the man and spoke, still scratching behind the mutt's ear. "What a lively pet you have there... what's his name?" She asked, scratching the pooch behind the ears. "And your own, while I'm at it. I am Nialah. I hail from the Nomadic clan known as the Stonekin, before you ask." She hoped to distract at least this man, if not a few of the others, from the rather heated situation as she introduced herself. She warily glanced around at the group while waiting for the Aothean man's answer, observing the others' reactions to her words as best she can.

Location: Zymt Woods, Aothea

"Returning to your old ways? Now that would be troublesome." As Kurai finally explained what he was drawing, laugher came out of the God. "I have seen Nymph Dragons many times, that drawing is not one. You are many things, my friend, but an artist is not one of them." Karasu certainly was different in the presence of his friend. While he was still his calmer self there was a playful attitude that surrounded him. Mischief danced within the red eyes joined his own teasing voice. Kurai was the God's closest friend...they would even be considered brothers. Both had known each other for thousands of years, helped each other, saved each others hind, and so much more. What a long time is has been since they last stood side by side! Well...sat and stood. The friends reunion was interrupted then by that one other demon who focused on Karasu.

He remained in the relaxed position still as Azazel aimed it's weapons at him. An eyebrow was raised however at the drastic mood change of the demon. "Push your buttons? I barely said anything, you must have a lot of buttons then," he smirked ", stupid demon. And next time would you please not answer for my friend?" Though the question was asked in a kinder way it was obvious it was anything but nice. Kurai had also seen the gauntlets momentarily aimed at the Assassin God for he had slipped from his boulder and delivered both a threat and insult. Karasu couldn't help but to smile a bit wider at that. He gave his friend a reassuring pat on the back as he spoke softly, but still loud enough to hear. "That thing won't do anything. Not only has he made more enemies, he is surrounded. Adding to the fact that you and I would take him down in a heartbeat. He's not stupid enough to try to attack...well let's 'hope' he isn't that idiotic." The other human asked his question not too long after. He would answer however there were two demons who could easily answer that question.

After that is was Nialah's turn to speak up. It was rather amusing watching the man's dog find the Nomad so interesting. Even more amusing to watch her react in a happy manor, her Nymph in a excited state, then Micah in what appears to be a hint of jealousy and unhappiness. The way she greeted herself was a way to relieve tension as far as he could tell. That Azazel's horse joined the party too, staring down the Aothean male as if the man was food. Not surprising for the horse was a demonic breed. Karasu once more turned to his friend, who was sitting on the boulder once more. "Seeing all these creatures almost tempts me to call Yoru." He said with a slight chuckle as he referred to his Direwolf.

Location: Three-Way Mirror

Amazed sighed because once again the younger God thinking they can tell a demon almost as old as the world what to do. So all he could do was sigh because he was surrounded him he wouldn't come out with just little cuts limbs would come off And would take him to much to regenerate and plus he couldn't use other people's blood since his blood was only in seven people including himself in all three realms. "Pleas don't patronize me young one I have more years of experience then you and I would not go down without taking a couple of you down to hell with me" he said standing up he knew he could survive if he used his power to fight have the time then escape for the remanding minute to escape instantly knowing these three won't get him and if they try to catch ha m he'll force his way past them.

So he stood making Fasfer vanish into thin air leaving some red smoke behind. The moment the female said something he looked at her saying "I thought the nomads were destroyed" with a grin, but onto a bigger topic Azazel wasn't always like this at a time he was happy and always had fun. That was until he was abandoned here ages ago and he became more malevolent and hateful making his soul more twisted because everyone hated and tried to kill him everytime he turned around he was always alone so it was reasonable to be like this through all the age's of festering hate.
Nialah Stonekin

Location: Three-Way Mirror

Nialah continued to observe the situation, looking towards the Aothean man after saying her piece. Suddenly, the Demon known as Azazel spoke up, causing her gaze to shoot over towards him, eyes narrowing, lips curved into a displeased frown. "That isn't the first time I've heard such a thing, but you are obviously mistaken." Her slightly annoyed tone then became very threatening as she spoke her next words. Demon or no, he was disrespecting her fallen brethren with his smirk and tone of voice, and she would not accept that sitting down. "I suggest you refrain from speaking of my people's deaths with that smug grin on your face, as if you find it amusing, in future. You may be a demon, but it looks as if I'm not the only one here who'd gladly fight you if it came to that..." Michah tried to move in front of Nialah protectively as if to affirm her words, but she blocked the bulky Gorillinian with one arm, looking into his eyes cautiously. "Michah... calm. No rash actions." The beast then stood down, albeit reluctantly.
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Location: Three-Way Mirror

Azazel now looked at the female nomad with cold and dead eyes now. "Why should I stop talking about mortal and gods when you two species do nothing but look down at us, kill us and talk shit about us no matter what we do looking at us like monsters" the blood lust around Azazel was so thick you could see it, which was Black and Red in color. He looked at her then the other three around him getting angrier before light blue chains wrapped around his arms and legs pulling him down as he calmed down a little saying, "well this is what has happened to me by you pest's of mortals and gods, I am now cursed or sealed to where I can't use my full power unless I rip the chains out which I can but it will be excruciating and I have no need for all that power right now" as he sat there with a straight face.


Three-Way Mirror

"Perhaps it is for the best. Take a look within yourself, do you find that you deserve respect right now?" Utuna sympathized, but kept it to herself, instead she was drawn to watch over the mortals before her.


Derek Kane

Three-Way Mirror

Derek was satisfied with the response. He was no where near close enough to find Kay-Lynn however. Frowning at himself, he kept quiet for a few, trying to process the scene before him. When he heard the Nomad ask the name of his dog, he licked his lips and responded. "That is Fred." the dog turned towards Derek, ears perked at the sound of his name, panting still in the warmthe of the forest. "Then the horse over there is, oh well, I just call him Coal." He heard her state her own name then politely turned to face her, avoiding the gaze of the Demon. "I am Derek Kane. Pleasure to meet you, Nialah."

Suddenly, the sounds of screams sounded through the forest. All the animals went quiet, even the noisy bugs stopped their chatter, to listen to the sounds of pain and death. It was eerie. The sounds started to bounce from tree to tree, unsure of where it was coming from, Derek pulled his great two-handed sword from his back and looked around.

The screams didn't change in depth, but he started to pinpoint it. Their were screams off death now too, other people dying, how close was it? As the sound of the shrieking wails died off, Derek whistled for Fred and made his way towards Coal. Climbing into the saddle with ease, he looked to the group. "This has been nice, but I need to go see what that was. Any brave enough to follow, do so." He turned the horse, pressing his knees against his great belly and started to trot through the forest as fast as he could.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/48882ee8cafc19fe3f1b68dc524ac393.jpg.c9c2347d42ce4c7834d6d1cad23fb25a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74236" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/48882ee8cafc19fe3f1b68dc524ac393.jpg.c9c2347d42ce4c7834d6d1cad23fb25a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ezabellum Raine

Location: Zymt Woods

"Mmmm."The sun shone through the leaves, warming the girls body delightfully as she slept contentedly. And she would have kept sleeping too if it wasn't for the sound of footsteps and voices nearby and the constant nudging of Milo, the furry little creature she'd found in a tree one day."Nwo mwore Miwo~"She groaned in her sleep, cracking her eyes open to frown at the white and brown fluff ball. With a sigh she sat up and rubbed her eyes groggily, her attention being piqued immediately by the strange energy being emitted by them.

"Should I go check it out?"She asked Milo who made an oinking sound and snorted loudly. "Well, if you say so."She whispered excitedly. Raine stood up quickly, as if propelled by springs and silently padded through the underbrush(she'd been napping in a bush), not minding the bite of twigs in her bare feet or the scrape of branches on her thighs. She squatted down and peeked through the trees at the scene before her.



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Vailyn Hugogh

Location - Chesense

Vailyn looked around at the once messy area that he had cleaned up and made into a makeshift classroom. He was lucky to get a room this time. Last town he was at, he had to shout to those who stood below him, making anyone who didn't know what was going on think he was crazy. He wondered what time that the 'students' would start arriving. He had said the lesson started at 6 o'clock, but most people arrived either a bit late or right on time. But really, he could never tell.

He had decided to make his lessons free when he first started teaching, but donations were gratefully accepted. He smiled as a person walked in and signed in on the little sign up sheet that he always had his 'students' use before the class started. The girl walked in and sat down, and then pulled out a writing tablet and got to work doing something. What it was? He didn't know.



Location: Three-Dimensional Mirror

Utuna moved together with the Aothean, a bit reluctant to leave the Mirror just like that but after having seen all these creatures coming together it made her feel confused to say the least about it. She let out a sigh and put a hand on the man his shoulder who was supposed to be called Derek. However, she removed her hand at once as she heard the screams as well, biting her lip softly as it made her urge toward the point of sound which was just way too needful for her to just let slide by as it was not something like her to ignore the cries for help. But there was something off as if the moment she had made her way through the Mirror, another God, it made her feel more on edge than ever. Maybe because she was in a new environment, maybe not but there was something eerie about all of this and not only because of the demons.

She clenched her hand on her trident, holding it tightly as she looked around as to see if anything was going to come to the place. Yet there was nothing to be seen in the distance which was a bit odd because of the way that she was feeling. The man was already away, making Utuna stand there by herself as she rubbed with her free hand over her neck. Now it was another decision that she had to make which was to go explore this new world even more or to go back to the world that was more known to her. Eventually she decided to leave the Mirror its place and made her way through the land.



Location: Chesence

Chesence was its destination the city where a lot of Aotheans were roaming around freely, holding open their own little shops in order to get some money. It was a bright day as well. Oh how much the people were enjoying their times but they still had that little bit of unhappiness inside of them which was just unavoidable to have. Everyone had a little dark spot in their hearts and that was what made the creature go to the place here. It did not make its full appearance as of yet, but it was more like testing the waters before completely diving in. The people could see a black mark sliding down the walls but neither of them actually took notice of it. Thinking that it was just a shadow passing by which did not mean any harm at all. For now they were right as it did not intend to strike at this moment. However it was not planning to let it stay that way at all…

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Location: Three-Way Mirror

Kurai was gripping onto his Dragon Piercer and silver dagger tightly, he was tempted to just ram them both into each of the demons eyes but that feeling vanished when he received a pat on the back from Karasu. At the mentioning of Yoru the direwolf, a glint in his eyes appeared and he spoke like an excited child, "Yoru? Awh he's so fluffy and cute~ you should call him, that would be fun..."

Now sat on the boulder once again, Kurai kept his daggers sheathed and focused solely on the other demon present, Azazel, listening to him speak with evident annoyance in his tone. Kurai, being the type of 'person' he is, let out a chuckle that unlike the rest sounded slightly sadistic. Once again, he lept down from the rock and stood on the ground as he said, "Unfortunately, I don't think you have the skill to even take one of them 'to hell' with you. By the looks of things, you're all talk and no action. You speak like you are tough which must be true as you
are an arch-devil after all, but you probably aren't that tough. Heck, I've probably met worse. I'd also refrain from suggesting you have more experience than my friend... if this was the case, then we would have won the war and he would have been killed already, mhm?" He paused for a moment as he began to walk over to the nomad girl, as he turned back to face Azazel with a taunting and menacing smirk a slightly deranged and psychotic aura emanated from Kurai. The aura being similar to his past self. "Arch-Devils aren't that hard to kill... All it takes is a slash to the throat at the right level of force.." As he said that, he motioned a throat being slit by running his finger across his throat before continuing, "If you're lucky, one could even take off their head... It's quite amusing... Although we are of the same species, you are most certainly not an ally of mine.." After that little episode was over, he approached the nomad girl who identified as Nialah. Giving Karasu a quick look of confusion, he turned back to Nialah and smiled at her as he said, "I have heard of your tribe, I'd offer you my sympathies but it seems you are quite the tough cookie so won't need them. Standing up to a demon on your own, very impressive indeed... Also, I like your choice of weapon. And your mount is pretty cute too."

After glancing at the gorillian, he quickly hurried back over to his boulder and sat on it once again, this time he was carving once more. Although the art was no doubt horrifyingly terrible, he was carving another nymph dragon beside the one he had carved previously.
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Location: Three-Way Mirror, Aothea

Young One? Karasu narrowed his eyes slightly as the demon called him this. A small smirk appeared on his face as he actually felt some joy at this demon's words. Confident and arrogant, saying without knowing. Those words were almost a compliment to the Assassin God. Saying that he had more experience than Karasu, speaking as if he was centuries older than the God. In truth Karasu was about the same age as this 'grand' Arch Demon. Maybe a bit younger, maybe a bit older, who cares? Even if this demon was way older than Karasu.... The God lived and breathed fighting. Killing. Death. He was tempted to speak up and say some rather unpleasant things to the demon however his own demon friend took over along with the Nomad.

The Assassin God remained beside the rock. Once his friends were done speaking he took his turn.
"Yoru, as much as she tries to hide it, misses you." He chuckled as he addressed Kurai first. His head turned to look at Nialah with an impressed but amused glint in his eyes. "Kurai is right, I've killed many Arch-Demons before. They can be surprisingly easy at times however if it ever did come down to a fight, for your sake leave the killing to Kurai and I. As for you, " he then looked at Azazel, "I could say many things however that would be a waste of time. I will say that there is a good reason why most of you are hated so. I am not the most liked God however I still know my boundaries. How you are acting now will not get you the 'love' and 'respect' you seem to want. That or the sympathy you are apparently looking for with you sob stories." He turned away then as a sign he was threw with this. His attention was now focused on Kurai and Nialah. "Enough with that ridiculous D-" Then there was the scream.

Karasu tilted his head curiously to the side as he glanced towards where the scream, or screams, were.
"This day grows more and more interesting." He commented as he looked back towards his little 'group'. "Shall we see what the commotion is about? The Aothean man did say all those who were brave enough so ignoring it would be an insult.... However if you two, Nialah in particular, would rather do something else then I will join. As enjoyable as those others were I am not too fond of large parties." He glanced once more at the pictures Kurai was sketching in the rock. With a shake of his head, the God let out a sigh. "You truly are the worst artist I've ever seen."
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Nialah Stonekin

Location: Three Dimensional Mirror, Aothea

Nialah clenched her fists in anger at Azazel's response, though her face paled and she stepped back in fear when he threatened an attack despite her previous words of goading bravery. She has not had to deal with people for quite a while, and she often finds herself letting old wounds and prejudices spur her to say and do things she may sorely, regret... like just then. Thankfully, it seems as though some sort of curse severely limited what Azazel could do.

Despite the tenseness and disorder of this situation, a few of the others present still found the politeness to introduce themselves to Nialah in kind for her own gesture of the sort. Nialah petted "Fred," as she now knew the energetic canine, by, and made a mental note of the man's steed named coal.
"It is mutual, Derek," she replied. Once the Demon named Kurai was doner retorting to Azael, he turned to her, and she simply gave a nod and a grateful look at his compliments of sorts. When he added on that Michah was "cute," the beast himself gave a displeased-sounding snort, to which Nialah couldn't help but laugh a little, patting him reassuringly on the head. "I'm not certain he agrees, but I sure do."

Karasu then spoke up, and she was about to reply before the echos of screams sounded out in the forests behind her. Freezing in fear, she couldn't help but think '
This is reality, right? I am not dreaming these gods and demons in front of my own eyes, these ominous screams? What in all Aothea is happening here?!' She was snapped out of her spiraling thoughts be karasu speaking towards her. Staying silent and seeming thoughtful for a short while, she then looked up at him, nodding decisively with a determined look in her eyes. "I cannot ignore such a disturbance in the forests I call home." With that, she turned away from the group and mounted micah, following Derek and Utuna as the made thier way into the woods with only the slightest hesitation.

Derek Kane

Zymt Woods

When Derek arrived at the scene, corpses were littered everywhere. It was a massacre. The scent of blood reached his nose and he shook his head. Sliding off Coal, Fred wandered over, sniffing everything and snorting at the smell of the dead. It appeared as if a merchant wagon had been tipped over too, to provide some sort of barricade. There were no horses, they may have been set free, but there was a few birds starting to filter down from the canopy to pick at their eyes.

In the middle of the scene, Fred had found a living woman. The dog went to her and sniffed, wagging his tail lowly, ears back and licking at her hands and face in comfort. Derek picked his way across the field, his gun in his hand, waiting for anything else that may appear and attack. The woman didn't notice the man yet, but she had started to hug onto the dog and shook with silent sobs.

"Hey, hey." he muttered, trying not to appear threatening. Of course, a well geared Monster Hunter was supposed to appear threatening and though he considered himself rugged looking, he may have been the last thing this woman wanted to see.

She sniffed and looked up, pulling away as she saw the gun, sobbing and whining as she fell onto another corpse. Then she screamed again, shrinking away from the dead and back towards the living. Fred was confused, but he nipped at her heels, trying to keep her still.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. That's Fred." he looked around once more, sharp eyes trying to pick out bandits or tigers before he holstered his weapon. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"It was .. Darkness." she started to cry and sob and he halted, swallowing. Crying women made him uncomfortable, all he wanted to do was hold them and make them stop, but he wasn't sure that this was the right sort of situation for that.

"Come on, come with me, let's go get you cleaned up." she needed it, the poor girl was covered with blood. If she had stayed still in the pile of corpses, she likely escaped with her life by playing dead. He reached out towards the woman's arm and tried to hoist her up to her feet, unsure if she would even follow. Thankfully she did and he escorted her back to the large black stallion who shied away at the scent of blood.

Rifling through one of his saddlebags, he pulled out a small towel and a canteen. Pouring some water onto it, he handed it to her, letting her clean herself up. Looking around once more, Derek wondered if anyone else had followed him.

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