The Space Academy - Recruitment Office

The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
"So you think you can make the universe a little better every where you go? Heh...You are the light of this world and beyond.. But...heh...that wont be the case for much longer. I will extinguish you, I will destroy everything you love, AND I WILL NOT BE DENIED!" -Azerin vs TSA(500 years ago) Azerion was a crazy mage who almost blew up new york city

Welcome to The Space Academy, Soldier! We have one mission and that is to make the universe a better place. The Academy is a collaboration effort between earth and allies from other planets. We welcome train and teach everyone.

You are elite TSA soldiers and you have been just let in on a huge secret. Magic is real. Yup faeries, demons all that fantasy stuff. TSA is also secret home to the few occult members of the universe that do not want to end you.

This will be a Tech meets Magic game and will use the Dark Heresy system. You will start with 2500 xp and 2000 thrones. You can find the sheet here and the rulebook here. We will not be using any Dark Heresy lore. This is a custom campaign using that system.

This must be in your post and in your sheet.

-Character Creation-




Species: (Human, Elves, other?)

Recruitment: (How did you get accepted into the academy?)

Appearance: (Height, Hair Color, Eye Color, Body Build, Complexion, Notable Physical Characteristic, Clothing/Dress)

Strongest Personality Trait(s): (Prominent Personality Traits that have helped your character become pronounced)

Weakest Personality Trait(s): (Negative Personality Traits that have led to problems in the past or weaking your characters' reputation)

Common Mannerisms or Gestures:

Greatest Fear:

Education: (How much does your character know? Can he read, navigate on maps, or have knowledge of foreign languages?)

Favorite Color:

Interests and Hobbies: (What does your character like to do in his/her spare time?)

Justice VS Mercy: (Is your character merciful and forgiving or is he/she more desiring of just and fair actions?)

Biography & Misc: (A summary of your characters life, this should include his early life and his current events. You can also include other important information about your character.)

PS: This will be in be a chat game not a forum RP
Name: Socrates

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Recruitment: Socrates has always wanted to explore space since he was a child. After finishing his MD and residency he signed up with the TSA to tend the wounded, and provide his expertise to the organization. Finally he would get a chance to live his dream of exploring new worlds, studying new things and meeting strange and wonderful new people.


Strongest Personality Trait(s): Humility & Mind. The oracle once said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. For I alone of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing)

Weakest Personality Trait(s): Absent minded, can never remember things like addresses or where his keys are.

Common Mannerisms or Gestures: Excessively Academic, will never pass on an opportunity to discuss the occult or any subject he will find fascinating. Also will spout out trivia even if no one cares or was talking to him

Greatest Fear: Any of the monotheistc religions being correct

Education: Graduated from NYU with a BA in Occult Studies, attended the Sassine School of Arcano-Medicine, where he learned the arts of magical healing.

Favorite Color:

Interests and Hobbies: Food, Learning About Magic, Excessive Capitalization, Xenos, Divination, Post Cognition

Justice VS Mercy: Mercy

Biography & Misc: A warm hearted scholar by nature and disposition. Socrates is looking to master himself by learning more about the world around him and always seeks to help others with the knowledge he has gained.
[QUOTE="Kaji-Oni]Hmmmm. If its on the weekend, I'm in.

It will be on sundays.
Name: Nicodemus

Age: 14(genetically engineered human, full physical maturity)

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Recruitment: The Psi Ops development program has finally produced a promising batch of "recruits". As a part of this generation, Nicodemus was assigned to TSA in order to provide a contained, observable Field Test.


Strongest Personality Trait(s): Loyalty. First as foremost, Nicodemus has been taught that loyalty and devotion to his superiors is the most important trait.

Weakest Personality Trait(s): Stubborn, reckless.

Common Mannerisms or Gestures: Awkward at nonmilitary social interaction. Doesn't blink.

Greatest Fear: To allow hostile mages to corrupt humanity

Education: A basic education was all Nicodemus needed for his duties, and that is all he received.

Favorite Color: Gunmetal Grey

Interests and Hobbies: Tends to his equipment and drills his skills. However, as he becomes more exposed to the comparatively lax discipline and observation present at his new post, his interests will surely expand to include more human area.

Justice VS Mercy: Justice.

Biography & Misc: Nicodemus was part of batch Heraklitus, the Psi Ops group engineered to be perfect loyal weapons. Trained nearly from birth in the magical and martial arts, Nicodemus knows nothing but martial training and the need to protect humanity from all threats.
Name: Ari'earith

Age: 73

Gender: Male

Species: Feral Elf

Recruitment: The best of the soldiers and warriors from his home planet were recruited by the Academy in exchange for supplies they had desperate need of. Ar'earith was one of the one recruited.

Appearance: He stands over 6 and a half feet tall and weighs over 200 pounds. He is muscular and strong, with pale grey skin. His eyes are a piercing blood red and his hair is long and black, it has been singed and cut in various locations for his fights. He has a scar that trails across his chest and he is covered from head to toe in tribal tattoos and piercings. He typically will wear armor underneath animal pelts and hides.


Strongest Personality Trait(s): He is dedicated and persistent, when he decides to do something he continues on until it is completed or finished.

Weakest Personality Trait(s): He is too proud, he will never take an insult sitting down, and has no regard for hierarchy.

Common Mannerisms or Gestures: Socially inept in all situations, when bored he will clean his finger nails or carve tribal designs into nearby wood.

Greatest Fear: A meaningless death.

Education: Very little was ever taught to Ari'earith, he knows various skills and traits to keep him alive and find his way or his prey, but he was never taught anything extra. As such, he has very little to no knowledge of things such as history or language.

Favorite Color: Red

Interests and Hobbies: Carving totems and symbols out of wood. Back on his home wooden carvings were important, and nearly everyone could do them.

Justice VS Mercy: Justice. Ari'earith lives by the saying 'an eye for an eye' unless of course, he took the first action.

Biography & Misc: Ari'earith grew up on a small planet that was covered in open plains and forests, because of the location of the planet, they were often in the shadow of a much larger planet, this lead to a lack of light, and the people learned to hunt with their senses to track their prey.

The villages were all made of wooden huts, and throughout the village you could see wooden statues and decorations to past heroes of the tribe. It was common pace for warriors to create small wooden statues for their own past victories. Ari'earith grew up in such a village, and learned all there was to know, how to track and hunt, how to use his senses and how to navigate the terrain effectively. With much training and dedication Ari'earith became the best ambusher in his tribe. He would climb high trees and camouflage, then when prey or enemies approach he would pounce on them, taking them out quick and efficiently. His blade strikes were quick and accurate.

Once while he was out on a hunt, he lost his focus a his pray, a large cat, manage to get past his defenses and slashed across his chest. the wound was severe and nearly killed him, fortunately his ally managed to stop the bleeding and brought him back to the village after slaying the beast. He recovered after a few weeks and as left with a permanent scar across his chest.

A year ago the village came on hard times as they had a lack of metals. They no longer had enough to forge weaponry, or create pots for cooking prey. The people resorted to wooden pikes and spears and were eating the meat raw, which lead to a few members becoming intoxicated and sick, and some died. Members from the academy came, and offered the people plenty of metals and other materials the people had never seen before, but in exchange they had to give them soldiers. The village had little choice, the wood was ineffective in a hunt, and they were beginning to starve. Ari'earith volunteered to go, along with five others from his village.

He served the academy for an entire year, and was one of the best in melee combat, though up till now his knowledge of guns was quite limited, and he very rarely fought against any foe with one. It was a weakness he learned to over come in the year leading till now as he became more aware of guns and how to deal with them.
Name: Wulfgar

Age: 70 (Bio-engineered, fully grown)

Gender: Male

Species: Bio-Engineered Human

Recruitment: Was given to the TSA by the Space Wolves Marine faction.


Strongest Personality Trait(s): Loyalty and Honor.

Weakest Personality Trait(s): Hot headed temper.

Common Mannerisms or Gestures: He is usually boisterous and friendly, even in battle.

Greatest Fear: Not to die in battle.

Education: Basic Space Marine knowledges plus some survival skills.

Favorite Color: Blue

Interests and Hobbies: Eating, Drinking, Wrestling, Arm Wrestling, fighting, exercising, and drinking.

Justice VS Mercy: Justice

Biography & Misc: Recruited from a feral world by the Space wolves at the young age of ten, and was trained and Genetically altered to be a space marine. Like most Space Wolves, Wulfgar was trained in melee weapons as well as firearms, but with more emphasis on the melee weapons. Regardless, Wulfgar seems to have taken an interest in the heavier weapons before being shipped out to the TSA.
Name: Kvothe Springdale

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Species: Human.

Recruitment: Having been told about them he sought them out to expand his knowledge and gain his revenge.

Appearance: (1.75m, Flaming RED hair, Dark Brown Eyes, Fit build, Tan complexion, Dresses Fancy, Obvious hair

Strongest Personality Trait(s): Charismatic, Kvothe is capable of making friends when he needs them, though this can get him to be enemies of his friends enemies as well.

Weakest Personality Trait(s): Love Struck, He tends to be illogically fanatic towards someone he loves.

Common Mannerisms or Gestures: running hand through hair, making it spike up like fire.

Greatest Fear: Confronting the people that slaughtered his family.

Education: He was introduced to Magic at a young age, was taught everything from chemicals to languages for 2 years of travel before parting from his teacher and losing 3 years gaining other skills. Finally he was taken in by the Academy and was properly introduced to magic, studying there for 20 years. He is well versed in anything you can possibly think of.

Favorite Color: Pale Arctic blue

Interests and Hobbies: Play his Lute. He finds the noise soothing and his skill is unparalleled, though he is humble about it.

Justice VS Mercy: Justice is probably best, though he is merciful in his judgments if the wrongs were petty. He can enter the heart of Stone trance to enable himself to be completely Logical. His logic is gone if anything relevant to his parents is done, showing no mercy in those cases.

Biography & Misc: Kvothe was born into a group of traveling Entertainers, his parents being the leaders. Most of the troupe was not family by blood but by relation. He learned many plays and studied under his father and mother arts and politics. The troupe was under order from higher ups to entertain anyone in the jurisdiction that he owned, though was often confused with being a group of professional beggars. Kvothe Learned how to talk with different people and listen in on conversations, catching onto anything that was taught to him with amazing speed.

At 12 he meet his first encounter with magic and knew it for what it really was. he had seem many things on the road, tricks of light and things to fool others are often used by his troupe for entertainment but this was something more. He meet the mage under bad circumstance, as he was acting as a peddler for ointments and trinkets and was being turned away by the representative from the town. The mage tried to spook the representative with a cheap trick but failed with led to lawman getting involved. After a short scuffle the Mage called upon forces to knock over his attackers and escape with his wares, making the lawman and representative running for their lives.

The traveling tinkerer joined with the troupe for travels, as many do on long roads and Kvothe finally got to sate his curiosity after much pestering. He was taken into the care of the mage and was given brain teasers and puzzles to practice his mind. Kvothe would continue to test his wits with the impossible questions and probabilities that were given to him during his normal work. Finally the Mage showed him a few basics of magic, having found that Kvothe was aware enough of the dangers and that he was smart enough to use the magic safely. Amongst other things that the Mage taught him were Math, Science of all sorts, astronomy and Languages both rare and common. Finally the Mage felt it was time to separate, having been putting his life on hold slightly while he traveled with the troupe. He parted with a large going away party, having been a welcome guest among the Troupe.

Kvothe's Parents were most likely the best in their fields, his mother being the mistress of songs, and his father the weaver of stories. both were madly in Love, like the love you hear of in tales. His father would often write songs that told great stories and they would be praised and tell of them would travel faster than the troupe could. His mother and Father would perform the songs only once finished, never a word of the song or story would be told until it was finished, and for over a year now his father had been working on his newest song. Kvothe like all the others in the troupe was curious about the work, but he knew better than to ruin the marinading suspension that was caused by the secrecy. The whole troupe knew what the song was about, that much was let slip and only made everyone more impatient. Not often does someone make a song about MAGIC and the truths behind it.

Finally when Kvothe was 15 and the troupe had stopped on their way to their next mission he went off for a walk while food was prepared, knowing to give his parents time alone, which is rare while on the road. When he returned the camp was destroyed. The bodies of his beloved troupe were laying motionless as though all taking part in some tragic play, blood smeared over the ground and plants in the area wilted and dead. Kvothe Stumbled through the camp trying to understand what happened, finally making his way to his parents area to find it still occupied. He froze in place as the people around his parents food got up to look over at him, smiley eerily and all of them watching him. What looked like the leader of the group spoke to him. "Is this your Parents food? Seems we missed you while you were away." Kvothe Leaned onto a tree to hold himself up, feeling his knees lose themselfs, the tree collapsing over wood wilted and unnaturally dead. The leader in black stepped forward, starting his way over toward Kvothe. "Someone's Parents have been singing entirely the wrong songs." He was told, though his mind struggled to understand why that meant they were to die.

As the Leader was walking forward, one of the other murderers perked up and looked to the sky motioning back over to the leader with a fearful look and motioning away. "they Come!" He shouted. The Leader gave a glaring Smile to Kvothe before moving away, the 4 other Murderers stepping forward to seemingly step into the darkness of their leaders shadow and disappear before the darkness itself engulfed the leader and faded. Kvothe finally got to his feet and ran, finding himself late in his reaction but knowing he cannot be here, tripping over something that tangled his foot as he left. He pulled it off and ran not even bothering to notice what it was that he was clutching as if it could make him run faster.

After that Kvothe Lived in solitude with his lute for a few months, mulling over the events and fearing seeing anyone, knowing those monsters of men could be anywhere. His Lute strings broke and he continued to play, teaching himself to play with less strings and having to relearn everything. Finally with only 2 strings left he had nothing left to play and his thoughts of the past were clouded and pushed away so his life could continue. He still felt a swelling pain that pushed its way up his throat at the thought of his troupe and parents laying in their blood, those men sitting and eating their food. He made his way to civilization, finding himself to be alone and young, the days growing colder and the streets being dangerous.

His time as a street urchin was difficult. his Lute was smashed soon on arrival and it was the reason for coming to civilization. He was dirty and young and looked like any other person on the streets in the view of those fortunate with a home. His pain was not visible to him and his teachings were forgotten pushed back and not allowed to surface along with the visions of his parents and troupe, with everything he saw on that one night. He learned the streets quickly, where to go for food, where to stay away from, where he could do meager jobs for scraps and what other urchins to not get close to. He spent 3 years living the streets but growing older he was no longer viewed the same anymore. He was already 18 and homeless at that age is not treated the same.

With Age comes different opportunities as well as different looks from people. He saved enough money for a rainy day that he could afford some luxuries and still had the one book in his pack from the Traveling mage that he learned everything from. He spent the money wisely, knowing that appearances are everything, cleaning himself up was not bad, in fact he was a handsome man, clothes were something more difficult and thus a favorable lie was told. Acting as the rich and spoiled son of someone important he purchased himself moderately nice clothes while wearing nothing more than a bath towel, saying that some Whore he was with had stolen his clothes to ransom them back to him for his money. Now dressed and bathed he could find his way to the Academy that he was told of by the traveling Mage, knowing much more than he already should of Magic and needing to know more if he wishes to confront those that killed his only Family.

Well that was 22 years ago. He made his way to the Academy, was interviewed and dazzled everyone with his understanding. His attitude was what got him in but it was his knowledge that made sure that he not only did not have to pay for his education but He was Paid by the academy to study under them, at least for the first year. He met his love in the many days of studying, having finally afforded a new Lute and finding himself rusty but far better than any he would encounter. His love was a young girl and Mysterious as he was of his teachings. Her was like a fluttering butterfly, ever being chased by older men who paid her things and tried to be her man, but he knew that she did not want praise, he knew she was something special and that it was her mysterious quality that made her more attractive than any looks could. Sadly his schooling was far more demanding than he could ever wanted. His life was closed away to learn what he needed from the schooling. His knowledge growing slower and slower as the classes ran out of things to teach him and yet they would always surprise him with a fact that added to his understanding or a trick that made things easier.

He is Now 40, ages have passed since his encounter with those Dark Evil Strangers and yet it burns inside him that he will find them and end their terror, he has learned who and what they are doing and is finally going to get his chance to finish them, his only fear is that he may arrive too late, or may even fail.

Credit to Patrick Rothfuss for the book "Name of the Wind" which I got inpiration for/stole this background from. Still have to buy his second book "A Wise Man's Fear"
This is to a mark to denote that I've joined, but am in the process of creating a character.
This has been locked and archived. I may be interested in bringing this back in the future.

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