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Fantasy The Stars In The Sky


Roleplay Availability
My Interest Check

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- Derek Kane - @Aqua

- Kurai -

- Open


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Location: Boltangate Fort

The sound of feet walking around through the enormous main hall of the fort echoed throughout the whole building. The noise that never seemed to fade away as it was occupied by those who were managing their shops and kept it open 24/7 which worked as they had enough employees who could take over the several shifts. It was like a routine for them and it was something that they liked to do, well most of them liked it. There were cases of people who just took over the shop from their parents without having any thoughts about it. But despite this place being so lively all the time, there was one person who did not think much about it as she was so used to it. That person had the name of Utuna, the Goddess of Freedom.

A sigh escaped from her lips as she sat down on top of one of the benches that were placed in the main hall. Her back was leaning against the wall behind her and her eyes were roaming over the different stables who had all different kinds of stuff varying between food, armour, toys for children and so much more. It was like a huge assembly of everything that one could think of. Some of the stuff came from the underworld while others came from Aothea. The opening of the Mirror had some good sides to it as well which was something that she had to admit. As she heard something to the side of her, she looked in that direction only to see a Vanilla eating from the flowers. Cute creatures indeed, it made one want to protect them as they did not have any intention to attack someone and just were themselves.

She lifted up her legs so her feet were also standing on the bench. Her finger was lifted and went over to the Vanilla, who just looked at Utuna, wondering what she was trying to do. However it went and sat down on her finger, making a smile appear on her lips. Rupping its head gently which it seemed to like a lot. They resembled somewhat the pets who enjoyed being rubbed on their bellies which was incredibly amusing. She could just close their hand around them without being squished unlike bigger animals. She had one of the Vanilla’s as a pet before actually but she had set them free as they seemed to get lonely if they stayed in one place for such a long time.

Derek Kane

Location: Chesence

Derek woke up late, rolling over into bed, he yawned and pulled his arm up over his eyes to shield them from the bright sunlight that filtered into his room. Rubbing his other hand through his hair roughly he started to blink his eyes open. As he opened his eyes, he turned to look at the alarm clock. The hands of the clock ticked by and he realized he had overslept by more than just an hour or too, it was almost noon. Rolling over, he sat upright in the bed, legs hanging over the side as he stretched.

"Dad!" he yelled, unsure if his father was up. When he got no reply, he figured the shop was already open and he didn't need to rush. Standing, he stretch some more and stepped over his pants heading towards the bathroom down the hall.

Feeling relieved, Derek washed his hands then looked at himself in the mirror. His usual scruff had grown out into a thick beard. Staying at his father's place while he looked for work, usually left him lazy and unkempt. Groaning, he rubbed the beard and reached down to grab his razor.

Shaving took a little longer than he wanted, his stomach growled. Slipping on his pants, he buckled the belt and grabbed a fresh shirt from the drawers. Pulling it on, he started down the stairs, holding onto the towel still around his neck.

"Dad?" opening the door to the bakery, he buttery sweet scent of breads and sugary scents of cakes reached him. His stomach growled again. The kitchen was larger than the store-front and his father had kept all of his tools and counter tops clean and spotless. Several trays of unbaked bread were sitting on one, waiting to go into the oven.

"You're late." Loren said, wiping his hands on his apron. Derek looked over his father, the gray in his beard and peppered hair was getting thicker, he was overweight but had great muscular arms. With a long sharp nose and deep eyes, it contrasted greatly with the white floppy hat he wore as a part of his uniform. "Get your uniform on and get to work."

"I can't today, dad. I've got to go out and look for work." Derek strolled to one of the fresh pans of pastries his father had on reserve. The chocolate croissants were calling his name, he had to indulge.

"What do you mean you can't? You have a job, right here." He had the same grizzled voice as his father. Loren narrowed his eyes as his son stole one of the treats, but didn't comment.

"You know what I mean." he said between chewing. "I'm not a baker anymore." he took another bite, catching some of the flakes that fell with his hand. "Besides, I want to know what this artifact is, Jeremy told me about."

"What artifact?" His father started to shoo him away from the pastries as Derek reached for another.

"Some mirror, I'm not sure. I guess people who know about it are keeping it secret, said it was really dangerous. Hey!" Reaching around his father's girth, he managed to snag another croissant before he was blocked. "Thanks." He raised the pastry towards his father and started back upstairs.

Finishing his breakfast before he reached the final step, he wiped his hands with the towel and tossed it to the floor. Getting his gear on, checking his weapons, he slid back down the stairs and left through the store-front, donning a wide brimmed hat to protect his eyes from the glaring sunlight. Grinning, he made his way down the busy street towards his friend Jeremy's.

Nialah Stonekin

Location: Zymt Wood

It was just after sunrise in the Zymt Wood, the vibrantly colored plants basking in the morning sun that trickled through the treetops. All manner of birds and other airborne creatures filled the morning air with thier chirps and whistles, as Nialah sat by a campfire drinking her morning tea. She'd just gathered the leaves the previous day, and nothing has ever invigorated her in the morning quite like a freshly brewed batch of this variety of tea. This had been her morning routine for years now, and whilst the relative stillness of the early morning used to seem quite lonely, she'd learned to appreciate and sometimes enjoy this stillness over time. Nowadays, all she needed was to glance over at the snoring Gorrilian curled up at the foot of a nearby tree to remind herself she was not alone. Looking at how peaceful the beast looked made her hesitant to stir him, but she was intent on investigating these strange rumors of some magical mirror passers-by had heard about. Apparently, thier location was quite far, so she figured she'd better get a move on.

Finishing the tea, she began munching on a ripe peach-like fruit with colorful skin that grew rather abundantly in this wood, as she carefully stepped around Michah to put the teapot and mug back into her back, before extinguishing the fire. Of course, her light-footedness may not have been warranted with how deeply Micah sleeps. Thankfully, she knew just the trick to wake him up. With a well-practiced, loud shrill whistle, the massive sleeping mound of black fur began to stir, letting out a grunt of protest not unlike a human adolescent being forced out of bed in the morning. "Oh come now, I even waited an extra hour or so this morning." Another annoyed grunt came from the sleepy Gorillian, followed by a yawn from his gaping maw as he lumbered closer to Nialah. "There, now that wasn't so bad, was it?" Nialah teased, fastening a quiver full of arrows to her back followed by her trusty bow.

As Nialah was finishing preparations for the day's Trek, a tiny dragon-like creature about the size of a small bird fluttered down and landed on her shoulder. She seemed a little surprised but unbothered by this. "Ah, there you are, Spark. Found enough Nectar this morning?" The creature emitted happy-sounding chirp, which Nialah seemed satisfied by."Very good." Nialah had taken in the tiny flying Lizard after finding him lying on the forest floor with an injured wing, and nursed him back to health. He's been sticking around with her for a couple years now, occasionally fluttering off for a day or two but always finding his way back. The cute little creature jumped from Nilah's shoulder to Michah's head, which the primate didn't seem to mind much.

Nialah then gathered her other belongings and began the morning routine of fastening them to Micah for the day's journey. It wasn't much, but was all she needed by her people's standards: a bedroll, just enough firewood for another fire, a relatively light tent canvas just large enough to shelter herself, a leather canteen she had just filled at a nearby stream, and a pouch where she kept food and a few other necessities. Michah stood once everything had been safely secured to him, firmly planting his massive primate hands on the ground to steady himself for the last bit of weight upon his back, also known as his owner. Nialah came up to one side of the large primate, planting both hands firmly at the center of his back, then pulled herself up while turning around in a practiced motion, so that she was sitting sideways on the beast's back. She then threw one leg over to the other side, righted herself and placed one hand on the back of her mount's neck. With another whistle escaping Nialah's lips, Michah began heading off. Spark stayed on the beast's head for the most part, occasionally fluttering off a short distance and sometimes coming to rest on Nialah's shoulder once again, pining for attenton. She took a map and a compass out from one of her bags and took mental note of a few landmarks she should keep an eye out for to ensure she's heading the right way. Satisfied, she turned her attention to her surroundings, keeping an eye and an ear out for anything suspicious.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/2015-09-01_14.55.09.jpg.7ef4466fedfaf134c7e44403a3a7f719.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72295" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/2015-09-01_14.55.09.jpg.7ef4466fedfaf134c7e44403a3a7f719.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Karasu

Location: Zymt Woods, Aothea

The Zymt Wood was it's chatty self. Animals of all kinds sang their songs, the leaves above rustled slightly in their own little tune, everything here had it's own unique voice that echoed within the air. While it was normal for the woods to be filled with noise, today something was different. Near the middle of the woods the chatters were louder as unwelcomed footsteps disrupted their songs. That and the ominous aura that hung in the air like an unseen fog. Something was about to happen.

"Let's get going already." An impatient voice called out. A bulky man stopped and turned towards the group of five he led. In his hand wielded a rather large Ax, something popular amongst men of his size. "I want to get the hell out of these damn woods." He added with a growl to his voice. This leader had noticed the threat that hung in the woods. What were he and his men doing here? This group was none too liked. Thieves and killers were all they were. Going through and robbing whomever they see fit, leaving nothing but a body behind. Their recent victims were a small family on the outskirts of a town. A child and it's parents, sleeping peacefully in the night. That was until the men came through. Of course the child was easy to dispose of, the man was quick too for he was asleep. Surprisingly enough it was the woman who gave them trouble. By Gods was she a demon in disguise. Quick to draw a dagger and even quicker to kill. She took down three men before she joined the dead. By that time the Leader had ordered a quick in and out. He had this feeling at that very second that they had angered something they shouldn't have. So now they trudged through these woods to prevent being followed...however there was that uneasy feeling that someone, something, was hunting them.

Near the men a smaller tree burst into caws of Crows, both groups being startled by the other. The flock of crows fled to the sky as a rock was angrily thrown at them. In this flurry of wings and noise the men didn't notice the single Crow that sat there quietly, unmoving, red eyes staring. When the mass of birds cleared that one Crow was gone.

An unseen figure in the shadows tightened a thin wire in his hands.
Six men came in this forest....Six men wouldn't come out. Karasu, the God of Assassins, would make sure of that.

The first man to was quick and easy. Lagging behind the rest, as he paused beside a tree he never saw the wire go over his head and latch onto his neck. Not a single sound was made as the wire sliced into his neck and silenced him forever. The group didn't even notice the missing member until the second disappeared.

At that moment there was a small panic. The remaining four called out to their companions, unsure if the missing men were lost or in worst condition. It was by the Leaders order to continue, to get out of the forest. While the three members had fear written on their faces, the Leader seemed calm...hiding the panic that was beginning to rise. The third to go wasn't so hidden as the other to were. Like the missing members, he just disappeared. Unlike the other two missing members, he didn't stay gone. The remaining three found him soon enough lifeless against a tree with a stab wound in the chest but not a weapon in sight.

It was obvious that running wouldn't do any good so the Leader demanded that they stood their ground. Fools, as if that would do any good. The group drew their weapons and took a circle formation. The attacker was expected to come from the sides, not from the sky...So when the Karasu dropped in the middle of their defensive circle their fates were sealed.

The battle lasted seconds. A sword through the heart for one, when the other turned to try to defend himself a sharp dagger bite his neck. That left the Leader. Instead of killing him instantly like the rest, Karasu stood there and watched as the bulky man turned in shock. It was to be expected. Those who didn't know Karasu were usually taken back by how he looked. A boy who looked no older than 21, pale skin, an athletic build, nothing too strong looking. The appearance was a bit intimidating but it was aura and the deadly calm look in the boy's face that send shivers down the Leader's back. The Assassin let go of his bloodied dagger, it dissolving into shadows before touching the ground.
"A Demon." The Leader hissed out. A smile crossed the face of the Assassin.

"Close enough." He replied with a soft and calm voice. The now lone thief gritted his teeth as the smell of blood lingered in the air. His roar of rage was drowned out by the screams of animals around as they cheered on the match. A large Ax swung down at Karasu's head. A blind and careless move. However the God didn't dodge the blade. Instead he met it with his own broadsword that formed in his hand. When blade met blade, Karasu didn't move and inch but the thief stumbled back. As the large man tried to regain his balance a dagger dug into his throat, just enough where it didn't kill him instantly. "You killed one of my people, just retired. Her and her family...Allow me to return the favor." The blade was then shifted upward, sealing the fate of the murderer.

Karasu let out a small yawn as he left the scene. Predators in the forest would take care of the body, that or cleaned up by the bugs that roamed the ground. How easy that was....to think that group even lasted that long. In their defense it was a God they were unknowingly facing. Normally the Assassin God didn't bother with Aothean affairs however this dealt with one of his people....that and there was nothing else to do. It was either sleep and be bored or do something with the day. Word of his Assassin's doings reached his ears fast enough when it was big enough. He would have had a small group of Assassins take care of the thieving scum but, again, he would be doing nothing. Unfortunately he once more had nothing to do.

A low hanging branch caught his eye as he headed to...wherever he felt like going. Above that branch hung a higher up branch holding a single red apple.
"....Why not...?" With a small jump, he gripped the low branch and hauled himself upwards. As he now balanced on the branch, a throwing knife came into hand. The fruit bearing branch was as a perfect angle where the stem was exposed. The knife swirled once in the gloved hand before hurtling at the apple. With deadly accuracy, the blade cleanly sliced through the stem and released the red fruit from its hold. Instead of falling to the ground the apple had a rather soft landing on the flat of a blade. The blade flicked upwards sharply to toss the apple right into the awaiting hand of the God. Right as he was going to sit and enjoy the fresh fruit, an unfamiliar sound caught his attention. It wasn't the singing animals whom returned to their normal chatter, but it was something different. He bit the side of the apple to keep a firm hold as he launched from the branch onto another lower hanging one. He made his way up a branch or two before continuing towards the sound.

Even as he jumped from tree to tree, not a single sound was made. Only a couple of leaves fell from the branches as they were gently shaken. Soon he came across the unknown sound, it being not too far away. What an unusual sight it was. A girl riding on the back of a Gorrilian accompanied by a miniature dragon. Curiosity pricked the God. These Aothean people never ceased to interest him. Others might think that living as long as he had, this would be a boring sight. However they fail to remember that not one person is completely alike. Always something new and different. Instead of greeting the girl, he sat down soundlessly on the branch. After a minute or so he took the apple from his mouth and biting into his, the soft crunch breaking his silent joined by the faint sounds of chewing.



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Nialah Stonekin

Location: Zymt Wood

Nialah's Trek through the woods was mostly uneventful for a few hours, the sights and sounds of the forest much the same. Suddenly, she heard faint, but unmistakable cawing and frantic flapping of wings that she had to guess came from a tree full of spooked birds. Michah stopped in his tracks, looking that direction almost in unison with the woman on his back, as she brought out her bow and swiftly took an arrow out of her quiver, bring it to half-nock in a precise, oft-practiced movement. There were more faint sounds that she couldn't quite make out, but they didn't bode well. They were accompanied by this... presence, this ominous feeling she could not describe. But, she saw nothing that seemed dangerous, no one hidden in the trees, nothing. If that wasn't unsettling enough, the sounds that faintly resembled those of dying men quieted as soon as they began.

Michah stood still, grunting uneasily. Something was amiss here... Nialah nonetheless proceeded, slowly and with great caution, surveying her surroundings for a few more minutes. She swore she heard a quick, faint sound not unlike branches or stems being cut, but then only the usual ambience of this wood could be heard once gain. She began glancing through the branches of every tree she passed as her mount trudged on. Suddenly, on an overhanging branch just in front of her, was perched a man with black hair. Nialah had never seen anything like him before. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief, but he certainly seemed... real, for lack of a better term. She decided speaking up would be better than continuing to stare dumbfounded. "Who goes there?!" She asked, subconsciously beginning to reach for an arrow, before deciding against such a gesture and slowly lowering her hand, keeping a firm grip on the bow nonetheless. There was a certain air about this man that made her hesitant to take the offensive stance she normally would in this sort of situation. So she simply locked eyes with the strange man and waited for an answer.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/KARASU.jpg.8e5804f213a3521c11f18ef915651b99.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/KARASU.jpg.8e5804f213a3521c11f18ef915651b99.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Karasu

Location: Zymt Woods, Aothea

When the girl finally noticed Karasu, a amusement rose within him. This girl stared at him as if he was some strange and ancient thing...which was true but funny nonetheless. The rubbing of eyes only added onto the amusing situation, as if rubbing her eyes would make him suddenly disappear. Though while on the inside he was laughing, on the out he stared back. His dark red eyes locked with her own. A calm and careless look versus a suspicious and startles look. There was a moment where the interlocking gazes broke as he lazily looked at her hand as it reached for an arrow before deciding not to. Clever girl. Then he looked back at her face and took another bite of his apple.

It was another minute or two before he actually reacted to her question. He placed the apple back in his mouth to hold as he shifted his weight back. With a twist of the body, the Assassin smoothly slid from the branch to the ground. Even with the height between the branch and forest floor only a soft thud was made as he landed in a crouched position. The next move was as careless as the last. Taking the apple and biting into it once more. Finally he stopped and replied to the unique girl.

"The question is, who are you?" Rather than a answer, he asked his own little question. A quiz to see whom she was. "Obviously not one of the common Aotheans," he spoke in a calm but thoughtful manor ", but not God nor Demon. A nomad then?" His head tilted ever so slightly as he examined her. "Today has been an interesting day...and to think it still has yet to end. I suppose the now kind thing to do would be to introduce myself to some extent. I hope you would do the same for isn't that the proper thing to do? That is, of course, if you don't like the proper lifestyle. Personally I never favored it too much." Throughout this small rant he remained unmoving from the spot in front of her.

"Karasu, that is my name." He finally answered her single question. He wasn't going to say anything else. No no, let her piece it together. He was curious on how much she knew and how long it would take her to find out she was in presence of a God. Also he wanted to see how she would react. Normally the reactions would be worship, fear, praise, or there had been those whom actually try to kill him. Like all the rest of the creatures in the world, she was different. However he felt like she was more different than the rest. Unique.

"And your name is.....?" As the God awaited an answer, he took one last final bite of the apple and dropped the remains to the ground.




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Location: Boltangate Fort

Once the Vanilla was one with eating its share from the flower, he decided to fly off again in order to search for eventual friends or family that he could go to again. It was nice to have a place that you could call your home. Utuna had always wondered how it could have been if she had an actual family and not a family that she could not remember for the most. The gods here were probably the same as her but she did not like it that much however she could also not complain so much about it since her life was not that bad. But she craved for some adventure, a world that she could explore by herself or with people that she could meet along the way. That seemed like a lot of fun to do for her actually, more than just staying inside of this building for the rest of her time. It was just not something for her to do.

She pushed herself up from the bench where she was sitting on and looked around before making her way towards the exit of the Boltangate Fort where she was residing in. It was not like she was not allowed to go outside of the building so she did not know why she was so cautious about everything, maybe it was because of the location that she was thinking about. Not being able to stop a smile from creeping upon her lips as she felt the adrenaline rushing through her veins. Only a few of the people were going to the place and some took about a month before returning to the castle, others took a shorter time, it all depended on what they were doing and what they wanted to see with their own eyes. With that, her pace fastened up once she was out of the building and walked in the direction of the place she wanted to go to.

Location: Three-Dimensional Mirror

It took a while before she reached the Mirror, it was a lot bigger than she had expected it to be. It was actually quite enormous. The first thing that she had noticed was that the two sides were different from each other, one had a darker aura around it than the other. Which was why she was more appealed to the more natural side of the mirror, the scenery that was displayed in front of it was quite intriguing as she could see what was going on in the other world.
Aothea. She thought to herself as she had heard about this world before, the world that she needed to protect despite not having been there before. She placed her hand next to the glass-like object though it did not feel like it was real glass to be honest.
Nialah Stonekin

Location: Zymt Wood

Nialah narrowed her eyes questioningly at this man as he gave his rather unconventional answer... if it could even be called such. What she found even stranger was the way he spoke of Aotheans as a concept outside of himself, noting how he perceived Nialah as 'Not one of the common Aeotheans', guessing correctly she was a Nomad, a wanderer with no permanent home. She nodded slowly, confusedly, affirming his very accurate guess in a way. Nialah realized he also spoke of Gods and Demons as if he had met one before... or if he was one. It could explain his nearly overwhelming sense of presence, but Nialah had the impression such powerful beings do not usually show themselves to Aotheans. He certainly was unlike anyone else she'd ever met though, that was for certain.

After rambling on about it being an interesting day, the man finally got on to some semblance of an actual answer to her question. He gave nothing but his name however, quite fitting of his mysterious demeanor. 'Karasu... I swear I've heard the name before...' she thought, but couldn't quite place it yet. It was there, somewhere in her mind. 'Karasu, Karasu, where and when have I heard that name...' She couldn't yet remember, but it certainly rung a few bells. "My name is Nialah..." She said somewhat timidly, the man's presence and demeanor slightly unsettling to her. He didn't seem Aothean, she decided that for certain now. The air he carried about him seemed more otherworldly the longer he remained in front of her, which added more fuel to her theory that he was a God or a Demon. Nialah's clan had only faithfully worshipped Utuna, but they of course acknowledged the other gods. Whilst thinking of deities she knew of, trying to place Karasu's name, it finally came to her. "Hold one moment. You said your name was Karasu.... as in, The God of Assassins, Karasu?!"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/KARASU.jpg.2befa709be4000c5a98463a2ec8c15fd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72473" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/KARASU.jpg.2befa709be4000c5a98463a2ec8c15fd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Karasu

Location: Zymt Woods, Aothea

While he waited for her own answer, Karasu observed her closely. Watched as she pieced together little by little this puzzle that was laid out in front of her. Even though she didn't speak, he could tell that the puzzle was near complete. She certainly was unique. There was a spark of intelligence that hung over her but he had yet to see how bright that spark might be.

"Nia-lah." He said her name out loud, testing it. "Quite fitting. You were named well. For a second I thought you wouldn't answer, how amusing it would have been if you didn't. I would have to call you 'Miss Nomad'." The God stepped towards Nialah and her mount, examining it. "A Gorrilian. What an interest choice of mount." He muttered mainly to himself but it was just enough to where she would be able to hear. This day was defiantly going to be entertaining. His eyes trailed up to Nialah then back to her mount, repeating the process for a couple of seconds. In the older days Karasu had met many Nomads before. They had always made him curious and even more impressed as out of all the Aotheans, they seemed to know how to adapt the best. Not needing any shelter, getting their own food by sets of clever traps and knowledge of the plants around, always finding the best way to survive. A tempting lifestyle but the Assassin rather enjoyed his current position. He wasn't the God of Nomads....if there was such a thing. That Goddess, Utana, that was probably the God they worshipped. She was the Goddess of Freedom and free was the very breath of the life of a Nomad. A small yawn escaped his lips as he finished his observations of the pair, stretching out and leaned against the nearest tree. At that second the Nomad finally completed the puzzle.

"Yes I am." He replied as he picked at his left ear. "There is no need to shout however. It's nothing special." There was a hint of irritation in his eyes. While the realization was much appreciated he would have had it to where she didn't raise her voice. It wasn't that he feared the dangers of the forest. No. It was simply because it was still early in the day. That and he wasn't the one to like louder noises. While they were durable, it seemed natural for a God of Assassins to favor the quiet a bit more than most. "A God is merely a title. So if you would please just call me Karasu, I would appreciate it greatly. You would be surprised how many people address me as 'Sir', 'God sir', 'Mr. Assassin God', so on. You Aotheans never cease to amaze me with how many names you can come up for something."




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Derek Kane

Location: Chesence

Derek reached Jeremy's in no time. Pounding on his door with his fist, he waited for a response. After no response, he pounded again once more. Finally he heard a man yell from the other side. A few moments later, the door opens revealing his friend and long time monster-hunting companion, Jeremy.

"You got fat." Derek stated.

"You got ugly." Jeremy retorted. It was their way of greeting each other. Grinning, Jeremy let the man inside and shut the door behind him. He was a heavy-set man, dressed in nothing but loose lounge pants. His house was huge and well furnished, but the man shared it with no one and a tiny layer of dust settled on nearly everything.

"I want to go to the Mirror." Derek followed his friend down the long corridor towards a seating area. This area was lived in, with dirty clothes on the floor and clean ones on the couch, he barely had space to sit down. The coffee table was covered in empty bottles of beer and the scent of stale cigars and ash was offending his nose.

"You're going alone then. Some rumors about people going in and not coming back. I like coming back from an adventure, Derek." Jeremy gave him a serious look and flopped into a leather chair, grabbing what looked like old ale and stared to drink it. "You may get yourself killed on this one."

"What about the people who come through the mirror? You said that guy you met in Athica told you that there were people who came through the mirror with special powers! Demons!"

"Oh dammit, Derek. You're off to get yourself killed over an incident, which was likely just a woman snapping over the idea of commitment, not a Demon." He slammed down his empty glass to make a point. "Kay-Lynn fucked us all over, left with every god-damned cent and don't you forget who it was who found you and brought you to the hospital. Bled all over my good shirt." he seethed, his jowls jiggling in his fury.

"Jeremy-" Derek started, keeping a calmness to his voice to placate his friend.

"Don't you 'Jeremy' me!" he yelled back. "Don't die!" breathing heavily, the man leaned over the side of his chair and picked up a thick brown bottle of booze, taking a heavy swig. After several moments, he pointed the mouth of the bottle towards his friend. Derek refused politely and his friend proceeded to tell him where the mirror was exactly.

Nymph Dragons

Location: Zymt Woods

A small light appeared in the distance of the woods, soaring around through the colourful flowers and seemingly making their way towards where the new sounds were coming from. As curious as the being was, he could not resist to get to know more about the people who entered the place. He did not mean any harm to them which was noticeable in the way that he acted. The presence that he felt was clearly different than what he was used to as it was more powerful than the normal human being walking around Aothea. Maybe it was not the greatest of ideas for the creature but it did not came up to him that there was a possibility that he needed to run away from them. Slowly his appearance started to become more and more visible for anyone to see.
Nialah Stonekin

Location: Zymt Wood

Nialah's eyes widened at Karasu's answer. She was initially inclined to disbelieve it, as meeting a god in person was unheard of to her. Yet, it would explain how... inhuman he seemed. After a moment of quizzically gazing at him, she lifted her right leg, turned, and hopped off of Michah's back, approaching the man cautiously. "I... apologize for raising my voice," she began, "But it it isn't every day one meets a god. I can see why people call you such things, but Karasu it is then." Michah looked back and forth between his master and this strange new being, almost seeming to be in awe of him, before approaching, seeming to look Karasu up and down in his own apeish way, kind of like returning a gesture. He then made a satisfied-sounding grunt before sitting back on his hind legs and continuing to watch as the two talked. Nialah glanced over to the Gorillanian, than back towards Karasu.

"It seems that he likes you. This is good. This may sound strange referring to an animal, but he has a good sense of people. Speaking of, his species may seem like an odd form of transportation, but my people have trained and ridden them for centuries. Nonetheless I'm not surprised that even a god is unaware of this, as we have always been few... especially for the last few years..."
She looked down solemnly after making this statement, but was distracted by something catching her eye. Spark, who'd been staring curiously at Karasu from atop Nialah's left shoulder trhis whole time, noticed it too. It was another Nymph dragon, also seemingly drawn to Karasu's presence. Nilah looked thoughtfully back to Karasu. "It seems that all living creatures can tell you are not Aothean, or at least different." She gazed over to observe the other Nymph dragon's curious behavior. "They're interesting creatures, Nymph dragons. Much smarter than you'd think. This one here is too smart for his own good, truth be told," she said while looking over at spark, whom gave an annoyed-sounding shrill chirp in response, seemingly in protest. "Case in point. They obviously understand spoken language, at least to a certain degree."

@Mockingbird @Marshmallow
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/KARASU.jpg.7100312cc857a34c3890c1eb38cb89b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/KARASU.jpg.7100312cc857a34c3890c1eb38cb89b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Karasu

Location: Zymt Woods, Aothea

Karasu watched the woman quietly as she seemed to digest what she just found out, taking it all in. He couldn't really blame her...Gods rarely come here in Aothea. Or when they do, you almost never know. He was one who came here frequently, either for personal desire or if he had a task to complete, but almost never shows his face. Every so often he would make an exception though...like now. Talking to this Nomad.

"No need for apologies, they don't mean much. You can apologize by doing what I asked." He picked at his gloved fingers, scraping off what appeared to be a red dot on the tips. "I am not trying to be rude...however words are merely wind to me. They only matter if the persons actions support them." The God raised his eyes to watch the Gorrilian take over the observing game. "Hello to you too." When Nialah spoke of the Gorrilian having a good sense of people, Karasu let out a low chuckle. "I guess that's good to hear though I'm afraid your Gorrilian's, whatever his name may be, is mistaken." In the corner of his eye, he could make out the approaching figure of the Nymph Dragon. "As most creatures are..." He added softly.

"It is a different choice of mount but in many ways it makes sense. Every Nomadic group has their own strange mounts, your people being one of the more...unique ones." He made a small note to himself to remember how Nialah has acted when she spoke of her people and the last years. Normally something like that could be overlooked however from this Assassin's knowledge, this meant something or someone had done something bad to her people. From the sound of it, whatever it was killed most of her people. How tragic. It was then that the woman's Nymph Dragon spotted the other.

"It would be the same as an Aothean creature set foot into Heaven, or visa verse. For me to go into the Underworld...my presence fits right in." Karasu turned towards the forest's Nymph Dragon and took off his right glove, extending his hand towards it in a nonthreatening way. "I never understood why you creatures are drawn to me." He muttered, thinking out loud. "Trust me, Nialah. I know how intelligent these creatures are." The God peeked over at the Nomad's dragon with amusement dancing in his eyes. "I've been around longer than your great grandmother's great grandmother. Moving on, you are looking for something right? Not just mindlessly travelling to wherever but traveling to a specific something. That is what the map and compass was for I assume."





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Nialah Stonekin

Location: Zymt Wood

Nialah nodded in understanding at his response. She'd never thought that way about words, but it certainly made sense. He seemed wise in a way beyond human years, though it wasn't exactly a surprise considering how long he must have existed thus far, at least, not any more surprising than the fact he was a God. A confused looked danced across her face as Karasu told her that Michah was 'mistaken,' about him. That sounded like a odd response, and a troubling one at that, but she decided not to read too much into it for now.Besides, Michah only seemed to disapprove of people he sensed had ill intentions towards Nialah or himself. If Karasu had ill intentions, Nialah highly doubted she'd still be alive right now, or even saw him before the end.

Nilah continued to listen, feeling enlightened as he told her the creatures of Heaven would find an Aothean such as herself just as intriguing as these Nymph Dragons were finding him. His mannerisms were odd, and slightly unsettling at times, but... refreshing, is how she would put it. She'd always thought meeting Utuna would be an interesting experience, but giving what she knew of the goddess, and how little she knew about Karasu, not quite a as much as this. She did wonder why such a being would bother to speak with her, but it seemed from her point of view that it was simply curiosity, as much as she would think a god to not be inclined to such pursuits.

Karasu then articulately changed the topic back towards where she'd been going. "Yes, that is correct. No doubt you've heard of The Three Way Mirror? Perhaps you even came from there? I was hoping to go there and see whether or not the rumors are true... that it's a gate between this world, Heaven, and Hell. I'd assumed travel there by mortals before death impossible." Nialah watched the nymph dragons some more as they acted on thier curiosity about Karasu.

@Mockingbird @Marshmallow

Derek Kane

Three-Way Mirror

Derek had ridden out of town that day, it didn't take him long to enter the thick forests of Aothea. Dangerous were the paths in darkness, but the experienced Monster Hunter didn't seem to have a care in the world. The thick beast he rode, the horse named 'Don't Bite Me' but Derek called him Coal, expertly trotted along the stone path. He knew where he was headed, but wasn't entirely sure what the best route was.

He surprised himself and made it in half the time he had thought. The forest was so lush, he had figured it was nighttime until some small creature in the canopy shook a tree, revealing long straight beams of sunlight. Birds called and primates whooped and hollered. He sensed a predator watching him, but it didn't get any closer, the creature probably knew Aotheans and it was best to avoid them.

As the stone path turned to a less used game trail, Derek checked his compass to make sure he was still heading in the right direction. Whistling, Fred barked and ran into his line of sight. His horse nickered and breathed roughly through his nose while the man looked around, finding his direction. Confident, he continued down the path.

"Whoa Coal, slow down." he muttered to the horse as he started to trot again. Derek didn't want any accidents and thick tree roots crisscrossed along the dirt trail. Best to be careful and save the horse from an injured leg. Scritching the base of his mane, the stallion nickered again, pleased with the attention.

After several hours, Derek had noticed the path starting to widen. Soon, they came into a clearing and before him stood this magnificent artifact. He had not thought the Mirror to be so large, but there it was, the size of a house standing at the top of a hill and cradled by thick flowered veins and moss.

Removing his hat, he wiped a kerchief across his forehead and marveled at the thing. Whatever that place was reflecting, it sure wasn't Aothea. Dismounting, he tied the reins over the horn of his saddle then put his hat on top of it. Giving a short whistle, Fred began to follow him, the fluffy dog panting in the heat of the rainforest, keeping to his masters heels as they slowly approached the magnificent structure.

"What in the Gods names is this thing..?" he spoke aloud, asking no one. The hunter wanted to touch it.


Location: Three-Dimensional Mirror

Utuna did not know what to expect on the other side of the Mirror and something was pulling her subconscious that it was not the best ideas she ever had to go to this place. The place where this thing was standing all high and mighty, it made people feel inferior to it yet it was so beautiful at the same time. She took a step closer so she could see even better through it, seeing something moving on the other side which took an interest on her as she did not expect that to happen. Perhaps she was just there at the right time so she could meet somebody on the other side of the Mirror. Yet she still hesitated as she did not know if the other was friend or foe. It was truly curious really.

The same Vanilla from earlier seemed to have went along with her, surprising her as she suddenly felt a small nudge in her arm, just enough for her to actually feel the movement. With that her eyes switched over to the creature and she put it on her shoulder so it could watch together with her towards the other side of this place. The nerves started to slowly make their way up to her head as she wondered about it longer and longer. That was not a good thing and if she decided to return back home, she wondered if there was going to be a chance of her going back here. It truly mattered at that time.

Upon hearing a loud voice, she almost jumped up because she had not expected to hear a voice coming from the other side from Aothea. However, this somehow made her feel at ease as she now realized they were speaking the same language so they could understand each other.
”It’s a three-dimensional mirror. It gives way to another world than yours…” She answered almost automatically at the rhetorical question from the other. Blinking her eyes rapidly as she did not want to respond at all but she did so she had to deal with it one way or another.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4652b0e9_blacksuit.jpg.f7875922f5c332b7fdc51292d87c40a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73032" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4652b0e9_blacksuit.jpg.f7875922f5c332b7fdc51292d87c40a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Azazel Bune

Three way mirror

Azazel was at his usual spot near the three way mirror where he was abandoned by his comrades it was a nice day y his standard's and by the cloud's it would rain later which would be annoying for him since it would make him a little weaker than usual but it only depends on how hard the rain is.. He never dared to approach it because the higher god's were still looking for the devil's and sense he was a Arch-devil they would defiantly come after him,
But that's until he saw a human male travel up to it in aww he snickered a bit from it. "Well better brake the aww moment and tell him what it is, since he's never seen it" but when he was about to reveal himself a goddess started talking "Shit I'll hide for now and see if I could bud in at the right moment" He thought as he hid behind a tree it wasn't a full grown tree but big enough to hide him.

While Azazel was hiding he looked the human up and down to see if he was a threat. It came up saying he would be a challenge if he didn't pull out his gauntlet's but the pressure from them alone can get the attention of that damn goddess, so he just hid a little more before standing up and going behind the man a couple meters as he hid his presence,





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Derek Kane

Three-Way Mirror

The world he saw was bright and inviting with fluffy clouds and little lights that flitted by. Staring at it nearly blinded him, but he could swear he saw a humanoid shape within the glare. Stepping closer, he reached out and poked at the mirror but just before his hand made contact, a feminine voice answered him from the mirror.

"It’s a three-dimensional mirror. It gives way to another world than yours…"

Just as he heard it, his instinct took over and he pulled out his handgun aiming the single barrel at the mirror. His demeanor changed from that of awe, to caution, unsure if a demoness was present on the other side.

"Identify yourself." he ordered. He didn't pull back the hammer of the gun, instead waiting for a proper introduction before deciding to shoot. Fred started barking, but it wasn't at the mirror. "Shush, Fred." he wanted to hear the woman speak, if it really was a woman. The dog started to whine instead, brown eyes staring off into the forest near Coal. Derek didn't turn to look, concerned with the magic he was witnessing.

His horse though, had also spotted the man behind the tree and slowly walked over to him. A deep grumble echoed in his chest, but the seemingly friendly beast kept approaching before letting out a gentle nicker and reaching with his teeth to bite at the mans suit jacket. Derek couldn't see this display but didn't really react to the sounds of his horse, guessing he wasn't in any danger at that moment.



Location: Zymt Wood

The Zymt Woods, what a wonderful place. The endless amounts of green filled the terrain, it wasn't like the woodlands in the Underworld that's for sure. Sat up in the highest branches of a tree, he was relaxing, nothing more. Kurai would occasionally glance down at the ground below as creatures native to the forest would walk past. He'd also look up to see birds flying past, singing their songs with no disturbance. It was truly wonderful. However, boredom would soon consume Kurai and after about five minutes or so he stood up and began to travel through the branches at full speed. He was heading to the Three-Way Mirror, as he could hear the noises of a dog barking in that direction. He was acting out of curiosity.

Location: Three-Way Mirror

When Kurai got to the magnificent artefact, he saw a man. Who apparently had a gun pointed towards the mirror. Kurai chuckled slightly as he hid up in the trees and observed the scene. He didn't want to get too close and risk being discovered, so he kept himself perched up in the tree and watched the human man. Turning to see a nearby tree, he saw another man, however he was not of Aothean blood. Just by looking at him Kurai could tell he was a demon, much like himself. With a sigh, Kurai spoke quietly to himself, "How curious... A human man has managed to find the Mirror. Fascinating. And the demon over there seems to be hiding from him, perhaps he is scared? Amazing..."

Kurai spoke quietly, although he wasn't bothered if someone had heard him or not.

Kurai was intrigued by this human man, whose name remains unknown to him. The fact that he readied his weapon so quicky, but what to? Perhaps a creature of the Underworld was about to make an appearance. Or worse, maybe one of the Gods were nearby. That displeased the demon, but nonetheless, he sat up in the tree quietly and observed the scene before him.

@Aqua @Zed @Marshmallow

(I thought I'd pop over~ I hope you don't mind:3)

Azazel Bune

Location: Three-way mirror

Azazel sighed as he was being pestered by this mortal horse so he sighed as he took away his suit from the horse and straightened it out, he didn't need this mortal horse's help when he had Fasfer. so he walked on over out of the brush making it Audible enough for the Aothean to hear as he made it out he walked behind the human about two meters away and said "So a Aothean is talking with a disgusting goddess huh" as he pulled out his dagger to intercept any bullet that the human would shoot at him. He noticed the presence behind him He knew it wasn't Aothean because it was way to strong and he knew it wasn't a god because the should was to dark so he guessed it was a demon.

Then he looked back at the human and the whining dog saying "And I have to give you credit for making it to the mirror" as he was spinning the dagger's in his hand. He looked at the mirror soon because he remembered the voice and smiled saying "Utuna I thought I heard you voice" he said as he spat a little, he hated the god's since he was trapped ere because of them but he didn't hate Utuna that much because she had no part in him getting trapped.

@LeSoraAmari @Zed @Marshmallow
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/KARASU.jpg.f2bc01105156d4145c57ca0ef3414156.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/KARASU.jpg.f2bc01105156d4145c57ca0ef3414156.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Karasu

Location: Zymt Woods, Aothea

"Ah, the Three-Way Mirror. I suspected as much." Karasu said as he watched the Nymph Dragon. His head tilted to the side as the small creature curiously sniffed at his fingers then with a small, satisfied hum, perched upon his arm. The God stood up then and bent his arm towards himself to stroke it's head gently with a soft, kind look. "I know exactly where that mirror is for I have been in and out of each one of the worlds many times. Heaven is interesting. If you are on it's good list you will probably find it enjoyable. Hell IS more of a darker world though I like it to some extent. It isn't as horrible as people make it seem. Besides...you would be surprised on how many demons are friendly and how many Gods are not." After a couple of minutes the Nymph Dragon decided to head off on it's own, giving the God one last nudge before fluttering off. "In the end it all depends on what you prefer. I know those who think Heaven is Hell and Hell is Heaven, then I know those who think the exact opposite."

He looked over at Nialah and her 'pets' with thoughtful eyes. Considering, thinking, deciding. Finally after a brief moment of silence he spoke up once more.
"I can take you there. While you seem to know your way there you would have a better chance with me. I could honestly care less if you would rather travel alone, it won't hurt my feelings. That's where I'm heading anyways." Karasu turned towards the direction of the Mirror and began walking.

Mid step, he froze for a split second. Just a single second as he felt multiple presences ahead. One being awfully familiar, the other being someone he knew but not all too well, then another being unfamiliar. Naturally being a God he would be able to sense other stronger aura's within this human world, also this group was closer to the Mirror than the Nomad may know. And the one presence that was very familiar...he could sense his friend from miles away. A small smile crossed his face. Not one of kindness but a more of dark curious one.
What is happening there I wonder? "Nialah, I must warn that something unusual is happening up ahead. There is a chance it could be dangerous though I can't be completely certain." The God looked over his shoulder as he stopped walking all together. "Are you still up for it?"


@Marshmallow I hope you're ok that I took over the Nymph Dragon owo;[/imageFloat]



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Location: Three-Dimensional Mirror

Utuna felt uncomfortable as her senses were being triggered by the presence of not one but two people not from this world and not from the Aothean that she was talking with. Resulting that it could have been only one other species that she knew about. Demons. With that she became more cautious and had the urge to protect this man in front of her even if it meant that she was going to get hurt one way or another. Seeing the other pull his gun towards her, she thought it was his absolute right to do so as nobody would really expect a voice coming from through the Mirror while nobody was standing on the other side of that world. Creepy indeed. But she was not the real threat that was there.

She was hesitant but eventually made the decision that it was better to just show herself and go through the mirror. The grounds were not really known to her but she had been hearing about it a lot as other gods were talking about it rather frequently. She slowly pushed her way through the matter that looked like glass, revealing herself entirely to the man and the dog who was whining to her for one reason or another.
”My name is Utuna, goddess of freedom.” She introduced herself with a soft voice in order to not scare him off in that moment or worse. She did not want a bullet flying in her direction either as that was going to get her in trouble.

When hearing the voice of the man who had been in ‘hiding’, Utuna tensed up as she now knew for sure that there were demons around and not only human beings roaming round and about. She let the Siren Spear slowly appear in her hand, letting it stand next to her so she was prepared if the other decided to attack her or not. If they did not mean any harm it was for the better but if they did mean to hurt, her top priority was going to be to protect this man from any harm.
”Azazel. It’s been a while since I’ve heard about you.” She responded to him, making sure she was in a close range of the Aothean.

@Zed @LeSoraAmari

Derek Kane

Three-Way Mirror

There was a flash of light and suddenly, right in front of the end of his pistol a woman appeared, he tilted the weapon up so it wouldn't be pointed at her then lowered his hand. ”My name is Utuna, goddess of freedom.” She looked like a Goddess, with pale beauty and gold and white clothes that fit her perfectly. Her hair flowed down her body in a perfect wave, not a single strand out of place, she looked as if she had stepped right out of a dream and in response, Derek rubbed his eyes with the back of his free hand.

"So a Aothean is talking with a disgusting goddess huh?" A new voice, likely the one Fred had been whining at. As quickly as he had done before, his gun arm raised up and pointed directly at Azazel but his body continued to face Utuna. Confusion washed over him, these names were names out of myth and legend, since the Immortal War. There was no way these people were really who they say they were, were they? "And I have to give you credit for making it to the mirror. Utuna I thought I heard your voice." he spat. Coal whinnied and trotted up towards Azazel, trying to bite him in the rear.

”Azazel. It’s been a while since I’ve heard about you.” Utuna had responded to this man, was he really the demon Azazel? He had paid respects to several Gods before and each time he prayed to find a real demon, one he could interrogate ruthlessly. His thumb flicked the hammer of his gun back, a familiar click sounded and he turned, eyes narrowing.

"Alright. Azazel, tell me right now why I shouldn't put a hole in your chest." It was an empty threat, he was a good aim and he saw the dagger, but he doubted his little bullets could really harm a demon let alone one of this magnitude. Either way, he gave a chance for the man to spill his case, maybe he didn't deserve death on site. Utuna didn't try to attack him and Gods were known for spilling demonic blood wherever they walked, at least in the gritty stories.

He only then just realized Coal was bothering the demon and wondered if the dagger was meant for his horse, not for him. "Coal! Get out of here you fool." he growled at the beast who only shook his head up and down, neighing and snorting. "Fred get him out of here." He commanded his dog who jumped up and started to bark at the horse, watching carefully as not to get a hoof in the head. The big animal sauntered off, finding it much more suitable to nibble at some vegetation then bother with the yappy beast. Fred whimpered at the other presences he sensed, but lay down next to the horse to keep watch, the dog couldn't communicate just how much danger his master was in.
Azazel Bune

Location: Three-Way Mirror

Azazel saw Utana come out of the mirror with her siren spear "Tch full force at the beginning, gods really are no fun" but he was distracted from her with this pesky Aothean and his horse. This horse was bugging him for some reason but he didn't know why but he wasn't going to kill a animal that is just curious about what he is, but then his attention was attracted to the mortal again pointing a gun at him. "Mortal you really have no idea the extent of my powers do you and you to Utana your no fun to go full force at the beginning but I guess I will go along since it's practically self defense on my perspective" he said to Utana and the mortal.

As soon as Azazel was finished with that line a red hue came off from both arms when suddenly red tentacles started climbing down his arms from his shoulder, But before that happened he took off his first jacket revealing a leather black jacket. As he did that the tentacles kept traveling until both of his arm's were covered with the red tentacles but the bottoms were grey they looked like gauntlet's until eyes opened up on them. The eyes were Solid gold with a black slit in them for pupils, after this happened blades started appearing on the gauntlets in a curved like fashion as he said "Now im ready to defend myself, and mortal if you can land one injury on me I will tell you anything in my knowledge of power. But beware the knowledge I hold can corrupt mind's" What Azazel was referring to was seceret's of the demon world, were treasure was hidden in this world and anything else this mortal wanted to know. But he looked at Utana saying "But if milady let's you" he said bowing down like a butler with a mocking tone.

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