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The Stars Are Falling! (1x1) [Telios & Firefly Of Death]


Onyx Dragon
Storm was flying under the starry and clear night, enjoying the breeze against his coat. He lay on a cloud on his back and slid off his cyan goggles, watching the sky until he noticed something. Some of the stars are disappearing...? He frowned and thought to himself, sitting up to get a better look.

@Firefly of Death
Even as he watched, a star twinkled out of sight and left behind an empty black space. While he was stargazing, a delivery mare flew by his cloud so close she dissipated some of it's fluffy contents, a blue of silver and white. Star Light had never missed a delivery, and a mishap at the station left her behind schedule, so she needed to catch up.
"Hm?" Storm sat up and looked at the Pegasus mare who just flew by. He put his goggles on and flew after her. "Need some help?" He asked with a smile.
She flicked her gaze back at him, wearing lavender colored goggles herself to keep the wind from rushing into her eyes and making them water. Firefly was a very fast flyer and she was impressed that he kept up with her so easily. "I'm making a delivery," she informed with, smiling a bit, "you're welcome to come along if you'd like."
"I'm Star Light" she continued, beating her wings against the air. She glanced at the sun to gauge the time and felt satisfied that she'd make her delivery with plenty of time. In fact, she could see the small farm where her package was going and angled downward towards it to land. She spoke to the colt who accepted the package for a moment, even received a tip for the timely delivery. After dealing with the business at hand, she trotted back to him and grinned.
"Oh yeah, are you going to see the Wonderbolts' next performance?" Storm asked with a grin on his face, hovering in the air.
Star blinks and looks up at him, flapping her wings to join him in the air. She'd been so busy, she hadn't even known about a performance! "When is it?" she asked, gradually ascending.
Star beat her wings against the air and flew up to the clouds, chuckling as she left him behind, "Beat you up there!" She called out, laughing and zooming away playfully.
Star laughed and banked to the right, soaring below him and circling around to his other side. When they reached the clouds, she slowed down and landed on one, standing on it while she waited for him to land.
Storm smiled and slowed down, landing onto the cloud next to Star. "Nice race." He smiled, sliding his goggles up,
She lifted her own goggles and smiled at him, "You're pretty fast." Star looked up at the night sky and gave a sigh. It always made her feel good when she was watching the stars. She frowned when she realized that something looked wrong with the sky. "Is there...something wrong with the stars?"
"I saw some disappearing..." Storm frowned, looking up at the almost dark sky without the stars.
"Do you think we should fly to Canterlot and see what's going on?" she wondered aloud, frowning a bit. She was sure Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had everything under control but Star didn't want to just sit back and worry.
"I might go to Twlilight's place and tell her this. It isn't too late yet..." Storm thought out loud, hovering up.
Star nods and hovers off the cloud, flapping her wings. "Should I go on to Canterlot? I can go to Ponyville if I hear anything and find you."
Storm nodded before flying off to the crystal treehouse. "Twilight?" He knocked on the door once he arrived, hovering in front of the door.
Star nodded and took off for Canterlot. When she finally got there, she kept her ears out for any gossip she could find out about the stars. She was on her way to an old friend's house, an elderly mare named Starsmart. She was a professional stargazer and would know something.
(I'm sorry for being gone, I've been dealing with RL lately.)

Princess Twilight Sparkle was in her treetop castle's massive library when Storm knocked, her nose buried in a book. A telescope stood like a sentinel at the window, pointed at the stars and Twilight occasionally went to it to peer through the lens. Spike heard the door and went to greet the visitor, opening it and staring up at the colt. "Hiya. What can I do for ya?"
"I need to meet Twi. The stars are somehow disappearing..." Storm said with a tint of nervousness over his voice, sliding off his goggles.

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