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Fandom The Spectacular Spider-man 2008 oc x canon RP anyone?


Lir the Forest Prince
Roleplay Type(s)

Okay SO, This is a long shot that someone will want to RP this but I am hopeful.

This show has been with me since I was a child and now I have the power to play dolls with someone [hopefully] who is just as passionate about it as me.

You can have Peter I don't care, my ass is on Flash who I ship with my Oc Rodey [I am legit writing fanfiction for Rodey, I am deep in the brain worms] or maybe you don't want Peter, I don't care, I'll RP as whoever you want, you want Otto? I got you boo, you want rhino AND sandy? hell yea brother I GOT YOU. [this is known as doubling up, I play your love interest and I play yours]

I can also do canon x canon characters for you if you have a ship but not a oc

Please I am on my knees begging, we can talk about plot specific stuff in DMs so we don't clog up this thread, so please send me a message if you are interested!

Some facts about Rodey:
He's the second son of J Jonah Jameson
He has an uncle who he's named after [Brodey, people call him Rodey and he in turn calls his uncle 'uncle B' ]
He actually loves his family and his family loves him
He was a bit of an 'oopsie' baby
He reads Shakespeare casually and will punt people who think Romeo and Juliet is a romance [it's not]
He has Spider powers! bite me!
I love him a lot

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