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Fantasy The Spectrum. (Sub heading joke goes here)


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This is one of the first rp's I made on this site and I feel it's worth a reboot. I've posted it so I can edit it as I find that easier because the original post of this was done years ago so it comes out different with lots of brackets and fonts an bleh.

The Spectrum is an RP taking place in the unique world of Frahlidor,

takes place in a medieval fantasy, as it's fantasy the Weapons, armour, and ships are all similar to how they were during the 1700's, on Earth. However, there is one twist to this realm, talent, as the people have come to call it. Talent is the unique ability to use one's eyes to harness the colours of the surrounding world for personal use. The average talent user only has the ability to harness the power of a single colour, it is usually shown in their eyes. Rarely can a talent user harness more than one colour, but when they can, they are incredibly powerful. A multi colour talent user's eyes reflect that of the colours they can harness. For example one who can use both red and blue, have both flecks of both colour in their eyes. The colour of a talent user's eyes also reflect that of their personality. Emotional people are more likely to have red, while logical people are more likely to have blue. People who have mixed eyes are a mix of the average personalities associated with color. There are cons to being gifted with talent however. It is said Talent users progressively lose their sanity over time, and the more talent that is used, the faster this happens. Most of the populace of Frahildor see those with talent as blessed beings with huge responsibility and massive opportunity in their life.

Frahlidor is led by a elected king, titled the Spectrum they live in the grand capital called kawlii.
They are elected by the council of colours, in a very secretive manner.
Spectrums are almost, if not always, gifted in the power of talent, and are chosen because they are gifted with multiple colours. The current Spectrum has almost reached his limit, leading to the council to begin the process of selecting a new spectrum.

Whether or not this will go through is unknown.
The Spectrum and the colour councils abuse and control of talent has led a young man named Artemis Traylonis to betray all of Frahlidor and start a rebellion, that will soon become a revolution. This has in turn led the council to postpone the impeaching process of the current Spectrum.

Where do you fit in all of this? You are a denizen and or traveler of kawlii who gets mixed up in a series of events that will change Frahlidor forever.

this RP uses a skill and rank system.

Your age and backstory defines your rank in skills.

(NOTE.. your colour(s) talent general personality stereotypes, are just examples you can choose your personality, but keep it in mind)

Some people in the world of Frahlidor are born with a unique ability which has been named talent.

Users of Talent have different abilities in reference to a certain colour,

they can see these colours more brightly and can easily tell the difference in shades of said colour.

How they use talent.

A talented person absorbs the energy of their colour into their eyes through light. And can manipulate that energy into hue each colour hue is different.
For example a user talented with the colour blue could look up at the sky on a clear sunny day, and absorb a lot of energy, a skilled user could store energy in their system for later, but overall to use talent requires light, even a excellent user of any talent colour, is helpless on a dark night.

excluding one class of talent which I will explain in further detail later.

Coloured tinted glasses are a sought out must for rare colour types.
The colour classes.

Blue, people born with the talent for blue are considered very lucky.
Talented blue users often have bright blue eyes or blue flecks and spots throughout them. Blue hue or slaz is sharp, users often make swords blades and shards, skilled users can project blue slaz like bullets from their fingertips, people talented in blue often tend to be logical and straightforward, some are known for large egos and being rather blunt.

Green, people born with a talent for green often feel more comfortable around nature,
They draw power from the colour green, on sunny days they would get their energy to produce slaz from grass or foliage.
Green slaz is very strong and sturdy, often used as blunt weapons or armour as well as foundations to construction.
Users are known for being wild emotions, weather that's confidence, depression, lust or being proud. They often have their emotions on their sleeve.

Pink, A talent for pink is a very subtle powerful talent,
Pink hue is thin and silky, sometimes sticky, pink hue is formed in strands that reach out and attach to said target, pink is a rare and often unstable talent to master as it specialises in manipulation of emotions.

Brown, brown talent is the most common of talents,
To use requires little training and effort, to use well however is a different story,
Brown talent concerns nature and can effect it greatly. Brown hue is a liquid formed by the user, which is sprayed or used accordingly, some talented users drink brown hue, as it can be formed in a liquid compound, stronger than any alcohol or natural drug in the world

Purple, purple is a rare talent, hard to master and control,
Purple hue is a visible purple gas or fog, anything caught within this gas is liable to the users manipulation, (think telekinesis)
Very talented users of purple hue have been rumoured to open gateways within the fog,
But that's speculation and rumours....

Red, red hue is very powerful and dangerous, users can tend to have tempers some being violent and irrational. When they feel wronged or see something they deem wrong they tend to flare up.
Red hue is basically energy in a raw form it can be semi solid, almost a gas, and on rare occasion liquid, put simply it burns. Some talented users can control this like having heated fists when they punch that leave a scorch, or projecting streams of fire and explosions.

Orange hue is healing, and one of the rarer talents to have.
Orange is used in fixing a physical wound, skilled users have reported fixing mental fatigue with a warm orange glow. The good it does varies on skill of the user and can often drain the orange user quickly and severely depending on the damage they are trying to repair.

Yellow, yellow users are often happy go lucky,
Yellow hue is a flexible thing, users can make structures from yellow hue but it is a adaptable bendy almost bouncy substance. Skilled users are often paid handsomely for crafting mattresses out of yellow slaz.
In combat yellow slaz has been seen reflecting bullets and sometimes other slaz back in the opposite direction. Some users use yellow slaz to jump very long high distances, and to break their fall.

White hue is rare, even for having a talent. A talent for white hue is often negating or diminishing other coloured hue.
Using white hue as a shield against other hue in battle.
People talented with white tend to be quiet people who strive steadily when they set their mind to things, often terrible in social interactions.

Grey hue is a hard talent to use, a person uses grey hue to change themselves.
Changing of small characteristics.
Manipulation of voice, size, rumor has it, even sex.
The most skilled users can appear to be someone completely different To their original self.

the only talent that doesn't work in the light, works in the darker night under the moon, or at the very least in the shadows.
Users tend to be quiet, creative and often rebellious sorts, and they can see in the dark much better then the average person, including other talented people.

however a talent for the dark is very deadly, while in the working world they cannot use dark or black hue as a physical tool for a legit job like other coloured talents, a user of black hue is often able to camouflage themselves, looking see through, almost as if they were a coated in a liquid that made them transparent.

Ranging from level of skill they could look like a wet blanket or almost completely invisible to the naked eye, white talent uses have a slight edge on spotting dark hue, but it depends on skill of both users.
Dark hue can also be used as a small projection to kill or paralyse a target in combat, depending on the skill of this user, it could make a sharp thin sliver, users have to be in stabbing range of their target, the longest rumoured length a wet-boy (assassin) used dark slaz to incapacitate someone was 30 centimetres, which is very difficult.
The criminal underworld often look for dark talent users to be wet boys, carrying out jobs from theft, to murder.

The talented users in combat are taught to be creative with their colour.

A skilled blue user could shoot sharp projectiles at incredible speed or make themselves sharp by coating themselves in blue hue.

A skilled green user might make cannon balls out of green hue or blunt weapons.
Powerful users are known to make armour and weapons strong enough to break stone walls or even making castles out of green hue.

Some people have more then one colour when it comes to talent, it is rare but it can happen they tend to be very powerful when trained. But it is difficult to master each coloured hue.

The spectrum is chosen for being talented in most or all colours.. but a person being born with this ability is usually 1 in 10,000.
brief list of factions you can start in...

The academy of colour, if you start in this faction you are a...
Guard in training.

The shadow guild, if you start here you are...

A thief,
A wet boy, (assassin)
A spy,
A prostitute,
A person(with ties to the network)

Larger description of said factions.
The spectrums faction, headquarters in kawlii, ruling over frahlidor and its neighbours.
If your apart of them your in...
The academy of colour, As a talented user you would have been sent here at the age talent emerged.

If you couldn't afford travel to the city or accomodation in the academy, depending on your talent you could have been draphted or sponsored by a rich noble to learn your talent under employ of them.
As a student you would follow your teachers guidance, and learn all there is to learn about talent under safety and regulation of course,

The spectrums guard.
Employed directly by the council of colour, residing in kawlii at the academy and throughout the city.
the spectrums guard is basically a military, doing any job ordered by their superior officer, and by extension the council.

Trained brutally, in manner of combat, stealth, discipline and talent.
Entry into the spectrums guard usually requires decent physical power, and a strong disciplined mind, for talent and otherwise.

The United federation, headquarters are in the capital city of greystead, located near the bottom of frahlidor.
Leaders of cities towns lands banding together forming a government that is looking to take frahlidor back from the spectrum.
They are under the boot of the spectrums rule, paying taxes and such.
They have a army and navy. And govern most towns/city's/farms

The shadow guild, headquarters unknown to most.

Underground network dealing in criminal services and the like. they have eyes and ears in most areas, and at least one safe house in most important locations. They take jobs from almost every faction/group for espionage needs.
Employing thieves, pickpockets, bandits/thugs for common jobs
Scouts often look to find or employ talented people.
The more skilled members of the network often take jobs that are more complicated then your average beating or theft.
They are called wet boys, it is a cut-throat job, most wet boys won't help or teach the competition.
If you are aligned here you must have a strength that compliments this,
Stealth, charisma, fighting prowess, dark/grey talent.
Not particularly a faction you can start in, but it may be around...

The Eye's Summary:

Kawlii reguards worshipping "the eye" taboo and a punishable offence.
As does the United federation.
Neither God or Man, little information remains of what this mysterious being truly was. Some say he made the colors, that in his time the only two were black and white. For those that pursued tales of this first Spectrum, they have only met horrific fates the likes of which cannot be described.

"Across the known realms, Cultists of the Eye have always plagued the islands, preforming obscene rituals and sickening sacrifices across the land, ranging in number from disturbed individuals to entire secret societies."

The character sheet.

Skill system (1-4 for each skill, can only have one rank 4 skill) you have 21 to spend.

Physical Strength:

Focus: (How fast one can access a situation, concentration)

Pious: (How devoted your character is to the spectrum/faction/religion.. pious can help talent)

Intelligence: (overall intelligence, it also helps in maintaining sanity if you turn)

Tactics: (knowledge in fighting, planning etc)

Close Quarters Combat:

Ranged Expertise:

Talent (Talent is different. 1 is beginner or novice. 5 is master or teacher. 6 is turning/turned)


Colour Skill One:

Colour Skill Two:

Eye Colour. (Your colour talent is more apparent in your eye the higher your rank)

Strengths (Up to Three) :

Weaknesses (Two or more) :


Faction Alignment:


That said if what I've put here seems your jam make noises at home and post below
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As I don't think I'll be able to manage (or draw enough people) for a large scale rp the characters are more likely to be residents of the academy or spies sent there

As opposed to having three main factions
United federation
Guild of shadows

Its more along the lines "your here because of the _______"
And your character would interact with a superior from said blank at times
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I think four or more characters would be enough to start.

Students, guards, teachers, spies whatever whoever currently residing inside the walls of Kawlii would apply or be chosen to go on a expedition for the spectrum.

In-game reasons would be...
"Paid scholarship to the color academy, no more cleaning/working bullshit hours on top of study and practice of your talent"

"You are a spy sent to discover information and the expedition is a safe escape/possibly important to your bosses concerns"

The pace of this starting arc would be determined by the players who join
But I would rather start it with the party leaving kawlii in a motley crew of horses and wagons trying to escape the noise and drama that is going down from various dead people who are deemed important
If I go by what I said and include myself we have four players
Juju Juju Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays Maskruelty Maskruelty

let me ask you some starting questions...

1) what sort of pace are we after?

A) slow boil- days should pass before the group is formed and all characters learn something of what’s happening

b) fast- we start with all characters knowing the bare minimum and leaving the starting town packed and ready

2) what sort of cs would you rather?

a) Detailed with skills numbers and ranks to determine how good characters are at things
(from combat to speaking to cooking it don’t matter)

b) more casual in nature with skills and flaws listed
(A skill could be cooking,
a flaw is being afraid of blood
As a example)
If I go by what I said and include myself we have four players
Juju Juju Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays Maskruelty Maskruelty

let me ask you some starting questions...

1) what sort of pace are we after?

A) slow boil- days should pass before the group is formed and all characters learn something of what’s happening

b) fast- we start with all characters knowing the bare minimum and leaving the starting town packed and ready

2) what sort of cs would you rather?

a) Detailed with skills numbers and ranks to determine how good characters are at things
(from combat to speaking to cooking it don’t matter)

b) more casual in nature with skills and flaws listed
(A skill could be cooking,
a flaw is being afraid of blood
As a example)

Me personally I vote for a slow burn start, but as far as how skills should be ranked I'm totally happy with either! I'm just excited to be a part of it!
If I go by what I said and include myself we have four players
Juju Juju Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays Maskruelty Maskruelty

let me ask you some starting questions...

1) what sort of pace are we after?

A) slow boil- days should pass before the group is formed and all characters learn something of what’s happening

b) fast- we start with all characters knowing the bare minimum and leaving the starting town packed and ready

2) what sort of cs would you rather?

a) Detailed with skills numbers and ranks to determine how good characters are at things
(from combat to speaking to cooking it don’t matter)

b) more casual in nature with skills and flaws listed
(A skill could be cooking,
a flaw is being afraid of blood
As a example)
I'd like a slow grilled RP with a side of detailed CS. 😋
Boom boom
This is open to more players then four, to illustrate that I shall post some lore and shit.

The capital city of Frahlidor and home to the Spectrum, the colour council and the Talent Academy. Kawlii is a architectural marvel with many of the (important) buildings made from green and yellow magic or polished stone one could mistake for marble. Kawlii is respected and feared for its military might,
War machines made from magic as well as each soldier being capable or adept at using their talent. For decades each Spectrum has used their influence and power to tax the lands while securing Frahlidor under Kawlii's boot.
Side note, religion came from this place when the first spectrum was
"chosen by the gods!"

The Kawlii Lightguards are soldiers, guards, police...
A lightguard is given authority over the general population of Frahlidor. When they speak you listen.
From dealing with petty criminals to monstrous Slaz, however most know the Lightguards as the people who find and take newly emerged talents to Kawlii.
(This is both a blessing and a curse for various reasons)

The Kawlii Blackguard are a rank below the Lightguard. The Blackguard are hired and chosen from students at the academy if they meet certain conditions. It is mandatory that you spend a year as a Blackguard before being promoted to Lightguard.
The Blackguard have the same authority as the Lightguard except they aren't responsible for bringing in New talents.
(Its illegal for a Blackguard to take someone against their will. Unless they are doing crimes an shit)

The United Federation
Almost everywhere in Frahlidor that isn't Kawlii. Most nobles, mayors, chiefs, governors, anyone being taxed by kawlii or having talented members of their family, friends and townsfolk being rounded up and transported to Kawlii academy.
The leader of the U.F is a aged man by the name of Artemis Traylok, old enough to have lived through the rules of three different Spectrums. It took many years but at age sixty-seven Art has successfully rallied a resistance strong enough to give kawlii some amount of shit.

Shadow guild
Network of criminals who operate almost everywhere in Frahlidor and further. Many spies, thieves and killers are allied to the U.F simply because of a steady income and constant need for jobs. Killing nobles, trafficking humans, stealing or planting crucial information/equipment. The guild only has two official rules...
No fighting in a sanctuary.
Never rat on a shadow.

However the amount of ambushes that happen outside of a sanctuary would make most think on adding some more official rules.
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Hey im super interested!(not sure if there is any space left and also , not sure if you still want an answer for your questions). A slow placed plot but detailed CS 😊
I won't know til I read it but everyone is allowed to post a sheet.

Except two certain people but no need to tag names for the sake of saying
"get outta here you ain't allowed!!"
This seems interesting, I'd like to be a part of it! For the questions, a slow start and a detailed cs seems fitting
So after being inspired by 35 years of Mario... I've decided to do the same marketing strategy as nintendo and only hold spots open for a limited time.

That or wait for the second year of Luigi.

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