The Soulmate Chronicles


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Name: Jahna Ciel Arvecci

Age: Eighteen

Personality: Jahna is a cynical, skeptical girl who has a hard time trusting others — therefore resulting in her lack of friends. She is very intelligent in nature and is the responsible type; she knows her rights from her wrongs, her do's from her dont's. Once someone is able to get past her heavily guarded exterior (which is a rare occurrence), he or she will find an artistic, poetic girl with a big heart that yearns to be loved. She doesnt really look at life through rose-colored glasses, however there are a select few that could possibly turn her optimistic. She has her insecurities, such as all girls do, but she is an well-liked person even if she doesn't realize it.


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"Jahna, just take the book. Please?" A tall, redheaded girl had her bottom lip protruding in a pout, her eyes wide as she pleaded. In her right hand was a thick novel with an intricate design on the front cover, the words The Soulmate Chronicles printed in bold, captivating script.

Jahna stared at the narrative, her neutral expression not faltering. "Marie, I said no. I'm not interested in that series, and I've told you that countless times. My answer will remain the same." She crossed her arms loosely over her chest and shook her head, firmly stating her position on this argument — even if she was being stubborn.

"It's the perfect one for you though, I know it is! Come on, this one's made for you; I can feel it!"

The blonde sighed in a slightly bothered manner, her lips pursing as her mouth closed. There Marie went again, going on and on about this writing chain. A lot of the people she new had bought one and seemed to really enjoy it. Jahna actually was curious about the contents, not that she would ever admit it. It was so peculiar how there seemed to be a book for each individual person as if it were made just for them. Too good to be true? Maybe. But it did seem really interesting.

"Wait, your birthday is this week, right?" Marie spoke up suddenly after a moment of thought. She had a small grin etched across her pink lips, a gleam in her eyes that clearly stated that she had come up with an idea; or as her companion like to call it, one of the girl's "devious plans."

Jahna lifted her gaze, her left brow raising in question. "Yeah.. why?" She narrowed her eyes in an almost suspicious manner, wondering what the redhead was getting at. Her pessimism was getting the better of her. Again.

"Then here, it's an early birthday present! You don't want to reject a gift, do you?" Marie smirked victoriously, knowing that no matter what response she got, she had won this debate. She held the novel out to the shorter person before her, waving it slightly as a gesture for the other to take it.

"Damn it, Marie." Jahna playfully hit her friend on the arm, yet it must have been harder than it looked because Marie cradled her limb. The blonde finally took the binding from the waving hand and tucked it beneath her arm, making sure it was snug; she didn't really want to drop it. "So, I'll see you later. Thanks for stopping by." The two bade farewell, and the door closed.

After turning the lock, the blonde climbed the flight of stairs up to her bedroom and flopped down onto her plush bed. Slowly opening the book to the first page, she began to read.
Name: Gregory Hill

Age: Twenty

Personality: Gregory has been described in many ways, but that's only because no one can pinpoint what makes this man the kind of person he is. He is always open to conversation and prone to talk to strangers regardless of whether or not they actually have the time (or interest) to talk to him. Even so, very few people actually find conversation with him tedious and because of this his schedule is full of meetings with friends and even acquaintances. He is the kind of guy to see the glass as half full, and does so stubbornly. Once again it isn't hard for him to convince someone of the same thing, and he finds people who are certain said glass is half empty interesting.

Of course there's always a bad side to having such a cheery personality. He can easily be viewed as annoying and cannot tell when he isn't wanted. Some people have even started fights with him over things as small as the fact that he smiles too often. Sometimes the schedule gets to him, and he only makes it worse since talking to people is somewhat of a stress reliever to him. As for talents and hobbies, he hasn't been able to find any since he's always around friends and would admittedly enjoy it if someone introduced him to something new.


In the book, Gregory has met every character there is to meet and has been yearning to meet someone new. Finally, he turns to the reader, since apparently other books have been doing that as well.

Appearance: Greg has light brown hair that hardly reaches his shoulders, but is still quite long. As the day goes on his hair begins to get messier and the only thing keeping it down is his hand, which he runs through the locks frequently. He has large, dark brown eyes, but when he's moving around and talking to you all you can really try and pay attention to is his smile (which seems to be plastered on his face at all times).

((Sorry, couldn't find a picture I liked.)) 

((OOC: I'm just going to write as the book for now. I made the narrator up on the spot, but he isn't going to be too important. ^u^))

Chapter One

Now, reader, do me a favor. Pretend that you aren't sitting in your room or laying on your bed and staring down at this first page in what might be boredom. Instead, feel your surroundings melt. Try to hold this book close enough to your face so that it doesn't look strange, and at the same time please make it so that you cannot see the sheets below you or the furniture around you as you look straight at this page. This also applies to the pages after this. Just pay attention to the color of this paper. So white and new, probably only moderately used by whoever gave this book to you and tore through the pages looking for her perfect story. Now pretend all that is around you is the white. This way I can mold the setting myself.

You probably aren't wondering who I am. If you think that I'm supposed to be your perfect other, then you're wrong. I bet you don't even think this perfect other exists. If this somewhat applies to you, please keep reading, if it doesn't apply to you pass it on to whoever you think this is true for. I am only your narrator, by the way. I will link you to your other and only show up here and there, one of those here's and there's being now so that I can give you and your special someone a place to meet.

Hm...maybe a park would be the best place to meet. No, in fact I think I'm going to seat you guys in a cafe. You're sitting on a stool at the counter lining the windows of the cafe. Your back is turned away from the counter where you ordered your drink, but you can hear the gurgling of coffee in machines and the hisses of whip cream bottles. The cafe is only moderately full. There is a man three seats away from you with his face stuffed in a newspaper, a student typing away at a laptop to your right and a crying baby trying to be shushed with a pacifier by his mother. You never liked loud annoyances like a baby, did you? No I suppose you don't, because you flash the baby a glare and turn to look back at this book and be further annoyed by this crazy new fad being passed around. You jump a little in your seat in shock, as someone catches your eyes from the top of the book. Slowly you bring the book down a little to see who is staring at you from outside the cafe.

A man... he looks around your age. He wears a goofy smile on his face and he runs a hand through his messy hair in excitement. You flash him a look that screams Get away you creep!, but he doesn't even notice it. Either that or he just plain ignored it, because now he's using the hand on his head to wave to you. This is Gregory. Gregory Hill.

Say hi.


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