The Spire (Open)


Junior Member

May closed up shop for the last time that morning. She gave the keys to the girl who was taking over the shop and then took a walk around the city. The city may have been partially destroyed, dirty, and destitute in places, but it was hers. Her walk took her by some of the beautiful parts of the city, the one and only park inside the city, the canals with their shops and markets, and the art center of the city with its re-purposed buildings and murals. Finally she arrived at her destination, the spire. It rose up slowly spiraling and narrowing to its top. She pressed her hand to the side of it as she walked around to the door. It was cool to the touch despite the day's warmth, a welcoming feeling but one she knew was deceitful.

Her eyes were seeing things other's didn't, they were seeing through walls, through fabrics. Everything was black and white and when they moved the things she was seeing shimmered. In all the effect was handy for spying on people, but otherwise it made it hard to see details in things that weren't moving. As she wound her way around the Spire she heard people talking. No doubt wondering how many people will actually show up to go in, she thought brushing a strand of her hair out of her eyes. I wonder how many will, her thought continued as she started to see the back of the crowd forming in front of the spire door. She paused there for a moment looking at the spire for the first time that morning hoping to see inside. The spire was clear in her vision, but that was not a good thing. It stood out white, constantly moving, never allowing a peak inside itself. She hoped that once inside she would be able to help by giving directions, there was no guarantee though.

Turning her attention back to the task she walked towards the group, their movement creating a bright white spot in her vision. She couldn't see anyone near the door, either they've gone in or no one is showing, she thought as she pushed her way to center, towards the door. The crowd was parting ways for her now, letting her get to the door with ease. When she got there she glanced around, there really wasn't anyone waiting to go in. "Where are all the people?" she wondered aloud looking through the crowd for familiar faces. She stood by the door waiting, hoping others would be willing to join her.

(Shorter posts, even 1 liners are allowed so long as they are appropriate in the situation (aka conversations or fast paced scenes) so as long as the post is long enough to give people something to react to, its fine)

"Take that! I don't want to see your face here again!" Felicity shouted at the punk who ran away holding his bloody nose. She glared until he was out of sight and then picked up an older lady's bag. The strap was broken, but nonetheless she handed it over to the poor lady against the wall. "Here you go ma'am." She smiled.

"Thank you dearie." The old lady was thankful as she gave Felicity a small hug. Felicity waved to her as she walked off. Stuffing her hands into her pockets she walked on. she wore tattered jeans she once stole from some rich person. They weren't tattered then though so thats what happpens when you live in the poorest area of the city.

She looked up and could see the Spire in the distance. She hated the Spire and what's done to those around her. She saw someone turn to glass right in front of her during one of the storms. And also thanks to it she is affected by everyone's mood around her. she could walk by something sad and just feel so heart broken one second and the next walking by some fight and get all riled up. It was a task trying to keep it under control.

she rounded a corner and could see a large crowd surrounding the Spire. She didn't know what was going on so she walked up. Several people moved away from her because of her status in the city and she didn't mind. She glared them all down anyways. She noticed someone walking up to the Spire itself and wondered why she would want to go inside. Personally Felicity wouldn't want to, but it looked tempting. She stepped forward. "I'll go."
"A little to the left. More. More. Perfect!" Natasia had been standing next to her father, over looking the construction of their new home. They had lost everything in a recent storm. She talked to father about her up and coming adventure into the spire. Her father was worried but proud that Natasia wanted to avenge her mother and felt confident that with the right group of people, she would return safe.

Natasia looked up at her umbrella. She was confined to using one ever since she was affected by the storm. Her skin, paper white, her eyes and hair, a light aqua. This was her curse from the spire. Although Natasia loved her new complexion, she hated being vulnerable to the suns rays. She quickly set her umbrella down to catch a few last rays. She had to shade herself within at least five minutes or suffer a nasty Sun burn. She said her farewell to her father and walked down the path to the road.

Natasia loved her neighborhood. She was one of the rich, her mother was a writer and her father, a Neuro suergeon. The area obviously had its damage but the wealthy people were always rebuilding. She wore an expression of sadness and worry. If she died, it would not have been in vein. She saw the spire up over a line of recently scorched trees.

As Natasia approached, she could see the gathering crowed. Not many were going to enter the spire today. The crowed must have been looking for a source of entertainment. She thought it sick to sit around and watch people enter the despicable place and risk their lives. She nudged through the crowed and made her way to the door, glancing at the people at the front: the people who would enter. Natasia wore a simple black tee, short shorts, and thick tennis shoes, making her legs look thinner than what they were. She shook out her nerves and set her face into determination. "Lets do this," she said with more confidence than what she really had.
Jura checked his bag for the last time, checking all of his tools and making sure he had plenty of distilled water for the extractors. Jura also grabbed two replacement containers that he had already filled with F.D. or fluid death as he called it jokingly. Jura wore his usual tee shirt with an overcoat that strapped down above the extractors and some black cargo jeans, Jura then did a final check on them to make sure they were working at their utmost efficiency. He also attached an electronic gas mask attaching the power cord into the extractor and walked outside, with the push of two buttons he vented out all the Excess F.D. that had built up over night. Jura removed the mask and went back inside to say goodbye to his father.

When Jura reached the study he knocked lightly waiting for his father to bid him enter, when Jura heard the usual grunt he walked in, his father was an old sickly man who liked large impressive decor and bright lighting. Jura stood before his fathers desk his eye meeting his fathers.

"I just wanted to say thank you father for all that you have done for me and goodbye" Jura said Feeling tears well up as he thought back to how much he tried to give him a normal life "I promise I will come back without these things on anymore..." He cut Jura off.

"Jura, you will always be my normal son just return to me safely with or without them on" He said walking around and pulling Jura's face into his chest causing me to cry hard "You always have and will be my son, nothing will change that, this is your home and I am your father."

As the car pulled up to the Spire Jura stepped out feeling out of place among the people but confident in his abilities. He pulled the gas mask off his face and let it hang off his neck. Jura walked up to the door away from people a good way putting the mask on and releasing the pressure and excess one last time in a loud hissing before dropping the mask and walking to the door running his hand up and down it's surface.

"To the beginning and end of my curse"
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Sasha gazed out of her window, her aqua eyes glimmering in the dull light of her room.She squinted out, gazing at the mob forming around the shire. She furrowed her eyebrows and stood, her slender body inching its way towards Zekes room. "Zeke?" She asked hesitantly, she was answered with a grunt. She sighed and opened the door, her brother was sprawled out across his bed, his laptop resting ontop of his lap. She sighed and flicked him on the side of the head, he turned and glared at her through his blonde hair. "There's a mob outside of the shire, lets check it out." Her twin looked curious for a moment before returning with his ohso famous shrug. The two got up and left their two story building, they were considered rich in this generation, but they never even thought about rubbing it in. Zeke had a bored expression on his face as the two blondes approached the shire. "Hey, what's going on?" Sasha chirped, she, as figured got no response and began to throw a fit, while Zeke was listening. "They're planning on going into the shire." He stated with narrowed green eyes. Sasha nodded and stepped forwards "I'll do it." She stated proudly, followed by a rush of words from Zeke "Wait.. What? You can't.. IM GOING TOO!" Zeke instantly regretted what he said, it was written all over his face.
(fyi Sock its the spire, not shire)

A small group had formed around May soon after she arrived. There were some odd people there, along with a few more normal appearing people. No apparent leader had stepped forward, and so the group that formed was simply milling about. May looked at her watch, having to wait for the hands to move to actually read them, it was past time when the group was said to be leaving. Deciding that she should at least tell the others May raised her voice, "If we are going to go in we should get on with it." We can all speak when we are inside, she thought, hopefully then form a plan of some type. She pulled open the doors, waiting to see who was going in.
BlueGem said:
(fyi Sock its the spire, not shire)
A small group had formed around May soon after she arrived. There were some odd people there, along with a few more normal appearing people. No apparent leader had stepped forward, and so the group that formed was simply milling about. May looked at her watch, having to wait for the hands to move to actually read them, it was past time when the group was said to be leaving. Deciding that she should at least tell the others May raised her voice, "If we are going to go in we should get on with it." We can all speak when we are inside, she thought, hopefully then form a plan of some type. She pulled open the doors, waiting to see who was going in.
I'm using my phone and autocorrect is changing stuff.
(Okay, just fix it once you have access to a computer, also use parenthesis when talking ooc. If that's your phone as well, do the same thing)
Carol had just finished up what she considered to be her last job. She wasn't even sure why she had accepted the job, she wasn't going to get anything from it. She usually did a job for a small meal or a place to sleep, however, she was going to the Spire, so there would be no need for a bed in the poor part of town tonight. Maybe she did it for nostalgia. Whatever it was, she was ready to leave. She could feel the Spire in the distance. It was easier to see an object when it was a large as the Spire was.

She sighed. Her poverty didn't anger her nearly as much as her blindness did. True, she still could "see" (a better term would be sense) but it was different than actually seeing the things around her. She truly did hate the Storms. They'd taken everything away from her. Her family, several friends, and her sight. Her true sight.

The Spire was now right in front of her. There was a group gathering outside. She inched her way over, trying to blend in. 
Carol heard the announcement and thought for a moment... giving herself a chance to back out. No, she thought, I need to. "I am!" She walked forward and entered.
Sasha took a deep breath, stepping through the door with hesitation,

Zeke watched the few people enter before he did himself, his stomach twisting and churning with nerves. He shot a glare to his sister, as if saying "F you for bringing me into this" He rose his arms and rested his hands atop of his head, his grey hoodie helping him blend in with the crowd, Sasha was jumpy and rather excited, to well, do something with her life.
Felicity looked around as the group got bigger and shrugged and walked up as well. She wanted to to see what was inside the Spire, see what all the fuss was about. She also wanted to know what caused these storms that hurt people. She stayed quiet, seeing a few guys walking in and made sure to keep her distance from them with a huff.
Zeke casted his eyes over Felicity, he sighed to himself and tilted his head back against the wall, his green eyes remained dim, following his sisters each movement, he seemed rather disgusted with her, he pushed himself off of the wall, glancing over at Felicity once more before heading over to the other side of the small room, his chin resting on the palm of his hand. He sucked in his cheeks, grief running over his face, his parents had just died, he had no idea why Sasha was so jumpy,

It made him angry, god did it make him angry.
Jura walked in confidently after a few others had walked into the spire, he reached down and set the extractor to pressurize instead of filter in case he needed a weapon and with the other used it to power a flashlight which he shinned around the small room. He felt most comfortable in small spaces and walked into the center of the room looking around.

He reached down running his gloved finger over the floor and examined it seeing no signs of dirt or dust "This place is oddly clean, I don't like this" Jura said straightening himself "I think we should make quick introductions and find out what our ability sets are before we continue?" he asked around.
Natasia folded up her umbrella, keeping it close to her side. She could feel the raging Sun on her weak skin one last time before she entered the spire. She let down her long, curly pigtails that sat high on her head and ran her fingers through the abnormal aqua hair. It was like she was in battle mode. She looked around, wondering at the place, pristine and clean. She looked around at the others. 'So this is my group, huh?' She thought.

((What exactly does the room look like?))
The first room of the spire a grand foyer. There were a couple groups of chairs with tables in the middle, but the vast majority of the room was empty. The colors were all neutral, beige, off white, and some grey. The walls and floors were simple, meant to be some what minimalist, while still offering to a traditional feel. Two chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a bright light across the room. There were three doors leading out of the room, with one directly opposite the entrance and the others flanking it.

May followed the first group of people in, with a few still outside. She paused just with in the entrance, the constant movement of the spire instantly slowed when she crossed the threshold. Instead of straight white, the walls within the spire now revealed the movement of individual rooms. It was still buzzing with activity, but now she could identify where the rooms were, and at times what was in them. Though she couldn't see any rooms that looked like something that would cause the storms. She walked to the center of the room and waited for the rest of the group to pile in.

(From now on, whoever opens the door decides what is behind it)
Felicity looked around, keeping her distance away from the group. They all had a pretty neutral feeling among them and that was comforting for her. She felt out of place in here with this group. She didn't think they grew up with the same area of the city as her. when that guy started a conversation up she didn't respond either.
Carol looked around at the small group that had gathered. They were all a bit unusual in some way. If not in the way they looked than in the way they held themselves or the aura that came off of them.

She looked around the vast room and thought to herself that she might have finally gotten in over her head. She was used to taking risks. It was literally her job description. But this was a little more serious than stealing from the "higher-ups". She sighed and took another look around the room. She squared her shoulders, re-adjusted her bow, and decided to go for nonchalant in the emotional arena. "So... what now?"
"I see, so no one wants to say anything, well I am Hermaues Attaxis Jura which is ridiculous so call me Jura. I can produce highly caustic poison and I know a fair amount about machinery and electronics" Jura said walking to the large door and examining the frame for any sign of traps or mechanisms before turning the locked handle.

"Can anyone do something about this?" Jura asked.
Natasia admired Juras being straightforward. She lifted an eyebrow and smiled. She stepped forward, turning on her toes to the rest of the group. "Well if we're introducing ourselves, my name is Natasia Ucklov. I'm a rhythmic gymnast. Not professionally of course, but anyway, the storms gave me the paper white skin and light aqua you see in my hair and eyes. I am easily damaged by the suns rays." With that, she turned again, heading for one of the door, inspecting it.
Felicity crossed her arms and sighed. "Felicity." she only said. "and is anyone going to open one of the doors?" she huffed a bit. She didn't want to open the first door, didn't want everyone's hope riding on her to open a door.
"Introductions seem to be in order," May said trying to force the other two names into her head, "I'm May Horne, May is fine. I'm a tailor, and I can see through things." With that she turned to where Juras was standing and watched to see if she could tell what the room behind his door was. "That's something with a lot of chairs in it," she stated, unable to get much more than that from the quick inspection.
"Thank you please stand back" Jura said in warning.

Jura turned and walked a few spaces pressurizing the other extractor and firmly put on the gas mask and started channeling his emotions to anger himself feeling his dead patches of skin began to drizzle out liquid death. His ability fed on his emotions and when he was a kid he suffered highly for it as the effects of emotion took a few seconds to wear off. He aimed his arms at the door hitting the releases in his hands and sprayed down the door covering it in fluid death calming himself as he did and stopped spraying as the patches calmed down and watched it began to sizzle and hiss as it began eating the door making many holes as it did.
((Gonna send out a few reminders after this post, hopefully that will help. But just so you all know, if you're having trouble knowing where to go with a post, or want to discuss an idea you have for the plot please, please, please, post it into the info/ooc thread.))

That explains the tanks then, May thought watching the door melt. She glanced around seeing people still lingering outside the open door, while the rest seemed to be rather uncomfortably standing in the entrance. "If we want to get through this place, we're going to need to work together so if you haven't said something I suggest that you do," she said, looking at the other's faces hoping to guilt them into it. We really do need to know what everyone can do, she thought, they could be dangerous if we don't. As she waited for the others to speak up she listened to the sound of the door slowly sizzling and wondered what happened when the toxic substance reached the floor.
Carol noticed that no one was speaking up about themselves. She was never really one to give up information freely. She knew that people usually wanted something from you But this is different, she rationalized.

So she cleared her throat and spoke up. Still trying to keep the flippant tone to her voice. "My name is Carol. I am a... um... independent contractor." That seemed like a diplomatic way to say theif. "And as you may not have realized, I am blind. But I can still sense the things and people around me... Don't ask me how. I can usually sense when something is coming a few seconds, maybe a minute, before it or they arrive."
Natasia looked nonchalantly at the group if people. She enjoyed learning about them. "Well you all know me already..." She looked blankly at the floor smiling. She had told them that she the spire gave her her extremely pale complexion and that she was a rhythmic gymnast, making her a contortionist. She quickly kept off the floor, gliding towards the door. With a spin, she lept off the floor, arched her back, and split her legs. With a satisfied smile, she gave a nod. "Now that I've proved my abilities..." She stood up tall, facing the door. She took high, graceful steps, avoiding touching the sizzling door. Once inside, she gasped.

Inside was another pristine room, but this time, all white. Everything was white. The floors, everything, stark white. The ceilings were impossibly tall and in front of her, Natasia could see a long corridor. She looked up, seeing the top of the walls if the long wide hallway. It was as if they were outside, but the sky was cut off by a sky high white ceiling. A ways down the corridor was a split, leading off into more hallways. It was a maze. A giant maze in a stadium sized room.

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