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Fantasy The Spectrum's character sheet



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Below is the most relevant info and the sheet.
If you don't want to wait for me to post a example cs feel free to have at it and I shall let you know if it's yay or nay and suggest edits where needed. Please ask questions on the check or in a pm and leave this page for sheets only.

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How they use talent.

A talented person absorbs the energy of their colour into their eyes through light. And can manipulate that energy into magic or hue.
Each colour hue is different.
For example a user talented with the colour blue could look up at the sky on a clear sunny day, and absorb a lot of energy, a skilled user could store energy in their fingers, hands or arms for later
(known as holding colour, to have magic stored and ready will cause your skin to glow)

Overall to use talent requires light, even a excellent user of any talent colour, is helpless on a dark night.

excluding one class of talent which I will explain in further detail later.

Coloured tinted glasses are a sought out must for rare colour types.
The colour classes.

The colours.

Blue, people born with the talent for blue are considered very lucky.
Talented blue users often have bright blue eyes or blue flecks and spots throughout them. Blue hue or slaz is sharp, users often make swords blades and shards, skilled users can project blue slaz like bullets from their fingertips, people talented in blue often tend to be logical and straightforward, some are known for large egos and being rather blunt.

Green, people born with a talent for green often feel more comfortable around nature,
They draw power from the colour green, on sunny days they would get their energy to produce slaz from grass or foliage.
Green slaz is very strong and sturdy, often used as blunt weapons or armour as well as foundations to construction.
Users are known for being wild emotions, weather that's confidence, depression, lust or being proud. They often have their emotions on their sleeve.

Pink, A talent for pink is a very subtle powerful talent,
Pink hue is thin and silky, sometimes sticky, pink hue is formed in strands that reach out and attach to said target, pink is a rare and often unstable talent to master as it specialises in manipulation of emotions.

Brown, brown talent is the most common of talents,
To use requires little training and effort, to use well however is a different story,
Brown talent concerns nature and can effect it greatly. Brown hue is a liquid formed by the user, which is sprayed or used accordingly, some talented users drink brown hue, as it can be formed in a liquid compound, stronger than any alcohol or natural drug in the world

Purple, purple is considered a rare talent, hard to master and control,
Purple hue is a visible purple gas or fog, anything caught within this gas is liable to the users manipulation, (think telekinesis)
Very talented users of purple hue have been rumoured to open gateways within the fog,
But that's speculation and rumours....

Red, red hue is very powerful and dangerous, users can tend to have tempers some being violent and irrational. When they feel wronged or see something they deem wrong they tend to flare up.
Red hue is basically energy in a raw form it can be semi solid, almost a gas, and on rare occasion liquid, put simply it burns. Some talented users can control this like having heated fists when they punch that leave a scorch, or projecting streams of fire and explosions.

Orange hue is healing, and one of the rarer talents to have.
Orange is used in fixing a physical wound, skilled users have reported fixing mental fatigue with a warm orange glow. The good it does varies on skill of the user and can often drain the orange user quickly and severely depending on the damage they are trying to repair.

Yellow, yellow users are often happy go lucky,
Yellow hue is a flexible thing, users can make structures from yellow hue but it is a adaptable bendy almost bouncy substance. Skilled users are often paid handsomely for crafting mattresses out of yellow slaz.
In combat yellow slaz has been seen reflecting bullets and sometimes other slaz back in the opposite direction. Some users use yellow slaz to jump very long high distances, and to break their fall.

White hue is rare, even for having a talent. A talent for white hue is often negating or diminishing other coloured hue.
Using white hue as a shield against other hue in battle.
People talented with white tend to be quiet people who strive steadily when they set their mind to things, often terrible in social interactions.

Grey hue is a hard talent to use, a person uses grey hue to change themselves.
Changing of small characteristics.
Manipulation of voice, size, rumor has it, even sex.
The most skilled users can appear to be someone completely different To their original self.

the only talent that doesn't work in the light, works in the dark of night night under the moon, or at the very least in the shadows.
Users tend to be quiet, creative and often rebellious sorts, and they can see in the dark much better then the average person, including other talented people.

however a talent for the dark is very deadly, while in the working world they cannot use dark or black hue as a physical tool for a legit job like other coloured talents, a user of black hue is often able to camouflage themselves, looking see through, almost as if they were a coated in a liquid that made them transparent.

Ranging from level of skill they could look like a wet blanket or almost completely invisible to the naked eye, white talent uses have a slight edge on spotting dark hue, but it depends on skill of both users.
Dark hue can also be used as a small projection to kill or paralyse a target in combat, depending on the skill of this user, it could make a sharp thin sliver, users have to be in stabbing range of their target, the longest rumoured length a wet-boy (assassin) used dark slaz to incapacitate someone was 30 centimetres, which is very difficult.
The criminal underworld often look for dark talent users to be wet boys, carrying out jobs from theft, to murder.

The character sheet.

Skill system (1-4 for each skill, can only have one rank 4 skill) you have 21 to spend.

Physical Strength:

Focus: (How fast one can access a situation, concentration)

(overall intelligence, tactics, social understanding etc, it also helps in maintaining sanity if you turn)

Close Quarters Combat:
(fighting someone in your personal space be it with a weapon your talent or your own limbs)

Ranged Expertise:
(Throwing arm, aim with a bow/gun)

Plain ol luck:

(Talent is ranked different. 1 is beginner or novice. 5 is master or teacher. 6 is turning/turned.
You are allowed to have two colours or a single colour when it comes to your characters talent
If you have two colours though you must use some of those points to split between them.
For example
Talent: 5
Red: 2
Blue: 3

If you have a single colour then that is where your talent points go)


Colour One:

Colour Two:

Eye Colour. (Your colour talent is more apparent in your eye the higher your rank)

Strengths (Up to Three) :

Weaknesses (Two or more) :


Faction Alignment:

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Name: Yahno Grieve
Sex: male
Age: 23
Appearance: 5ft10 with dark brown hair and natural dark brown eyes.
Faint scar along the left cheek to the brow, many more scars elsewhere though.
Yahno's eyes would normally be brown but as a talented individual his talent (magic) appears in his eyes. Mostly black with red flecks but there is still noticeable brown between the black and red. A somewhat attractive face thats been crippled to a blank or distant stare from a past he would rather drink over then talk about.
With core strength and a deceiving muscle mass one would think the young man was groomed to be a professional fighter or some sort of body guard.

appear to be black with
Skill system (1-4 for each skill)
you have 21 to spend.

Physical Strength: 4

Focus: 3

Intelligence: 1

Close Quarters Combat: 4

Ranged Expertise: 3

Plain ol luck: 2

Talent: 4 (Yahno being talented with black and red colours)

Black: 3

Red: 1

Eye Colour. Mostly black with red flecks.

Strengths (Up to Three) :
Professional thief.
Yahno is sneaky as one can be, from stealing dinner and picking pockets which caught the attention of a legendary assassinin... leading to becoming a

Trained killer.
Yahno is a capable fighter with or without a weapon his sensei/owner kept and trained Yahno brutally ensuring he could fight and take a life.

Yahno can explain in vivid detail how the sky has turned green and if you didn't have direct visual on the blue sky you might damn well believe him. Not a taught skill as Yahno naturally loved talking and like some sort of abused freak he has no immediate physical tells when speaking. As if to say he could lie right to your face in the same way he would tell the truth.

Weaknesses (Two or more) :
Yahno is more or less a high functioning alcoholic with other addictions on the side, almost every action this young man takes is to feed the (metaphoric) demons inside of him.

Night terrors.
Yahno can't sleep without substance abuse, if he was to go without he would likely awaken in screams of terror. If he awoke you he would most likely lie about having screamed or request drugs/alcohol.

Yahno is a fucking liar, mixing truth with fiction he talks without reason and that could be a compulsive problem or just a sick sense of humor. Those who know Yahno often ask the same question multiple times or threaten him for a legitimate answer.

Simple minded.
Yahno isn't the smartest scholar, not the sharpest tool, in fact he thought the first years of slavery weren't so bad compared to the beatings he got for being caught thieving as a street rat.

Selfish and stubborn.
If it doesn't help Yahno or his immediate interests in some way then he is hardly likely to help. Survival, substances, money and women being his immediate interests.

Yahno is a social butterfly in the sense he will talk to anyone with no care at all, he is also the type to laugh loud and sneer louder. A tragic story shaped this man into the smiling devil he is today but he would rather tell a tall tale then share specifics.
Happy go lucky, "goes where the wind takes me" kinda guy. Compared to other assassins anyway.

Faction Alignment:
Guild of shadows,
A street rat turned assassin by a legendary killer, basically sold into service so said legendary killer could escape to live out a peaceful life elsewhere from frahlidor.
Yahno is considered a infamous assassin in the guild, second only to his master Chops Grieve.

Yahno Lelo was born in a small town called Saldor, his parents were killed or simply abandoned Yahno when he was still a boy which led to him living on the streets as a rat. It was at age eight he was caught, Yahno stole from a assassin and was not fast enough to escape. Having the left side of his face sliced open as punishment the man offered Yahno a choice...
"Come with me and I'll get that stitched up for ya, but that means you live under me ok?"

Bleeding out and holding his face together Yahno could only nod in a panicky form of agreement. This was Yahno's introduction to real criminal activity, and by the time Yahno was twenty he was considered one of the best killers in all of Frahlidor. His most famous accomplishment is murdering the Iron Captain of the spectrums blackguard at age nineteen. Ironically a terrible showing of assaination as a whole town witnessed said event but a incredible showing of one on one combat to say at least.
"The masked man who beat Iron 'mountain' Dalla to death" a story no local of Drunwall likes to be reminded of.

At present moment Yahno is a member of the Blackguard. Passing all physical challenges with impressive marks and grades.
Yahno lied about having two types of talent, every Red instructor to teach Yahno during the last six months assumed him a dunce or slacker as the young man is unable to project his talent. He can barely burn his fingerprints into a log..
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Name: Claudia ‘Dia’ Jasper
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Appearance: 3E077547-ED47-4326-B33B-07A3BB217A7C.png

Skill system:

-Physical Strength: 1

-Focus: 4

-Intelligence: 3

-Close Quarters Combat: 1

-Ranged Expertise: 2

Talent: 3

Pink: 2

Orange: 1

Eye Color: Pink with orange flecks


-Adaptability: Claudia can blend into any environment and seem as if she belongs. She does this by analyzing those around her and the type of environment it is (I.e. Poor, rich, building focused, nature focused, etc.)
-Emotional Concealment: Claudia doesn’t reveal her emotions freely. She’s able to make it seem as if nothing fazes her, even if on the inside she’s screaming, shaking, or even downright silent.
-Ranged Knowledge: Any ranged weapon, Claudia can learn its ins and outs and its ticks if given about a week with it.


-Unsociable/Untrusting: Despite her ability to blend in, when it comes to working with others, Claudia gets pretty cold. She distances herself from those she’s supposed to be working with and is quite challenging to get to open up without any actual work toward it.
-Physical Confrontation: Claudia isn’t about up and personal combat. She’s always preferred staying hidden and out of range of someone’s fists. So, if she’s caught in a hand-to-hand fight, she’s definitely coming out on the losing end if she can’t flee.
-Close-Ranged Knowledge: Any weapons that are used for close to mid range combat are lost on Claudia. She isn’t even able to grasp the basics as they confuse her.

Personality: Claudia is an excellent strategist, but is a very cold person. She doesn’t trust and doesn’t take anything face value. She’s always trying to figure out what the hidden meaning is behind a person’s words; even if there isn’t one. It could take as little to a couple months up to a couple of years to break down her walls. All depends on how genuine she thinks you are.
Once you get past her walls, she’s the most loyal and caring girl. It becomes obvious that those walls were just that: walls. Once they are down, she doesn’t let you go. She’s open, honest, and genuinely kind. She’s not all that caring, but she does keep tabs so she knows she won’t lose you.

Faction Alignment: The Academy of Color; Student

Bio: Claudia wasn’t raised in the best home. Her parents always fought and that was about all she could tell you about them if you asked. Either with each other or trying to start a fight with her, it’s like that was all they knew. And Claudia learned from a young age that no one helps those who only cry. And as she was learning how to stop showing her emotions, she fell in with her first friend group. They gave her a family that she didn’t have with her own parents and the new addition of her baby brother. So she learned to let loose and be a kid. And when she found out she had the ability of Pink, she eagerly started practicing with the encouragement of her friends. And she seemed to have it under control...until her emotions got the better of her. This frustrated her to no end because her friends seemed to grow frustrated with her.
She began focusing all her time on trying to master her own emotions, but all she could really accomplish was masking that she was feeling anything. This didn’t mean that she suddenly improved, so her friends turned against her. They took away all the happiness and safe feelings she had since meeting them and was left stuck at home until she was found and brought to the Academy to learn more about her abilities.

(Not sure if I got everything, so just let me know!)
Name: Aryssa Kalidarian (Ary, Rys, Ryssa)
Sex: Female

Age: 22


Ary has a very slight build, standing at around 5'3" her small frame carries her effortlessly giving her fluid like movements, some would compare her to a feline. She was born with naturally blue eyes which only grew brighter as her powers grew, developing a dark grey ring around the edges. Light freckles speckle her nose and cheeks. She bears a small scar across the bridge of her nose, a scar she refuses to hide. Her flaming red hair stays cut above her shoulders, just long enough to pull up if necessary but short enough to stay out of her way in other cases.




Physical Strength: 2

Focus: 3

Intelligence: 4

Close Quarters Combat: 2

Ranged Expertise: 3

Plain ol luck: 3

Talent: 5

Blue: 4

Grey: 1

Eye Colour: Icy blue with a dark tinge of grey around the edges, beginning to vein slightly throughout


She is very good at reading peoples emotions, as well as gauging a situation between two or more people, before being spoken to directly. Usually being able to sense emotions and feelings through someone's eyes and/or body language.

She has the innate ability to get what she wants most of the time, she can be quite persuasive in most cases (especially with those attracted to females)

Aryssa can usually outwit an opponent by thinking ahead and skillful planning.


She isn't very strong, a trait she makes up for most of the time with planning and cunning; however, if she gets cornered and overpowered she's pretty well useless

Her honesty gets her labeled as a bitch, or other much less tasteful words, and inhibits her ability to make friends quickly. Not that she minds she would much rather observe from the sidelines, but sometimes a girl could use a friend, or even just a helping hand

Aryssa takes time on her appearance, it's a tactical choice, the better she looks the easier it is to manipulate those around her, but that choice has gotten her labeled as "vain" on more than one occasion.

Faction Alignment: Shadow Guild: Prostitute ("I'm an escort, thank you!" -Rys)


When she was just 14 years old Aryssa's parents ordered her out of their home, not because of anything she had done, but for a sickness that was overtaking them. She could still feel the sting of the tears in her eyes as her father, caught in a fit of coughing, shut the door with her on the other side. Her parents loved her, she was well cared for and taught how to fend for herself, though up until then she had never had to. The little red droplets of blood that spattered the door as it closed were burned into the recesses of her memory. She knew her mother would've come to bid her goodbye, but between the pain of losing her daughter and the pain of the sickness gripping her lungs, she was unable to move from the bed where she laid. From then on she was on her own, left to the streets and her own devices. She learned quickly how to beg but, oh how she hated it, she chose to sneak around under the cover of darkness, taking scraps she could find. Ryssa had managed for over two years this way and had fashioned herself a small shelter in an alleyway that was long forgotten, that's where 'he' found her. His name was Darin Runik, he had greasy black hair and his eyes were just as dark. He seemed to take pity on her, a young girl wandering alone, but he had other motives, someone to make money for him when she came of age. He belonged to the Shadow Guild. For two very long years he trained her, taught her how to kill under cover of night, how to use the shadows to her advantage. He trained her hard and when she turned 18, he taught her how to make her own living. How to use her body and her cunning to get what she wanted. Traits she picked up on rather quickly. Aryssa could now alter her voice, make it huskier or even make it ring like bells depending on her client at the time. She had even developed her skill enough to accentuate certain features to make herself more alluring, but that feat was much harder and taxing than just altering her voice. Between Darin's lessons she worked on her primary ability, concentrating on her Blue hues in her spare time. She loved the call of the Blue, covering small parts of her body in scale-like diamond shapes. Covering herself made her feel protected. She honed her Blue more than she ever cared to study her Grey. Her father was a natural born Blue user as well. He had taught her what he could before he couldn't anymore. Every once in a while, her parents' memory would flood her mind.

She had gone back to the house, a few years after her "banishment", only to find it barren and cold. The door had been open just a crack and against her better judgement Ryssa had pushed her way inside. Everything was just as she remembered, only covered in dust and cobwebs. Fighting tears she had made her way to her parents' room. The door was left ajar revealing an empty bed bearing two dark brown stains side by side, one just slightly bigger than the other. She knew without a doubt that her parents suffered in that bed, left alone to parish until they were finally at peace. The only comforting thought to Aryssa was that they were together in their final moments, and she hoped that one didn't have to last long without the other.

Aryssa's first client as a prostitute for the Shadow Guild was a high ranking Lord, he was rough and he liked submission. Aryssa was good at compliance, she was getting paid well for her profession. It was this client that left the mark on the bridge of her nose, an over-eager thrust sent her into the ornate headboard of her work bed, splitting her skin upon impact. He was less than apologetic, she now bears the scar with something resembling spite. Anyone who asks gets an honest answer, Aryssa is sure to make it known she earns her income, same as anyone else in the Guild and it comes at it's own price. Her client's talk freely to her, giving information they wouldn't normally divulge, but if you make someone feel important enough, they'll tell you pretty much anything you want to know.

It was 18 months ago that Darin left on an assignment, one he still hasn't returned from. Common knowledge is, anything after 6 months is a lost cause. The Guild knew it as well, on the 6 month mark Ryssa was "promoted" to be a Spy. They pulled her from The Pink Veil and told she was now on assignment in the city, gathering information, making house calls as necessary, and if she ever happens to get the signal, an assassination. It's been 6 years since she's joined the Guild and they know she's an asset, not that they would ever tell her that, and Aryssa knows she's hardly expendable. That's probably why they sent her to the Academy with their generous "sponsorship." She arrived at the Academy of Color with more than enough to be enrolled, or so she thought. After being told admission had been raised, she had no choice but to agree to, what she could only describe as, indentured servitude to the Academy. Pending, of course, her acceptance to their "elite" ranks. Aryssa passed all the tests with flying colors. With experience in her Blue Hue she was almost guaranteed to be accepted, but after demonstrating she also had experience focusing her Grey Hue, the interviewers could hardly contain their excitement as they stamped her application with a mark of "ACCEPTED." Aryssa was determined to make the most of her time at The Academy of Color; learning all she could, both for herself and to prove her worth to the Guild even more so than she already had.


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Name: Apollo "Moon Watcher" Le Noir

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Skill system [21 Points]
Physical Strength: 1
Focus: 3
Intelligence: 4
Close Quarters Combat: 3
Ranged Expertise: 1
Plain ol luck 3:
Talent: 3
White : 3

Eye Colour : White eyes

Appearance : With a Royal look on his eyes, Apollo is not a fighter and doesn't look like one, he walks in complete white robes, there is no armor under his clothes which means he walks and fights with much agility, it is certain that Apollo stands at 6'3".
He seems to be in quite good shape, under his robes there is a white shirt, black pants and a black leather boots. There are also some golden adornments around his vest, maybe congratulatory rewards from past missions, his long crystal white hair matches the entire outfit.


Apollo is patient, calm and can wait days before attacking, he plans everything before acting and tries his best to come up with a good plan to battle his enemies, he tends to work alone so strategies are his best allies.

He can fake his emotions and attract enemies and even friends a like, for Apollo playing with the mind of a fellow enemy is just as important as battling with swords. Often leading his enemies into a trap of his own, it might seem dishonorable but if it guarantees a win then it is no matter for him.

Apollo is a kind individual and this positive karma seems to come back to him sometimes. Citizens might stand up to help him or other members if he has helped them before. Apollo tries his best to help and is sometimes rewarded by those who he helped with supplies, care and even information. He seems to befriend others easily even when being the lonely and reserved person that he is.


It might seems weird for it to be a weakness but Apollo is very straightforward and truthful with companions, which might lead to some hurtful conversations as he doesn’t lie about what he thinks and whatever comes up on his mind. He can appear to be rude and even hostile sometimes but that is far from the truth.

He is quite skilled with swords but when it comes to hand combat he is the worst, which is the sole reason why he always carries his rapier around, if it ever happens to Apollo lose his sword on the battlefield, he is lost as he is extremely inexperienced with hand to hand combat.


Apollo is a rather reserved individual, but is fond of his teammates and while he doesn’t demonstrate it that much he has his ways of showing. He is calm and it's very rare to see him even raise his voice, Apollo seems to be troubled and even lonely sometimes, and while surrounded by friends he seems the loneliest of all. There is something that holds him back, something from a long time ago that affected him greatly. He holds those close to him very dearly and is a protector, not only of his friends but of the weak as well, he seems to be a kind hearted person with a very big dream.

Faction Alignment: Kawlii, a recruit blackguard.


Born the son of an unknown father, Apollo was raised by a nice and caring mother who refused to talk about is father nut nonetheless was a great mother. She was a farmer and Apollo grew to be a wandering merchant, bringing some income to the house, even if little it was honest money. He was young and didn’t know much about the world, his entire world was that farm and the roads around it. Of course they struggled a bit but life was good. One day when he was around 15 years old a group of guards were sent to investigate the farm, upon being received by Apollo they instantly grabbed him and began to drag him away from his home, his dear mother was only able to watch it. Later that day the guards who imprisoned him came for an interrogation, which was when Apollo learned more about his father.. a infamous thief, an assassin..

After the interrogation it was obvious the kid didn't know anything, they sent him to the town of Vandergriff, a small town aligned to the United federation. where he was adopted by an old man since his mother was deemed dangerous like his father. He knew that was a lie but he was prohibited from returning home, after a couple months he slowly grew fond of the old man and soon enough the two were family. Apollo was quite a kind soul and tried to help the folks of the the city the best he could.. he was beloved by the people of Vandergriff and almost everyone there knew the golden child of the city. As the days passed the old man decided something..

He decided to teach Apollo the art of battling, the two started daily training session and in a couple months he was already very skilled with the sword, the old man was very proud.. as the days passed the talk went to Kawlii where they heard about a boy who had very crystal white eyes, in no time lightguards arrived at the town to send him to the color academy where he would master his abilities. He missed his old man but Apollo knew that he was doing something to help others.. he was able to create shields after all, he could protect others. As he graduated he decided to join the blackguards and show how much he learned from the old man and from the academy.

As he joined the blackguard his abilities were already pretty good, however he was far from being a great warrior so everytime he had free time he would train. He was tasked to protect the city as a blackguard, his rank was to low for actual missions. One day it became the talk of town that another group had a fight with some bandits and that the infamous thief was killed, his father was killed and he wasn’t even there to see it.. he didn’t meet the man, even once. That sure changed him a bit, he had a dream.. a dream to become a lightguard, to protect the people and those who aren’t able to defend themselves. No one was going to stop him from reaching his dream, Apollo became a bit more lonely than the other members of the blackguard but for some odd reason his blackguard friends sure liked to hang around with him.

He slowly became more reserved but was always surrounded by other guards on guarding duty. He became a reliable member and a beloved teammate. On present day he works as a rookie city guard and on his free time trains his abilities. Apollo never forgot his mother.. but as much as he wanted to visit her.. he ended up finding out she died a couple months ago.
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Name: Kalen "Kal" Da'Kassi
Sex: Male
Age: 16
6'0 and has a large tattoo covering his back of a Oni demon mask
sh00 on Twitter: can't wait for people to steal this and use for their  weird-ass sexual fantasy RP 💀…

Oni Mask Tattoo Drawing - Best Tattoo Ideas

"Work" Appearance:
Pin by Razir 6112 on Male Human Rogue/Assassin | Character art, Fantasy  character design, Fantasy art

Casual Outfit:
closed - 48H AUCTION - Outfit Adopt 762 by CherrysDesigns in 2020 | Anime  outfits, Clothes design, Drawing clothes

Skill system

Physical Strength: 3

Focus: 3

Intelligence: 3

Close Quarters Combat: 4
(fighting someone in your personal space be it with a weapon your talent or your own limbs)

Ranged Expertise: 2
(Throwing arm, aim with a bow/gun)

Plain ol luck: 2

Talent: 4

Black: 2

Red: 2

Eye Color: Black

Strengths (Up to Three) :
Iron Will:
Even though Kal is young he always practiced self control over his feelings and actions as that's made him rather hard to crack when put under a lot of pressure as he doesn't stress over anything he can't control as he believes "It's a absolute bother" and hates being outdone so he will work himself to the bone before he fails. He is also hard fool as he can recognize a lie as he's fooled many before.
Being raised by yourself you tend to have to teach yourself a lot of things and Kal knows a lot of things. Kal can run a whole household by himself as he was the only one who relied on himself to get things done. He also taught himself how to fight which attributes to his odd and unorthodox fighting style as he's tried to copy multiple and turned it into one. He isn't a absolute master at anything but if it needs to get done good Kal can do it and some.
Top tier Physical Condition:
Kal has always put his physical health over everything except for money. As fending for yourself becomes a lot easier when your faster and stronger than everyone else. Plus when he entered the underground and saw his competition he knew he needed to be in top condition and some at all times. He always finds creative ways to exercise and tone his muscles and fists as he would punch into trees until he put a hole into it

Weaknesses (Two or more) :
This is more so of a 2-way dagger as the more suffering he endures the more angry he gets and the more power and speed behind his attacks. He isn't walking tank but he can take a pretty good amount of damage and then throw it back at you and add some. Though when he lets his rage take over he tends to lose most morality and plan he had before and you would think he's honestly turned at first but after everyone's laying in a pool of their own blood he'll probably start to feel the exhaustion and maybe even collapse if he's overclocked himself. Though this also means he kind of has a temper and can be rather hot-headed and resort to violence quickly
Kal being in the underground for a majority of his life and spending time doing things unquestionably evil to others he has come to have a knack for it. Whether it may be pissing others off with a simple act of confusion or slowly cutting open someones cheek to let a spider crawl around in there mouth he simply has a heart-warming pleasure to the process. He enjoys the pain of other's and sometimes himself even as he feels a warmth come over him as "Pain is what truly awakens a person to who they are."
Young at heart and mind:
Kal only still being 17 he's still a teen he still doesn't really know what's out there for him in life and still wants to explore and learn and deep down experience what a regular kid gets to experience as going to a school being a student and going out to eat with loved ones and having a someone to protect other than yourself. Kal just wants someone he can cherish in his life as he hasn't had many friends and the ones that he has had died horribly or simply disappeared somewhere else. He's always seen families while roaming the streets on his free time in the city walls and even though he couldn't see himself as a father figure always wanted to be a brother and treated most of his younger friends as such.

Personality: Kal is usually a quiet and cool person when it comes to first impressions as he doesn't tend to piss off strangers as you never know who your dealing with so he usually plays cool and might even crack a joke and make a good acquaintance or even friend if he has a good enough time. Though for those who know him in good way and is close he'll treat you with the utmost kindness though his words may not sound the kindness his actions are his main way of showing it. Though the kind boy and respectful young man act are all a facade as the voice that is always talking in the back of his head is the voice that takes him over when he's handling businesses. That voice is his true sadism speaking to him always telling to cause pain. He’s not afraid of anything because that voice proves to him that if he turns it’ll just be that voice running free. He’s not competitive but he is rather confident in his abilities but hates a bragger so he’s more so humble. When he lets his sadistic side roam he is a more intimidating presence as his look is wild but cold and dead as he'll look at you with a twisted smile before he tells a crude joke or inappropriate gesture. He tends to be irrationally angry but always listens to reason even if you have to explain it between a beat-down.

Faction Alignment:
Shadow Guild: Originally wet boy but broke off later and just acts as a mercenary but has many ties still and does jobs for them when it pays well but is behaving as a student of the Color Academy as his old caretaker suggested he should "Enjoy the spoils of school"

Bio: Kalen only remembers his father but that was at the age of 3 before he lost it all. He doesn't remember much about the tragedy that happened to his family he just remembers the pain and anger he went through to survive on his own. He refused to be taken care of by anyone else when he was younger as he was a constant runaway from foster homes, so he lived on the streets for a majority of his life when he was younger until he was 10 and was brought in by a shadow guild member to be a thief. "The greatest stage of evolution is the pain of understanding and overcoming, because the only thing that'll hold you together is your own will." something Kal's father liked saying to him every time he would feel like breaking down as a child. He doesn't understand it but he finds it as a rather cool thing to say when torturing someone so it never meant much to him. Growing up in the shadow guild was rather lonely but gave him a odd peace as he only had a hand's count worth of friends and when he started getting older and promoted to a "wet boy" they immediately started either dying or disappearing somewhere else. He grew to hate the cold greetings of the guild and the repetitive jobs as he actually had a nice rep going as he could kill damn near exactly if not spot-on requested too as some started calling him "Best boy" as he was the poster boy example of a wet boy. Though being a poster wet boy didn't work well with those who tend to be more jealous as he's been tortured himself by a fellow college who felt he deserved the recognition more. Though after 4 days of torture Kal made him understand the errors of his jealousy and ways and made him take a long "sit" and now he is reflecting his wrongs in a wheelchair and restraints. He started to become tired of everything at 15 and stopped showing his face around the main hideouts and such as he just wanted to a calm life as a mercenary so for about 8 months he usually just hangs around town doing simple things like escorting nobles, hunting down bounties, hunting certain things for shops, and shit even a babysitting job one time(He actually isn't bad with kids considering he didn't have much of a childhood). Life he feels is as odd as ever but he simply enjoys it too much to let go as getting paid with a bag of coins,smile, and a "Thank you" is a lot more satisfying from just getting the bag from a empty barrel in a alleyway that smells like piss and that's if somebody hasn't took the bag now your on a wild goose chase.
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