The Speakeasy

Character Sign-ups


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Character Sheet



Appearance(Realistic, please):

Relation to/in Bicchieri family:

Role in Speakeasy:





Character sign-up deadline will be on 7/13 11:00 AM PST. (If this is too early for you, please feel free to message me and we can work things out)

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Robert "Rizzo" Thompson





Relation to/in Bicchieri family:

His sister Becky is a maid of theirs.

Role in Speakeasy:

Lookout & music selection


Rizzo is always thinking analytically, looking through different scenarios to determine the nost likely outcome. He's on the edge of his seat and is moldable and adaptable to whatever might come his way. He's excellent at making excuses, arguing his case, or even just convincing people to do the most simple things. He tends to know what the people want, and while he doesn't feel much towards other people he can sure act like it. He's sly enough to get away with things, and he takes pride in this. He would brag if he was extroverted, but mostly he just sits back and observes.


Born to a well off family in the early 1900's, Rizzo didn't need to worry about much as a young man. His family was broken and distant, but he had a strong bond with his sister Becky. He was used to having things handed to him, and because his parents were so frequently either away from home or apathetic, he could do most anything without consequences. He has a hard time feeling anything at all towards other people, but he learned in his childhood how to analyse what they wanted to hear. He lives as a con man and employee of the Bicchieri speakeasy.



Vincent (Vinnie) Anthony O'Dalley


37 years old.




Relation to/in Bicchieri family:

"Cousin" to the Bicchieri family

Role in Speakeasy:



Vincent is known as a tough guy. He's intimidating, standing at a tall 6'5'' and having an eerie demeanor. The brute of a man doesn't say much, leaving people to fear the weight of his gaze and silence. Most people fear him at first glance, but upon knowing the guy, one is quick to learn that as long as you're on his good side, there is nothing to worry about at all. He's actually quite friendly, a great listener and intelligent. He loves to read, and can often be caught sneaking in a chapter or two of a good book behind the bar on a slow night. He's protective over those he loves, in fact, he can even be considered over protective. He's not a bad man, by any means, but he's not afraid to do bad things either. For this reason, he's often sent out to settle debts or issues for the Bicchieri family.


Although not related through blood, Vinnie is still considered family. His father was extremely close with them, and had nearly the same role as Vincent himself. He grew up going to the family events, having supper with them every Sunday. Most people know him to be Cousin Vinnie because he's been such an active member to the family. While away and fighting in WW1, Vincent was involved in an explosion. The scars from the shrapnel can be seen across his back. In 1918, he was finally reunited with his family at the end of the war. He'd tangled himself back up with Bicchieri's for the money and to carry on his father's legacy which held the two families so close. His mother introduced him to a woman who was a daughter of a rich family. Her name was Audrey. A charming young lady, Vincent had no problem with both her family and his own pushing for them to marry. To this day, he adores her and is over-protective of her, and does everything in his power to spoil his precious wife.


Is unknowing of his wife's dread for their marriage. If he ever finds out, it will destroy his heart.



Audrey Lillian Pucci-O'Dalley






Relation to/in Bicchieri family:

Wife of Vincent O'Dalley.

Role in Speakeasy:

A regular at the Speakeasy.


Audrey is a very nice lady, but also very unhappy. Despite agreeing to marry her husband, Vincent, she has fallen out of love with him. After attempting for a baby with Vinnie several times, and losing all four of the babies, feelings towards him faded. Of course she appreciates him as a person and thinks him to be kind, giving and brave, but she isn't fond of him enough to be with him for life anymore. Her maternal instinct is too strong to ignore, and she values the fantasy of having a family of her own more than her marriage which is seemingly going nowhere. She has hobbies such as embroidery, singing and she has a special talent for beauty. Doing hair and makeup for the girls she is neighbor's with is her passion.


Born into a large, wealthy family, Audrey has never had an issue with getting what she wants. Her father is an owner of a successful brand of men's clothing and another brand of watches. Even with six sisters and two brothers, there has never been any competition to get the best of whatever was brought into the house, because of course, everything was the best. Her life was rather luxurious from birth and there were little problems. When her father died, her eldest brother inherited the money and companies. He recklessly spent the money, the companies began to fall. That winter, she was introduced to Vincent O'Dalley. Both of their families pushed for them to marry, so she forced herself to fall in love with him. Of course, forced love isn't real love and love that isn't real never lasts. She married him mostly to join families. He had a fair bit of money, and with her brother destructing their family's earnings, it seemed like the best idea. Now she pretends to still be interested in the marriage to avoid breaking her husband's heart.
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Character Sheet


Carson Bicchieri



Appearance(Realistic, please):


Relation to/in Bicchieri family:

Cousin to the bicchieri family

Role in Speakeasy:



At first glance Carson is a charmer with sparkling blue eyes and a clever tongue that can turn sharp at a moments notice. At second glance he comes off as sort of cold and mysterious not letting anyone near but the few he trust. Once he let's you in and deem you trustworthy though you will find that though he is bit of an ass he is clever and kind toward those he considers friends and family. He just don't trust easily and is ruthless toward any that betray him showcasing his secret sadistic side.


Growing up Carson was in the midst of the family right along side his sister. Going to family events and such. Though he didn't get into the illegal side of it until he was 16. Until then his mom insisted he stay out of it, though seemed to give up doing so to his sister early on. Instead he focused on learning the workings of the family and business side and seemed to suck up the information like a sponge. After turning 16 he finally became a full member of the inner workings of the family. During the day he was a bartender and after closing he was learning about the illegal side of the family.


Remy Bicchieri



Appearance(Realistic, please):


Relation to/in Bicchieri family:

Cousin of the Bicchieri family

Role in Speakeasy:



At first glance Remy seem's sweet as a peach and graceful as a swan with a heart of gold and the innocents of a saint. If you let that charming act fool you deserve whatever happens to you. You see Remy ain't your normal girl. She don't care much about partying and meeting boys. Instead she's sarcastic and witty, a tough as nails girl that can take care of herself and ain't easily afraid. Heck, she's more curious then anything something that has often got her into a lot of trouble. She's just lucky she's clever and fast enough to wiggle herself out of it. And when that doesn't work she can always show off her amazing acting skills. You know the ones that deceive those around her into spilling their secrets.


Growing up Remy was always around the family and as a child was considered the princess of the family. She was always underfoot trying to show her family she was more then a pretty face. She was a fighter. However for the longest she wasn't allowed to be involved in the illegal side of things. Though not for lack of trying. Instead since she couldn't do that she made sure to keep herself in the loop of the gossip and going on's of the family. Getting a job as a waitress at the speakeasy with her brother helped her in that and she considered it an act of trust. Especially since it happened after she beat up a guy that tried to assault her.
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Character Sheet

Name: Jason Abandonato

Age: 24

Appearance(Realistic, please):


Relation to/in Bicchieri family: Father, Carlo Abandonato, is an old family friend.

Role in Speakeasy: Bartender

Personality: Jason is not a friendly man. While he may not be considered violent, he has no problem with using any means necessary if you get in his way. He's not a very careful man, having run-ins with the cops when he's off-duty. However, when he needs to get a job done, he makes sure to keep his head down, taking his job more seriously than anything else in his life.

History: Born into a family of crime, Jason never knew anything else. He had constant arrests when he was younger, mostly due to fighting and drinking. After watching his father be killed by a family he thought were his friends when he was only sixteen, Jason trusts nobody. When he turned 21, he started serving booze in the Bicchieri's Speakeasy, hoping that this would earn him enough money to give his family's name meaning on the streets again. While he has brought in a fairly large amount of alcohol, and made quite a bit of money, he still stays. People often wonder if this is due to loyalty or not knowing how to actually get a name and build reputation.
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Evelyn Bello



Relation to/in Bicchieri family:

Adopted daughter of the Consigliere (The Family's advisor and third in command)

Role in Speakeasy:

Lead singer of the Lackadaisy Cats


Beautiful, talented, and flirtatious, Evelyn has a long list of boys that she's courted and has left an even longer trail of broken hearts (and stolen wallets, but that part is not important). Her care free attitude tends to lead people to assume that she is a girl who has lived her life being fed from a silver spoon. While she can come across as whimsical just about everything she does serves a purpose, whether it making those around her smile or furthering her own ambitions of leaving the bar scene and preform for the rich and famous on the big stage.

Evelyn is an unusually good judge of a persons character. She can look past the masks and the walls that people have put up around themselves and see who they really are on the inside. If you lie to her chances are that she knows.


Born to a life of poverty, Evelyn was the daughter of a prostitute in the slums of Chicago. Things were hard for the two and only became worse when a jealous customer killed her mother. Left to her own devices, the 9 year old girl hopped a train to New York, preferring being homeless to living in an orphanage. She spent the next year living on the streets, picking pockets for money to buy food and sleeping in boxes and under bridges. Even at such a young age she suffered from depression and whenever she was feeling down she would sing to herself.

One day the Bicchieri family's Consigliere, Frediano Bello, overheard her singing as he was walking through the alleys of the city. Recognizing that there was something special about her, he took Evelyn in, set her up with professional singing lessons, and eventually adopted her into the family.

At the age of 16, Evelyn began searching out musician and created the jazz band Lackadaisy Cats.


Evelyn hand picked every single member in her band

(If you are creating a member of the band, be sure to put how Evelyn discovered them in your history)




Lyle Abandonato



Relation to/in Bicchieri family:

Soldier (Hitman)

Role in Speakeasy:

Saxophone player of the Lackadaisy Cats


Talented with the Sax, when Lyle plays jazz, old men will throw down their crutches and dance on their feet, and when playing blues, even hardened criminals will find themselves shedding a tear, all the while Lyle himself will never show any emotion. Whether it's a teary eyed girl confessing her love or a handful of angry men pointing guns at his head, he will just keep on going with the same stoic look on his face. In the case of the second example, he will kill every single gunmen with the same stoic look on face.

His sarcastic quippery often gets overlook as nobody can tell when he's joking or not.


Little is actually known about Lyle before he began working the Bicchieri at the age of 20. What is known is that he had been killing people for a long time before joining the family. He has been offered promotions on several occasions but he turned them down every time claiming that he didn't want a leadership position and was happy being a foot soldier.

Lyle was introduced to the saxophone when a 12 year old Evelyn randomly approached him and, claiming that he seemed like a saxophone guy, gave him one. It sat in the corner of his apartment for a couple of weeks before he was bored enough to try playing and discovered that he rather enjoyed it. When Evelyn began putting the band together 4 years later, Lyle was one of the first people that she came to.
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Raymond "The Kid" Solo





Most commonly seen dressed like he is in the picture with him playing the fiddle. The main expection to this is that when he is in the speakeasy and working, he wear a nice suit and tie. The tie itself is very special to him and bears an embroidered Ace of Clubs.

Relation to/in Bicchieri family:

Associate (paying off family debt)

Role in Speakeasy:

Fiddler for the Lackadaisy Cats

Physical Entertainer (juggling, balancing, etc)

Rum runner

Cards dealer


Overly happy and bubbly on the outside, Ray will do everything he does with a smile on his face and a whistled tune passing from his lips. He's prone to making poor jokes, and is found to be oddly innocent. Often someone will insult him and he will go on, having to seemingly misinterpreted it entirely. Most just stopped doing it at all and have taken to wondering if he is actually not getting it, or if he is beating them at their own game.

However, despite his chipper attitude, Ray is depressed to an extreme. His experiences have lead him to have massive trust issues and have trained him to see the worst of everything. While he knows full well what goes on around him (maybe more so than most), he does his best to no think about it until he is back home in his apartment that he shares with another member of their band. At these times he dos everything he can to try and sleep without nightmares again or even just shoot himself in the head with his father's old revolver.


Raymond's father was one of the mafia's "business partners" and had at one time in s life draw a very large loan from the Bicchieri family to start up a business. When the business failed to fly, he had to close it down at a loss. The man fell into drinking and gambling, his debt slipping further and further from him. Soon enough the Family came around to give him a taking to, but he wasn't going to just have words. To make it short, in the drunken state he was? He simply didn't stand a chance. During the fight, though, he took out two men, injuring another man to boot.

The members of the Family all figured that was the end of that, until they discovered references to the guy's kid. Ray was 10 at the time. The men went out, looking for the brat. They found him so enough, shoeless and hungry, panhandling on the streets. They snagged him and to him in, offering a place to stay, food, and even a "family" of sorts if he would work for them, working to clear his father's debt.

Ray has spent the last 9 years working for the mafia, doing whatever they asked of him. His life experience has taught him that nobody is really his friend, that he has no family anywhere, and that everybody wants soothing out of him. Sometime after being given his two jobs at the speakeasy, Evelyn caught him playing fiddle during one of the Bichieri family meetings and immediately dragged him along to play in her band, the Lackdaisy Cats.


Ray is very devoted to the idea of Catholicism, always reading the Bible and will visit a church often, hoping to having a chance repent and really have it mean something. However, his trust issues combined with his deep seated belief that he is not good enough have lead him to be very skeptical of how well it will work, or if God simply hates him.​
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Name: Annalisa Abba

Age: 19

Appearance(Realistic, please):


Relation to/in Bicchieri family: Cousin

Role in Speakeasy: Bartender/Waitress... pretty versatile, really.

Personality: Annalisa is a young woman, but hardly a lady. Crass and bold, she is determined to make people know her. Sweet and charming when she has to be, she has the ability to lure secrets out of a man easily, and will stop at nothing to gain info. Crass and rough usually, though, she longs to be "one of the boys." No one really knows her true personality, as she's a fantastic actress.

History: Annalisa was born to a family with two parents, and 4 brothers. She didn't often see her parents, as they worked hard and attended great affairs, as well as having a few affairs of their own. Her eldest brother ended up raising his siblings in the absence of parents. Annalisa learned from an early age that she was a superior actress, and used that to her advantage at home and school in escaping trouble. She would want nothing more than to go to college, but can't afford it, so she started working at the speakeasy.

Other: She has a tattoo on her ankle of an anchor. When not working, she prefers to dress in clothing that she feels allows her to better blend in with the guys.


Name: Robert Gregorson

Age: 20

Appearance(Realistic, please):

Relation to/in Bicchieri family: Associate

Role in Speakeasy: Drummer for the Lackadaisy Cats


Robert is a simple guy who stands at 6 feet 2 inches and will always want to help someone when they are feeling down, or feel protective when he feels someone is being attacked. He grew up in a community where everyone knew everyone else, so he is quite the personable type, but he is not as well traveled as other folk in the big city, and despite his best efforts, he can still stick out slightly as the guy from the middle of nowhere that found himself plopped into the middle of a bustling city that he hardly knows about. That all being said, Robert is not one to usually to take kindly to tricks that others might try to pull on him, as he has dealt with people trying to get the most out of him his entire life, and has no real patience for it. Even with that though, Robert will always try to come across as friendly, if a bit homely in his ways as he has not been around in this new life of his too long.

History: Born as a 4th generation Texan, an original frontier family that moved to the territory with Sam Houston himself, Robert has never felt all that well about where he was in life ever since the beginning. The country lifestyle did not present any kind of draw for him, and he found himself dreaming of heading off to someplace new and making a go of it. Growing up was fairly standard, except for the fact that he was drawn to music he would hear almost every day walking past a music shop in the city that he lived outside of. Really that music shop, with all of the newest tracks and instruments was what inspired Robert to really think about getting out of his home and heading for one the grand places that had created such wonderful things like jazz and the big bands that played it. As Robert grew up, he frequented that music shop as much as he could, ultimately earning a job there as he had grown close to the owners, and tried out every new instrument he could get his hands hands; sparingly of course, unless he actually bought them. Then came the news that his family intended them to move further west in order to get in on the oil boom going on, which was the final straw for Robert; he grabbed what cash he had earned in his time and jumped on a train for the north-east with a dream in hand, as so many others would do.

Robert was of course hit with reality as he finally arrived in New York, and soon found himself just scraping to get by. Until one night, he was walking when a door opened up and he heard the most amazing jazz tunes being played. He did his best to get-in, but the doorman would have none of it, and Robert was turned away. Robert hung around, seemingly desperate to get a taste of what he came to this city to do, until he finally noticed a group of people walk out of a side entrance, and immediately moved to ask them about the band inside.

The roughing up he received for his approach by some of the meaner looking people in the group was not something he expected; during the beating, he was constantly trying to say that he only wanted the chance to try and play, when he finally heard a voice call a stop to his shakedown. A girl, by the sound of it, asked if he could really play. "Anythin' you'd want and then some!" Were his exact words; Prove it, was the response he got back. He was taken into the club that seemed to be clearing out for the night and was taken onto the stage were Robert eyed the instruments onstage, and his eyes lite up. He was asked to play, and he immediately gravitated to the sleek and polished drum set, which he set about playing as if his life depended on it, because it just might in the end. After a little while, he was called to stop by the same woman, who offered him a strange grin, and said that he would play with her band, and no one else's, and that was final. He also finally got a name out of her, Evelyn Bello

It was definitely an upswing for Robert, and he was glad for the chance; but he also got a discussion about what working in the club, or 'speakeasy' as they called it would actually entail with his work to the Bicchieri family. Robert did not hesitate as he said he would gladly take on the responsibility, as he would not dare to go back from where he was now.

Robert is experienced in using several instruments such as trumpet, double bass, and very little piano, but his main focus is that of the drum set.


Edward Macintosh

Age: 37

Appearance(Realistic, please):

*Arrival on Ellis Island

Relation to/in Bicchieri family: Associate

Role in Speakeasy: Handyman (Light fixtures for Lackadaisy Cats, backroom worker/alcohol stocker, plumber, doorman)

Personality: Edward, or Ed as he likes to be called, appears to be a laid back man that doesn't have much to say. He will share his opinion if asked for it, but rather he would just let conversations play out, unless he has some kind of stake in it. As such, Ed is not one for chatter and can come across as unsociable by the various socialites that frequent the speakeasy. That is why he is usually regulated to working behind the scenes to ensure that the club continues running smoothly, and he is just fine with that. Ed can also have a bit of temper, and is also inclined to settle things with a good fight, and then drink together with whoever he was fighting with to close any wounds. Ed doesn't usually have time to be untruthful, but he also knows when not to spill business outside where it needs to be; so he can easily garner a rep as one to be trusted, or as one where he can be seen as a complete stiff. Either way, Ed is just glad for the work he gets, and does not intend to be a trouble maker, unless he is called on by his boss.

History: A relatively recent immigrant from Scotland to the United States, Ed has actually managed to make a somewhat good life for himself in his new home. After getting off of Ellis Island, he managed to secure work at the docks of New York Harbor due to his previous experience as harbor master of Ayr, Scotland. He was lucky enough to be able to contact someone in New York he had worked with during his time in Scotland, and thus was able to hold a steady job. Ed moved into a neighborhood with other Scottish immigrants, and kept to himself most often than not, but he would be friendly to his neighbors if they called, and help those older that could do any physical labor around their homes and had no other family to call on.

It was after a few months in his new home that he started seeing new people around; they weren't other scots come to squeeze into their community, but mean, beast like men who seemed to always disappear with a select few members of people almost every time they appeared. Ed heard hushed tales gong round that they represented some kind of organization or the like, and that they would bring bad luck, and bad tidings down on all of them. Ed that it was a bit of dash about luck, but he was worried about what those guys could want with honest people like themselves. So Ed found himself going with a group of other, mostly younger, men to confront these suited thugs when they showed up again. When his group confronted theirs, he was almost betting on the fact that they would be carrying some actual weapons with them, and sure enough he saw most of the guys he went with get shown the business end of what looked like a cricket bat, but rounded and like a roller. There were still three of the suits standing and challenging him to fight. Ed knew he couldn't just turn and leaves his fellows, so he set about finishing off the suits in order to get his guys away. The punches they threw were in fact very hard, but they fought like he used to in his tavern days, and they were not expecting Ed throwing punches to their kidneys, and that one guy was definitely seeing stars after that rounder to the temple.

The suits scrambled, and he got his lads back to get checked and talked to about rushing like they did. The very next day while on the docks, he was pointed out by one of the suits he fought, and one of his own lads that got his number clocked with Ed. There was a man, looking much more important than the suits that usually bothered him and his, and he was cordially invited to have a discussion about an employment opportunity. The man introduced himself as a capo, or a captain in some kind of organization; he called it a family, but Ed had never heard of a family like his. In any event, he was offered quite a bit more than he was making now, and he would actually be doing less. All he had to do was be on call from the 'boss' and go to work at their tavern, or 'speakeasy' to make sure he was close by when they needed him. Ed didn't really know what to make of the offer, but he could not honestly admit that he was drawn to the higher pay. As such he struck a deal with the capo then and there, and soon he was off to his new work place, his face as set in stone as ever.

Other: Once fought as an amateur boxer and served in the Royal Flying Corps.


Felicity Bello



Relation to/in Bicchieri family:

Daughter of the Consigliere(Evelyn is her adopted sister)

Role in Speakeasy:

Pianist of the Lackadaisy Cats


Kind, warm-hearted, optimistic. These are all words that have been used to describe this beautiful young woman. Quiet and shy, Felicity is the kind of woman men dream about making their wives. At least, that's how she acts in front of others. When alone, or with those that she's closest to, Felicity is a big complainer, pessimistic, and maybe just a little crass. It's not that she wants to put up this mask, it's merely a force of habit; one that was meant to please her father.


Having no particular talent with words, and having no particular interest in getting married, Felicity was a disapointment to her father. He ignored her and let her do her own thing, much to her delight. At least, that's what she told herself.

That is, until he brought Evelyn home, and started paying attention to her, spoiling her, praising her, and showing her more love than he had ever shown his own daughter. Angry, confused, distraught, jealous, Felicity did everything she could in her power to gain his attention, and eventually weaved herself into so many lies, that became the perfect little angel he had always wanted.

Obviously, there were some bitter feelings for a few years towards Evelyn, until the two of them patched things up, and are now very close.

Felicity began playing piano at age 6, striving to follow in the footsteps of her dead mother who she still harboured a rather large attachment to. Living in the same house, Evelyn heard and rather loved "Fillie"'s playing, and as soon as she had even conjoured up the idea of singing in a band, she asked her older sister to play for her.


Felicity also has an amazing voice(but Evelyn was unable to convince her to do that onstage).

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